- 2 -
manager before the MR8 is recognized, WAV manager will not see the MR8.
This can be confirmed by whether or not the WAV Manager display shows a
drive letter next to “MR-8 Drive” in the main window>
Startup WAV Manager.
<*Note: If MR-8 is set to “USB Mode” after WAV
Manager is started up, quit WAV Manager, confirm that the MR-8 is set to
USB Mode, then startup WA V Manager again>
5. To quit WAV Manager, click the close box on the top right of the window.
n TTTTrrrraaaannnnssssffffeeeerrrrrrrriiiinnnngggg MMMMRRRR----8
8 8
8 AAAAuuuuddddiiiio
o o
o TTTTrrrraaaacccckkkks
s s
s ((((....WWWWAAAAV
V ffffiiiilllleeeessss)))) tttto
o o
o yyyyoooouuuur
r r
1. Startup WAV Manager and select the
MR-8 to PC tab. The MR8 Drive
should show a drive letter. If it does not please refer to “Opening & Closing
WAV Manager” above.
2. Select the Song Name you want to import from [Song Name].
<Notes: If there is no Song to be displayed, there is possibility that MR-8 is
recognized as a wrong drive. Designate the correct name of the drive on [MR8 Drive] pull-down menu in that case. When there is no Song on MR-8,
nothing is displayed>
3. Designate the Track or Tracks you want to transfer to your PC by checking the
respective boxes.
4. Choose the destination us ing t he explor er win dow on the l eft. This is w here the
files will be copied to .
5. Click the
Import button to create WAVE files in the designated folder.
Notes: File names are “tr” followed by “number of the track” such as tr01.wav,
When completed, “Complete!” is displayed. <
Notes: Do not power off the MR8 or the CF Card Reader/Writer as well as di sconnect or connect the USB cable
or the CompactFlash® card. It may damage the equipment or the file>
n TTTTrrrraaaannnnssssffffeeeerrrrrrrriiiinnnngggg ....WWWWAAAAVVVV ffffiiiilllleeeessss ffffrrrroooom
m m
m yyyyoooouuuur
r r
C tttto
o o
o tttthhhhe
e e
e MMMMRRRR----8888
e e
e yyyyoooou
u u
u bbbbeeeeggggiiiin
n n
n ttttrrrraaaannnnssssffffeeeerr
g g
g ffffil
s s
s pppplllleeeeaaaasssse
e e
e nnnnooootttte
e e
e tttthhhhe
e e
e ffffooooll
Files to be copied to the MR8’s CF must have file names starting with “tr”
followed by “track number” such as tr01.wav, tr02.wav…this allows you to
designate which file goes to which track. For example tr02.wav would go to
track 2 on the MR8.
The sampling frequency of your .WAV file must be 44.1kHz or 22.05kHz
with 16bit resolution.
Each file must be mono. The fs and resolution must be identical to export.
The total file size should not exceed the remaining capacity of the CF card.