Connector Type Speed Protocol Description
Internal RJ-45 10/100 Base-T Ethernet 4-port switch connection to up to four devices or the
internal network.
WLAN Antenna 802.11 a/b/g Wireless connections to LAN.
WAN1 and 2 RJ-45 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Redundant connections to the Internet.
DMZ RJ-45 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Optional connection to a DMZ network or to other
FortiWiFi-60A/AM units for high availability (HA).
CONSOLE RJ-45 9600 bps RS-232
Optional connection to the management computer.
Provides access to the command line interface (CLI).
USB USB USB Optional connection for FortiUSB key for rmware
backup and installation.
Phone cable RJ-11 Phone line for internal modem.
Place the unit on a stable surface. It requires 1.5 inches (3.75 cm) clearance above and
on each side to allow for cooling.
Locate the FortiWiFi-60 in a prominent location within a room for maximum coverage,
rather than in a corner.
Be aware of the construction of your environment, concrete and metal walls can hamper
signal strength.
Keep the AP and wireless devices at least 10 feet away from appliances such as microwave ovens and cordless phones.
Connect the FortiWiFi unit to a power outlet and to the internal and external networks.
Before beginning to congure the FortiWiFi unit, you need to plan how to integrate the unit into your network. Your conguration plan is dependent upon the operating mode that you select:
NAT/Route mode (the default) or Transparent mode.
NAT/Route mode
In NAT/Route mode, each FortiWiFi unit is visible to the network that it is connected to. All of
its interfaces are on different subnets. Each interface that is connected to a network must be
congured with an IP address
that is valid for that network.
You would typically use NAT/
Route mode when the FortiWiFi
unit is deployed as a gateway
between private and public networks. In its default NAT/Route
mode conguration, the unit
functions as a rewall. Firewall
policies control communications
through the FortiWiFi unit. No
trafc can pass through the
FortiWiFi unit until you add re-
wall policies.
In NAT/Route mode, rewall policies can operate in NAT mode or in Route mode. In NAT
mode, the FortiWiFi unit performs network address translation before IP packets are sent to
the destination network. In Route mode, no translation takes place.
Transparent mode
In Transparent mode, the FortiWiFi unit is invisible to the network. All of its interfaces are on
the same subnet. You only have to congure a management IP address so that you can make
conguration changes.
You would typically use the For-
tiWiFi unit in Transparent mode
on a private network behind
an existing rewall or behind a
router. In its default Transpar-
ent mode conguration, the unit
functions as a rewall. No trafc
can pass through the FortiWiFi
unit until you add rewall policies.
You can connect up to four network segments to the FortiWiFi
unit to control trafc between
these network segments.
Refer to the Documentation CD-ROM for information on how to control trafc, and how to congure HA, antivirus protection, FortiGuard, Web content ltering, Spam ltering,
intrusion prevention (IPS), and virtual private networking (VPN).
FortiWiFi-60A / AM
Quick conguration using the default settings
You can quickly set up your FortiWiFi unit for a home or small ofce using the web-based
manager and the default settings in NAT/Route mode.
All you need to do is set your network computers to use DHCP, access the web-based
manager, and congure the required settings for the WAN1 interface. You can also congure
DNS and a default route if needed. The FortiWiFi unit automatically assigns IP addresses to
up to 100 computers in the internal network.
Connect the FortiWiFi unit to the network.
Set the all the network computers to use DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address.
The FortiGate internal interface acts as a DHCP server for the internal network and assigns
IP addresses to all computers in the range –
From the management computer browse to The FortiGate web-
based manager appears.
Go to System > Network > Interface and select Edit for the WAN1 interface.
Select one of the following Addressing modes
Manual: enter a static IP address and netmask, select OK, and go to step 6
DHCP: to get an IP address from the ISP select DHCP and go to step 9
PPPoE: to get an IP address from the ISP select PPPoE and go to step 9
Go to System > Network > DNS.
Select one of the following DNS settings
Obtain DNS server address automatically: select to get the DNS addresses from the
ISP, select Apply
Use the following DNS server addresses: select and enter the DNS server addresses given to you by the ISP, select Apply
Go to Router > Static, select Create New, enter the default gateway address and select
OK. Network conguration is complete. Proceed to part 7 of this Quick Start Guide.
Select Retrieve default gateway from server and Override internal DNS options if your
ISP supports them, select OK, and proceed to part 7 of this Quick Start Guide.
Go to step 6 if you are not selecting these options.
LED State Description
Green The FortiGate unit is on.
Off The fortiGate unit is off.
WLAN Green Trafc on WLAN link.
(Internal, DMZ, WAN1,
Green The correct cable is in use and the connected equip-
ment has power.
Network activity at this interface.
Off No link established.
(Internal, DMZ, WAN1,
Green The interface is connected at 100 Mbps.