LED State Description
Ports 1 and 2
Ports 3 and 4
Left LED
Ports 3 and 4
Right LED
LCD panel
Power button
Power supply
status indicator
Power supply
AC line status
Hard drives
Link (left) and
Activity (right) O
Link (left) Green Connected to the network.
Activity (right)
Flashing Amber
Green The correct cable is connected to the interface and the con-
Flashing Network activity at this interface.
Green The interface is connected at 1000 Mbps.
Amber The interface is connected at 100 Mbps.
O The interface is connected at 10 Mbps.
Blue Normal system operation. Flashes when the System ID button is
Blue ashing Both the systems management software and the
Amber System requires attention due to a problem with power supplies,
On Indicates that power is supplied to the system and the system is
O Indicates that no power is supplied to the system.
Green Power supply is operational
Amber Problem with the power supply.
Green AC source is connected to power supply.
Green Drive online.
Slow green blinking
Blinks amber 4
times per second
Blinks green,
amber, and o
Blinks green 2
times per second
O Drive ready for insertion or removal.
Not connected to the network.
Network data is being sent or received.
nected equipment has power.
identication buttons located on the front and back of the
system can cause the LCD to ash blue to identify a
particular system.
fans, system temperature, or hard drives.
Drive rebuilding.
Drive failed.
Rebuild aborted.
Identify drive/preparing for removal.
QuickStart Guide
© Copyright 2008–2017 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective holders.
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A Part 15 CSA/CUS
Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) – Taiwan
The presence conditions of the restricted substance (BSMI RoHS table) are
available at the link below:
December 15, 2017
Package Contents
Connector Type Speed Protocol Description
Ports 1 to 4 RJ-45 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet Copper gigabit connection to 10/100/1000 copper networks.
CONSOLE DB9 9600 8/N/1 RS-232 serial Optional connection to the management computer. Provides access to the command line interface (CLI).
USB USB USB Four (2 front and 2 back) optional connections to a USB key for rmware installation.
Hard drives 1 TB One 3.5” 1TB hard drive is provided. Can support up to two hard drives.
Serial Connects a serial device to the system. Baud Rate 9600, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1.
System ID
Video Two (one front and one back) ports that connects to a monitor system.
NMI button
Sytem ID
USB ports
CD Rom
Drive status
Drive activity
System ID
Ports 3 and 4
The ID buttons on the front and back panels are used to locate a system in a rack. When one of these buttons is pushed, the LCD panel on
the front and the System Status indicator on the back ash blue until one of the buttons is pushed again.
Hard drives
Rackmount rail kit
QuickStart Guide
Copyright 2008 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks.
System status
Power supply
status indicator
Power supply
Tools and Documenation
fault indicator
For future
Ports 1
and 2
indicator connec-
System status
Power supply
AC line status
Power Cable
Ethernet cable
Null-Modem Cable
Connect the following to the unit. Ensure the unit is placed on a stable surface or install in a standard 19 inch rack. See the FortiWeb-1000B Rack Install Guide for details.
• Assemble the rails and install the system in the rack following the safety instructions and the rack installation instructions provided with your system.
• Connect the system’s power cable to the system.
• Bend the system power cable into a loop and secure the cable to the bracket using the provided tie wraps.
• Plug the other end of the power cable into a grounded electrical outlet or a separate power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power distribution unit (PDU).
• Insert an Ethernet cable into the one of the 4 ports on the FortiWeb unit. Insert the other end to the router connected to the Internet, or to the modem.
• Press the power button on the system.
Ethernet cables connect to
the internal network and to
the Internet (public switch
or router)
Null modem
cable connects to serial
port on management
Ethernet cables connect to
the internal network and to
the Internet (public switch
or router)
Power cable
connects to
power supply

Conguration Tools
Web-based manager
The FortiWeb web-based manager is an easy to use management tool.
Use it to congure the administrator password, the interface and default gateway addresses,
add Fortinet devices and congure reports.
• An Ethernet connection between the FortiWeb unit and management computer.
• A web browser such as FireFox or Internet Explorer on the management computer.
Collecting Information
Port Information
Port 1 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 2 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 3 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
Port 4 IP: ____.____.____.____
Netmask: ____.____.____.____
The internal interface IP address and netmask must be valid for the internal network.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The CLI is a full-featured management tool. Use it to congure the administrator password,
the interface addresses, the default gateway address, and the DNS server addresses. To
congure advanced settings, see the Tools and Documentation CD included with the
FortiWeb unit.
• The DB9 serial connection between the FortiWeb unit and management computer.
• A terminal emulation application (HyperTerminal for Windows) on the management
General settings
Administrator password:
Network Settings: Default Gateway: ____.____.____.____
Primary DNS Server: ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server: ____.____.____.____
Factory default settings
Port 1 interface Management IP
Port 2 interface Administrative account settings
Port 3 interface User name admin
Port 4 interface Password (none)
Web-based Manager
Use the following procedure to connect to the web-based manager for the rst time. Conguration changes made with the web-based manager are eective immediately without reset-
ting the FortiWeb unit or interrupting service.
To connect to the web-based manager
1. Connect the Port 1 interface of the FortiWeb unit to Ethernet port of the management
Use a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the devices directly. Use straight-through
Ethernet cables to connect the devices through a hub or switch.
2. Congure the management computer to be on the same subnet as the FortiWeb Port 1
To do this, change the IP address of the management computer to and the
netmask to
3. To access the FortiWeb web-based manager, in your browser, go to (remember to include the “s” in https://.
4. Type admin in the Name eld and select Login.
After connecting to the Web-based manager, you can congure the FortiWeb unit IP address,
DNS server IP address, and default gateway to connect the FortiWeb unit to the network.
To congure interfaces
1. Go to System > Network > Interface.
2. Select the edit icon for each interface to congure.
3. Set the IP address and netmask for the interface.
4. Select OK.
To congure the Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses
To reset the FortiWeb unit to the factory defaults, in the CLI type the command
execute factoryreset
Command Line Interface
The FortiWeb-1000B has serial port. Use the null modem cable to connect it to your management computer.
To connect to the FortiWeb unit
1. Use a null modem cable to connect the FortiWeb serial port to the management computer serial port.
2. Start a terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal) on the management computer. Use these settings: Baud Rate 9600, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, Flow
Control None.
3. At the login: prompt, type admin and press Enter twice.
(The login prompt is preceded by the server default host name.)
After connecting to the CLI, you can congure the FortiWeb unit IP address, DNS server IP
address, and default gateway to connect the FortiWeb unit to the network.
To congure the FortiWeb unit using the CLI
1. Set the IP address and netmask of the Port1 interface.
cong system interface
edit port1
set ip <intf_ip>/<netmask_ip>
3. Congure the primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses.
cong system dns
set primary <dns-server_ip>
set secondary <dns-server_ip>
1. Go to System > Network > DNS, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP addresses
select Apply.
To congure a Default Gateway
1. Go to Router > Static and select Create New.
2. Set Gateway to the Default Gateway IP address and select OK.
Adding an administration password
By default, the admin user does not have a password. To restrict access to the FortiWeb unit
management account, add password for the admin user account.
To add the admin user account password
1. Go to System > Admin > Administrators.
2. For the admin user, select the Change Password icon.
3. Enter a new password in the Password eld.
4. Reenter the password to Conrm Password eld.
5. Select OK.
Adding an administration password using the CLI
4. Congure the default gateway.
cong royuter static
edit 1
set device <interface_str>
set dst <destination_ipv4>
set gateway <gateway_ipv4>
Shutting down the FortiWeb unit
When powering o the FortiWeb unit, always shut down the unit using the following procedures before disconnecting the power supply. Not following this procedure can increase the
risk of damaging the FortiWeb hard disk.
To shut down the FortiWeb unit using the CLI
• Enter the following command at the prompt:
execute shutdown
To shut down the FortiWeb unit using web cong
1. Go to System > Status and click ShutDown in the System Information Dashboard.
2. Click OK.
To add an administration password in the CLI enter the following commands:
cong system admin
edit admin
set password <password>
Visit these links for more information and documentation for your Fortinet product.
Technical Documentation - http://docs.fortinet.com Fortinet Knowledge Center - http://kb.fortinet.com
Fortinet Technical Support - http://support.fortinet.com Training Services - http://campus.training.fortinet.com