Connecting to FortiVoice
You can configure your FortiVoice appliance using either its web pages (the web UI)
or the command line interface (CLI). After connecting, follow the setup instructions
in the FortiVoice 200D and 200D-T Administration Guide.
To connect to the FortiVoice web UI
Browser requirements: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, and Adobe Flash
Player 9 or greater.
1. Connect the FortiVoice appliance’s port1 to your computer using the provided
Ethernet cable.
2. On your computer, configure it to match the appliance’s default port1 subnet.
For example, on Windows 7, click the Start (Windows logo) menu to open it, then
click Control Panel. Click Networkand Sharing Center, Local Area Connection,
then the Properties button. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then
click its Properties button. Select Use the following IP address, then change your
computer’s settings to:
• IP address:
• Subnet mask:
3. To access the FortiVoice web UI, start a browser and browse to (remember to include the “s” in https:// and “/admin”
at the end of the URL).
4. Type admin in the Name field, leave the Password field blank, and click Login.
To connect to the FortiVoice CLI
1. Connect the FortiVoice console port to your computer using the console cable.
2. On the management computer, start a terminal emulation program (such as
PuTTY). Use these settings:
• Baud Rate: 9600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow Control: None
3. Press Enter on your keyboard to connect to the CLI.
4. Type admin in the Name field, leave the Password field blank, then press Enter.
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