Forney SCR Reheating User Manual

SCR Reheaters
Ensure Maximum SCR efficiency on low load swings with Forney’s SCR Reheaters.
Power plants must meet both stringent NOx reduction regulation and their customers' needs of varying electricity demands by reducing their boiler's steam production. Reducing boiler load causes lower flue gas temperatures reducing the operating abilities of NOx control equipment such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reactors. Forney Corporation utilized its vast combustion experience to develop a line of SCR reheaters to supplement flue gas temperatures. When firing conditions dictate the need for this additional heat, Forney's SCR reheaters pump heat into the flue gas stream, thereby maintaining a flue gas temperature that ensures maximum SCR efficiency. Forney can design a system for any configuration using one of three solutions, sure to satisfy your installation requirements.
Forney was the first to introduce an external firing solution. This remedy is ideal for high ash environments because it eliminates the problems of slag­ging, ash build-up, and burner fouling by designing the combustion equipment to operate outside the boiler flue gas duct. Also, the external burners do not increase system pressure drop, making them ideal for retrofit applications.
When boiler arrangement or customer preference does not permit an external SCR reheater system, particularly in low dust flue gas streams, Forney's reliable duct burner provides a compact in-duct burner system for flue gas temperature control. The duct burner solution minimizes heat input requirements and ongoing operating costs by providing reliable and even heat distribution for effective SCR operation.
Forney's Perimeter-firing system combines the benefits of both in-duct and external duct firing solutions. Strategically mounted directly on the flue gas duct work, perimeter burners inject a high velocity, high temperature stream directly into the flue gas creating excellent heat distribution to the SCR, in either low or high dust applications.
offering external, in-duct, or perimeter fired SCR reheater systems. Our engineers will custom design and integrate the system appropriate for your plant.
Compared to installing an economizer bypass system, a flue gas reheat system can save expense on installation and the loss of efficiency experienced with an economizer bypass system.
engineering can perform CFD modeling of heat distribution to assure efficient SCR operation.
technologies are proven in SCR and other firing applications around the world.
SERVICE - Forney service
engineers provide start-up expertise and periodic maintenance capabilities to ensure your equipment operates reliably.
Register Style Burner
Grid Style Burner
Perimeter Burner
External Induct Perimeter
Type: Grid Style or Grid Style Burner High Velocity Burner
Register Style Burner
Applications: High or low dust environments Low dust environments High or low dust environments
Space limited (register style) Augment air system Short mixing length
Fuel Consumption
Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural Gas
(per MMBTU): 17scfm 17scfm 17scfm
850 scfm @ 1psig 850 scfm @ 1psig 670 scfm @1psig
Modular Installation Installed innflue gas duct Installed directly
gas duct.
Forney is a leading supplier of burner accessories for the utility burner market. Thousands of Forney
igniters, scanners, and oil guns are installed in utility boilers every year. These same components are
incorporated into Forney’s burners for utility burner performance and reliability. Available accessories
- Natural gas fired, No. 2 oil fired, or direct spark ignition
Class 1, 2 or Class 3 applications
High tension (6000 V) or High Energy ignition (12 joules per spark, 3 sparks per second)
- Full line of flame scanners for every application.
OOiill GGuunnss
- Steam atomized, air atomized, and mechanical atomized to meet a wide range of needs.
FFuueell TTrraaiinnss
- Pneumatic or motorized valves, NEMA 12, NEMA 4, or explosion-proof enclosures.
BBuurrnneerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemmss --
Fireye E-110, Fireye Nexus, or PLC-based. Forney combustion con-
trol systems based on single-point positioning, parallel positioning, or fully metered control strategies.
DDiilluuttiioonn AAiirr HHeeaatteerr --
Grid style burner with duct work for ammonia vaporization in ammonia injec-
tion grid. Complete with fuel skid and Burner Management System (BMS).
FFaannss --
Skid mounted or ship loose fans to supply combustion air for grid register, high velocity,
and/or dilution air heater systems. Fans will be sized based upon required heat input.
DDiilluuttiioonn AAiirr BBlloowweerr SSkkiidd --
Forney also supplies skid mounted blower assemblies which supply air to
the dilution air burner system. Blowers are sized to ensure the air flow meets the requirements for
proper ammonia vaporization.
CCEEMMpplliicciittyy --
Low cost process control system for ammonia slip control.
Forney Corporation
3405 Wiley Post Road Carrollton, TX 75006 USA Tel: 972.458.6100 Fax: 972.458.6650
SCR Reheaters
PUBLICATION #404002-13 REV 12/02