Capacities and Specifications
Engine Specifications - 2.7L EcoBoost™
Engine Specifications - 3.0L Diesel ......425
Engine Specifications - 3.3L ...................426
Engine Specifications - 3.5L Ecoboost™
Engine Specifications - 5.0L ...................427
Motorcraft Parts - 2.7L EcoBoost™ .....428
Motorcraft Parts - 3.0L Diesel ...............429
Motorcraft Parts - 3.3L .............................429
Motorcraft Parts - 3.5L Ecoboost™ .....430
Motorcraft Parts - 5.0L ..............................431
Vehicle Identification Number ................431
Vehicle Certification Label ......................432
Transmission Code Designation ...........433
Capacities and Specifications - 2.7L
EcoBoost™ ..............................................434
Capacities and Specifications - 3.0L
Diesel ...........................................................441
Capacities and Specifications - 3.3L
Capacities and Specifications - 3.5L
Ecoboost™ ...............................................456
Capacities and Specifications - 5.0L
Bulb Specification Chart ...........................471
Connected Vehicle
Connected Vehicle Requirements ........473
Connected Vehicle Limitations ..............473
Connecting the Vehicle to a Mobile
Network - Vehicles With: Connectivity
Device ..........................................................473
Connecting the Vehicle to a Mobile
Network - Vehicles With: Modem ......473
Connecting the Vehicle to a Wi-Fi
Network - Vehicles With: SYNC 3 ......474
Connected Vehicle – Troubleshooting -
Vehicles With: Connectivity Device
Connected Vehicle – Troubleshooting -
Vehicles With: Modem ..........................475
Connected Vehicle – Troubleshooting -
Vehicles With: SYNC 3 ..........................476
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Creating a Wi-Fi Hotspot - Vehicles
Without: SYNC 3 .....................................478
Creating a Wi-Fi Hotspot - Vehicles With:
SYNC 3 .......................................................478
Changing the Wi-Fi Hotspot Name or
Password ...................................................479
Audio System
General Information .................................480
Audio Unit - Vehicles With: SYNC .......480
Audio Unit - Vehicles With: SYNC 3 .....483
Digital Audio Broadcasting Radio ........484
Satellite Radio .............................................486
USB Port ........................................................489
General Information .................................490
Using Voice Recognition ...........................491
Using SYNC™ With Your Phone ...........493
SYNC™ Applications and Services ......494
Using SYNC™ With Your Media Player
SYNC™ Troubleshooting ........................498
General Information ..................................507
Using Voice Recognition ..........................509
Entertainment ..............................................516
Climate ...........................................................526
Phone ..............................................................528
Navigation .....................................................530
Apps .................................................................535
Settings ..........................................................538
SYNC™ 3 Troubleshooting ....................540
F-150 (TFC) Canada/United States of America, LL3J 19A321 BEA enUSA, Edition date: 201907, Second-Printing
Table of Contents