Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 Infrared
Cameras with LaserSharp® Auto Focus
The Fluke Professional Series
Now compatible with Fluke
Connect™ Mobile App
Fluke Infrared Cameras
Experience. Performance. Confidence.
• Get an in-focus image like never before with a touch of a button.
LaserSharp® Auto Focus, exclusive to Fluke, uses a built-in laser
distance meter that calculates and displays the distance from your
designated target with pinpoint accuracy
• Save Reporting Time. Make better decisions faster than before.
Organize your measurements by asset in one location with
EquipmentLogTM history
• Brilliantly detailed quality images. Pixel for pixel the best spatial
resolution available
• Precisely blended visual and infrared images with crucial details
to assist in identifying potential problems—IR-Fusion® technology
with AutoBlendTM mode
• Standard and radiometric video recording and video streaming
• Text and voice recording/annotation allows you to save additional
details to image files
• See the details you need with interchangeable smart lenses—2x
and 4x telephoto and wide angle—no calibration required
Comparison i s based on compet itive c amera s with t he same detector
1.31 mRad
1.75 m Ra d
2.09 mRad
320 x 240 (76,800 pixels)
240 x 180 (43,200 pixels)
200 x 150 (30,000 pixels)
Ti400, Ti300, Ti200
24 °H x 17 °V
AutoFocus Redesigned
LaserSharp® Auto Focus, uses a built-in laser
distance meter that calculates the distance to
your designated target with pinpoint accuracy.
Many inspection sites are
challenging for certain
autofocus systems.
Passive autofocus systems
may only capture the
near-field subject (chain
link fence).
LaserSharp® Auto Focus
with a built-in laser d istance
meter clearly captures your
designated target.

Detailed specifications
Ti400 Ti300 Ti200
Key features
IFOV w ith st andar d lens (s patial resolutio n) 1.31 mRad, D:S 764:1 1.75 mRad, D:S 573:1 2.09 mRad , D:S 477:1
Detector resolution 320 x 240 (76,8 00 pixels) 240 x 180 (43,200 pix els) 200 x 150 (30,0 00 pix els)
Field of view 24 °H x 17 °V
Minimum fo cus distance 15 cm (approx. 6 in)
IFOV w ith optiona l 2x telep hoto sm art lens 0.65 m Rad, D:S 1528:1 0.87 mRad, D:S 1146:1 1.05 mRad , D:S 955:1
Field of view 12 °H x 9 °V
Minimum fo cus distance 45 cm (approx. 18 in)
IFOV w ith optiona l 4x telep hoto sm art le ns 0.33 mRad, D:S 3056:1 0.44 mR ad, D:S 2292:1 0.53 mR ad, D:S 1910:1
Field of view 6.0 °H x 4.5 °V
Minimum fo cus distance 1.5 m (approx. 5 ft)
IFOV w ith optiona l wide-angl e smar t lens 2.62 mRad, D:S 399:1 3.49 mRad, D:S 299:1 4.19 mRad, D:S 249:1
Field of view 46 °H x 34 °V
Minimum fo cus distance 15 cm (approx. 6 in)
LaserSharp® Auto Foc us Yes, for con sistently in-focu s image s. Ever y. Single. Time.
Laser distance meter Yes, calculates distance to the target for precisely focused images and d isplays distance on screen
Advanced manual focus Yes
Wireless connectivity Yes, to PC, i Phone® and iPad® (iOS 4s a nd later), A ndroid™ 4.3 and up, and WiFi to LA N (where available)
Fluke ConnectTM app compatible Yes (where availa ble)
CNXTM Wireless System Yes (where availa ble)
IR-Fusion® technology Yes
AutoBlendTM mode Yes
Picture-In-Picture (PIP) Yes
Ruggedized touchs creen d isplay (capacitive) 8.9 cm (3.5 in) diagonal landsc ape color VGA (640 x 4 80) LCD with backlight
Rugged, ergonomic design for one-handed use Yes
Thermal sen sitiv ity (N ETD) ≤ 0.05 °C at 30 ° C target temp (50 mK) ≤ 0.075 °C at 30 °C target temp
Level and spa n Smooth auto and manual s caling
Fast auto toggle between m anual and auto modes Yes
Fast auto-rescale in manua l mode Yes
Minimum span (in manual mode) 2.0 °C (3.6 ° F)
Minimum span (in auto mode) 3.0 °C (5.4 °F)
Built-in dig ital c amera (visi ble light) 5 megapixel industrial performance
Frame rate 60 Hz or 9 H z versions
Laser pointer Yes
LED light (torc h) Yes
Data storage and image capture
Extensive memory options Remova ble mic ro SD memory card, on-board fla sh memor y, save-to-USB flash drive capabil ity,
Image c apture, review, save mec hani sm One-h anded i mage capture, review, and save capabil ity
File formats Non-radiometric (.bmp) or (.jpeg) or fully-radiometr ic (.is2); no a nalysis sof tware requ ired for
Memory review Thumbnail view navigation and rev iew selection
Software SmartView® soft ware and Fluk e ConnectTM—full ana lysis and reporting software
Export file formats w ith Sm artView® software BMP, DIB, GI F, JPE, JFIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, and TIFF
Voice annotation 60 seconds ma ximu m recording time per image; rev iewable playbac k on camera
Text annotation Yes —
Video recording Standard and radiometric
File formats video Non-radiometric (M PEG - encoded .AV I) and f ully-radiometric (.IS3)
Streami ng video (remote display) Via HDMI or WiFi hot spot in
Remote control and operat ion (for special and adva nced applicat ions) Yes —
Auto capt ure (temperature and interval) Yes
remote control mode
direct download via USB-to-PC connection
non-radiometric (.bmp, .jpg and .avi) files
(75 mK )
2 Fluke Corporation Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 Infrared Cameras with LaserSharp® Auto Focus