Manual Supplement
Manual Title: Ti10,Ti25,TiR and TiR1 Users Supplement Issue: 2
Part Number: 2803044 Issue Date: 8/08
Print Date: August 2007 Page Count: 4
This supplement contains information
necessary to ensure the accuracy of
the above manual.
© 2007-2008 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.x

Ti10, Ti25, TiR and TiR1 Users Manual Supplement
Change #1
On page 2, add the following under the Warning:
To avoid injury from explosion, chemical burns,
or fire, follow all battery care and charging
instructions in this manual.
On page 3, under Unpacking the Imager, following the last
bullet add:
Fluke recommends the use of the supplied SD
memory card with your thermal imager, and does
not warrant the use or reliability of aftermarket SD
memory cards of different brands or capacities.
On page 3, prior to step 1, add the following:
To avoid damage to the Imager, remove it from
the DC car charger before starting or jump
starting the vehicle.
Ensure the Imager is near room temperature before
connecting it to the charger. See the charging
temperature specification. Do not charge the camera in
hot or cold places. Charging in extreme temperatures
reduces the battery pack’s ability to hold a charge.
At the end of the “Charging the Battery” section, add the
Keep the Imager attached to the charger until the battery condition
icon indicates a full charge. With the Imager off, the battery charge
icon will have four full bars. With the Imager on, turn the Imager off
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