High pressure liquids an d gases a re pot ential ly haz ardous. En erg y stored in th ese
liquids and gases can be released unexpectedly and with extreme force. High
pressure systems sh ould b e assemb led and op erated only by p ersonnel w ho hav e
Information in this document is subject to change without not ice. No part of t his document may be reproduced or transm itt ed in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanic al, for any purpos e, wit hout t he express written perm iss ion of Fl uke Corporation, DH
Instruments Division 4765 East Beautiful Lane Phoenix AZ 85044-5318 USA.
DH Instruments makes sincere efforts to ensure accuracy and quality of its’ publ ished materials; however, no warranty, expressed
or implied, is provided. DH Instruments disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages resulti ng from the
use of the information in this manual or products described in it. Menti on of any product does not constitut e an endorsement by DH Instruments of that product. This manual was originally composed in English and was subsequently translated into other
languages. The fidelity of the translation cannot be guaranteed. In case of conflict between the English version and other language
versions, the English version predominates.
1.2.1 General Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.6 Front and Rear Panels ........................................................................................................................... 24 Front Panel .......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Site Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 25
2.3.1 Preparing for Operation ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.2 Power Connection .................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.3 molbox1+ to molbloc Connections ....................................................................................................... 27
2.3.4 Gas Supply and Flowpath Connections ............................................................................................... 27
2.3.7 MFC Control Option Connection ........................................................................................................... 29
2.4 Power UP and Verification ................................................................................................................... 29
2.4.1 Powe r UP ................................................................................................................................................ 29
2.5 Additional Precautions to Take Before Making Flow Measurements .............................................. 30
2.6 Short Term Storage .............................................................................................................................. 31
3.2 Main Run Screen .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.3.1 Keypad Layout and Protocol ................................................................................................................. 39
3.3.2 Direct Function Keys Summary ............................................................................................................ 40
3.4 Direct Function Keys............................................................................................................................ 41 COM1 and COM2 ...............................................................................................................................105
4.4 Statu s System ..................................................................................................................................... 138
4.4.1 Status Reporting System ......................................................................................................................138 Status Byte Register............................................................................................................................138 Standard Event Register .....................................................................................................................140
5. Maintenance, Adjustments and Calibration ...................... 141 PA and PM Coefficients ......................................................................................................................142
5.2.2 Equipme nt Require d .............................................................................................................................143
5.2.3 Set-Up and Preparation ........................................................................................................................143
5.2.4 Viewing and Editing RPT Readings and Calibration Information .......................................................144
7.1.2 Temperature ..........................................................................................................................................163 Detailed Signal Descriptions ................................................................................................................168 Popular Configurations ........................................................................................................................169
This manual pr ovides the user with the information necessar y to operate a molbox1+ and a molbox1 +S
molbloc terminal with molbloc mass flow elements to make mass flow measurements. Unless stated
otherwise, references to molbox1+ also include molbox1+S. It a lso includes a great d eal of additional
information provided to he lp you optimize use of a molbloc/ molbox1+ system and take full advantage of
its many features and functions.
Before using the manual, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Table of Contents structure.
All first tim e molbox1+ users should rea d Sect ion 1. S ection 3.1 pr ovides a com prehensi ve desc ription of
general molbox1+ operating principles. Section 4. is for remote operation from an external computer.
Section 5 provides m aintenance and calibratio n information. Section 6 is a quick troub leshooting guide.
Use this section to troubleshoot unexpected molbox1+ behavior based on the symptoms of that behavior.
Cross references are used extensively to direct you towards additional information on a topic.
Cross references ar e generally in parentheses an d give the reference’s sect ion number. For example:
(see Section 11).
Certain words and expressions have specific meaning as they pertain to molbox1+. The Glossary
Section is useful as a quic k reference for exac t definition of specific words and expressions as they are
used in this manual.
For those of you who “don’t read manuals”, go directly to section 2.3, initial setup,
to set up your molbox1+. Then go to section 2.4, power up and verification. This
will get you running quickly with minimal risk of causing damage to yourself or
your molbox1+. Then… when you have questions or start to wonder about all the
great features you might be missing, get into the manual!
Manual Conventions
“Caution” is used in throughout the manual to identify conditions or actions that
could cause harm to the molbox1+ or to the devices that are connected to the
“Warning” is used in throughout the manual to identify actions that could pose a
hazard to the user of the molbox1+.
“Note” is used throughout the manual to identify operating and applications advice
[ ] Indicates direct function keys (e.g., [RANGE]).
< > Indicates molbox1+ screen displays (e.g., <1yes>).
molbox1+ a nd m olbox1+S are support units for making gas f low m easurem ents using m olbloc m ass f low
elements. Although the molbox1+ and the molbox1+S are separate products their functions and
operation are virtua lly identical. The ke y difference is that molbox1+ S is designed f or higher flo ws and it
only supports molbloc-S mass f low elements. A molbox1+ sup ports bot h molbloc -L and m olbloc-S. Each
product reads calibration data from a molbloc EEPROM and measures molbloc upstream and
downstream pressur e using built-in high precision Referenc e Pressure Transducers (RPTs). There are
several RPT range specific m odels in the molbox1+ product line: molbox1+ A350K, molbox1+ A700K,
molbox1+S A1.4M and molbox1+ S A2M .
An ohmic measurement s ystem reads the resistance of the molbloc platinum resistance thermometers
from which the molbloc temperature is calculated. Using the molbloc calibration data, measured
pressures and temper ature and gas prop erties s tored in m emory, the flo w rate of the gas f lowing throug h
the molbloc is calculated.
Internal molbox1+ valves support on-board PRESSURE TRANSDUCER TARING, molbloc-S BPR MODES,
LEAK TESTING and SELF PROTECT ION functions as we ll as a GAS PURGE r outine. The m olbox1+S
does not support PRESSURE TRANSDUCER TARING as it does not support m olbloc -L oper ation a nd does
not include a bypass valve to conn ect the up strea m and downs tream RPTs.
molbox1+ provides a local user interf ace via a front panel key pad and displa y and includes advanced
on-board functions. Remote communication capability is supported with RS232 and IEEE-488 interfaces.
molbox1+ is equippe d to handle molblocs on two s ep ar ate cha nnels. This allows easy switching between
two different molblocs as well as certain special dual channel functions. Internal valving switches the
molbox1+ pressure transducers from one molbloc to the other as needed.
molbox1+ is intended f or a pplicati ons i n which minimizing meas urem ent uncer taint y is the m os t important
requirement and/or integrated control of mass flow controllers (MFCs) is needed. A second model,
molbox RFM, is available for applications where a compact presentation and lower cost are the most
dominant requirements.
molbox1+ replaces the Fluke/DHI molbox1 product line. molbox1+ introduces several product
improvements over molbox1 including:
•Support for Q-RPT pressure sensor technology to improve linearity and precision on pressure
•Improved gas property uncertainty using data from NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and
Transport Properties Database (REFPROP).
•Support of expanded molbloc modelization and polynomial linearization data structure and
calculations. This new molbloc data structure allows greatly improved flow measurement
performance across the supported operat ing pressure and flow /Reynolds number ranges. This new
model makes the Premium calibration option and resulting specifications possible.
•Support for “named” molbloc calibrations – allowing storage of multiple pressure-dependent
calibrations in each gas o n a molbloc. Also pr ovides for s tated operating lim its of pressure, f low and
Reynolds number to be stored on the molbloc so the molbox1+ can alert the user of operating
conditions that are outside of the calibrated parameters, avoiding out of tolerance measurements.
For easy identification, ne w molbox1+ terminals are produced with serial num bers of 2000 and higher.
Older molbox1 term inals may be eligible for upgrade to m olbox1+ hardware, softwar e and specifications
by Fluke/DHI.
1.1.1 molbloc Flow Elements
Two different types of molblocs may be used with molbox1+; molbloc-L (laminar) and
molbloc-S (sonic). m olbox1+ supports operation with new or upgraded molblocs that have
the updated data str ucture to tak e advant age of m olbox1+ version 6. 00 or later features, a nd
also supports operation with older molblocs that do not have a version 6.00 data format.
Premium calibrations and a ssociated specif ications ar e only an option for m olblocs that have
the version 6.00 format. molbloc-L Flow Element
molbloc-L is the original molbloc laminar flow element. molbloc-L covers the
lower portion of the molbloc/molbox1+ system flow range. The key molbloc-L
measurement is the differential pressure across the element, which is roughly
proportional to the mass flow rate through it. molbloc-L elem ents are calibrated
to be used at an absolute pressure which remains nearly constant, while the
differential pressure varies with flow rate. Different operating pressure options
and their effect on molbloc flow range are described in Section
In addition to the new data structure and modelization methods that became
available for molblocs with the introduction of m olbox1+, all molbloc-L elem ents
of range 1E1-L to 3E4-L produced or upgrad ed af ter the rele ase of m olbox1+ are
equipped standard with an upstream ¼” VCR flange, or f lowpath conn ectio n, that
has an integrated sint ered m etal filter. T his filter is intende d to be a l ast defens e
against particulate contamination of the molbloc-L internal flowpath which can
affect molbloc-L measurements. Every effort should still be made to supply clean
dry gas to the molbloc to ensure its measurement performance and long-term
stability. molblocs that have the integrated upstrea m filter are recognizable by
the visible filter element as shown below.
Figure 1: molbloc-L Upstream End Flange with Integrated Filter
New molbloc-L elements produced with molbox1+ calibration data structure,
premium calibration options, and integrate d filter hardware can be identified b y
having a serial number of 6000 or higher. Most older molbloc-L elements are
eligible for upgrade to this hardware/v er sion 6.0 0 format by Fluke/DHI.
Quick connectors equivalent to Swagelok® QM Series (M2-B200)
Stability of 100 and 110 Ω reference resistors molbloc-S Flow Element
molbloc-S elements use critical (sonic) flow venturi nozzle technology to measure
flows which overlap with th e ranges of molbloc-L an d cover the hig her end of the
molbloc/molbox1+ system flow range. T he mass flow rate through a molbloc-S
element is roughly propor tional to the upstr eam absolute pres sure when the f low
is “choked”, so the m olbloc-S operating pressure can vary widely as the mass
flow rate is changed throug hout t h e f lo w range. T he li mits of molbloc-S operatin g
pressure and flow ranges are defined by the molbloc-S calibration type,
described in Section
New calibration data structure and premium calibration options for molbloc-S
were also introduce d along with molbox1+. m olbloc-S elements produced with
this support will h av e s eri al number of 4000 or h igh er. O ld er molbloc-S elem ents
are eligible for upgrade to version 6.00 format by Fluke/DHI.
1.2 Specifications
1.2.1 General Specifications
Power Requirements
Operating Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Range
Communication Ports
Reference Pressure
Pressure Limits molbox1+ A350K
85 to 264 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz, 22 VA max. consumption
1A/250V, slow blow, 5x20mm, NSN: 5920008930491
15 to 35 °C
- 20 to 70 °C
Meets MIL-T-28800D
6.8 kg (15 lb) max.
32 cm W x 12 cm H x 30 cm D
(12.6 in. x 4.7 in. x 11.8 in.) approx.
Motorola 68302, 16 MHz
RS232 (COM1), RS232 (COM2), IEEE-488
molbox1+ A350K 2 x 300 kPa (44 psia) calibrated range
oscillating quartz crystal
molbox1+ A700K 2 x 600 kPa (87 psia) calibrated range
oscillating quartz crystal
molbox1+S A1.4M 1 x 1200 kPa (174 psia) calibrated range
oscillating quartz crystal, 1 x 300 psi silicon based
molbox1+S A2M 1 x 2000 kPa (290 psia) calibrated range
oscillating quartz crystal, 1 x 300 psi silicon based
Maximum working pressure 300 kPa absolute (36 psia)
Maximum pressure without damage 350 kPa absolute (50 psia)
molbox1+ A700K
Maximum working pressure 600 kPa absolute (87 psia)
Maximum pressure without damage 700 kPa absolute (115 psia)
molbox1+S A1.4M
Maximum working pressure 1200kPa absolute (203 psia)
Maximum pressure without damage 1500 kPa absolute (218 psia)
molbox1+S A2M
Maximum working pressure 2000 kPa absolute (290 psia)
Maximum pressure without damage 2200 kPa absolute (320 psia)
1.2.4 MFC Control Function (Optiona l) Specifications
Analog Output
Voltage Range
Analog Input
Valve Test Point
0 to 6.000 VDC
± 0.1 % FS
0.4 µA
± 0.1 % FS
± 0.1 % FS
0.4 µA
+ 2 to + 15 VDC (in reference to - 15 VDC)
2.5 mVDC
1.2.5 Flow Measurement Specifications
molbox1+ meas ures the f lo w t hrou gh molbloc flow elements. There are two di f ferent types of
molblocs, molbloc-L (laminar) (see Section and molbloc-S (sonic) (see Section Flow measurement specifications, calibration types, ranges and dimensions are
detailed separately for each molbloc type in section 1 .2.5.1 and For both molbloc-L
and molbloc-S elements, there are separate performance specifications given for the
premium and standard calibr ation types that are offered. All f low measurem ent uncertainties
are valid only for measurents in a gas for which the molbloc is calibrated, and within the
range of pressures for which the calibration is specified. molbloc-L
The flow range, useable operating pressure and absolute and differential
pressure associated with molbloc -L operation depend on the molbloc used and
its pressure-dependent calibration options (see Section1. Standard molbloc-L Calibrations
0 to molbloc full scale depending on gas and molbloc pressure
dependent calibration type (see Section
± 0.05 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.005 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.005 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.07 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.007 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.09 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.009 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.2 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
(N2 and any molbox1+
supported gas for which
the molbloc in use is
1 Precision: Combined linearity, hysteresis, repeatability.
2 Stability: Maximum change in zero and span over specified time period for typical molbox1+ and molbloc used
under typical conditions. As stability can only be predicted, stability for a specific molbloc and molbox1+ should
be established from experience.
3 Measurement uncertainty (accuracy): Maximum deviation of the molbox1+ flow indication from the true value of
the flow through the molbloc including precision, stability and DHI calibration standard measurement
± 0.02 % FS under 10 % FS
1E5 molbloc
± 0.5% of reading from 25 to 100 % FS,
± 0.125 % FS under 25 % FS Premium molbloc-L Calibrations
Measurement Update
1 second
0 to molbloc full scale depending on gas and molbloc pressure
dependent calibration type (see Section
0.0015 % FS
± 0.05 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.005 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.05 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.005 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.07 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.007 % FS under 10 % FS
(1 year)
± 0.03 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.003 % FS under 10 % FS
± 0.125 % of reading from 10 to 100 % FS,
± 0.0125 % FS under 10 % FS
1E5 molbloc-L Premium cal i brat i on not avail abl e
(N2 and any molbox1+
supported gas for which
the molbloc in use is
1 Precision: Combined linearity, hysteresis, repeatability.
2 Stability: Maximum change in zero and span over specified time period for typical molbox1+ and molbloc used
under typical conditions. As stability can only be predicted, stability for a specific molbloc and molbox1+ should
be established from experience.
3 Measurement uncertainty (accuracy): Maximum deviation of the molbox1+ flow indication from the true value of
the flow through the molbloc including precision, stability and DHI calibration standard measurement
See your molbloc’s Calibration Report to determine the
calibration type of the molbloc y o u ar e using.
Different pressure dependent c alibration options for molbloc-L elements determine
the range of operating pressures over which a molbloc can be used within its
mass flow measurement specifications. The calibration option also affects the
molbloc flow range and the differential pressure associated with the flow range.
Measurement uncertainty (accuracy) specifications fo r molbloc-L are valid only
for gases with which the molbloc has been calibrated. All molbloc-L elements
are calibrated for N2. Calibratio ns with other gases ar e optional. DHI calibration
capability is not maintained at all times for all gases on all m olbloc designations .