Fluke CO-220 Data sheet

CO-220 English Instruction Sheet
Carbon Monoxide Meter
Instruction Sheet
The CO-220 Carbon Monoxide Meter (hereafter referred to as
“the Meter”) detects the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) and measures concentrations between 1-1000 parts per million (PPM).
The Meter indicates the presence of carbon monoxide in two ways:
By a reading on the LCD in PPM.
By a beeper tone.

Contacting Fluke

To contact Fluke, call one of the following telephone numbers:
USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853) Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853) Europe: +31 402-675-200 Japan: +81-3-3434-0181 Singapore: +65-738-5655 Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500
Or, visit Fluke's Web site at: www.fluke.com.
PN 690559 (English) May 1998 Rev.2, 4/04
© 1998-2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of thei r r espective c omp ani es.
CO-220 English Instruction Sheet
Safety Information - Read First
Do not use the Meter as a personal safety monitor.Learn and recognize the effects of CO poisoning.
0-1 PPM Normal background levels. 9 PPM ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 for living areas. 50 PPM OSHA enclosed space 8-hour average level.* 100 PPM OSHA exposure limit.* 200 PPM Mild headache, fatigue, nausea and dizziness. 800 PPM Dizziness, nausea and convulsions.
* U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health
Administration (OSHA) Regulation 1917.24:
enclosed space shall be maintained at not more than 50 PPM (0.005%). Remove employees from enclosed space if the CO concentration exceeds 100 PPM (0.01 %).
Death within 2 to 3 hours.
The CO content in any

What the Meter Does

The Meter indicates the presence of CO by a reading on the LCD and a beeper tone.
Above 1000 PPM, the LCD reads “OL” to indicate an out of range condition.
The beeper functions much like clicking of a Geiger counter:
The higher the concentration of CO, the faster the beeper sounds.
Above 200 PPM, the beeper sounds continuously, while the frequency of the tone increases with the concentration of CO.

Turning the Meter On

Install the battery. (See “Installing and Replacing the Battery.”) To turn the Meter on, press the green button. The Meter beeps twice, then performs a self-test. During the self-
test, the display counts down from “10” to “0”, while the Meter emits a series of 2 beeps followed by a pause.
If the Meter passes the self-test, the Meter begins monitoring, which is indicated by a beep every two seconds, and shows a reading on the display.
CO-220 English Instruction Sheet


The Meter tests the sensor and the battery each time it is turned on and continuously monitors the battery. If the battery is low, M is shown on the LCD.
If battery power is below the level required to power the Meter, or if the sensor fails, the Meter emits a series of five beeps, followed by a long pause, and another series of five beeps. The Meter then turns itself off.
If after replacing the battery, the alarm condition persists, the sensor may have failed. Contact an authorized Fluke service center for information on how to replace the sensor.

Establishing a Baseline

Before testing for CO, establish a baseline against which the Meter compares other environments.
Do this by turning on the Meter. If the Meter detects between 0-3 PPM of CO, the beeper sounds and the Meter establishes a new baseline.
If the Meter detects more than 3 PPM, it does not establish a new baseline, but starts taking CO measurements.

Storing Maximum Readings (Max/Hold)

In the Max/Hold mode, the Meter stores the maximum CO level it has detected.
In this mode, the Meter continuously monitors the level of CO, which is indicated by the beeper, while displaying only the highest level detected on the LCD.
To enable or disable the Max/Hold mode, press the MAX button; the beeper emits two quick tones when the Max/Hold mode is enabled and disabled. When the Max/Hold mode is enabled,
“MAX” is shown on the LCD.


If the ambient light is too low (making the LCD difficult to read), the LCD back-light automatically turns on. The back-light automatically turns off when sufficient light is present.

Automatic Power-Off

The Meter automatically turns itself off after 20 minutes.
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