Fluke CO-220, 975, 922 Service Guide

Carbon monoxide:
A mechanic’s approach
Application Note
It’s not always technical maid ser­vice. Sometimes HVAC professionals are rewarded with a mystery and given the opportunity to put our technical detective skills to work. How accurately we solve combustion related mysteries is directly related to our fundamental understanding of the science and technologies in effect, our choice of tools and test equipment, our previous experi­ences, and even our imagination.
The answers lie beyond the obvious
Carbon monoxide consumer awareness is still on the increase. More and more consumers are installing CO detectors in their homes and workplaces. This is good. It offers occupants a level of safety they did not have previously, and offers the expert (you) an opportunity for in-depth site analysis.
So how does it usually unfold? An occupant calls the fire department after a CO alarm. The firemen may not see an obvious source of the CO, so they recommend having the furnace (or boiler) checked by a heat­ing contractor: the combustion expert. It’s your job to find the source of the CO under current conditions, or to try to duplicate variable conditions under which CO could be produced. This is a tall order, requiring a process of elimination of possible malfunc­tions and a keen awareness of variables, such as building depressurization and gasses (air and vent products), that could behave unexpectedly.
While you’re driving to the jobsite, turn off the radio and think about the abundant pos­sibilities. Think of the structure in its entirety as a system. Combustion appliances are only a part of the integrated whole. What else is competing for or interfering with combustion air, fuel supply, vent function? How can contaminants such as chlo­rides, sulfides, VOC’s, dust, and dirt affect component integrity and operation?
Think about some of the questionable creative engineer­ing you’ve seen from end users trying to save on energy costs. Think about all of the different fossil fuel appliances and prod­ucts, wood fireplaces and stoves that may be in play: some fixed, some portable, some that drive away. Think abo ut what could be external to the structure that could produce combustion products and be drawn into the occupied space: idling school buses or trucks, standby gen­erators in exercise mode, poorly placed or improperly installed vent terminations.
The list of possibilities is seemingly endless, and more often than not, it’s two or more processes gone wrong. One process may have been operat­ing on the edge of acceptability since day one, and a second process changes enough to throw the first process over the edge. Every job is different and valuable lessons can be learned from each. Be observant and allow your mind to explore the possible system failure modes and their interacting effects.
Exterior survey
When you arrive at the job­site, observe the exterior of the system (the building and its immediate surroundings). Before entering the building, turn on your environmental air meter (such as Fluke 975) and give it time to warm up and zero out­doors. This will give you time for a walk-around.
F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w . f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
Notice chimneys, vertical vents, sidewall vents, air intakes and exhausts, exhausts that could become intakes (such as drier vents that stick open from lint build-up), building penetra­tions proximity to doors and windows, and meter locations. Look underneath decks and porches, at the garage location, inside corners for vents, and notice shrubberies and trees, prevailing wind direction and possible effects, and foundation type (slab, crawlspace, base­ment). Look in window wells and crawlspace access wells, and just generally notice things.
Later, as you focus on indi­vidual components such as the furnace or boiler, water heater, venting and ventilation, you will return to the outdoors to pay more attention to the details and interactions of functions. You might be surprised by how a seemingly unrelated outdoor feature can affect the indoor function of a process.
Questions to ask
Once inside the structure, consider yourself as a combination of police detective and crime scene investigator.
Here are some questions to ask:
What kind of CO alarm sounded?
When did the alarm sound?
Was it a standard CO detector
designed according to UL 2034 that specifies that alarm must sound within 1 to 4 hours at 70 ppm CO, or do they have a low level alarm model that sounds after 5 minutes when CO reaches 15 ppm to 34 ppm?
Can you retrieve the maximum CO
level retained in the alarm memory?
What CO level did the firemen find?
What other comments did the fire-
men have besides suggesting to call the heating contractor?
Did the alarm sound during early
morning hours when all were asleep indicating possible ventilation and venting problems?
Did any of the occupants exhibit any
physical symptoms?
Did it sound after everyone was
awake indicating a possible occu­pant created condition from space heaters or automobile warm up in an attached garage?
Did it sound on Sunday afternoon
when friends or relatives came for dinner?
Did they burn the roast, burn the
biscuits, or burn the food in the pan on a burner they forgot about?
Is there an exhaust fan in the kitchen
over the stove and is it used?
Was an outdoor cooking grill used
and at what location?
What about gasoline powered tools
and equipment?
Is smoking allowed indoors?
Did it sound shortly after everyone
retired for the night and was the fireplace used on that night?
Check more than just CO
Before you leave the outdoors, record the outdoor ambient CO so you can compare it to indoor levels. Outdoor levels could be as low as 380 ppm CO
or less
in rural and seacoast loca­tions, or above 500 ppm CO congested urban locations. Then, as you start your indoor survey, record CO humidity on your air meter.
ppm, CO ppm and
Credit 1 CO2 concentrations can range from less than 1,000 ppm CO 2,000 ppm CO
depending on
per person ventilation require­ments and Met (metabolic) rate activity levels.
Elevated CO2 (from respiration) can be an indicator of a poorly ventilated structure, but unvented (spill­ing) combustion products will elevate CO
and humidity levels
in the occupied space as well. Increased CO
levels in kitchens
may be due to decomposing organic material (garbage).
and water (vapor) are
produced in the complete com­bustion of fossil fuels, and CO
to over
and water (vapor) are produced from incomplete combustion. A furnace, boiler or water heater typically produce 80,000 ppm to 30,000 ppm (8 % to 13 %) CO
depending on fuel type,
and about a gallon of water per 100,000 Btu input. If a category I vent is spilling combus­tion products, the first change an occupant may notice is increased condensation on win­dows due to elevated humidity that hadn’t occurred previously.
The first rule of fire
Fire must be safely confined and controlled while maintain­ing correct fuel supply, oxygen supply, and ignition temperature. When we build a fire indoors, we must know that the combus­tion products will vent to the outdoors. Appliances designed to operate over extended periods of time like a furnace, boiler or water heater must be vented directly to the outdoors. Products with limited operating times such as residential stoves, ovens
and space heaters are usually expected to have products of combustion in quantities low enough to be vented by normal building ventilation, which may be relying entirely on the natural infiltration of air through structural leaks. As oxygen is consumed and vent products exit the building, fresh air from outdoors must be continuously supplied or disaster will follow.
Combustion analysis
Warm up and zero your com-
bustion analyzer outdoors.
Combustion products must be
sampled undiluted before any draft hoods, barometric draft dampers, or any dilution air injection. (Some high effi­ciency direct vent boilers may draw air from the air intake into the combustion air blower prior to the exhaust pipe.)
Sample the O2 and CO on
startup and monitor as the process settles in to steady state operation. CO may be high on startup and reduce to
2 Fluke Corporation Carbon monoxide: A mechanic’s approach
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