HART® Transmitter
Application Note
In today’s process plants, most
new field instruments are smart
digital instruments. Smart
implies a microprocessor-based
instrument with extra functionality and digital compensation,
supporting multiple sensor types
or multiple variables. These
instruments generally offer
better accuracy, long-term stability, and reliability than conventional analog instruments.
The most common class of
smart instruments incorporates the HART protocol, with
more than five million HART
instruments in use in 100,000
plants worldwide. HART, an
acronym for Highway Addressable Remote Transducer, is an
industry standard that defines
the communications protocol
between smart field devices and
a control system that employs
traditional 4-20 mA wiring.
Two capabilities are required
to properly service HART instruments: precision analog source
and measure capability and
digital communication capability. Until recently, this required
two separate tools, a calibrator
and a communicator. Today, the
capabilities of those two tools
are available in a single HART
Documenting Process Calibrator that can help you quickly
and effectively service HART
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library

HART calibration
Sensor Trim LRV/URV Adjust Output Trim
PV PVAO 4-20 mA
4-20 mA)
mA Output
is required!
A common misconception is
that the accuracy and stability
of HART instruments eliminate
the need for calibration. Another
misconception is that calibration can be accomplished by reranging field instruments using
only a HART communicator. Still
another misconception is that
the control system can remotely
calibrate smart instruments.
These are not true. All instruments drift. Re-ranging with
just a communicator is not calibration. A precision calibrator
or standard is required. Regular
performance verification with a
calibrator traceable to national
standards is necessary due to:
1. Shifts in performance of
electronic instruments over
time, due to exposure of the
electronics and the primary
sensing element to temperature, humidity, pollutants,
vibration, and other field
environmental factors.
2. Regulations governing occupational safety, consumer
safety, and environmental
3. Quality programs such as ISO
9000 standards for all instruments that impact product
4. Commercial requirements
such as weights, measures,
and custody transfer.
Regular calibration is also
prudent since performance
checks will often uncover
problems not directly caused
by the instrumentation, such as
solidified or congealed pressure
lines, installation of an incorrect thermocouple type, or other
errors and faults.
A calibration procedure consists of a verification (As Found)
test, adjustment to within
acceptable tolerance if necessary, and a final verification (As
Left) test if an adjustment has
been made. Data from the calibration are collected and used
to complete a report of calibration, documenting instrument
performance over time.
All instruments, even HART
instruments, must be calibrated on a regular, preventive
maintenance schedule. The
calibration interval should be
set short enough to insure that
an instrument never drifts out
of tolerance, yet long enough
to avoid unnecessary calibrations. Alternatively, the interval
may be determined by critical
process requirements, e.g., calibration before each batch.
How are HART
instruments properly
To calibrate a HART instrument
consistent with its application, it
is very helpful to understand the
functional structure of a typical
HART transmitter.
HART instruments consist
of three distinct sections (see
Figure 1). Proper HART calibration may involve either or both
sensor trim and output trim.
Adjusting range values (LRV
and URV) without a calibrator
is not calibration. Performing
an output trim while ignoring
the input section is not proper
calibration. Adjusting range
values with a calibrator may be
a practical calibration alternative for instruments operated in
4-20 mA analog mode, provided
that the PV and PVAO are not
used for process control.
Figure 1.
2 Fluke Corporation Abridged HART Transmitter Calibration

Model Number
(Primary Variable)
(Digital representation
of the Primary Variable
Analog Output)
Analog Measure Value
Analog Source Value
Tag ID
(Primary Variable
Lower Range Value)
(Primary Variable
Upper Range Value)
Figure 2.
New tool speeds
Today, instrument maintenance
is moving out of the shop and
into the field. This reduces
process interruptions and
avoids the time and expense
of returning instruments to the
shop. Portable communicators
and calibrators are often used
3 Fluke Corporation Abridged HART Transmitter Calibration
together to complete field calibrations. However, the desire to
carry less equipment and to perform maintenance in the field
has created a need for a new
class of calibration tool.
The new 754 Documenting
Process Calibrator from Fluke
is a powerful yet easy-to-use
tool for field calibration of HART
instrumentation. Pressing a
single key enters the HART
mode and displays the essential
HART information in the Active
Device Screen, shown in Figure
2. Additional HART functionality is accessed with only a few
more keystrokes, per the menu
tree in Figure 3.