Fluke 123 Industrial
Technical Data
Performance characteristics
Fluke guarantees the properties
expressed in numerical values
with the stated tolerance.
Specified non-tolerance numerical values indicate those that
could be nominally expected
from the mean of a range of
identical ScopeMeter test tools.
Environmental data
The environmental data
mentioned in this technical data
are based on the results of the
manufacturer’s verification
Safety characteristics
The ScopeMeter 123 test tool
has been designed and tested
in accordance with ANSI/ISA
S82.01-1994, EN 61010.1 (1993)
(IEC 1010-1), CAN/CSA-C22.2
No.1010.1-92, UL3111-1 Safety
Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement,
Control, and Laboratory Use.
Use of this equipment in
a manner not specified by the
manufacturer may impair
protection provided by the
Dual input oscilloscope
Frequency response
DC coupled:
Excluding probes and test leads:
DC to 20 MHz (-3 dB)
With STL120 1:1 shielded test leads:
DC to 12.5 MHz (-3 dB)
DC to 20 MHz (-6 dB)
With PM 8918 10:1 probe (optional
accessory): DC to 20 MHz (-3 dB)
AC coupled (LF roll off)
Excluding probes and test leads:
<10 Hz (-3 dB)
With STL120: <10 Hz (-3 dB)
With PM 8918: <1 Hz (-3 dB)
Rise time
Excluding probes and test leads:
<17.5 ns
Input impedance
Excluding probes and test leads:
1 MΩ//12 pF
With BB120: 1 MΩ//20 pF
With STL120: 1 MΩ//225 pF
With PM 8918: 10 MΩ//15 pF
Sensitivity: 5 mV to 500V/div
Display modes: A, -A, B, -B
Max input voltage
A, B: 600V rms up to 200 kHz,
derating to 6V rms @ 20 MHz
Max floating voltage
From any terminal to ground:
600V rms up to 400 Hz
Resolution: 8 bit
Vertical accuracy: ±(1% of reading
+ 0.05 range/div)
Max vertical move: ±4 divisions
Acquisition modes
Normal: Equivalent sampling: 20 ns
to 500 ns/div; real time sampling:
1 µs to 5s/div
Single (real time): 1 µs to 5s/div
Roll (real time): 1s to 60s/div
Sampling rate (for both channels
simultaneously): For repetitive
signals (equivalent sampling) up to
1.25 GS/s; real time (normal and
single): 1 µs to 5 ms/div, 25 MS/s;
10 ms to 5s/div, 5 MS/s
Time base accuracy
Equivalent sampling: ±(0.4%
of reading +0.04 time/div)
Real time sampling: ±(0.1%
of reading +0.04 time/div)
Glitch detection: ≥40 ns
@ 20 ns to 5 ms/div; ≥200 ns
@ 10 ms to 5s/div
Glitch detection is always active
Horizontal move, 10 divisions.
Permits shifting of the display
from 0 to 10 division of pre-trigger.
Trigger point will always be visible.
Mode: Auto, Triggered, Single
Source: A, B, EXT. EXTernal via
optically isolated trigger probe
ITP120 (optional accessory)
Sensitivity A and B
@ DC to 5 MHz: 0.5 divisions or 5 mV
@ 25 MHz: 1.5 divisions
@ 40 MHz: 4 divisions
Slope: Positive, Negative
Video A and B
Modes: Lines, Line Select
Standards: NTSC, PAL, PAL+, SECAM
Polarity: Positive, Negative
Sensitivity: 0.6 divisions sync
Advanced scope functions
Display modes
Normal: Captures up to 40 ns
glitches and displays analog-like
persistence waveform
Smooth: Removes noise from a
Envelope: Records and displays the
minimum and maximum of waveforms over time
Continuous fully automatic
adjustment of amplitude, time base,
trigger levels, trigger gap, hold-off,
and position.
Manual override: Manual adjustment of amplitude, time base,
trigger level, or position.
Dual input
autoranging meter
The accuracy of all measurements
is within ±(% of reading + number
of counts) from 18°C to 28°C.
Add 0.1x (specific accuracy) for
each °C below 18°C or above 28°C.
For voltage measurements with
10:1 probe, add probe uncertainty
+1%. At least one waveform period
must be visible on the screen.
Input A and Input B
DC Voltage (VDC)
500 mV, 5V, 50V, 500V, 1250V
Accuracy: ±(0.5% +5 counts)
Normal mode rejection (SMR):
>60 dB @ 50 or 60 Hz
Common mode rejection (CMRR):
>100 dB @ dc; >60 dB @ 50, 60,
or 400 Hz
Resolution: 5000 counts
True-rms voltages
(VAC and VAC+DC)
500 mV, 5V, 50V, 500V, 1250V
Accuracy for 5% to 100% of range
DC coupled: DC to 60 Hz (VAC+DC)
±(1% +10 counts);1 Hz to 60 Hz
(VAC) ±(1% +10 counts)
AC or DC coupled: 60 Hz to 20 kHz
±(2.5% +15 counts); 20 kHz to
1 MHz ±(5% +20 counts); 1 MHz
to 5 MHz ±(10% +25 counts); 5 MHz
to 20 MHz ±(30% +25 counts)
AC coupled with 1:1 (shielded)
test leads: 60 Hz (6 Hz with 10:1
probe) -1.5%; 50 Hz (5 Hz with
10:1 probe) -2%; 33 Hz (3.3 Hz
with 10:1 probe) -5%; 10 Hz
(1 Hz with 10:1 probe) -30%
Normal mode rejection (SMR):
>60 dB @ 50 or 60 Hz ±1%
Common mode rejection (CMRR):
>100 dB @ dc; >60 dB @ 50, 60,
or 400 Hz
Resolution: 5000 counts
Crest factor: Automatic ranging
on crest factor overload
Modes: Max peak, Min peak, or
Ranges: 50 mV, 500 mV, 5V, 50V,
500V, 1250V
Accuracy: Max peak or Min peak,
5% of full scale; peak-to-peak,
10% of full scale
Resolution: 500 counts
Frequency (Hz)
Ranges: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz,
10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz,
40 MHz (1 Hz and 10 Hz in manual
mode or Auto Set LF ranging only)
Accuracy: @ dc to 1 MHz, ±(0.5%
+2 counts); @1 MHz to 10 MHz
±(1.0% +2 counts); @10 MHz to
40 MHz ±(2.5% +2 counts)
Resolution: 1000 counts
Duty Cycle (DUTY)
Range: 2% to 98%
Accuracy: Same as frequency
Resolution: 0.1%
Pulse Width (PULSE)
Accuracy: Same as frequency
Resolution: 1000 counts
Amperes (AMP)
With optional current probe
Ranges: Same as VDC, VAC,
VAC+DC, or peak
Scale factor: 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A,
100 mV/A, and 1 V/A
Accuracy: Same as VDC, VAC,
VAC+DC, or peak (add current
probe uncertainty)
Temperature (TEMP)
With optional temperature probe
Range: Same as VDC
Scale Factor: 1 mV/°C and 1 mV/° F
Accuracy: Same as VDC (add
temperature probe uncertainty)
Decibel (dB)
0 dBV: 1V
0 dBm (600
referenced to 600Ω or 50Ω dB
on VDC, VAC, or VAC+DC
Resolution: 1000 counts
Ω/50Ω): 1 mW
Crest Factor (CREST)
Range: 1 to 10
Accuracy: ±(5% +1 count)
Resolution: 100 counts
Modes: A to B, B to A
Range: 0 to 359°
Accuracy: ±(1° +1 count)
Resolution: 1°
Input A
Ohm (Ω)
Ranges: 500Ω, 5 kΩ, 50 kΩ,
500 kΩ, 5 MΩ, 30 MΩ
Accuracy: ±(0.6% +5 counts)
Resolution: 5000 counts
Measurement current: 0.5 mA to
50 nA (decreases with increasing
Open circuit voltage: <4V
Continuity (CONT)
Beep: <(30Ω ±5Ω) in 50Ω range
Measurement current: 0.5 mA
Detection of shorts of: ≥1 ms
Maximum voltage: @ 0.5 mA 2.8V;
@ open circuit 4V
Accuracy: ±(2% +5 counts)
Measurement current: 0.5 mA
Polarity: + on input A, - on COM
Capacitance (CAP)
Ranges: 50 nF, 500 nF, 5 µF,
50 µF, 500 µF
Accuracy: ±(2% +10 counts)
Resolution: 5000 counts
Measurement current: 5 µA to
0.5 mA (increases with increasing
Dual slope integrating measurement
with parasitic serial and parallel
resistance cancellation.
Advanced meter functions
Zero set
Set actual value to reference
Meter settling time
Fast: 1s @ <10 ms/div
Normal: 2s @ <10 ms/div
Smooth: 10s @ <10 ms/div