Congratulations orl your purchase of the Gazelle TM Supra Pro! "tbu've just taken an
important step toward achieving your fltness goal_ Whether that me.3n_ str_gthening
your hea_ alld hJigs, _tlirl_Q tnu_cles_ or a ¢c',r'lbiNatk3'q of these, Ihe Gazelle TM Supl_
Pro along w_h the work_ _deo _iII help you achieve those goals
WoGklng O1_On COmfo_bie, em_lTt eq'Jlprtl_nt tha_ allows you to _._{t arid progl_ss
at the level that_ appfopna_ for you i_ a vi_l element in _tickmg with a p_gram of
regular ex_cise kXAthyouF Gazelle, you'll use the rnk;sde_ of both your Upper and
I_wer body i_ a plea_'qt easy gliding motio¢_ to burn ¢_lcries _rrr muscles,
atld impl_ove your ca_iov_scular endLiranc.e All of the e×e,rcise_ _re _a__jto do
and should reel g_od, not i_._inful or exhausting You"l! be able _ _ep onto your
unit and begin your Wor.kout --Just wha_ you need to ir_prove your _t'ness the
h__a_hy, ea_ w-_y!
Or3__,_o{Jr a W__K - _hr_ _u,q 20 PiilqiJte ses_ion_ - is a!l i{ _1(_ to begl,q t_xp_rleNClrlg
_he health be_e_t_ of ae_bi¢ exe_ise. VAth regular u-_eof your Gazelle, yr_.un_ay _oon
,qO_lce sol_-_ irl!por_3nl changes i_ _OLIrS_I_ _uch a_:
• Mor_ _qdur_nc_ _31_d_l_t_llr)a
• Les_body _t and exce_ weight (if you a_so follow our ea_mg plan I
• Imp_ved mus__!e_one in bo_h uppe.r ard lower body
• increased energy _r daily _asks
• LeSss'tre._sand a more po._lt_veoutlook
And if you increase your exercise program to Just 20 mlnute_ each day, you .'an
accelerate the_'e be_e_ft! dramatically. An impre_,e retur_ on your investmentl
Marry s_udies sh_v tl_t a combination of low _t, ser_sible meals _al_dexe?rci_e
is the cptlmum weight loss plan
W_'r_ $o _klr_-that you w_ll be ¢orrlpletely Satisfied _Ath your Gaze!!e TM Supra Pro, that
we encourage you to write Us with your cornmen[s and sugges_orks. If, during the
coklr_e of using your system, you have any questions about Ehe program, please write
or call our Customer Service Spk_cJalistsa{ the address _r phone number listed below, or
contact us on our website. ASalways, you have our qualify a_surance that we want
only your complete s._tisfact_on Alter all, your success is our success tool
Karla Wllliam_n Ct_stomer Se_4ce
Gazelle_u Supra Pro, Custemer Service [._._parmlent
244 Flt_e_s Quest Plaza. C(_ton, _,_i 44750-I 0C,i
I-_00-321-9236. Monday through Friday, 9:00 al?_to 5:00 prn, EST
IMPORTANT: This owner_ manual IS the aUthodt, atJve source of information about
your Gazelle TM _upra Pro, Please read it carefully and _ollow all the instruo:ions.