Fitness Quest Eclipse 1000HR Owner's Manual

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_. For Maximum
Effectiveness and
Safety, Please
Read This
Owner's Manual
Before Using Your
,,,_, Eclipse _ IO00HR.
i:_ •- . . .... --: •'-,: •I: ¸¸: .... : : ¸I::• ¸
Introduction ......................................................................... 2
Important Safety Tips ....................................................... 3
Specifications & Parts ................................................. 4
Exercise Guidelines ........................................................ 5
Warm Lip & Cool Down Stretches ................................. 7
Using Your Eclipse t000HR ......................................... I 0
Using The Handlebars .................................................. 11
Care & Storage ..................................................... 12
Getting Started ................................................................ t3
The Eclipse 1000HR Worl<out ...................................... 14
Suggested Workout Programs ....................................... 17
Target Heart Rate Zone ................................................ 19
Your Total Fitness Program ................................ 20
Limited Warran_ & Service ................................... 21
Workout Progress Chart .............................................. 22
Exercise Data ............................................................ 23
Fitne sO ,
@2001 Fitnes_ Quest_ Inc, All rights reserved EclipseTM and Orbi!:at Linking System TM ape a t_&_demarks of Fitness QuestLR} inc U S Paten[ed f15 893.8Z0 Made in Taiwan No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any Form or by any means electronic med_anicat or o_llervvise without the expressed written consent of the copyright holder.
Congratulations on your purchase of ttne Eclipse TM !O00HR Elliptical Trainer You lnave selected one of tfne most advanced, durable and convenient aerobic exercise products on the market today With the Eclipse t 000HR. you can get the physiological and tectnnical benefits of ttealtt7 club models at an incredible value Whether you are inter- ested in weight control, strengthening your heart and lungs, toning rnuscles or a com- bination of tllese, the Eclipse t000HR Elliptical Trainer can help you aclnieve your goals
To give you the best fitness results, aerobic equipment should be simple, fun and well-designed The Eclipse 1000HR delivers straight across tlne board Its patented Orbital Linking System TM gives you an easy, tow-impact stride that t_ot!ows a true elliptical path with no "drop ofF' sensation found in so many elliptical trainers You can change your muscle involvement quickly and easily by simply cinanging from a forward to a reverse foot motion or by changing your position sligtntly Youll use the muscles of
your upper and lower body for a calorie burn equal to running on a treadmill witlnout
sacrificing your knees, hips and ankles_ State of timeart electronics and built-in pulse sensors give you an immediate pulse reading making it convenient to maintain a con- sisten!: heart rate And the Eclipse 1000HR is so easy to use tlnat you'll be able to step on and begin your workout rigfnt away Finally the streamlined profile of the Eclipse
t 000HR will fit in any home or apartment and time transportation wheels make it easy
to maneuver and store
Just one hour a week - three twenty minute sessions - is all it takes to begin experienc-
ing the healtln benefits of aerobic exercise Witln regular use of your Eclipse 1000HR Elliptical Trainer, you may soon notice some important ctaanges in yourself, such as.
= More endurance and stamina
Less body fat and excess weight (if you do not increase your caloric intake)
= Improved muscle tone in both your upper and lower body
Increased energy for daily tasks
Less stress and a more positive outlook
And if you increase your exercise program to 20 l-ninutes every day, you cain accelerate
these benefits dramatica!ly
We want you to be completely satisfied with your Eclipse 1000HR Elliptical Trainer tf
during the course of using your Eclipse 1000HR you have any questions or concerns, please write or call our Customer Service Specialists at the address or plmone number listed below As always, we wish you success in your fitness goals
Karta Williamson, Customer Sen,ice Manager
Eclipse 1O00HR, Customer Service Departrnent
t 71 Fitness Quest Plaza, Canton, OH 44750 t 001 t-800-32 !-9236, Monday througtn Friday, 9.00am to 4:30pro. Eastern Time
IMPORTANT: This owner_ manual is the authoritative source of information about
your Eclipse 1O00HR. Please read it carefully and follow all the instructions,
Before starting this or any other exercise program, consult your physician,
who can assist you in determining the target heart rate zone appropriate for your
age and physical condition Certain exercise programs or types of equipment may not be appropriate for all people Ttlis is especially important for people over the
age of 35, t:)regnant women, or those with pre-existing health problems or
balance impairments
Start out slowly and progress sensibly.
Monitor your heart rate while you exercise and keep your pulse rate within
your target heart rate zone. Follow the instructions on page 19 in this manual
regarding heart rate monitoring and how to deternline your appropriate target
heart rate zone
Do not overexert yourself with this or any other exercise program. Listen to
your body and respond to any reactions you may be having You must learn to distin-
guish "good" pain. like fatigue, from 'bad" pain, which hurts If you experience any pain or tightness in your cl_est, an irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately Consult your physician before continuing
Remember to breathe,, Do not hold your breath while exercising, tf, during the course of exercising, you become so breathless that you cannot hold a short conversation, stow down
Use care when stepping on and off the equipment. Set LIt:)and use your Eclipse
I000HR on a solid, level surface Follow the instructions found on page t 3 of this
manual for proper entry and exit techniques Check all moving parts before each use., Do not use the equipment unless all
moving parts are working correctly Keep fingers and limbs, loose clothing and hair away from all moving parts. _!ear appropriate clothing when exercising. Workout clothing should be comfort-
able and tighD,_/eight Wear athletic shoes° such as runrlirlg or aerobic shoes.. Do not use this product vvith bare feet or when wearing only socks or stockings
The Eclipse TM I O00HR is not intended for use by children. Keep this and all
fitness equipment out of the reach of children
:::::::RE ME MBER - REVl E\,X/TH its :O'_0(/NER'S ::::i
_:STARTING YOUR \,)I/ORKOUT! ::::::::_{::::
Eclipse TM 100OHR Specifications: Product Weigl%: Approx 85 lbs
Length: 44 _
Width: 265"
Height, 61" Maximum user weight: 275 Ibs
Pulse Grips
Stationary Handlebar
Dual Action
e Foot Platform
o Front RoLlers
................ oRear Caps
ttyou are just starting an exercise program, choose a time of day thatis good for you and stick to it closely Try to do your Eclipse TM I O00HR workout three times per week at first and then gradually progress to four or five clays a week Choose a time when you feet energetic, when there are few interruptions and when you t4ave not eaten a heavy rneal for approximately two hours
Motivational Tips
Keep your motivation and interest high by remembering these simple tips.
Set goals for yourself that are challenging but realistic Rernernber. it may take a few weeks to be able to complete time entire workout easily or to see changes in your weight or fitness levels Just five minutes of exercise, done several times per day. can change your health Break your overall fitness goals down into small, zeasonable goals
Record your progress by using the charts provided at the end of this booklet.
Celebrate your successes - even the small ones! Give yourself incentives for reaching each of your goals and reward yourself often
Place your elliptical trainer where you can easily watch "P_ or listen to music as many people find that makes your workout more er_oyable
Take your setbacks in stride. If you miss a day on your schedule
(or even a week), itis not too late to get back on track If you are having trouble sticking to your goals, review them and make sure they are realistic Make adjustments as you ttnink they are needed
Your Eclipse TM | O00HR /orkout \ 'dill Consist of Three Phases:
To prevent injury and maximize performance° we recommend that each workout
period should start with a warm-up Your warm-up should gently prepare your
muscles for the coming exertion.. Start by doing timestretches found on page 7-9 of this manual Follow your stretches with at least three minutes of gentle exercise that gradually increases your heart rate and loosens up your muscles. You can do this by
using your elliptical trainer at a slow tempo or by sirnply walking in place before starting your workout
Aerobic and Muscle Toning Workout To gain the health and fitness benefits that you seek. your warrn-up should be
followed by a 20 minute workout on your etlipl:ical trainer Build up to this amount as your current fitness level allows and progress at a rate that is comfortable to you As your fitness level increases, you may want to gradually increase the length of your
workouts1:oa totalof 30 rnirlutesrnostdaysof theweep tf losingweightisoneof your goals,you maywant to graduallyincreaseyourworkoutsto 5 or 6daysper
week Morefrequentworkoutsat longerdurationsrequirethebodyto burn more
caloriesand usestoredfatfor energy. Forthefirstweepor so,you mayfeelsomemusclesoreness.Thisisquitenormal
andwill disappearina matterofdays Ifyou experiencemajordiscomfort,you may be on aregimenthatistoo advancedforyou oryou mayhaveincreasedyour programtoo rapidly
Oncethe basicellipticalworkoutiscomfortabletoyou,intervaltrainingoffersthe opportunityfor greaterworkoutvariety,cardiovascularbenefitsandincreasedfatand calorieburning Intervaltrainingmeansalternatingshortperiodsof higherintensity stridingwith periodsoflower intensitystriding Whenyou performtilehigh intensity periods,you maybeworkingat a levelthatisat thehigh endor mayexceedyour t-argetHeartRateZone.]"helowerintensityexercisesareat thelowerendofyour TargetHeartRate
Beginnelscanalsouseintervaltrainingbysimplyalternatingperiodsof moderate stridingwith restperiodsof easystriding Ifyou arehavingdifficultycompleting20 rninuLesofnon-stopstriding,,workfor3 to 4 minutesthen festwithaslowerpace for oneminute Repeatthispatternuntilyour twentyminutesareup
Remembertomonitoryour tqeartratethroughoutyourworkout Itwill helpyou determinethelevelofexertionthat issafeandappropriateforyou andserveasa good measureofyour progresstowardimprovedfitness.
There are four variables that will help you control the intensity
of your workout and keep your heart rate at a safe and
appropriate level.
,_ The position of your feet. The further back on the foot pedals you place
your feet, the harder the workout since the elliptical path is larger
" Your hand position. Using the dual action handlebars takes more effort
than simply using the stationary handlebar:
_, Your speed. The faster your workout tempo, the greater the effort Slowing
down your tempo at any time wil! make your workout easier
_, Adjusting the resistance, Once you are able to easily complete an entire
workout at a fast tempo, you may want to increase the resistance to make the workout more challenging
Cool Down
Towards the end of the aerobic and muscle toning please of your workout, gradually
slow your tempo down and switch your hands to time stationary handlebar Your goal
is to bring your heart ra_e down to within it_ normal resting rate Cornplete your
workout with the series of stretclTes shown on pages 7-9 of this manual Stretching
at the end of your workout wit! help prevent muscle cramps or injury
Stretches can help improve flexibility and relieve the tightness in rnuscles that results from repetitive sport movements that require a limited range of motion, like elliptical striding. When performing these stretches, your movements s!70uld be stow and smooth, with no bouncing or jerking Move into the stretch until you feel a sligl7t tension, not pain, in the muscle and hold the stretc!7 for 20 to 30 seconds Breathe slowly and rhythmically, Be sure not to hold your breath Remember that all stretclTeS must be done for both sides of your body
I. Quadriceps Stretch Stand close to a walt, chair or other solid object Use one hand to assist your balance, Bend the opposite knee and !ift your' heel towards your buttocks Reaci7 back and grasp the top of your foot with the same side hand, Keeping your inner thig!Ts close togettTer, slowly pul! your foot towards your buttocks until you fee! a gentle stretch in tf7e fl'ont of your thigh, You do not have to touch your buttocks with your heel Stop pulling
when you feel the stretct7 Keep your kneecap pointing straight clown and keep your knees close together (Do
not let the lifted knee swing outwards.) Hold the
stretch for 20 to 30 seconds,, Repeat for t!Te other leg
2. Calf and Achilles Stretch Stand approximately one arms lengtt7 away from a wall
or chair with your feet hip-widt!7 apart Keeping your toes pointed forward, move one leg in close to the chair while extending the other leg behind you Bending the leg closest to the chair and keeping the ottTer leg straight° place your hands on the chair Keep the heel of the back leg on the ground and move your hips forward, Slowly lean fo[ward from the ankle, keeping
your back leg straight unti! you feel a stretcl7 in your calf
muscles Hold for 20 to 30 seconds., Repeat for rite opposite leg
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