Read Me First!
Installation of this product is a simple procedure,
but we recommend this job only if you are an
experienced repair technician.
Saddle slot
Minimum saddle slot length: 2.775” (70.4mm)
Maximum E to E spacing at saddle: 2.5” (63.5mm)
The Prefi x Pro Series preamp will only fi t in guitars
with a clearance of at least 1 11⁄16” (42.86mm) between the top and back braces, at the point where
the preamp chassis swings inside the instrument.
This path is defi ned as a 1 5⁄8“ radius, with the hinge
point on the bezel being the center of the circle.
1. Widen the endpin hole to 15⁄32” (11.9mm) to
accommodate the endpin jack.
2. Drill a 3⁄32” hole (2.4mm) in the saddle slot for the
pickup wire, no less than .100” (2.5mm) from the
nearest string. Install the pickup per Acoustic Matrix
installation instructions.
Cut out the preamp cavity
Please note: For instruments with solid wood sides
(especially maple), we strongly recommend that you
glue 2.5” (63.5mm) x .5” (12.7mm) plywood patches
in the areas inside the guitar where the screw holes
will be drilled. Doing so will prevent the area around
the mounting holes from cracking or splintering
and will strengthen the side of the instrument at
the cutout.
1. Choose the fl attest possible location for the preamp on the side of the instrument. The fl attest and
most comfortable location for the player is often at
the upper bout, just above the instrument’s waist
and well below the shoulder. Note that the bezel has
a limited ability to bend just enough to conform to
the curved sides of most standard sized instruments.
Caution! When mounting the Prefi x Pro Series
preamp on solid wood instruments with highly
curved sides (such as small bodied acousticelectrics), exercise extreme caution when choosing
the preamp location.
A highly curved mounting surface may cause the
preamp to bind against the mounting bezel or in
worst cases may cause the wood to crack around the
preamp mounting holes.
2. Attach the enclosed cutout template at the desired location and cut out the cavity for the preamp.
3. Drill the preamp mounting holes with a #45 drill
(.082” / 2.08mm).
Output cable / endpin jack wiring
Important note: To ensure full pivot action for the
preamp, remember to leave an extra 3” (76.2mm)
of slack when you decide the output cable’s
fi nal length.
Solder the wire connections
1. Determine the proper length for the cable, then, if
necessary, strip and tin the output wires.
2. To gain better access to the terminals on the
endpin jack, gently bend back the Strain Relief/
Sleeve tab before you begin to solder.
Jack connections
• Red wire to Tip (short terminal)
• Black wire to Switch (longest terminal)
• Shield wire to Sleeve (strain relief)
• Ring is not connected (middle terminal)
Black Wire
to Switch
Shield to
Red Wire
to Tip
Endpin jack
Install the endpin jack per Switchjack Installation
Mount the preamp
1. Insert the pickup in the saddle slot.
2. Carefully pull back the foil shield on the preamp
(located next to the output cable) to expose the
terminal block.
3. Tighten the terminal block screws with a small
slotted screwdriver.
4. Pull the slack on the pickup wire until it lies within
the terminal block compartment, tucked in behind
the screw boss where the wire exits.
5. Check the foil shield sides to make sure that the
shape is intact and the corners are square.
6. Carefully replace the foil enclosure. Note that
when properly installed, the foil enclosure will
cleanly surround both the terminal block and one of
the screw bosses. If the sides of the foil jam up on
the terminal block or screw boss, adjust the fi t so
that the enclosure closes easily.
7. Replace the two screws that hold the foil in place.
Be careful not to cross thread the holes.
8. Angle the preamp 90° from the bezel and
insert it in the cut-out, then fasten the preamp
bezel using the four self-tapping screws and the
two plastic backing plates.
Self-Tapping Screws
Plastic Backing Brackets
Complete the installation
Install a 9V alkaline battery.
To keep the wires inside the guitar from rattling,
secure them with the included adhesive backed
clips. Attach the wire guide clips to the side of the
514-300-115 Rev A 5-09