Thank you for making Fishman a part of your acoustic experience. We are proud
to offer you the fi nest acoustic amplifi cation products available: high-quality
professional-grade tools which empower you to sound your very best.
If you are unfamiliar with this product, please pay close attention to the requirements for installation. Failure to do so can result in permanent damage to the pickup.
Installation by a qualifi ed professional is strongly recommended.
Technical support, troubleshooting tips and installation information can be
found at http://www.fi shman.com/support/
Description and Features
The Powerchip is a miniature onboard piezo / magnetic pickup mixing preamp,
dedicated to the Fishman Powerbridge system. The preamp, mounted to the
underside of a piezo volume pot, allows guitarists to combine or split piezo and
magnetic pickups without any additional outboard signal routing electronics.
Mono Operation
Plug a standard mono instrument cable into the
output of the Powerchip equipped guitar and
combine the magnetic and piezo signals into a
single buffered composite, suitable for any
available instrument level audio input.
Electric Guitar Equipped with
Fishman Powerbridge and Powerchip
Mono Instrument Cable
Electric Guitar Amp
Stereo Operation
Plug a stereo “Y” cable into the output of
the Powerchip equipped guitar and split the
magnetic and piezo pickup signals to separate
destinations. Send the buffered piezo signal
(Ring) to any instrument level audio input, such
as an acoustic instrument amplifi er or PA system.
Send the unbuffered, “immaculate” magnetic
pickup signal (Tip) to a traditional electric guitar
amplifi er, with no added coloration or signal
treatment between the magnetic pickup and
the amplifi er.
Electric Guitar Equipped with
Fishman Powerbridge and Powerchip
Stereo Y-Cable
Signal (Ring)
Signal (Tip)
Acoustic Guitar Amp
Electric Guitar Am