Levelling instructions
It is IMPORTANT to level the washer to ensure good spin performance.
A spirit level is provided with your washer. Use this to level your washer, always placing
it on a clean, flat surface. The washer is level when the bubble sits in the centre, within
the two lines.
Your washer is equipped with self-locking feet at the front to ensure they do not move
once you have levelled your washer. To adjust the feet, tilt the washer back and twist to
move them up or down.
Note: after levelling, the corners of the washer should be clear of the floor and the
washer must not rock in any direction.
Move the washer to its final position using the
top corners to manoeuvre the product into place
(do not push on the centre front of the washer).
We recommend a minimum clearance of 20mm
each side and 40mm at the rear of the washer.
Open the lid, place the spirit level at the centre
front of the top deck forward of the lid lock slot.
Level the washer from side to side by winding up
or down the front feet (Fig.1).
With the lid closed, tilt the washer forward away
from the wall approximately 100mm (Fig.2), the
self-adjusting feet will release. Gently lower the
washer back down.
Open the lid, place the spirit level at either the
right hand or left hand side of the top deck.
Level the washer from front to back using the
front feet only (Fig.3), winding both feet in or
out equally. Tilt the washer forward again and
lower back down (Fig.2).
Re-check the washer is level. Move the spirit
level around to all positions once more, checking
the washer is level in all areas. Repeat step 4 if
necessary. Check the washer does not rock from
side to side, front to back, or corner to corner.
Keep your spirit level for the next time you
move or reposition your washer.
If moving or transporting your washer in
the future, ensure you tape the lid down
Fig.1 Levelling side to side
100 mm
Fig.2 Tilt washer forward
Fig.3 Levelling from front to back