YourFishe& PaykeAeto'<,ch"ovenhasninecookingmodespts WARMandSEIFC/EAN.
Thesemodesusedi:;_rentcomb nationsofdeme _tsandthe convectionfJn _ogiveyou
maximumflex b tywhencookng.
°I"_'_UEAERO; convecdo fap sfa eement
TR EAERO s a vey fexble met'od of cooking A concealed heat /g eement
st rround n(j the fan n he ear of he ovenheasar, wt,ichis hen blownipto
the cavity Tt'econsistent empeatueceatesan dea ovenenvionme_t
gvi_gbakn(jwhchiswel sen and evenlycoloured Cookesaecisponthe
outs de and chewy in the midd e, feat an( poultry sddicouslybownedand
szzlingwt'le ema / /gjuicyan( tende Casseolesaecookedtoperf,_cton
andret,eating squcka/def'cent TRUEAEPO is the mode _tochoose fo multi
s_elf cook ng and complete oven meals.
AEROBAKE; cove<to fa p s ppe/an< owe_ eet_etts
The oven fan c culates hot air from the top otter and lower conceaed
denents apd distrbues t aou/d the oven cavty. Food cooked us _(_
the AEROBAKE mode tends o brown more quick y ban "oods cooked on
cor_ventonalmodes keBAKE AEROBAKE sgreat/o crisp ng past y in le non
mern(Fuepieandvec_etabephyopaces AEROBAKEatalowtemperatue
125°F(50°C) sidea ",'>rdryngfui,vegetablesandt'erbs
BAKEs pperan owet eements
lear comes from the top outer and lower concealed elements BAKE is the
co _vent onal cooking mode, su abe'orsngeshef cook /9. It sidea fo
fi)odsthat require ong cool<n<) pe ods or cookng at low tempeaures, ke
met ngues and rid' f uitcakes.
AEROPASTRY; convecdo fap s owe_ ee_x/ent
leatfrom_:he owe conceaedeeme_t sc culaedthrotghouttheoven avty
by the oven%_n Excelent'orsweeta_dsavoypasryfoods,'ormostbreads
and brownies and cookies tha you want exta chewy.
PASTRY BAKEs owe_ eerie t
lear comes from the lower element only Th s is a trad tonal cook ng mode
whc] s suitable 1,,, recipes that were deveoped in ok]e ove ss. Fo bes
esuls cook on only one shelf a a tree. It s perfec for f,',,oos that require
delicate cook ng ar_d have a past y base, likecusardtarts, o cbesand
cheesecakeo anythngtha does notreouied ect heat an(] b own ng on the