[nstaJJation instructions and
User guide US
Lave-Jing÷ automatique
instructions d'inst_Hation
et mode d'empJoi FR,,<"_-",1
Lavadora autom_tica
instruc¢iones de mnstaJaci6n y
Gui_ del Usuario ES

£mectri¢Shock Maza_d
outlined in this User Guide before operating this appliance,
pages 11-13_
Failure to do so can result in death, electdc shock, fire or injury
to perso_s,
Pease Note: o obtain naximu n effic ency your/n_'u£ive '' washer has the abty to learn and
adapt otheleca envronnen This may takesevea wash cycles, t_erel:oremaxim menegy
ef_cencymay lot be achievedu/a/unbero _wash cycles haVe been completed This
usuaytakes a}out S cyces.
Page 44 - 79
Asan ENERGYS_&R_>Partne Fisher & Paykel Limited has determined
that this product meets ENERGYSTAR_>guidelines for energy efficiency.

o r ter t s
k_stallat on Ins ruct ons
_mportant Safety _nst_uctio_ss
Getting Started qukkly
How Did77
Fabric Care
Atto Se/s sg C easables Woo, Ha/dwash
F_o Ad_ve "_Wash
All About l°he Options Button
Time To 6o
]empetatute, Controlled (od, Wash Advance, Softener _,inse
Deay Start Save] me %ak Drp Dy
Max Spn Speed, Ware leves, Tradtiona V%sh
Adjust ng The Wash S_ttings
AttoWaerLeve Ad]ustme/t: Defa tRinse
CeasabeSpnSpeed, OutofBaan eRecovey
End of Cyce Beeps, Dsplay B ghtness Reset De'ault Setngs
Favor te Cyce Desgn your Own Wast
FamiyCyces Daper _inse Com'orte_,Allergy
Spo Cyces Sweaty,/_/uddy, Sports Shoes Beach (lea
Sa /Cyces Chocoae R;mao, Bo<}d/(}rass Fui/Wine
Exra Cycles db Cean Max Wash
Sorting and Load ng
Wash r@ Diff cult Items
Woollen tens, Bulky Items, Diape San tise s/B eact'
Fabric Softener
Caring For %_ur lntui_dve _'
Cleanng Auomatc intSystem
Sounds and Beeps,PoducsthatMght )anageYou/ntuiSw '_
ff %%ur _t_tuit_v__'_'Beeps }tot Help
Operat ng Problems
Wash Problems
Serv de

Congraula ons on puctasing a new Fishe & Payke washing machine We are very poud of
ou washers andtusttheywllseveyouwe _o many years
At Fishe & Paykel we air to prov de innovative products that are staple to use, e gonomic and
enegy efficient:. Thousands of tonnes o: wash ng and 70 yeas of laundry exper ence have been
prog a nmed nto you washing machi/e to hep give you the best poss ble performance.
We hope youenoyyou new was_ing machine,
we haveceta /lyen]oyed desg/ /g t.
It s important that the User Guide should be reta ned with the appliance for futue
refe ence. Should the appliance be sod or transferred to another owner, aways ensure
that the User Guide is left with the appliance in order that the new owner can [amiliarize
themselves with the appliance and the relevant warnings.

Installation I ........ "r/>trLC or/s
Before you begin - read these instructions completely and carefully,
EmectHc Shock Hazard
outlined in this User Guide before operating this appliance,
pages 11-13.
Failure to do so can result in death, electdc shock, fire or injury
to persons.
Observe all governing codes and ordinances.
installation Requirements
You washermu'_ beima edon f m foo /gto nnimizevbraionduringspincyce'¢ Concrete
floo ng s best:, but wood base is suffcient povd_g thefloo support: neets FHA standards.
Your washer should not be nstalled on tugs ot exposed to the weather
Yott col( water should not exceed 95°F (3°C} or your hot water exceed 150°1:(65"C).
enpeatues a)ove_this may damage your washe.
Shut OffValw_s
Both hot and cod shutoffvaves (fauces) should b< avaabe in the laundry area.
Water nay be drained intoastandppeotsettub Thestandppemustbel_,,b "(:_Sn'n}minmum
inteiordiameterandmus be open to theatmospher(.
This appl ante must be st ppl ed with 110V 120\460Hz electrical supply and connected to an
in( vdua pope y got /dedbanchcircut potectedbyal or 20 ampcircutbeake o time

sta ator strtcto s
i il
Depth 25//'(650mm)
Width 2',,0" {d'}0mm)
Heigl t to top of col_soe 40" 41_,_/'(1020 1060ram)
Height id open %" L*d_,'E(1400 1440ram)

Installation I ........ .
Step 1
Remove Bottom Packer
1 Remove outer packa<_ /g.
2 Tilt the machine backwards aid wall< the machine oPthe bottor
packer The plastc bottom pad<e can now be emoved
Operating the machine when the bottom packer is
in place can result in damage to the machine
Step 2
Removing Tub Pa_ker and A_-cessor es
1 Ifithe dand emove ca dboard tub packer from
the top of hewashe ub
2 Keep the bottompacke andt bpacker ncase
they are requied/o futt e transit
s Re nove hoses accessoresand/stallate/pack
The _nstallation Pack Contains the Follow rig:
4 ub>er insets for the leveling feet
1drain hose gude
Step 3
Drain Hos_
1 Care:ully pu he drain ho'_e out fom he back of
thewashe by pulling the exposed patefthehose
downwa ds and the/eut.
2 The hose gui(e s tsed to guide the ( a / hose ave the
tubo sta/dppe it: MUST be fitted to he drain hose o
p event siphoning the drain hose s]eud not exte/d moe
thai %"(2Oren) fore the end of he guide.
If necessary, the drain hose can be trimmed to le _gth
:¢ Place the drain hose n the aundy tub o sta/dp pe
Inmut stoeyapartnentsoranyuppe foer/stallate/,themachneshouldbe nsalede/a
daned floo
Check that hetu>orsta/dpipeisfreefem intorothe obsructio/sbefoeoperatng hewas]er.
In ba'(,r_nI'_ nstallat on do not: exceed a standpipe heght of (78"}

Installation Instructions
Step 4
Inlet Hos{_s
Install hoses wth the st aight end (wth f kers)
ftted to the q_ucets.
Install ebow e_ds onto washing machine (inlet:
valves are naked on the back of the rachine
H hot, C cod)
If the e is a cod wate supply only, an inlet vave cap
(availaMe from Fishe & Payke) MUST be connected
to the hot valve. T]ecappreve/tswate leaking
fom tie ho valve.
2 y'is[el
Step 5
Insert; the four ubbe leveling feet nserts into the
feet on the base of the washer (See d agram 1).
Move t ]e washer ntoitsfnalpostion Wesuggest
am /m mceaa/ceof]" (2 nm) on each "sidefo
ease of insta ation (See diagam 2)
Turn on water and check hose connections for eaks.
Check that: thee are no kn s in the hoses.
It:s MPORI}A,NTto level the washer to ensure poper
perfor nance during spin
Adjus the feet by unscrew ng/sc ewing to make sure
thewashe is level and cannot ock.
_ Use the waIB an(] adjacent cot nter tops as a sght
gude to check to see if washer appea s le\/el.
i:/ead]t st he feet if necessa y
( ,a P(
)iagh /
Osen the lidand check the washer tub to seethat it ,,> e_
sis slightly forward of cenre (Seed aqram _)
(> : /
(ji,l _!

Ins-talla-tior Instructions
7 (lose the lid Vs ally check tha the id and top(._eckae aligned. If no algned, adust the feet
a(Fanun _t,e d and opdeck matct,
Step 6
1 Tun faucets on, (beck for eaks, nose, vista on, correct water t:enseratures and prope
operatoninspn. Check that tt'e d ocksdu n_jspn
2 Tu /hotandcodwate faucets of' whenwasser s /otinuse
Special Instruct ons
1 Thewashe maygvewaningsg/alsvvhe/Iowwaterpre_;;ue, o dranpobemsae
encounte ed %_ qfYour h}tCAth8 " Beeps For/lelp (page %).
If futhe help i, / _d_d concer ling this appl ante, refer to Service, page 40,

Installation Instructions
Spec al Requirements for Alcove or Closet Installation
The minimum ventatnn clearance between the washe aid adacent was or nther sufaces is:
1"(25 nm} nnmun eithe sde and font
3"(7 nn} n /mun ea
hl 60 ',c i
Cnnsderatonm st be given to prov d ng
adequateceaancefor /stallatn/andsevci/(.
The minimun w tca space required fore :1(:>o
tooverhea( sheve'; cabinets ce sgsetcisSg"
Iq (388 $3 <1
Closet does must be Iouvered or otherw se
ve/t Bred and have at east 60 squae inches open
area {{>a washer ony o f he coset contaim both
a was ]er and dye, doos must contain at least 120
squae inches of open aea eqt ally d stributed.
De not install this appliance in a closet with a solid door.
(!'/: :_,:}i (((!
Yi{ e &[_'(
_0 Sq i
Mobile Home Installation
ns a ation mus conform to the SFAI DARD FOR/kAOBILE HOMES, ANS A 19.1 and NATIONA
Grounding Instructions
Ths appliance must be grounded In tho event of malft nction or break down, g ound ng wl
edtce trle sk of eectc stock by p oviding a path of least resis ance _or elec tic current. This
appa/ce s equipped wih a cod that kas an equipment grounding conductor and a ground /g
pluq The pug must be plugged nto an appro>riate outer tlat is popey nstalled and
g ounded in accordance wit all local codes and o dinance'_
Improper connection of an equipment,-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock
Check with a qualified dectdcian or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is
properly grounded.
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance - if it will not fit the outlet,, have a proper
outlet installed by a qualified dectdcian.
Specifcation u}l ,.t to change w thout not ce
/ 0

tart r f
Read al! Safety Information Before Usng
Many washers are located near a gas dryer or a water heater in the home
Fire Hazard
For your safety the information in this manual most be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosior_ or to prevent
property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance,
Installation and service most be performed by a qualified
installer, service agency or the gas supplier,
What to do if You Smell Gas
)O N(Tr try to li<_ht any app ante.
)O NO-r touch an electrica sw tch; do not use any phone in you bu ding
Ceartt_e oom buildingo aeaofa oct pans.
rmediateycalyouroassupplie fonyou neghbo'sphone
Folow tt'e r_as supp e s instructions
{youcannotteachyoutr_assupp et, ca heftedepattment
Water Heater Safety
bnde cetan conditions k/ydoyen gas nay be poduced in a water hr,atetthat has not been
used "o two weeks or mote.
fthehotwate has not been used for two weeks o noe, pevent hepossib tyofdanageor
_iuybytunngonallhotwae qwcetsandallow_q t_em to tun f,') seveta minutesbef,,;e
tsnrja/yeec calapplancewNct_isconnected_tc>thet_otwatetsysten, Thswllaowa/y
hydogenrjasto<scape S /cetherjas sfammabe do/o smoke{; usean openfameot
appa/cedur/9 hispmcess

po ta t rst
c ....v._--/ , CtiO NS
£mectrk Shock Hazard
Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide
Failure to do so car result in death, electric shock, fire or injury
to persons
Safety Precautions:
_:/eadall instructions before Lsng the applia _ce
Use ths appliance only _or ts ntended pu pose as desc bed n ths User Guide.
This washer must be p operly /stalled and ocatedinaccordancewih heh/st:allato/
o Popery gound to conform wth all goverfing codes and ord lances.
Folowdetais ]thelnstallatonlnstuctions
Do/o nstall or store washer where t will be exposed e te ripe atu es below f eez ng o
exposed o tie weather.
Connect: oapopelyrated, preecteda/dszedpowe suppycrcu to ave d elect ical ever ead.
Connect e adequate plumb /g and drain ;acilities as desc bed thel/st:allaton nsructions.
,.;noffwaterfaucetswhen hewashe is not: nuseto elievepessueonhosesandvavesa/d
to mnnze eakages if a hose o valve shoud beak or uptu e.
Do/e epa or rep ace a /y part: of the appliance or attempt a /y se v cing unless specifically
recommended in ths Jser Guide o in published use epa instructions that: you understand,
and have sklls to cary out.
Wt-e/discon/ectngheapplia/cepu by t'e plug rather hanthecederiu/ctionefcedto
avod dama<_e to the cod o junctio/of_:t_e cod aid pig.
Make sure that t'e co d is located so that twillno be stepped on, t ppedovero et_ewise
sublet to damageo stress.
o Keepalla /dry aids (such as dete gents, bleach, fi_b csoftener, etc ) out of the reach of
ch den pefi,raby nalockedcabinet:. Obsevea wanngso/conta let abels to avoid
persona injury.
Do not tampe wth the cont o s
Keep fl'e area aotnd/u/deneath your app aloe tee fern the accumulato/of combustble
materals su haslin paper, a(_s, chemicals etc.
Keep the floor aound your applia/ce tea/and dry o reducet]e possibliy of s pp /9.
Neve reach/tothewasher fthetubo a(_tato ismovng

rrpo tart aI :t), .... r- '
= Re£ore load _g, unloading ot adding clothes, press START!PAUSE and wait untl the machine has
comp etely sopped before openi/g tt'e d.
Cosesupervision snecessayifthisapp ance is used by or nea cHIden Do not allowct,ildten
to play inside oton or wth ths applia/ce otany discarded applia/ce
)ispose ofdscaded app ances and shppng/packing maerias poperly Be_ore discardng a
washe, o removing fore service, remove the washer d
)o not leave the washer dupduingthecycleThemachnewi notfundon, ostart, cose d
)o not: wash o dyatcles t-a have beenceaned washed n soaked n, otspo ed w h
combustbleotexposvesubstances(stchaswax oi pain,gaso ne, degeasers dy-cean /g
sovents kerosene ec)wt'ch nay 9niteotexplode. Do no add hesesubstancestot_ewash
ware. Do no use hesesubstancesaoundyou washerand/otdye duingopea o/,ast_ey
gve o'T vapos tt_at could ignite ot exp ode
Thelaundtyptocesscan educe the flameteadancyof£_bics <,_avodsucharesult, the
gamen manufacture'scare nstuctonsshoudbefoowedverycateftly
Do not mix chlot /ebeachwihammonao acid such asvine_Fa and/or usttemove. Mixn_j
ca/produce a toxic gas whch may cause death
IKever climb on or stand o/the was _er top o lid
Do not wash fib eg ass a ticles nyourwashe Sk / ttiationcould esultfomtherenaining
pa ticles that may Be picked up by clothing du ngstbsequentwashe use
Iominimizes:hepossib yof eect cs_ock, u/plug hsappliancefomthepowersuppyo
disconnect the washer at the househo d ( is tibu ion pane by temov n_j t_e fuse ot switch ng
of_thecircutbreake be"oreattenptinganymaintenanceorcea/ /9.
= Noe Pressing the POWER button does NOT d sconnec the appliance fore the power supp y,
even though the lights ae out
Do not operae ths applia/ce f t is damaged, ma:uncto/ /g pattally disassembed o has
ross /go bokenpats incudngadamagedcotdo p g
Donor:operate hsapplia/ce fthelidhasbeenincotectyfited
fyou ae using an extensio/cord o a potta:)e electical outer device (eg mulitsocket outer
box}, ensue that: t spostonedsotha t does not come ntocontactwthwatero moisture
Do not dy a tota textile load (dry we ght) of moe than 7 k og ams n ths washer.

Getti n9 Started Ouickly
Remove the far,no softene d s}e/set Placeload evenl
A, Add Detergent
o Add dete <_mtdown the center of the a9 tarot
stem Replace%be softener dispense
fyou use fabric so_tene you need to select the
Softener RinseOpl on in heOpto/s/V_e/u(e_e
to page 20} Then pace the _abic so!tenet
dispense on top of tie agtator (Re_eto page S3}.
If You Wsh to Us_ Bleach:
Use haf the teco nmended dose of bleach,
Dilute bleach withwate a/dpot ca e:ully down he nnersu_aceoftheagitato stem, n ne
wt_ the fns (Seedagram above o re{,wto page :}2}
Selec he So: ener RinseOpt on inthe Opt ons /Vienu.Th s w l e/suetha anyresidua bleach is
flushed out of your washe. (Re:erto page 20}
om [_ H;_ndwas#I [ wool
_!N Les;s HC_a,_,_bles
4u_ sensing
B. Press POWER
C,HowDirty? C.............D...... E.......
Pressthe UPo DOWN arrows to cha/ge the HOW DIRTY leve to reflect the amount of so in
you clothes.
fyour clothes have"(;eneal"stains pess the UParow until the ed Sta led k_ht cones on
(Re_eto page 16}.
D, Fabrc Care
Your/ntu£ivc ru automat tally selects AUTO SENSING.This determines the ave age fabric type of
you load and selectsthe wash action to get the best wash result
Pressthe FABRICCAREbutton to choose the CREASABLES,WOOL o NANDWASH opt on.
(Re'e to page 16}.
E, Press START
o Your auu}washe_will start filing and sensng the size and average fable type of the bad
o [o pause you/ntuive _''at a_y ime press START/PAUSE.Thee will be a sligh delay whle t:_e
n_er tub is coasted to a sop and the lid isunbd<ed.

R Display Screen
This shows you which {>pi,.>nsyou have selected (and/o any / fecycle yoL may have chose 9
The d splay screen also shows what the machi _eis dong and how long the wash hasto go, to
keepyou informed throughout the cycle
G,Wash Cycle Progress _ .,
Asthe wash progressest_ough th_ cycleth_ foowing sym_olswi b_ shown on th_ display
sctee _to indicate the o res;ion
............ p g .......
Fling Eco qensi/g Se/_ng Wash q>ay or qoftener S>i/
Home _ Adjust
Active VVate Fabc Slower Rinse Start
Was_ Level Type FRnse
o Choose any options by scrol ing though the Opt ons Menu.
o Presshe OPTIONShuron Scroll through the opt ons by using the UP and DOWN arrows.
o o select an opton press ADJUST
o PressHOME o eurn to the man sceen
(Ref,wto pages 20 22)
k Lifecycles '_'
Thee ae 13 unque speciay desqned Li@cy,"/':'sr_'o make washing staple and easer,
I)es gn your own omato
Fruit/Wi _e
(Re{_r to pages 25 29)
Sports Shoes
Bead (eat
Daper Rinse
Comfo ter
Tub Cean
/Vax Wash

How Dirty?
Your/£7_ui_<iye_"washe/will au omat tally select: a mediu n
so eve (hree HOW DIRTY 9P s).Tt'is setting s fne _or
you average load but some oads may need pore o less
washing depending ontt_eamoun of sol onthecothes
Fo example a Dad ofdi tyieans wll need the so eve
/creased while a bath owe used only once probably
o/yneedsthe owestso leve
Ths s a special wash act: on tha aternaeswashingwifh"oursho soaks to help emovestains
lrom your 9aments (eg. tt-ree minu/es a<ji at on, "our nnc <s soak _:t'ree minutes ac_taion
etc) Stainedw useamedc nsollevelagtaionThscycle sf,'; "ge/eral'stains, /<you havea
specifc stain (e, blood, grass, fuit, w/e, chocolate o tomato} use the STAINS Li@cydMs ". (Re:er
to L/,'_cy,,/_'s_"page 28}
o_e f!_ndwa_;h
_ $iained _
Less Crease_les
Fa:tr c are
Put you clothes into you/n_uisiye _'was _erand push START/PAUSEAuto sensi/g will sensethe
ave age fabric mix of you load and select the g]twashac ontoge t:]e best wash esults. For
a norma wash oad we suggest:tie medium so leve
Delicate ga cents o'ten wr nkle easly, so they need a minimum amount of spinning at avery
sow spin speed.The Ceasabe'_ opton wll a tomaticay change the inse to adoube deep
nse and select:a shot slow spin (S00pm) to minimze w nk ng. Seectng the Ceasables
option is not oily for delicate clothes, it isalso "or m nimizing wrinkles n a/y ga me it
So_/e "abcs equre special care, such as machine washable
wooens.These wooens have been speciay teated so they
can be washed ina wash ng machine, (F/e_eto VVooens page
3I).The wool cyce hasbeen de'_igned wth agentle wash, a
spray and deepr /se and mode ate sp n (670 pm) tocareFo
mac ] ne wa_,habe woo ens
andwash isan extra gentle wash for very delicate '_b ics.Th scycle hasbeen desgned f,_>
ga nentsthat:youpeviousy ngtthavebeen elucta /t to put: ntoawashingmachine.
a_dwash hasa vey gentewash acton;a douse deep inseand a very short slow spn (SO0rpn}.
fyou do not walt to spin the cohes renembe to select Dip Dry (fete to pages 19and 21}.

(_...... h T/V
The h.o ,/_(:_/y8rr_'wash i/your/n_'u£iv+ _'<isa uniqc e wash ng method tha usesacombinatio / of
fon loader and top oader washing tect nologies Th s dial action wash gves exce ent wash
per<ormance a/d means you etanlheconvenienceandcapactyofatop oadng nachne
while nt odudng the gentle cascadewash action and energy Uric ency of afront Ioade.
Wash 1 - Detergent Activating Wash
(Front Loader Type Wash)
'(oc In_'uitiv¢?'<was]er fills he tub a the seected
tempe a u e, wth tst enough water so tha you clo hes
ae 100% sa u ated Ths sea amount of su(sy water flows
throe g ] the c othes tp a spec ally des gned portal and
back onto tie c othes in a cascade eff<,ct This wash acto/
thoroughly dissolves an( act vates the dete ge it.
The concentrate( solution of dete gent and water rapidly
ta gets stains and sois at the fibe level, boosting soil
removal and accele at ng the vvash p oce?;
Wash 2 - AgRadon Wash
(Top Loader Type Wash)
After ecrcuaing the sudsy water though the cot]es'c;r
2 S minutes, your hlruitive _' wil fill wth ust enough coo
watertosu'_pendtheclohes nsouton Yoc washerw
then sense the aveage S>brc type of the load and begn the
ag ration wash. Ag taring massages the so off the fibes a_d
away fron the clo hes Due o ts conceit a ed head start
the clothes equre ess ag tation than a conventiona top
load washer
The Detergent act vating wash is the only imedt ng the cycle that hot wate isuse( (whe/the
machine s compleely full, t_e wale will be ukewam) (As<> efe toTradto/al Wash page 22)

Your#}tui_%8*"hasa Idlock,whichIod<s
whenyour roachne sunning Thsensues
the lidcannotbe openedduing hazadous
partsofthe cycle,p oviding adoed sa'ety
/o youaid you %rally
A,_d_ec,<symbo,_p_,,d,oc,<_appears_nthe MI }_cor/e ofthe s#re_rwhen _h#_rr_a,hine
s ocke,d (i disappearswhenu/o, ked)
erringyou knowat:a gbnce whenyouca_
openthe lid
If the Id s left:open,tie machne will beunableto lockthe Id, andthecyclewill behalted,
Themath newll beepand ,smessagewll a}pear nthedispBy screen_ay_:j Pka, close
_:heId andpressSTART/PAUSE".
Do not put anything down the slot in the top deck
Do not try to disable the [idlock

All Abot..t -I- e 0 p-tior s Bt..It or
You Inl<l/itiye r,<has a 'menu' of wash op ions that you can use The buttons and the display screen
on the ght hand sde of the pane are used to seect and c._splay the d ffe ent wash op ions.
To Select a Wash Option
1 Ps] elf he the Optons UP o Opions DOWN arrow.
The Opt ons Menu w thenbedispayed
2 Scoll hough he options by using ehe the LiP o DOWN
a rows o seect an option cse the ADJUST but on Tt,e
opton wil be high ighted to st_ow you have se ec ed i.
s PessHOME, the d splay will retc n ott_ehomescreen
wt'e e your selected wast, opton(s) w bedsplayed
4 o sta he machine push START/PAUSE
If yoc wan to ct,ange any of lt-e wash option ; while you machir/e is ru/ning you will nee(){ o
pess START/PAUSE be:oe chang ng an opt o/.
l!_me _t _ ,_]ust
To Customise a Wash Option
You canpogran yoc II_to!il'iy_ '_washe to enemberthewashopio/syoupre:e. For ins ance.
you may wa /t to set you washer toawaysselectawarme washtempeaue
1 Pus] eift_er tt_e ()ptions UP o Op ions DOWN arrow.
Tt'eOptonsMe/uw tt_enbedispayed
2 Scro though theopionsunti the one you walt sdisplayed
s Seect the set /cj before the opto/you ae wanting to
change, o d down the ADJUST button "c;r 3 seconds
Yot will hear a Io/g beep aid SETTING S/WED will appea
b efyo/thescreen. Ycu pef_,wredwashoptio/sw be
at to na ica y selected every t me you urn you macNneon
and wil be disp ayed on the home sceen
4 ocha/geyou customisedoptions epeat these above steps.
Waer levels and Delay Start are not asle to be customised.
-/-irre To (}o
You Itmisiym" washer will display what stage of t_e cycle the mac_ ne is at at/( how many
minutes he wash cycle hasogo so you can tel atagancewhe_you washngw befnshed
The'Time o Go is dispayed fron the beginning of tie agtaion wash, asthe load sze and fabric
type have obedete/minedbe<c;ret]ecycletmecan }ecacuated.
A seriesof synbols ae aso disp ayed on the screen to indicate what: point the cyce isup to
( ef:erto page 1_>)

The 0 ptio ns
For al the options ment oned beow you first need to ente the OPTIONSmenu (by pressing
eithe the UP or DOWN Options bullon) Then usethe Opt:on'; ar ows to scro though he
op ions until he one you want isdisp ayed :_ressADJUSTto seect t, and HOMEto return to
The wash tern )erature option se ects the temperatt e of the detergent activating wash (tie frst
phase of ank]oActiv8 p_wash} o theagtato/stageofa aditiona wash
Cold+ (Controlled Cold)
Thetempeaueofcodwae var es depend ng on the season and a ea you vein.The owel
the water tempera ure tie less eF'ect ve the wash
COLD+-sovesthispobembyaddngasma amount of hotwaer, when necessary, toraisethe
temperature above 60°F (20°C) to give a more effect ve cod water wash
Z Wash Advance
Use the WASH ADVANCE opion to advance he cyce or start the cyce at a part cu ar stage
:_ressADJUST epeatedyuntlthepa of the cycle you want: shigh ghted V%s]Advance sa
good option f you want to skip certain parts of the cycle Pe _ect if you ony want to inse/sp /
clothes o ifyot walt: o prewash cothes etc
The PRE4WASHoptio _s a cold, (; minute pre wash %
exta d y loads Your/ntuitivi _'w beep at the end of
drain and disp ay a messageto tell you t]at it iswaiting
/o you to add tie de ergent _,')the main wash Add
detergen and pess START/PAUSEto begin the main
wash cycle.
3, Softener Rinse ""-
fyou ae a eguar user of lab c softener o beach t s impotant to chan!je this opton fore
OFF to ON, whchates he nsesothatfab c softener can be dispensed cor ectly and ens es
anyresdua bleach is cleanedou of your washe .You only nee( oseectthsopto/o/ce you
/ntuitive"wil automa callyrememberanddefau toi everyt me you use you washer.

]-he Opti ons
4. Delay Sta_'t
Use DELAY START to delay t'e start olthe wash cyce
beween Stunt esand 8hot s. Sco the OPTIONS
men tnt DELAY START is st-own tsetse ADJUST
burro / to choose how ong you want the math ne
_:odeay "or Sress START/PAUSE o be<jn t_e delay
cou/tdown. Once t_e deay countdow / has begu l, it
can be ca/,{e ed by pessing START/PAUSE aga /.
Be careftI. f usng Delay Start for n,on-c..Iorfa_t_," cloth_,'_ that are damp, o whe/usng bleach, as
dye's nay run and fa }tic da nage may occur
5. Save Time
SAVE TIME allows you toshorte/thewas_cyce'<;r c_hlysoedcothes. Seecing hisopton
means t,e nse soaka/dspntmesarea reduced Io save more t me decease the so leve
using he HOWDRTYbuto/,thswill educe t ]e wash me. SAVETlMEcanbetumedo/o of
a any_:ine duing tie cycle
6. Soak
SOAKpovidesa2hou soak in t'e nddleofthewashpt'aseand fencompeesthe estof
_:t_ecyce/}urn(jsoakyou was]erw agiate/{> af_wsecondseveym /ue. Soakcanbe
st,or ened to one four f SAVE TIME is selected.
X Drp Dry
DR P DRY pauses the washer a t'eendoftherinsealowngyoutoremoved p-drygarments
be_{}re tt'e wast' goes/lo fnal sp /.Tt'e wast'e wi beep and dsplay a message tote you tt'al
i is wai ing _or anott'er ins(ruct on.
Pess START/PAUSE to begin the spin

The 0 ptio ns
& Max Spin Speed
Ths opio/allows you to change the auo sensing spin speed from
fast (lO00 pro) dow_ to medium ((:70 rp%
9. Water Levels
Your/ntu/t/ve" washe can at tomatica y select the k;ht water eve
fi,, the oad Asyour machine fills t wll pause occas onally to sense
the water level The nach _ewill check if the ware level iscoect
by using aseriesof 2 d_'een agtaesrokes A dow stoketo sense
the load and an agi ate stoke to nx the o<-Jd(his may take ove a
m _ute)If it detects tha the w_er evel s not:hgh enough, will fill
wt_ moe wate aid recheck
Your washer may occasionally add water <uting agitat:on.Th s s
to mainta n the watet level due to the eeaseofa trapped in
the garments
Fo some loadsyou may want to manually sdect the wate level
When washing antnusualload, suck'as argebukyga nensor
pillows we ecommend you ma/ually seed the ware level or use
t_e COMFORTERli:ecyce.
The ag tarot hasfve levels maked on its stem that can be used to
helpyot selec tt'eco edwate level.]hemakneares to the op
of _tt'ec othes ind ca es the wate leve you st_ould seect. The levels
marked on the agitator are a guide for the @y clothes and do not
correspond exactly to the water level. Selecting a ware level that
s too high can cause ou of balance loads,tangling or splas _ove
if there s already water n your Intuitive _', before yot start your
wash, he e may be a short pause be{,o e sa swashng.
}epend 4j on the amotnt of water in _the bowl i nay
auomatcallysa the dete gent act vat n<}wash (without adding
any morewate)o movestarFh othea(Ftatio/washifthere sa
ot of ware in the bowl.
l O,Traditional Wash
Your Intuitive" washe can be setto a't aditiona'top oad n_j wash, whee the coth_,s ae
ag rated in abowl flu of ware at the temperature you have seected
Selec T adit o/al wash ON.

The Wash ..... ......g c,
After using your/nt/Jfcfye wa ,her you may want to fine tune some o: the options to sut your
wash needs. Anything changed n ths Ad}ust Settings Menu is a permanent change, unles;
'Reset Defaul s is selected, ....seepga o 24,
To Access the Adjust Settings Menu:
1 Push the OPTIONS UP or OPTIONS DOWN bu ton, and hold dow/
_o 2 _eco/ds The Adjst Options Menu wll the/be disp ayed
2 Scro though the sc eens until the opt: on yot wish toadust s
shown Press Opt o _s UP or DOWN to scroll
s Pess ADJUSTs:o hghlight the option you wantThs opio_ w
be permanently se. o riser the option repea above steps.
$1 b Wash %rap Adjust = %rope ature of Wash Wate
The wash ter" pea u es can be ad,usted if you think they are too hot or too cod
Access the Adjust Sett ngs Menu (refi,r above)
Use tie ADJUST button 1o move the curso through the boxes to decease o/crease tie wash
tempeatue achmovement sapproxmateyl°l. PessHOMEo/cetheboxw h t:]e number
ofdegees you walt to cha/ge the wash tempeatt e to is hghlighted.
$2 b_,Auto Water Level Adjustment
If yot are not sa isfed with he wae evel that: your/nt_k'iy_ _'washer fills to on auto water evel,
you can/crease o decrease the fi eve that atto will seed.
Access the Adjust Sett ngs Menu (refi,r above)
Sco to the AUTOW£TER LEVEL sceen
Use the ADJUST }utton to move the curso through the boxes to decease o/crease the f
leve Theboxesonthele:tsideofthece/terpointdecreasethef eve an( those boxes on the
right inc ease the fill eveI.Then pess HOME.
Note: If you fi_e here s not; enough water _,'>the oad we ecom send you check by paus ng
the nach ne and push ng the clothes down oseehowmuchspaewaer sa thebottonof
the bowl.(otheso_tenfoatandyou washer can sense thewate under the clothes
J!(>!(: (:]O', fo S ((>'(S
$3 _*Default Rinse = Rinse Default Options
This menu changes the nse option that s automatically selected when you f st tu / yo r
machine o/.You may wish to cha/ge the type of inse selected for a lumber of easons. If you
haveaproblenw h impu ties nyourwae supply you may get:abette washifyouc]ange
the nseoptonto wodeep nseso aSpray?x )eepr /se
Access the Adtst Sett ngs Menu (re :er above),
Sco to he DEFAUt.T RINSE screen Seectthernseopt:onyo peter
Spray & }eep Spray r /se _ollowed by 1 deep rime
S /gle Deep Slot spn'ollowed by 1 deep inse
}ouble Deep 2 deep rnses
Showe S]owe rinse
You nach ne de'auks to a Shower inse Th s rinse al emately showers the clo t_es wt_ waer
aid sp /s them to emove the sudsy water. It s no desk;ned to be tsed witt,'.-_b c sofener as a
st'owe r /sedoes lot useadeep inseso cannot dispensefa)ricso",ene corecty.

Adjustir9 T e Was .....lIr"....
$4 b Creasable Spin Speed
The Creasabe %,b c care opto/is designed wth a slow spin speed. However if you wis] to have
a'aste sp / speed you can }rogam Ceasablesto have a medum sp / speed
Access the AdjustSet ngs/v_enu(e'e to page 23).
Scroll to the CREASABLE SPIN SPEED sceen
Press ADJUST to seect he CREASABLE SPIN SPEED you want _:he/press HOME.
SS _, Out of Balance Recover},,"
When yourwashe isspnnng t can sense when the wash oad soutofbaanceandw stop
and etry sp nn ng up to three tiT]es fthe nach /e still senses an unba anted load thee ae
two options the, math ne can take
Automatic Recovery Acton Yott washer vvll try to automatica y correct the oft of balance
oad I willfllwithwate a/dagtateto edist >utethe oa( befoetryngtospinupagai/.
/\4ach[ne Stops Action %ur vva_h_ r will stop, gve a shot burst: of beeps ev<y fve seco _ds,
and disp ay a message to et you know to red s ribu e tie load moe eve/y you se : (Jse tlis
option if you wish to co/se ve vvater).
Your machine art ved set to _:he"Machine Stops Act o/'
To set to Auto naric Recove y:
Access he Adjust iettngsMenu(e_e to page 23).
Scroll to he OUT OF BALANCE RECOVERY sceen
Select ON Press HOME.
S6_ End of Cycle Beeps
Thebeepssignall _g he,end oft_e cyclecanbese o zeo, fiveo f/_een
Access the Adjus Sett ngs Menu ( ef_'r to page 23).
Scroll o the END OF CYCLE BEEPS screen
Use the ADJUST button to highlgh( the numbe of beepsyou want. Pess HOME
$7 k_Display Br ghtness
Youaeabletoater t,ebightnessofyourdispayscreentosui heligt_ ng ev< around you
washe /,res tn AZdUST button until you peferedbright/ess evelisdispayed
$8 b- Reset DefauJts
fyou aewanting to eset al sett]gs backlo those that: are set whe] your machne leaves
ou %cto y, access he Adu'< %tt /gs/v'enu (e{,w to page 23) and scroll to RESET DEFAUL]-S
screen Press ADJUST and hod/o 2 seconds you wi hea a ong beep, then a mes';age saying
SE]TINGS SAVED wll appear Then pess HOME,

\/OUt/l'£'uJt/verr, has a range of special Lif_cyc/_s" to make washing even easer
_ P s_the LFECYCLEBbutton
2 Usehe OPTIONSbutton to scroll through the fve Iffc_cyclemenus, or you can pess the fecycles
button epea ed y.
s Usehe AD}UST button _:,.}select a "{-cycle
4 Pess HOME to eturn to the man sceen
L1;_,Favorite Cycie
TheFavoi_ecyclelesyo desg/your deal wash cycle. Your Favor te cyde can include any wash
opto/and t can sat from a/y point in he cycle. Fo ins ance, it may be a cyce o wash you
gym gear or tmayBeari/sea_dspn ori/seoutswinsuts
SelectyourFavote op ions(e.gchange
_ PessLIFECYCLEBTheFavote Option
s Pess HOME
l PressLiFECYCLEBThe Favorte ()pt on will be disp ayed.
2 Pess ADXJBT,to t_gh ght USEFAVOBFE.
s Pess HOME
It:is not:possible to program a delay sta/t, or any ofthe Li@o/c/_s_"int:othe Favo/ite cyde.

Lifec ties TM
...... y,_
L2 }_,Family Cycles
A cycle For r t/s rig daper sanit sets from cloth d apers. A slow spin, deep rinse, and a spray tnse.
(See in%r nat on on Daper Sanitise s/B each n Washing Difficult Items page _l).
Comf,oters ae difficuk items to wash as t]ey are >ulkyand often float out of the wate during
the wash (SeeWash _gBulky lems page 31). The (o nfo ter cyce s atrad tiona de cate wash
wt_ a doube deep rise aid a slow spn designed to cae "or tlese bulky iems.
The ( isplay sceen will gude you through the wash to mini n ze any chance of bulky tens
coming in contact with stato]ary pats of the math ]e
Ths cyce has been designed specia ly "c;r asthma
su/;eesa/dpeopewthsensiivesk /. Using hscycle
killsdus rotes,aswellasremovinghei wastesandany
taces of detergen A hot fco/_CL/Ve rr_'was1 provkJes fs
hot concentrateddeegen soluto_ whchdecmates
mtes and bacte a This s/i_owed by a warm/hot
t aditio _a agi ate and s f _shed by lengthy imes and
a %st spn.This cyce is not: econnended % gaments
prolo to colo rbl

Lifeo cTM
L3 _ Sport Cycles
Thecot_esyouexercseinre_suiea tteextacare o erovetheodosanddirtthattend o
penetrateinothe_abrcstudueTt'scycle ncoporatesawam/hotwast_wthaq_s spnto
tea/sweaty spots c othes.
C othes that have mid on them need to be washed in a
specalwaysoa traces can be <moved Mtdrequiesa
codwate wash wis;hlots of d uton;ttecodwate is the
key,aswashng warnsesthemudstainThscycleha'_
acodpewash_cllowedbyacodwashwithexta inses
to he p get:mud ou of spots gear.
A warm/cold, mediu n low, trad donal agitat o / wask, wth a Ight wasq act: on whch/dudes
alm /utesoak ntqemiddeof heagitate adoubedeep nse and a fast spin to freshen up
spots shoesThs cycle s also gear _or cean qg up ch dreqs washable toys
Sand, g ass and other pa t clesthat get ntoyourwasha/:te aday in the outdoors need spec al
treat_lent, ot]erwseyouendupwth npuri esstayng nthewrnklesofwashediers.This
cyclew Itepremovethese npurtes Ifyour water sou ce contains deposi sofany kind this
cycle wl minimize the e%cts Ths cyce consists of a cold _o Actiye_'_wash, cold agitate, and
ha_,a double deep rinse and afast:spin

L4 ks,Stain Cycles
Thereae a _ robe ofsains that need special reatmens due to hei unique composions
Some wate enpea es actually set stains rJher hart removing t]em Usethese Lif#,cyclcs_'_:o
(hocolatf, i acomplexmixureof%s proren a_dsu<#arbi_ialythf _sa_is reaudwtha
warm/h<;t;k:oi_ctivc,'_'was_tha de ve_sthe activeingredientsof he de ege _ti_to he core
ofhe stainI_ffliJ£Jverr';:heni _corporatesa soakwit_ awarn was_to e u_blehe enzynesint:_e
det:ergento breakdown both he p o einsandthe fats Thecyce isthenfinishedoff wth a
sprayanddeep r_se,andafas spin
{_eea<h tells us that ketchup and pata sans aretho
mostconnon taimsptorcot:h_s]his sactually
agreasy slain that takesa bi of work to emovn An
nt:nrntten soakn(_poceduehasbnen n(:udedto
get the bone i_of he enzyme,s wthn t:h__detergent:.
Thscy_e onqssofawarm/ho f_o£ctiv_ '_'wash a
warm ag ae with a soJking _ycle, aspray a_d deep
i_se, a_d a fast spin
Ths cycle s f_; those pro e / based sa/s ke blood and grassthat set if they ae subjected to
warmwae fs This cycle hasacddfco/_ctiyd '_wash,warmagiae,aspayanddeepr_se,
and a %s spn.
tisinpotant o reattt'esesa /s mmediateywthsodawater lye( have t or codwae.
The F-n /Wine cyce wil finist - off ke process. Some dere gents conta n co o -sa'e bleach ]t_ey
woudbepe_ecthereas t,ehghertemperatures thef_o£cSy, _'washactvatethebeact'
Ths wash has awarr/t'ot/]o/_ct/ve _'wash wtt' a wart agi ate, a spay and deep rise and a

L5 _ Extra Cycles
Ifyou eguarly use%brc softene,(ef,',r to Scud page 33),
or o/y wasp in cold water we ecom nend that you pu
yourwashe throughaTubCleancycle2 4timesayea.
TPiscycle hasa ho E(:oAciveTM wash a hot agis:ateand a
2-hot soak It finishes w t _two deep rinses and very sho t
sp /. (Refero'ceanng tie inside of your washe'page _4).
A heavy-dutywashq;r reallydrty terns likeworkclothes
ThiscycleisespecMlyuseful"or smallk;ads hat requirea
Neme (

Sorting and Loading
To get the best wash resu ts t pays to sort your c othes be_<-re wash ng
Cae labelswll tellyouabout the%brc of thega mentandhow t shouldbewas_ed.
Sot clothes accoding to the type and amou st of sol Sone soils sut warmer washes
(e.g,oy sos), wh e ot_es ae best washed in cod water (e.g mud, blood gass)
(See Lif¢_y¢_';_'pages 25 29).
Sot whte'ab csfrom colored %_bcs (his avods the possbility of dye transf%r}
Washint givers and lint collectors separatey Where possib e,turn lilt collecto s inside out.
Cheni le
cry cloth Perm>_ne¢ Pess
Check Pockets
oose items can da nage both your washe and your clothes.
Close Z[ppe_'s_Hooks and Eyes
To nake sure that these iems do not snag on other clothes.
Mend A_syTom 6a_'me_'_ts
I_ars or hoes may becone lager during wash ng. Remove any loose bra wres ashey can
damage you wash /gmachnea/d/o dryer
Avoid spraying sta/ emoves onto a/y washi/g machine surfaces
For a Balanced Load place un :olded clothes evenly around the ag ta or Do not wrap large
terns, sue1 as sheets,aound the ag taro. A mixture of sma and lage tens wll wash the best
Make Sure the Water' Level Suts the Load Size
Usng too ntch waer can cause splashing and out of bSance oads [o reduce his isk, use
AUTO SENSING oads that: extend a :)ove the d spenser may a so cause splash ng