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Fisher & Paykel Appliances
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New Model Introduction - IWL-15
To coincide with the introduction of the Intuitive dryer (DEIX2, DGIX2) into the U.S. market we are also pleased to announce the
introduction of the IWL-15. The IWL-15 is essentially the same machine as the IWL-12 with a restyled control panel.
Diagnostics / Service Manual
The diagnostics for the IWL-15 are the same as for the IWL-12. The only change to the service manual (517766B) is to include
the new model number.
Spare Parts
The parts manual for the IWL-15, part number 96192-A is available on CoolBlue World on the Fisher & Paykel website.
Note: It is important when ordering spare parts that the complete product code including the suffix letter is used.
Display Brightness
The IWL-15 incorporates a new feature whereby the display brightness can be adjusted. Under normal circumstances this
feature would only be used if there is a matching Intuitive™ dryer alongside and the brightness levels between them are different.
The display brightness adjustment is made through the Adjust Options Menu (Refer next page).
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