Electric $_@(k Hazard
[{÷ad and follow t_e [MPOR°IXN°F SAFETY NST[<tSCT ONS
o_ttined i'_ ths/,_se_' Guide b÷fo_e operat ng this appl ant÷,
}?:}ages11 13,
ailu_e to do so can _'esult n deat_'_ e ectdc s_ock_ fife o__niu_y
qeaseN,'>e o,'>,a_ ax _ eii<,, y /< I t ve was ei s lea!> ytoleai a_c
a<!al}t o le n<xleiv o _ e t _/i _is}/ akeseve_81was/<y(es, leein<, ax_ t_ eie{:/y
efi<:e <:y/_ay/o besi:_eved',ll ila o[was/<:y<eslave!:_eei<:ol }ee( /s
s all}/ta<e abo tS<y<e
Page 44 - 79
Asa_ NERGYS1XR Par e Fsher &Paykel/ m edhas determ _ed
talc t_s p oduct mee/s EN_:/%YS[AR gu del nes/or e el'_y ef/ic ency_

Gett; _sg Stab'ted Qucky
flow Xty?
F_sb_,k Ca_÷
AuoSe s/q,(essabesWool '_andwat
[co A<:tve \Absb
A Abot_ T eOpto_sButol_
Te Op/ o_s
I"IT p<laru e,(} _c_oll_d(rid, Wasl A:w _<e.SaveWatel
Dela) Sa ,Save lh e,_oak Dip )ly
£axS>l S>eed, i,iat< eves, iadt<> _lWa
Ad}_st fFTseWashSettngs
A }W/re levelA/ ,£_ i ,D:,[a_l /:[ 'e
ea',a:leSi;i Sped,() _:>f BSa c,[-:,c>veiy
_( .'> C).deBee)Rese }ea'.ll Seii s
Favo ke (}y,' le
}<,sig_ yo Owl Wa'l
Nape P _se.{oN'> e,AIbuy
Sweaty rv' coy, S/;o sSIoe% ,e4_c (_ea
Fxta Cycles
Sot _g& Load g
VV_ss gDffo,_t tests
Woolle_ ens,@ ky !e_s [}apel _ali sel iNea<
Fab!'k Sol ete_
Ca nggo Yo_s_'_t_stve
(l_a_ _g,A t(: _at<: I /tSyste_
So ds aid Beeps Pod cs lat%'S/I Dal aS/eyo /]/d ve
f%q'>_l' astu_veBeeps/:ot/ ep
Ope/'a _sg P ob/e!ns
Was_ P ebems
L s_ ed %/Y'a_/a!!t}i
(Io<:oate, R:>_a <:>,J!oodi6 ass,F_(tiW _e
(:lea_ waxWas_

< _,' a' i g _ i e,_',:,1e5 P_ykel iz,' ,:re ve 7 ,,'#
(>ill W_SI efa ( t/( ',t I_'y W ',eive y(}l WII io / a y y{afs
k ['i_ !sI aykel we a_ to i_ <}vki _iovat ve i,qo( ( slat e ,,[ _ >leto _se, @lgol ()iT i(} ai(]
e_e(!yei_<es Io saldsoito_iesc# was_ _(sa <: 70 yeas<} 4_ul<!yexpeie <e _aveh<_e
i}<} ai_l e< iioyo was1 is(s _iscl eto epqvey<xlt ebes/)oss )le pefo/ a <e
W,, /(>!>ey(> ,lioy}io/I i',wwasl /g _a( le
we lave <}el_a/qy e !oyed ces{!/s/s_ i
.................. i...............
h s rYpo/tal-l: :_at /etse_Gudes o d bel'_tanedwit/t eappiancefo_ f rue
refee_/ce S/o IdtlseappJancebe'_(( o/t_an_f_,l'ed :oanol_e ow_!e/,swaysen, /e
l}/a/lheUse G_de s}eftwt t_eappiance _/o_de_t att_enevvovvne ca f_n a_ze
_henseveswt_eapp anceandth_! eleva _ w_m _gs_

/ /
/ ,/
{!1( I /(i (/: !(_
t ? t Jt ;Ni?
!5{ p (!2'/;,
M'_ 5 psi ( 41<',a
De 25 '/," (650 /'_)
Wdd 25'/"(650 /'_0
I g'htt.t<:l: <'F 40" 4 /4 (J020 1)(_(/_
I < g _ Id oJ>e/ 55' 563/4 ( J4(}O ] 440m

l?emovh'_gDasketPackera_'_dN:< ÷ssor es
s,!ii_tl <,liSa d_er_<:w <:_(::><:>acJbas/qe pa<:/<e f<rn
_ '_Co:_ ."<,<_r b<,l< _
;_.Keel:, _e 1: > tolr r,.,c!cer _ir' {:<_<,!ec/_o</er h :,,<.e
d_ey are e:/t irmci kx t/uie r<_r<.i_
:/,felt :}v< I :}s_'..<:;L_DD;>le < i,lcJh <,ll#tior /_s(k.
';@ 4._>.";' }< ['J;s.¢ I'
:........ iii
_ I ]rksh 1(;>_7JtliJe
Step 3
tim v'a I _<rby pt I!ir'7 le exl_<bsecJp_,i_ the I:_se
;©','q /< I S 51c _ _ ,q {bt77
;_.71e lose cjtli 7e is tsseJ _<:,Tt i :]e le <Trsh los >:_.,er _fie
?uL <)r !::< :l_ip7 l? ;'itJC7 {:m 7i cec] o the _!_,i/I:>se
7{_peie <i{_l<xhqclm ]l.<i/IcseqoulcJ ,se cJ
_io,' i4"(7)_ _) I_< _/qee,c] :f I 7/iqe
I_ e<:<>ssay _ieda ilose<a be!h i edso el9 _
s, Pa,'et/ec:a ioseii_ e la ic/y _ bo staisS}l}e
_ _ soeya>a_ e_so aiy }>e Ioo hsa s o
t,e a<:l h e s_o c >e ,s!allec ,'x'_a < a ie<JI,o}
_ C e<k t_atde t <:>lstan< >peis _ee i,'>_ I _ <}
<}t e_ ob t_<;to_ssloeoe,,bl>eat_s_e wa _e_
_ ase_el 54 ]a_o <olo exceeda5_4 < :>pc
e o (78)
f,} L}c _}<1<

!!i !!1!71ilililili
_,(No!_e_1"_Ii,::lViI_I/ q'_•cthatth_Ii(:!aridtopded<arealigr_x:LI1"not_!_ligr_edadjtls!:d_eiee_
I I [
<',/ir( _ ( (,>iI
o ]) (( /i ,: t --
'<',/lrd Jl t fbA ;l>'if
o{i) ) (;T (7[ --
Step 6
I ....................... i
Special I tsl:ructions,
, < ' fI_ _,'.11'<:' .<" i rfif_.I _.iJi )1! Villi ](:.'q 4i7;!7!!i i1) tll.;>. ) :if!iN p :):)b'rll
']I i ()t 111_N'IXI ,;.... ':'h ....,t r Irlt t ,.......... },>i_r h II::'q:)ig7 7)
t() :, [VI( : i);, t:' 't} [tlltl N" I 7iiii i / e (;{ (: (o _( :)i i/(/ [_i /)};liii i% I)[)i ' • '

(o sid iaqo _ st :>e:/vei toi_ovidig
a(eq,ae<lealsl<< o hsa s o a < ev<i :/
[I _,}n im veitcaIs}:}a(},,}'_c },<:i[/ol too}
o,'>ve _ac/s eves ::ab es celhqsetc sS!,
(500i / }
( }os(t doo I(}tlv ,{,(Jo} ()q , wis,
v< ilaeda,c _aveatJeas dOsqtale _(les()>e/
aea _o a was4e <:>ly ,')_ tie ,,(:>set c,'x ta ,s hol
awssle a c dyei doos _(stco al at east 2(}
sq 4_e c_e o o}eiseaeq_a y tit hue<
Do not i_sta/ ths app/_nc÷ in a dos_l wth a sold dooL
iii[ii ....
i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i [hi
Mob eHone _stalaton
I 'tallat ,_ _::> : _ o tl_ _/,_,N >AI_>I (I, jy()p I(}i,, _,iN',///_ aic isXrONXl
!,iOl'l /(}_,,' (ON_r/' ( (}N5 >AFI Y >FAN_}_It},xi_OF !_,'4 (P !,_ _!'_)
_lis a:l} al ,'e / st t:e g >t/ ded i tee Jet i a ti (t :}i :} t:,ak d}wi, gl,q/i ( g wil
,lu<:etlels/ _,lecttirslo<: t:ypt<>', di gap_t lest essti:!lcefi> e <tk < telt iis
appli_i<_, seq _p_'(lwtl acodtl_t ia a _(!t p/to T g _tll(:tg col Itl(to at,:/aqotndii
i:_ g lie i:,lug iust Ig e_ tit<: al apl> >1: iat out,t tlat s pt >:_eily i/ sta ,d at:/
g :ed a< ocat<e wq a o:al ::es at( :}tci 8i(:
_mp_'opef co__]ectio;] of a_seq_aipme_] _gfou_sd _sgco 'tductof ca_s_s_t in a _'sk of elec _'c shock
C_heckwth a qua i£ed e/e( _dcia_ o_ se_w#_ma_ f yo_4ae _ doubt as to w_ethe_ _t'e a_s_/ias_x<_is
p_ope_ly gt'ousded
Do not modify the pug provided w t_I_the spp ia_sce f it w[I not ft the ou@<_}laVea popeF
outlet instal _edby aqua_lied electrician
Spe(:fid:a!:(> :}',dectt:_cla gewtlo_t otce

}},Ju. ....... . ;,_
t_ adal Ad ty _,fo 'n<£io_ fo Js _g
Many wasIos ae Io t:>d no;_ a g_s @ye or a wat_:,_ ho;4_i, in the ton:%
Fi_e Hazard
I::::o_you_ saf_ty dBe info_matio_ in this manual msst be
followed to m nimize tt_e _sl< of fi<e 0_ explos on o_ to p_eveot
p_'ope_'ty damage, pe_sonal niu_y o_ loss of ire
Do nol sto_+o_ us_ ga oIine o_ o@v+_ flammabb: vapors and
iquids n l'v* vdnty of his o_' any oth_>< appl an:_,
l_gallation and s_÷[vk:_ must b_ pe_fo_'med by _ Gu_AiIRM
in<;tall:_I s_÷l'vk:_ag:_n_'y o_ tl'_e ga¢ supplio_,
What to do ii"you Smell Gas
}ON() y!o i: tsiyapl>al,'}e
DONO oud a dect ,'}al swR _;do o se 1, is o eil yoll bui( is:
£1eal_< ioo , bul( Igo aeaofa o<x_,psiss
/ i e(iateyca )/,o_/gass ppe fol yo/egl >o's p o e
Folowt e g s plies _st ,,' c s
£yo <:anlo eac yo a })lei <a t e f ed<paKnen
Watel Heatel Safety
_ Je_(:;,/ta/>Id_(:>_'> I)/:/<:ge_ ;_a'_/ aybe p x: ec I awse e< e_atJa tbee_
t,se( N wo ,'/(':,ko _1<:)@
I qehotwat@_ h s_,':)tbee_ !,@di<:)[Iwovveeks,ot_ (:>£)eve_Itl_ ==posi:>lky,otda_ ageo
inui'y :y /l/ nUosa /<) wa@ a <}esal( a ow/wi t el o Isbl s velal / ii/esbebl<
'siuavdec i<:a a>:>lia_(ewl c_ s(o _e(ted o ]e i<)_wae systei N sw slk_wasy
I )/dl<)qel :ias o @s(:a}e Sce I @as i5 la _aNe do io s _o<e o seal ,,'})el Na_e o
a)plian<ed is I s_o<:ess

, h L ] L .) s t'LV + ; L _ . .) ;
Electric Shock blazafd
Fdow the safety p_'ecattio_ls outlined in ths/Jse_' G_ d÷_
Fai u_e to do so cas esslt in death, e_ectli"c shock_ fi_e o_ i!sj J_y
to pe_'sons_
_=I<'eacallilsl:t<;io s !>eft;, t itic! leai_l:>liai<,
_ thethi < <,iSl_lia<:molly i,it m_<:!o<:p ix_e_,.ch,,:i:_>:/i_q_i < tJe_ }/i:/e
_ 71i w,_<he {:epu'blOyllyi sc<_ll_,c!<, dk:x<_tedh ,,:x:_da_<:m,_iq del <.,,11,_o
h itcqol {*efotmiti <use:/
_ >1) )'_'il]_ Cjtc>t/i :! to 7or P')IIY "!i_ all uov_ql il c_,'OJ' ,_r:! }tditi<Jl 77s
:o!lo,,. dyoil h le In ,dlai<:>thtt ;iols
_ I;o _o isal! :_r s:>t7 ,,,xa<>fel ,'/eie it ,,xillL_ee_po<.e#_,'>empet,,t msL_dov, i eezing ct
'SIOO 7d >!ly/"('571yl
_ 7o/ _e<: oapiopelyi;,te:/,pr:m;m:/<,_c:!<.iz ://:o,'ier uppl 7 :h:tit <: av:i/ele;_i:,,I
_ ]:i ec: t_ade/tWtel_l/IrL,itiyo_ddl<Ji/7<x'iliie.,,', ]e<mti:edit tl_el <>talloio_h ciJls
_ 7it O7i /' _t <:t7 ;"_S/ihq 771" 'F +,sI)_'t is tio_ it t! 7 _) I_liev ,' i:)p?<,<,tlt ,> }1 I )s' DI ;! v<,lv s ,,ti
tol hh izele,,la+,esifah_syo w,Iv fouldkJeal tt,l:_Ue
_ {)c; ,'beelm ,')eph,ce,,_ylo,_t<: le ;,iopliatce<: acetp!;,c,,,y s'rvichu u_le,,<./:ecil_i,': Ily
m; £ i P'q ce(] i/ lid {Jse ( t!i_J0>,')t it /:uloli<,I ' :! U t'rx,it i/ <, UC_O <,I_ 7or/ Ut /mr <_r l,
;,ic{17ve< ill o:,,i7 :u
_ _',,'he _fi<>c:>_te,':tit7le sppli,,nc,,pull!y:l)el_l/q7 aheith_ :l)e :o '_xj tciol of :<:t"_o
;;void :Is aye t,')17' c;t_f or jt :i) ,')f he ::>d ;,rd plot7
_ _,hde <>u_etha le c:>d i I}:<_ 7<:!<,:q)a it "ill/,c he eppe,_,t, tti pe# <:vet<:tocl et,,xi e
<,t{:t]ect odo/_dylei:t S_e'_
_ I',,eey:all h,/_ (: 7 _,ld<(su_l a< lie 7ur!71c7,{:le,_{:l,falo l: <it e, e:} o (:ftlm tea}h :>
}1ild_e_,p_ef,;, ,bl7 h <_!o :kmd<x,bi ec Ob<.e_',,e<,11_:, _h : <, ;: tab mrI,_bel<,t,':;a',,:id
ise<,onali_j ty
_ !,(}l,'}c <__ls,'r,;'ifl_t e :<:t :)1<
_ /_('r> I) I)_ <st<',: <:rOtyic_/tltd"ff'<,] d)t!r o)lolJ,t7 7 7t ,;' tolr 771)7 <J(},'}t!rlit ]d iot/; ;;;iY )tls i{;1,?
nce ials,ucl ,, lit, io_pc, t;,'_!s,:1erNc,_l , ec,;
_ Y,,'eptl ,_I,':x'_l_,l:>uldy:> iai;pll<,,:e }le/,I a deity oi7: :e le/:o iblliCyof<.lipphg
_ i',Ye,,e_e,,;I i o t e,;i,_leiiYtle b,_ mr<: ,_gitao_i/t:;v g

Lef) _ I_a(ii, )a/i,_ a:dl 9 :otie pe SrAI_T//:V_,JS_ a/: wait qtlt e/ a / /e/a
:>_Flete} ,t>:ped :cite t_el(i
(k:>es/pevs:>/s e:essa:/ft sa::pla_::e s edb,/>I _ea Do <:lalk:,_w::l (/'_
o :Ay sce. o wil ]is_,HA,.<eo ,_ydsc:,_Jed_q:>:>l,_:e
I)sp.'>se<>fdisc_de<:_ppl ,noes,.d shippi q;i _ckh,:i _,_,e hasp<,>eilySefce dis<:_,_d_g_,
Was el, _t ' OV g (i Sevce e_iove Ii@ WSl@ li
3< ot <,ave lewasie Ic Ii>d igtse,'yde /swllso) les)ii a<: <:>sa dpevel
<o_plet,'> oft_e<:y<:e > esat, cos< I( a c 10essSIART//V\USE
}o _<} w sl ,'>/dya i<es lay</<e_<:lea e( _,waslec soaked ,'>ls}o edwt
<o_ >ussb(o ex>losves bsa_ces (s ,q as wax, t>J >a _,_:asolile degreases, c_yceaisng
s<>lvel s, keose e, et<:} w </ i ay ,_l eo exp<xe }oiotaddt/ese bsa (<s o lewas/
wa:( }<>_o uset_eses(bsaicesa_ou_cy<}u_wasl< a d;'o c_ye_< , /{! (>pe_a oi as lev
_ve<>f,,ap<>st a (o (/ g re<> explode
< la ic/y >/<><:<ss ,':a ec lee t e fal e iea(a :yo lab <s k_avods <:1 aiesult t e
Ks4,_ie_t i ai'Jac( e_scae hss_(c c> sale>A< 1oef:>k:>we(: ve>,'}aeuly
Do ot nx dkxie blead wl anno a o a<:c su(I as vilesa a ci<:>l Is/e hove iSix g
<a _:<>(u,'ea ox<:qaswl cl _ ay<a(sedea]
Neve <li/ boi<> staidoit ewasielto:>o id
3< iotwasl fbeglassa ces yo wasle Sk iatol <o c us'J] f<>_ e/el ann
p_ t(<s a n_sy I>e iscked Ip by <}or g (illi ?all,s<(! e t wa /el se
o tie >ossb ty o ee<: ::sod< _saopla_::e ,'>_ t eloowe_ s }oyo
(is<:(> _ _e(: tie was _e at tie <:>Is<<>< dst >/ ,'> paise by _e uovn_!_e s<, o swtd /s_
<>f lec <:G beak< >ei')ea e_ pt S a },,i ace a ce<> <:leasi,_
Noe:}essis(st ePOWER ) <> <oesNOT(: <:<> /e<: 1lea) lia <efo_ t en,'>wel p>y
event <> gl le aeo t
Do o (>; atet_s a>p a,<e t sd,sl a{!ec, i a Is< < _g patiall}/c:sasse_blec o la
_ sslg,'>/oke pats, <:l ( n_a(a_suedcod,'>l )1/'}
[}o o opq ate t sap:>ia_<e t_elc/ bee i<x> ecty fl ed
£y<> ae sis al extelsol <:o_<o al>o_tab<,ee,,}t <al (> te (i<,vce(e,;i /Ais s<c<e o/,let
!>ox) e s,,l_etia ] )os iol]e( so;t a ] toe/(;t (:<>_ie i/so (o]ac wil ware o no> t( e
..... Isl( "[ QI "T = ["A),iC{
,, I¢ y I 11]];_I[ II +,_;) I L..) I+,_,,

,31' " ::::Z) ............ /
_ "_i o,i ? !;,<; Is} Is<
'',. 'll}i ,IOtl_: !;I 7 '7i70
, /
A, Add Deterge_t
_ A(JJ(:ietege £ _w/ _ e ,el e leagi:at<:
<,tel I¢ }acefa, <,ore el :<,pe se
_ I y<>t//,'i<1>_:>tie a{:_ic: oi_71 e pla<7 i, de
f,,{: i:socele ,_il:erse t<:p ,7i:le<J:i<4<:
(1:71L>:> 7</7e33}
,_ (J',e hali_ti e _e,:o_ _ er de7 do'>e :>7{;,!_,a<:l
_ )ilt I ! 01? (;l/ill i,t }id i_>(/tTi (; 7'{t Ily (:(:Yq I(:' I/ iq ",tl /(/:' (;{ ,(}i i1( stT}l < i_ Ii/ 7
vi_l _11¢> {h ( 7 di}, I/111 i,/) 7%'7 ()I(:_ +q I_ )7 _.... }_,
.................................. I /
B Pess POWEf_
C, How Dir_:y?
I'/ess leUPo DOWNa/ows o</a _/e_ eHOWE;R_Y eve _<}/e e<: les_c',llto so h
}/(}tl <;ot ies
II_yo <,')les _sve'_!e eial'sta/sspe leUPa <w us I le ed _ta ed ::,') ms<x
(ef, itopa_e 16}
{), Fabric Care
M>u/ I tut,e _ttol_ :al/elet' AJO SFNSING Jete pl ete ave a:!e I_ab_< t;ipe :}1_
you/ oa<:fa_(: eect t ,,'!a a,' o _> e t/_'be<,twa, e _
Press leFABI_CCAA } t_<)_<) < oose leCREASAB{_S WOOLo HANDWASbo> o
('_ef tol}s e 16)
E Pess S_kRT
M:>I i,u >w,_slel will s<,t Filli ,g <, :1ses_g he size <'<re_Oe I_d_ <:tyi}e of ]e Io,_:
_,, lo :><,s i,'x,il, tve<'<t<,_y _epessSSART/PAUSE ,Ifi iscui gsl,_<_y hseo sp tieie
is ,, sliol cel,,y wile le hie/wske s <:o_,s:e: o <,s_op le Id s i_ I<:x'l<ed)
.............................................C ..........D.......E....

ill c: I;:: riiy_c; /(} q _i I::;i} {)</:: >i {71, y
/_:1;i_ v 7 7::I:>ri:; 7 _'1:
Wasi {_J I yp
H Options Menu
_ ( _<:os<_ <,_y o_ _s by s<ol! _gt_ou _de )p_s Menu
s_ Pess le OPOIX!S I* tt,')l S:_,'>llIool q_e<:>l>?o sby usi/i I UP DOWN <,lr<:>ws
_ R) see<:t 8 o}o pess AD US]
_ Pe <,/4(}M_:c:> et IsCo _ e I a <,cieel
(_<5 opages20 22}
I L f'ecycles
}'esig/ycc! :w! ;rat() Sp(rtsS_c: s AI /}y Fui:(L!eal
,',s_ (:y:ls ( _o:o8 f,,4(<:](y L)i}i}( J/ ( ',1 so,
:(}ciT/ s< ,,, ay (or f:_ter
!-rc!f:i",'T/, 77_c:1 ]7 !
(l>,eJ,,ro/,,_!m 27 29)

',olbvd(d_e<OWDIRTYliI s)Ylissei :!s i el<:
,_vag l) 'o i@ /]_,_/_@@:_i(}(@o/less
w_,sl ,gdepe_c ,go_ q_es_o!_t,'>Fso)<: )e<:<:>l s
:o ex,,_pb, ,_J<:>,,dc>Fdiy,,_s wll ee: qe s,'>ilJevd
_<:e,,se<!wli}, _ :,,_i owd ec o_ly <,_e,I:}o>_:,dy<,sly
ee,,:_sle lower sol levd
S saspecalwas/a(}to_ a_e i esvvasl Uwtl £}_4 slot oaksl(>lepiel ,')ve 8/ss
o_i yot_ g8_ e_t (e_! lee _ _,es 8{ atos, o(_ iil tl es 5o8/,%i_ee _ Ces agsa io_
ec} 9ta _edwJusea ollevelagta ol _1 scycle sfi}l geselal'sa is, fyo lavea
spe<:fi:staii (e, }lood {:/iass w /e <: <}ix}lateo ol af,} eileSYANS _,:,<:y,'es (Ref'i
toli,'cy<es pa{e 28}
F>¢y; <:lod_esi_t>yo it_ii:ivewasle a d/: sl SIX_T/PA(SE A tose_si_uwll els_.t_e
svea%e a> .' / ixo }.o Ioada ( sdec de d/tw_ a<:<..i o !elt ebes wa esuKs Fol
a/o(i a wasi <}a<_wes gge_ t e s(; Jeve
}eli(at<,,!a _(_ss<>ft(_s w_ ikleeasly sotiey_se(;( s_ iii_i( u 8_ ,'x_s ,')is> us_sua avey
sowspii s>eed ie( <a sb<,soioto wlla _( _a <:a y c a qe I<, _se oado//>eceep
/ss< a ( sele<: as o sowsp/s(300pi )t<} i _ sew ,kli _ee_: % le( e sa>les
(;} <}_ /<}to_lyf} deicae<l(£_es i ssls(;_<} wl _<e i a_yua_}es
_o_efa>i<.. < ! _'_speca <aie,su<_as_ a<_i_e was able
woo<.is _ esewoolle s ave eel spe(4.1y eaeds.'>_/eyca
bewas e( awas is{ i ac /se (Fei_l o Wool<_ spa,!e31)
ew<>o (_:elas >eelsd( .jie( vvS_age ewasi, as}a}..
ald(eep ilseald/ <>d<iaespis(6.'0/_) <><:ae_<> _scl e
waslabewo< e_s
aldw sl isa x a wasl fo v< ydeli<,_e I%> <:s <:ycP I_asbee <:esg ",di<:
{a _eis tiat yo/io(vo(sy _%it ave bee_s _d u: a_ o >u _so a was1 i,! _ia(} ie
/ssdwas Jasaveyu< lewasl ac ox sco le<eei>ii_sea_daveys_otsl,'>wspis
(3001)l) fy,'xl d,') /so wa tt,'ssp t e<<}les eliel be_t,'}see<t }lipDy(lei,'ltopages
!, a_( 2 I)

..... J'
] -., I++ / +ii ; C' I
V ....
Wash 1 - Deterge_st Activatipg Was+,
(Front Loader ]ype Wast,)
+'<:t /][t/i Ve +: 'de tl ' t b, tt e,eecteJ te peiatlle
w I ) st el<: g_wae s}t _ti<)t_i (o esae I0(7_;;,
S<_t ati; J 71is sla a_+o _: s/day wale I,'>ws t ,'>t/(]l
Im cl ,el)e<>, i_,_/:,>cial!v ]esi:r e] p _r <_1,:rid bac ol o
le dole ir ,_ca o,Ae eFfe: 71i<,",_<,/_acion ti or _uul Iv
::!i <x:lve<_,_n:/a: iv,,tes le :/eter{7 71
Wash 2 - Agita!:+o _Wash
(]op Loader ]ype Wash)
A_er e(t<; a i lea (sywale li<>t{:!_! <:< ot es fo
2-51 +st es yo ht v w f w I i/ate (> gl <oo
watertos',+l)eldt ec,oles _so to 4} was_elwl
le+_ sesse tie aveage I_ab (t},,><, of tie I,')sd sic: beg t_e
agta ,'>swas Agts is<?i as s<?esI< so of le >esa_c
awa) _(>_, I< :lotles )t6t(> ts<(>,ceita(dlead sa
ledotles_eqt +e essa{ta <:>1]la a<<)lvei <) a op
k:>acwasl er
\ \
Note:7le{}et ,,ica<:tivaql 9w sl isth< ,o ly q/ e
<: t_e,')(le Is/,') wae is sed(wleit e
i a<:l ise s<osi >letey tlll, l:_ewae wl be kewal )
(AIsoief, itoTac i<:>lsaW_sl pa e22)

_:I11' li:l:;(k, ._k'
; ] < :':'y( ]I _!
:,,c :>,]>I ;ol;l_'('i' i4]:_4] _ ;,_'I(d:}
, l,, > 'i] i Hil_',:l(I k'_ _!
d: <_:}' i I',,':;tI(;_o;;<_ li::;_"oi
, f _ ,,,gb_ii9, , ,:
:]'t ; _ ,o )_<iJf_;b :s,;j,,r¢ f;,';_ :o t<:
se leA!!:o_,i<l,Joi< Sofe_e Dis/:e se}
[ ' ' ):'l_v, o ;il _"_4, :' t (: ,l:,_:k (: > k #
Do not put anyth ng dow_ the s_ot in the top deck,
Do _sot t_7 to disabb, t'e id_ock

All " - -Ti.... -"
/ ' ,,, ) : t ilk.
Te Customise a Was _Optio _
'¢o (al]l:}o bl }/o lit tv_'wa<,/' toi_l P_/)e le va,I
ol:}_oisy<)t i:}eie F<) ilsaic(,yot a} wast osetyot_i
wa iei t<>always s<e,' a wa_e wa / te_ pe_s u e
S,Pts/ <qle leOptio/',UPo Opti,'>IsDOWNa_<:>w
71eOp o/s w lel ><_,cspayec
2 Sc<)lt <:>tGI leoi>t<sls',ll _eoieyo wa ! s( si) 4,yed
s See( t e selt ,! befoe t_e ,')p <}, y<x ae vva _ u! to
<: aisle od(,'bw_t e AD Sl I> tt,'mfo/7secoixJsYo
will iea a < _gb<:,ep a < S TfNGfAVEDw a pea
/: el_y(>l les<:leel Yo pefe/ec w_ ,')p o_ w/:e
atto _ia <:a y selec e(J every tie yot t_/] yot/adhe oi
a <: w >e<:spayedols e _o es<:ee_
4 k:><}laifjeyot <}_so_ s<c o} <) s epea leseabovesteps
N?te: viii' I')',:'l , I((/> ','¢;,,:, ?istN __ I(:!/, I v ti't r, r_ bl t(/ i( (tls!o iii< (:1
YI(:) '-' -
L) I _,)
Yo ! tuitivewaA_e will displaywlatstag<,,'bftlecy,':k,t_e aclA_eisata dhowm<_y
/ /ues lewa cy,'e as ogo, sovo (aitells a_!4, cew_el yo wasl i,_willbe il sic<
lie T_e o Qo s CiSl>ayed_<:> le o !:e ag t:_ ,'7 was_ astie I,')acsze also:
lab (t},,i)elav<, obecete _ e</>ef',elle<:vce h e<:s/e<:ak:tdated
Aseles,') sy_bolsaeas<t;ci )ayedoisle <:eeit,') isd<:aewlatpoi le<:y<eis p o
(ef,_ t,')page /5)
i !7

Y"_ _ ' _'_ " _ ' "°"2 '% c-
',.....)k2 _.i _..,, .b
o tl ,,' ......;t }t_ ' ( , !)e,'}w'/:;£_i },t t (/_}.... , q s,OPT(}/',_StI_eI',I(]}i, p"',, _ qq :t
/7[y/J/></>'DOWNk I} Htto/) El{it ,: tl : (}i)t<: _s toy/ios ol t{ o </ <}7 ",_! / !;
t_e<> "}/,')_ ',,',_ < :}l})i_</ _sAD (; L dHOME o em_ t<} le sc(e_
) I{ e<?, {},_ ( ;A<1', _/,/{} 0 <: I ,}8 >1o _ _8 <) {},t {},( io _{}, /,{},
, #
,'}i: t_{ vvssl
Coldl (Contro led Cold)
y, e>pu,_ ol_ <ld ,",_te v_l,, _<p_ ii g t,, s'_s_l ,_,_}< live TI' J ,,,"e
COLD+solws lisplc)l'_ :v (:!_(i g s _ll i_i eli oil.') ,/',,(i, I_es_,l '', o/.ise le
t ,_pe_. u_e.bove 60°- (2()°() o <:ive./<:>e effe<t ,'e<:okw_se_w<{
2 Wash Advar_ce
se le WASH AD/ANCF o )', <:>l (> sdva :e le :},ce ,'x sts_ le cyce a i) t<t al s _.e
>less ADJUST el)ea eciy _t ale pa <ff t_e cy<{e you wa_t s li g_sed Was_ A<vs c<, s 4
good<>p o fyouwsl oski}><:eitsi pats<:>ft e<:y<{e Pel_e<:t fyo c; ywa ro i eisp
<{oleo iy<>( wa t<>)ewssI co /eset<}
lePRE_54/',S o0tk: ss<7ol< 61 i teplewasl f:>lexl:a
c/) loads '_'o/il,t vewl beepst le< d,')f(isiss_c
< spsya _ essN< otellyo tss s wait ,g_<} yo os<:c
t_edee(:!e tto ile/sl wasi Adddeege/tsndpe
ST/',RT/I>/\USE oheg i t e i a wssl <y<:{e
3, Save Wat:e_
( e leSAVEW/TYEP,'))do_whe_ ;,':> w_, ) _[_[_,ze
t e al ) t )fwat,i I',ed Tie typey,')u_wa,,_e wl
::looecepe,]; letTi;e<:ffsl_ :y: aewad q
/eeaetwoSsveWste ol,ti<:)is S/_VEW£TERa dECO
(SAVE W/VI<++) }epe dl 9o _ow _ ,':_wse yo wsl
toss;ewll(<,e_ e w{ c, o} el yo s<:,le<}
S,S,',,/_W£[ Riec:u<<s lesl <:>l ofwa_e byate g t e
S< C>IO_0 ]
S! i i

T i-__ _'-'_r'_t __-__'-_c
lavelowwae pea _,o/se s vesk s t eSAVEW/YTE/_:o/:Iol
Net e _oft/esaveWatefopto s a/e designed to be sedwit lab csofter_e,Fleeae
,) e o / lat %, ix:sts,,At :e q wa', d sigt_eLaveWte o)toi,, Fo iisa e <:_,<i
la iaveal<) <> sa_sc:<}_sawc _s tie_ <>(sail eits wl <l ae <x)k>lat}aeDette ri se(
4 Delay Sla_t
J!,eD[%/\YS%F_Tto(ida) tie' air _!: ewa, yce
b'¢wee /_ al(!/S o ,':,`'<: t_eOPTIONS
/ e_ DE/AYSFi\R] s Iowl s< _eADUST
!}(it<}1 oc/oose low oi?!yo( wa_ I1 _]a(} set<)
,,':<'lay% PessS]A/_/Pi_USE obeg tie delayco cdowi
0 ce ledeay`'o/u <ow l as be _ul , it ca be::alscelle<
Dy )lea u_SIART/P/!,)S aga _
_',ote Be`'aef I /s gDeayStat o/_`')/s`'x>ofas `'lotles
lat eda_p, `') w < blea`'l asdyes/ ay alsd
lab `':ca_ia e _ay`'}cc
5, Save Thne
SA"dETME_II}w' ',1 :>!:eitie w_' /`':},':e :_i" ,o / ,' £ _', _e:,: g o:)t }
/ ei_ls ]e I've, oa a ,:/ ) _ti e' _eall/ed',lce/I:> av / oe ti e, decea,,e I :,,,}llev,]
r_lg FOWDI_TYb tto , I ',will ed ce t ew_ il e SAVEYME`':_ b _, ul e:/o <: `':>l
,,t_y i_ed h ? le`':y`':le
SOAK p `':>',,i(:e a 2 I `':>{ soak h de _Ac!:le `')f tie wa'h plase ac ile_ `':o Yp!et,s de _t of
le :y`':e }ll i<!soakyou was/e vv au atei<_ alews<,:`') dsevey _()_/(`'}_ be
slo_else( t<)oiel`'}tll _SAVFIIME ssele(e<
7, DAp Dy
Drip DRY i:)i; _ses tie w,,she :, eld ,')f he/_s, ,,l!>wi_g yo! e _<:,ve :iii* <y ,,_ e _t
befk:>ele w,_shg:>e it,'> f,A si:}_ he w_,s/_eiwll beep_,_dd by _,_ess_,]et`'>ell y`'>vq_;st
i isw,,i i _gf,x _,i:>1e has/ `' k,lt
Pess START/PAISE ol,eeh lesph

y $, ,-
.... {)
8 Max S}/, S_eed
[ <>1_,,,' ,, , t( ( _,l</.... t_ } S I;,/</ 11 q........_'" l< I
f_ I(;}0 i::_O,']<:W_tOI e<:i _ ';,Oi:,',l )
9. Water Lewes
_<>/ _t/t i( ,/1 i({ } at/(>l_ <all},is<}(_,': ! ((Jlt vv t< le<i!
tie ( s( is ,,'xl _ts, I _ , I', tv',,'ll/ ms:...........,o ,N, tos<,i 5o
t (/?{},1} :' {:' _:_,'sill { l e(;/,',if t_( ,"}_te Jg',/e s < e
..........._>11 8 £dfel<{I 7},et tesT<}<es A <_ <l ......K:t_ },<' ,<
t el<>}< a_:_8_ {},<;t{:}st_,';qeto _x q :,,,:}>< (_}, _ ,,_t}l<e,';v( }
v',,'t_ I_<}( £{141" i/_,,': "'(I : I,_
t _ _8',/ (X} o }s / {;k W;e :t// /{I },(:!8 7(},_ I Sis
I :, £s .....
t<: _ {, /t}_ I :>.i:e le',.<l <:re to _: .; :< ,< I i :{ i_
ol sore "_I,'>adsy(t t_i_,y wst {> iY 81_t Ily sel',(} wael I,,vx,I
W/el was_ _ga_ s albad, su< as al_!_buky_ia _eltso
}illows, we e:o/s iselx] y,'x, / a _ ally se e<}t tie ware leve o e
te COJ%'_FOR]I:_'_Iife<:y',:e
S(igS Oi ....
I tde stl ,tt_<,,,i}il,r ,',/<} /<_J _,)l(>t_{,/7,i lil
71e agita o las ire levis iaked or it ,,rely tla ,':a be tseJ !:o
ella yot s<lec le (<> <,<: we evd Tie _a_k leaes o t/< o>
o lec:<t/eshcicaest ewate Icy( yot_sl,,b/l(isee( %le evels
r_akedont_eagtao aeagt deS_thedrycotsesanddonot
co_responde>,'ar/ytothewate_leve,Sele< i,_awse level lat s
tool <a/<a',lseo to basl<eloacs aiglh] o plas ore
Ifth,qei < alieadyw t_i,yot_ htuitive. )doey<:t <.tat}ot_wa;I.
tl'_l _ iYuy I:,e ,, <.1 t i_ue ef<:e i :.,t 4,,sl h %! {J.>l::'7i(!h cj
(r the <_mot r_ >f .",,re h le b _,..,Iit r_<Jy t_t_l <_tic.:lly s<_ tie
:/eer+i,q ,,:tiv<,ti {7."a<h{,,'idtou ad,_hu_,iym_e.;,,,_ r}cr _<:ve
<. ,,igl otle,_gi_;i>r ..,,,<.hiftheiei <,;:lotcF,,i,_eiir le{.o_'l
10 T adTtional Wash
_oui u_vewas e_<}a_ >ese toa a<fto_al'to! load _:!
wasl,w/ee le ::<tiesaea%_tatec i abow (tall o( wale a t e
te_ pe_au_eyot ]avesele< e<
_ele<:t acto alwa ON

J!O( OW k} S(}O (
SI b-Wash Temp Adjust :-,Tempe atu e of Wash Wate_
l lewasl e Fea es<:a, )e dste( fyou I /k t eyae oolo <}roo<old
Accest e A( st Set .!shie, (lefelabove)
f :> :>tie [EM[:_E[%/UUREADJUSTMEH[ see:,
{);e !:e ADJUSI bu[oi [:> _ove tie c_o d uxl(: t box<;s to de:ease <: _cea_ t_e wa,,_
e_pea; e Esc,i ov<, e t sappox naey I P/essFOMEo_<e leboxwt_t e ',1_ bei
o degeesyo wa t< c a_geil< wasI e_)eat e o f;/ lif;/I ec
$2 _,"Auto Wate_ Love Ad}ust ne_t
Ifyo le otsa sfedw8 levva<i <vOlt,at i<x, _ u vewasle I11so( a,,iowae level
y<) (ai ce4_se<) de( ease t /e [ <,re t_a a t<)will elect
AccesstseAd st _et gs (el,, a)ove)
See o le AUOVV£_ER LE /EL s<:<,e
_!set eADbST >_ o o _ove lec tso t ouL,_t_ebox<s ode(easeo cease _ef
love lie :>oxes o !e lek s,,'D of le (etel pot cecrease te fJ level ac lose boxes <} te
il< eae lelil evel io/essbOISE
Kote:l yo( i<,, 81e_e s olesouql wat<_ io _ eload, we e(ox_<;_s(/youdec( }y )au _
le _ac _e a ( />/sl is,! t ecIolesd<)w osee ow _iu< ,s>aewatel satt eb(>tto_ o
lebowl C<t es<)ftel f<)a a_c yo was/e <}41s< setlewae i ce leclotles
$3 _ Defau! Rinse ::; R _se Defaut O)to/s
l li',l eli tie h e <:: oil lat ,a toga <a) ',letedw el]i>u I',tt I]}/cui
_ aclheo[_ 4>[ maywshto<h,,_(!e let},,l> _.<);_sesdece,][:>[,[[mbe c>[/e,,s(x ,, ff),o[
lave a i>oqe_ w8 ip ies is you wa<, sp}y yo _ay gut a bert( wasI fyou <la e
le/seop o o_wc de<,) iises If 70 wa _<}<o sevewae/yo( <o( c </a_f;/e_ e / _se
o)t(>itoas Nlec:eep _ is(,o 4,siowe_ _se
Accesst_eA<! st 3ett _{!s_,"<_, (oR ab<ve)
'< o oileD FA)Y_:<NSEsclee See<} ! < t se <:>;_o yo ptelei
_:>ay & }ee> _piay _se _olk:>we( by / (ee) rise
_ _qe )ee> _/(> s'ls£}ll<)wec by I ceeis/so
)o >leDeep 2dee>/ se
',low<, as< ale _aely sI )wesil< co_ eswt w8 e a c pis le_!;o el <)re t e s c:sy
water s_x) desg e( tc )< use(: wtlfab c s<)fte_e asaslowei tsecoe _cttsead<ep
iiSe SO (8 ii() ( St;el Se a)ic So_teise <o e<:ty

S4 _ Qeasab e Spn Speed
(]l<';)s } (' _/:_ < <: leo <>1s ()_is{)i ' .,:'_'# //,. ..... I i . w to
)){((,(: : £:_st:, _ ,Y(>{_(s_ )< _( :" i q_'<, b" I{)',e{) _i(}d(l{ s/) / 79(}(;
A<<:,sSl A()/9ti:_<_s\4<_ (e ' {> 1}
<:_oH s< t/<;'(R ASABLE S:>N SP E) .' <,el
) ...... ) ..... _,/ A/. US s _'.' /}(P ASASLESPN SP )i.ou ./ _t }i_'ssHOME
"s ............ A( [T IIt,/_(} !(I {it({ll,/,,'o} (1 t (H o ........:1,: :'
; ; t,'vlIfll/vt / :_' }( ts: :o :I_': ;be[;, 7'/ _< to :)i ,:)
i_/M(: [_a@J{ ;[ S!, _''_<:) M); W S;():), (] ',,,(" )_o/t/) S , <,/," Ihi "(, ,,
:1 (I >:V< I v k_o, it) t_("l,, I ole
O) ](}1 ][ yOU ,"iSI _0 (()_S@',@ "8/:)1
(oui _a<l /e a ved, ettotle"Ma<:liie ¢o)sActof
ose toA(tona <:l:._e<(>vey:
Acc<sstleAc/_s' Set!lgsMel]'. (< e o s,s{e23}
_<:i.oll to te OUT OF BA/ANCF :<ECOV RY s<:eels
_ee< ON PesshOME
, , , ' e',,;'di}'( ; [ ((
$6 _ E/,d o,[ Cy(::e Bee)s
/<'[ .... s(} t_, _(: ()i:t (} , ( /// toz i:) ],,e<) f V'(}l
.... #
A_: s I 5 )_> t 1> ,_ u(<f' <>lsf< t})
<l<ll } _<sENDO CY(LI:BEEPS
:lie A/)JUS-)tt(/< ....Idql_ tll: lul :>i <: you P sHOME
SX _,_Reset Defaults
f}<) aewa t _! ee allsett ,}!, :a(l<to Io ,tiat a ,:,tw_enyo,.ll _ac e eave
c fa<toy, cc<:,s leAd'.is Set _gsM<:,_',_(efeltopa_j< 23) s_<iscolltoRES[:] DFFAI.I/XS
s< een Pl<ssADJI_S[sis( oc i< 2s<colds, yo/w ea a o f!beeio le al esa_e sayh :_
S l- NGSSAVEDwIlappea He p_es FtOME