Changing Pre-Set Options
Out of Balance Recovery Rout ne
When you P,o':mdrt _''s spinning it can sens__if the wash load s out of ba ance and wi stop
aid re s:ry sp nn ng up to 3 times fhe machi/e still se/ses a/unbalanced load there ae two
opt o/s tie machine offes.
A(atomat c Recovery Options
You Er:om_rt T''wll try to automatica y
co rect the ot t of balance load. ltw f with
water and agitate to redistribute he load
beq_,e tryng to spin up agan.
ght on automatic ecove_y
glt off machi _es_ops
/Vlach ne Stops Opt on:
Your P,o<,mart_''wll stop, gving a short bust of beeps evey fw, seconds and the RINSEor SPIN
lic_htwill fash You must redistribute the load noe evenyyouseL (Useths option if you wsh
to conse ve watel}
1 Enter the Opt:on Adiustme/t Mode
2 Use the REGULAR button to select the Out of Ba ante Recove y Option you pre_er,
s PessPowe tostoeyou seecto],
Auto Water Fill Level
If you are not saisfed with the eve that your
t]osm_;rt _''flls o o/AUTO WATER LEVEL, you
canake the Fillleveltha Autowill select:.
If you fi,d there s too much water, yot can
decease the fill evel that will be selected.
1 Ente he Opt: on Adjustme _t Mode
2 Use the CYCLE buttons to decrease he
amot]t of ware seected
s P ess POWER to store you seecton.
FAVOURITE e_s ware/
PERM, PRESS ess wate_
WOOL ess wate/
DELICATE ess wate
If yo/%el t]at the(, is not e lot gh ware "(;r the load, we recomme/d that you check by
pausing the machne and push /g the cothes down to see how muc] spare water s at the
botto n of the was] tub. C othes o_ten foat aid yot f,,o<,msrt T'' can sense he ware under tie
cohes. Failing this you might like oseectahigherwater eve manuay.