Fisher & Paykel ecosmart GWL15 Installation Instructions And User Manual

£mectri¢ Shock Hazard
Read and follow the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS outlined in this User Guide before operating this appliance,
pages 1 1 ---13_
Failure to do so can result in death, electdc shock, fire or injury to persons,
Page 40 - 67
Asan ENERGYS_,_\R_Partne Fisher & Paykel Limited has determined
that this product meets ENERGYSTAR_guidelines for energy efficiency_
k_staHadon [['_st_uct[ons
_mportant Sa[ety [nst_u<tions
About your £_:os_n_tt'ff_'
How Yot P,o ryTd;rtT''VV,,;tks [d ock
Wash Cycles and Opt ons
The Wash Progess Igxs The Wash £ycles, \/%,shOptions
So%net Bnse, Soak,T me Saver Water evels
Spn <.%£ Delay Start, Clothes dae Sa;ogua ds Cusonz_gtheWash Cyde, FavoieCycle
Was_ing Bulky Items, WJshing W<x.lens, Cold WaterWash ng
BeFore Ybu Wash
Sort ng an< /oJding Bleach
Fabic So'tenet Scud
Chang _'_gP_e Set Options
Out: of Balance [Recovery [Routine Auto Water Fill level
End of Cyce Beeps
VNume of Water used in the Shower Bnse
Contto ed Cold
Ca_ng _o_ %%u_ £_osn_ff _
Products that Might Damage Your/,,o mdArff"
_ You_ £_:osnt_r_'_ Beeps [o_ Help
Sexy ce Ope_adng P_oblems
Wash I%oblems
Limited Warranty
II 14
16 17
17 18
2O 2
22 23
26 28
28 29
29 29
3O 31
31 31
32 33 34 35 36
Congraula ons on puchasing a new Fishe & Payke washing machine We are very poud of ou washers andtusttheywllseveyouwe _o many years.
A Fishe & ;aykel we aim to provide innovative prodt cts ttat are staple to use, e gonomic and enegy ef icient. Thousands of tonnes of wash ng and 70 yeas of laundry exper ence have been progamned nto your washing machine to hep give you the best possble pe'ornance.
We hope you enoyyot new washing machine, we have ce ta nly enjoyed design ng t.
It s important that the User Guide should be reta ned with the appliance for future reference. Should the appliance Be sold or t_ansfer_ed to another owner, always ensue
that the User Guide is left with the appliance in order that the new owner can familiarize themselves with the appliance and the rebvar/t warnings.
rsta ator nstr ctons
Before you begin - read these instructions completely and carefully,
E_ectH¢ Shock Hazard
Read and foUow the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS outlined in this User Guide before operating this appliance_ pages11- _3
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury to persons
Observe all governing codes and ordinances.
Installation Requirements
Yo waher nustbe ntalledonfirnfloorngtomn nzevbraton dt irxjspipcycles Concrete floor/q sbest, bu vvoodbaseissufficientprovdin(_thefloorsuppotmeetx;F Asandads.
]q)u washer shoud not be nstalled on rugso exposed othe weather
]q:,'u cokt water should not '_xc"e_d 9"F (35°C) or your hot water exceed ] 50°1: (65°C)
I( _spe atures above _tt,s may damage you wast,er
Shut OFFValves Both hot and cod shut of vaves (faucets) shoud be avaiable in _:heaundy aea.
Dra _'_
Wate may be (]a/e( intoastan(pipeo set u} Thesta/dppemust:be]6"(38nrgminimum
nte or diameter and must: be open otheatmosphee.
Thsapplancemustbesuppliedwthl]OV 120V,60 z dect icalsupply and connected to an
nd vidua pro }ery g ounde( branch crctt protecte( by a o 20 amp circu t breaker or tree
i ieic_ht
Deptl 25 ,',,"(650ram)
Width 25,;" (650mr% Heigl t to top of consob 40" 4]k>"{1020 ]060ram)
Height lid ope_ %" 6_,>/'{1400 1440nm)
Installation I ........ .
Step 1
Remove Bottom Packer'
1 Remove outer packag /g. 2 Tilt the machine backwa ds aid wall< the machine of_ the bottor
packer Theplastcbottompacke can nowbe emoved
Operating t_semachine wher_ the bottom packe_ is in place can result ir_ damage to the mac[sine
Step 2
Remov ng °h_b Packer a_'_d Accessories
1 I ftthe dand emove ca dbeard tub packer from
the top of the washer tub
2 Keep the bottom packe and tub packer n case
tt'ey are rec;ui ed {o futue transit
s Remove hoses accessores aid nsta lat o/pack
The Installat on Pack Conta _ssthe Follow _'_g:
, 4 ubber insets for the leveling feet:
I drain hose gude
Step 3
D_a_s Hose
1 Carefullyp the drain hose out f om the back of the
washer bypu ng the exposed part: of he hose downwards and then out.
2 The hose guide s tsed to guide the da / hose ov< the
tubo standppe t MUST be fitted to lhe drain hose, o
p event sipho ling tie drain hose shoud not exte/d moe
than s/i'(20mm) fore the end of the guide,
If necessary, the drain hose can be trimmed o length
s Place the drain hose n the aundy tub o standp pe
Note: In nut-stoey apartments or any uppe feor nstallaco/,the math /e should be nstalled o/a
da_ed floo Check that: the tubo sandppeisfreefrom nto other ebstructions be{ore operating the was ]e ,
In baseme/t /stallat o / do not: exceed a standpipe heght of (78"}
Installation Instructions
Step 4
_nl_t Hos_s Install hoses wth the st aight end (wth fiters}
ftted to the faucets. Install ebow e_ds onto washing machine (inlet:
valves ae naked on the back of the rachine H hot, C cod}
Note; If the e is a cold watel supply only, an nlet valve
cap (ava abe fore Fishe 8xPay el) MUS be co]netted othehotvave The cappevents
water ea ngfom he hot valve.
:1 ( (!: iO
Step 5
Levelir_g the Washer &_ Insert: the four ubberleveingfeet nserts into the feet on the base of the washer. (See d agram 1}. l
&( I I _ ) :
il ¸ )_ -i_:_
Move tie was]er t/to ts fnal postion We suggest: am /m mceaanceofI" (2 nm) on each side for
ease of insta ation (See diagam 2)
Turn on ware and check hose connect ons for
leaks. Check that thee ae no kn s in the hoses.
It s MPORIANTto level the washe_to ensue properpeforma/cedu /gspin
Adjus the feet by unscrewing/screw ng to make sure thewashe s eve and cannot: ock
[)i_:_g_'am 2
_ Use the walls an( adjacent:cot nter tops as a sght
gude to check to see if was _erappea s le\/el. F/eadust he feet if necessay
6 ())el theli( and check the washertu_ oseethat
i sits s ghtly forward ofce/te (Se(, dagram 3)
ir (, (-,: / (
C!LSI t _( IH;[I i( !
Installation Instructions
7 (lose the lid Vs allycheck tha the id and top(._eckae aligned. If no algned, adust the feet
aganun _d,e dand opdeckmatct,
J( &
i/_ _(I I_f ri ¸
(}1 _} (i}! ¸ _:(T --_
Step 6
1 Tun faucets on Check for eaks, nose, visra on, correctwaertenseraturesandpropel
operatoninsp /. Check that the d ocksdu ngssn
2 Tu / hot and cod ware faucets off when washer s/o in use
Speda Instructions
1 Thewashe maygvewanin<_s /als when low water press e,o dranpobemsa_ ,
encounteed See'fYour£cosrn_rt _'Beepslo Hep'(page _2),
Iffu herhepis /eededconcer/ingthisappance, refer to Service, page33
InstaIIa-tic>n Inst ructi o ns
Special Requirements for Alcove or Closet lnstallat on
The m /mum ventilatnn ceaa/ce bet:we</t:_e washer and adacent walls or ot_er sufaces s:
l"(25mm) n /mumet]ersdeandfrnnt
3"(7 ram)n /mumrea
Cnnsderation must be given to povd /g adequa e clearance for nstal atien and se vc ng.
The n /munvertcalspace eq edfromfloo to eve head she ves, cabinets c( lings etc is !9" (1500m "n)
Closet doors must be Iouvered or otherw se ventilated aid have at east: 60 square /ches open
area _or a washer ony or f the ceset centa /s bet a washer and dyer, doos must conta ] at least 120 square nches of open aea equally distr buted.
(:{} !< <:!
,'0 :(
[ ....... ....
,) I 7f
/,/;:< _<:_ q l't iq
De not install this appJiance in a closet with a solid door.
Mobile Home Installat on
_staatio_ n stconformtetheS[XNDARD OR/ViOB EOMES ANSI Al19.1and 4A-rlONAI
Grounding Instructions
Ths appliance must be grounded n the event of ma functio / o beak down g ou/ding will
edtcethe iskofeecticshockbyprovdingapathofleastresstance'oreecrccurent.Ths applia lee is equ pped wt:h a cord that has an _qu pine/t ground ng conduc or and a g ound ng plugThe plug must be pugged into an approp ate oulet t]at s prepe_ly insta ed and g ot /ded in acco dance wth all eta codes and ordi lances
{mprope_ connection of an equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electdc shock, Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance - if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified dectdcian
Spec ficat on subject to change without notice.
/ 0
rfi:ortart r r
Read al! Safety Information Before Usng
Many washers are located near a gas dryer or a water heater in the home.
Fi_e Hazard
For your safety the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to prevent property damage, personal injury or loss of life,
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and Hqu[ds [n the v[dnffy of this or any other appliance,
Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier,
What to do if You Smell Gas
)O No-r try to li<_ht:any app ante.
)O NOT touch an electrica sw tch; do not use any phone in you bu ding
Ceartt_e oom buildin<_o aeaofa oct pans.
rmediateycalyourgassupplie fomyou neghbo'sphone
Folow s:hegas supp e s instruc ons fyoucanno reac]yourgassupper, ca thefredepartment
Water Heater Safety
U/de ceta / co/ditions Hydogen gas may be poduced i/a water heater that has not been used _,_ two weeks or more.
f the hot wate/ has /ot been used for two weeks o moe peventthepossib ty of damage or /iuybytunngo/allhotwate qwcets and allow /g them to run /u severa minutesbefoe us/g any e ect cal appl ante which is connected o tie hot water syste n Ths wll aow any hyd ogen gas to escape Sncethegas sfammabe, do not: smoke o use an open fame or
app ante durng this process
c ....v._--, , CtiO NS
po ta t rst
Emectric Shock Hazard
Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury to persons
Safety Precautions:
F/ead all instructions before Lsng the applia _ce Use ths appliance only _or ts ntended pu pose as desc bed n ths User Guide.
This washer must be p operly /stalled and ocatedinaccordancewih heh/stallato/
Instuctoqsbe:oeitistsed Pepery gound to conform wth all goverfing codes and ord lances.
Folowdetais ]thelnstallatonlnstuctions
o Do /o nstall or store washer where t will be exposed etenpeatuesbelowfeezngo
exposed o the weather. Connect: to a prope ly rated, p etected and sized pewe supply circu t to avod electr ca
overead Connec oadeqLateplumb /g and drain ;acilities as desc bed thel/stallato/ /structions.
,.i n eff water faucets when hewaske is/o1: kseto elievepessueonhosesandvavesand
to mnnze eakages if a hose o valve shoud bleak or uptu e. Do not epa or rep ace ant/ part of the appliance or atte npt any se v cing unless specifically
recemre/dedinthsUserGuidee in published use epa instructionstha you understand, and have sklls to cary out.
Whe/disconnectnghea:@lia/cepu by he plug rather hanthecodoriunctionefcodto avod damage to tie cod o junctio / of the cod aid ptg.
o Make sure that the cod is located sotha t will not be stepped on, t ppedovero othewise
sub.ect to dart,age o stress. Keepa lat /dry aids (such as dete gents, bleach, ;ab csoftener,_tc)eutofthereachof
ch den peforaby nalockedcabinet. Obse_vea wa /ngso/ conta let abels te avoid per ona injury.
Do ]o tampe wththece/tos Kee: he areaae nd/unde neath your app ancefreefomtheaccumulato/ofcombustble
raterals such as lint paper, ags, chemicals, etc. Keep the floor aound your appliance cea_ and dry o reducet:_e possiblity of s pp _g.
Neve reach ]t:o the washer fthetubo agtato ismovng
rrpo tart aI :t), .... r- '
= Re£ore load _g, unloading ot adding clothes, press START!PAUSE and wait untl the machine has
comp etely sopped before openi/g tt'e d. Cosesupervision snecessayifthisapp ance is used by or nea cHIden Do not allowct,ildten
to play inside oton or wth ths applia/ce otany discarded applia/ce
)ispose ofdscaded app ances and shppng/packing maerias poperly Be_ore discardng a
washe, o removing fore service, remove the washer d
)o not leave the washer dupduingthecycleThemachnewi notfundon, ostart, cose d
)o not: wash o dyatcles t-a have beenceaned washed n soaked n, otspo ed w h
combustbleotexposvesubstances(stchaswax oi pain,gaso ne, degeasers dy-cean /g
sovents kerosene ec)wt'ch nay 9niteotexplode. Do no add hesesubstancestot_ewash
ware. Do no use hesesubstancesaoundyou washerand/otdye duingopea o/,ast_ey gve o'T vapos tt_at could ignite ot exp ode
Thelaundtyptocesscan educe the flameteadancyof£_bics <,_avodsucharesult, the gamen manufacture'scare nstuctonsshoudbefoowedverycateftly
Do not mix chlot /ebeachwihammonao acid such asvine_Fa and/or usttemove. Mixn_j
ca/produce a toxic gas whch may cause death
IKever climb on or stand o/the was _er top o lid Do not wash fib eg ass a ticles nyourwashe Sk / ttiationcould esultfomtherenaining
pa ticles that may Be picked up by clothing du ngstbsequentwashe use
Iominimizes:hepossib yof eect cs_ock, u/plug hsappliancefomthepowersuppyo disconnect the washer at the househo d ( is tibu ion pane by temov n_j t_e fuse ot switch ng of_thecircutbreake be"oreattenptinganymaintenanceorcea/ /9.
= Noe Pressing the POWER button does NOT d sconnec the appliance fore the power supp y,
even though the lights ae out
Do not operae ths applia/ce f t is damaged, ma:uncto/ /g pattally disassembed o has ross /go bokenpats incudngadamagedcotdo p g
Donor:operate hsapplia/ce fthelidhasbeenincotectyfited fyou ae using an extensio/cord o a potta:)e electical outer device (eg mulitsocket outer
box}, ensue that: t spostonedsotha t does not come ntocontactwthwatero moisture Do not dy a tota textile load (dry we ght) of moe than 7 k og ams n ths washer.
How TO d¸"- c....,J_ _ __t 8rt e d
Remove :n fabrc softener dispenser, Place load evenly around the ag tater
A. Detergent
o Follow the instructions on the dete gent pad<ago. o Uset_emakontheagitaor,/earestto he top
of thecott'es as a guide to the co re<: amou/t ofddegen to use.
Pot thedeegentdow_t_ecente of the
agi ator sten.
Repace the %,b c softene dispense, as this stops
a titles fang down the cente of the ag taro
ecoslTzart _"
0 G: 8;; 8; ......
Wash Rinse Spin
Smart TouchCycles
Permanent Wool Oe//caie Heavy
Press Waahah/aa Duty
E _.__.
Ifyo w sh to use bleach:
o Use half the recommended dose of ble,_ch.
Dkte bleach and pour cater lly down the inne surfaceoftheagitatorsten nlinewith
the fire (Refe to Beach page 2'}).
o Seectt]e iofiene RnseOptio/Thiswi
e/suet]a anyresidua bleach swd ceaed
Q Fabric Softener
fyou wish to use'.-_bic sof'_/er, pace t n the dispense on the opoftheagitato.
Selec he So:tenet Rinseoption so that the softe/e w bedspe/sedcorectlyi]tothef/al
nse. (i:/e/Prto %be softe/el page ]9 and 2).
D, Power
o Turn you Ecom_mf"on by ",s_pr, ,ng the POWERbutton
E,Wash Cycle
CIo_;ethe d and pressyou chosen wa_;hcyce.
R Wash Options
Select the vvashte npe atu e and othe wash options. (Re:erto pages 18 2_)
Wash Temp
Pess START/PAUSEto sac t:]e ma( hine
_fyou wish to stop your E<osm,;s_t
o PressSTART/PAUSE, o W,/it u _'rilte nach _ehasfully sopped, a_d he Id lock light isoff, before open ng he Id.
For best fabric and color care remove your clothes assoon asthe cycle has finished
A b o u t You r Eco srT_art TM
How Ecosmart '_ Works
The Fsher& Paykd fcosmat's'2 in l'was] system 9ves you the best of both words. Using a co nbina on of fro it loader aid op oade wash systems,the f,.:osm_rt" gves except onal wash
resulswhleusingupt<; 0% lessho wae _,and,a the same time, takingbete careof you
clot:hesthan a convert ional top oad washer.
Phase 1- EcoActivd _Wash
F'_'ontLoade_ Type Wash
The Ecosmc;rt_"fs the bowl at the seected tenpeatue, wth uste/oughwatersothatthecohes /
ae 100%saturated.
This small ax/o nt o1:sudsy water s c culated through _d,eclohes, tp bespeciaydesigne< pota and back
onothecot_eswitt, awaera e'fecl.
The chem cal action p ovided by a small amount: of water, comb ned with <etergent rapidly ta gets so andsta /satfbe evel boos ing soil enova a_d acce erat ng the wash process.
Phase 2 - Top Loader Type Wash
After 4 n_tes your tcosm_rt _"will fill wth iust enou<jh cooer water to suspend the soil n sout on. Ag taton will hen begs, movng soil away fore the clothes.
Becauseof is head-stat, thewash equ es les,;agiato_
than a conventional top loader wash
Unique Fisher & Paykel Shower Rinse
J ( :}
_CEE,Match 2002
Abo t.1Y<>t.r Fco srr art ,,v_
Lid Lock o_h.
Yoc f_o<wvr_ " has a lid lock.Thi,__nst.resthe lid ca _not >e o 3h.
opened duing the cycle, providing adced safey fo you ald o 1,_"
Th< lid lock light: (above the start/pause button) come'; on
vvt'en the lid is ocked to te you when you (anpot (]per" the Jd. Start
Ifthe lid lock light isflasking the lid lock s in the process of locking or unlocking (i.e while the machine coass down or start/pause has been pressed). Duing ths sage the lid sill can _ot
be lifted
Ifthe lid s left:open, the nachk/e will be unable to loci<and the cycle will be halted. The machinewllbeepa/d he d ocklightwillfashunilthelidisclosedandtheSTAR]/PAUSE butto] s p essed
Wa st_(-..},cle_...........ard Optior s
The Wash Progress Lights
The wash p og ess Ights show all he tasksyour L:(:os£QrtTM wll co nplete during ;;hewash cycle.
Aseachask s comple ed _ gh goes out, soyou ca_ tell at a glance how far the cycle has o go
Advanc ng the Wash Cycle
o shorten the wash t:ime,to rinse and spin only, or to spin only:
I Select:the wash cycle.
2 PressADVANCE repeatedly untl only the tight: number of lights remain on s Pess START/PAUSE. l_'ashProgress
The wash consists of two parts. The frst amber
light is essentia _ all washes except: Permanent Pess therefore, yot ca/ony advance through
the g een lights /o heambe.
Wash i_inse
Smart Touch Cycles
_¥oo1 De/tcate Heavy
Washables Duty
Was (17clesandO ti ns
Eco Active Wash _ 4 nin 4 min , 4 min 4 min Agitate Time 12 ml_ 9 mi_ 6 mi/_ 3 rain 9 ml_
Wash A_st o_ Heavy Duty Regu ar De[ cate De[ cate Regula/ W_sh ]_nsp warn warn warm/cod warm/cod wa m/co d
Rinse cold cold splay ilse spay rinse spay rnse
i_se rinse cok.t cok.t odd
deep rinse deep rnse deep nse
Spin Speed F:<_sst F<_sst Slow Medium Slow Spin Time 6 rail 6 rail 4 rail 6 rail 2 mr_
Does not: 'Include fll tim' ....."=_
The Wash Cycles
HEAVY DUTY F:o heavily soled ar/cl leavy duty _,*brics REGULAR F:o medum to Ighdy soiled cotto is, Ii lens, work and pBy clothes DELK'[ATE Fo Ir_gere <_sndspecal ca_e%bits wth Ig_ sol.
WOOL WASHABLES Specially desig ted fur normally soiled kl_its <xtd machi _ewu_shabb woolle _s
A more _adtonal wash "o synthetics, bbnds, al_d/o delicate fabrics wth
I_o real soft al_d clothes wlich wri/kle easily.
Wash Opt ons
V/!h#'n you p_'ss POWER to turn on you _'(:O_/'7}O/'_ T,',i t wil automat ca y sebct a:
o REGULAR wash cycle
WARM wash tempe atu < AUTO ware level .auto
FAST spn speed 4_{- o r_
Each of these wask opals ca/}e altere< to sut you o s_er o H_t o HJ_a -}_{_ wast'nee(s Thefoow /gpagesexpaineact, of he asia* se:warm oM_ os_
wast' opt on ; and how to use tt'e n. o o card o L0_, O _0_ n t'eFoowngdiagans
('+') <IF is on ( o ) ligh_ is off O_,t_aa,_
°lk) select Wash Options
1 Select wash cycle
2 (se tt'e up or down arrows or t_e opt o _sburro h
to select the wash options you want to use
Wash Water Temp Level
\ s I ' "
S O// /" i I "
,<! (I '!;}@ ! IJ {f;
Wash C7c:es ard Opt or s
We recommend the use of softener dtye sheets because qud fable softener hasbeen k_own to cause a_ u _pleasan
buildup nsdewashng rachnes (Refe to Scud page 2_}}
Use the SOFTENERRINSEopt:on:
o fyou use qtd fabric softener o Ifyou use bleac_
Ths option changesthe rinseto includea sprayand deeprinse, so that the fa>ticsoftenerwill
be dis_ensed_..... correcly,aid he machinesumpwill bet_o o ghlydealed of >leac_.
Some wash loads ate bette washed using a cycle with a deep rinse. Irot instance, ga ments that have a Io of san( or sawdust in them, or garments where the coo st uns. F-orthe'_e loads select the SOFTENER RINSE opt o /, as t ]is w change the inse oincludeadee_') inse.
Whenyou selectSOAKyour/(:osmd_r__' will stop atthe endof washan<soak"or3hoursbef_;e co_/ple ng he inse andspin Duringsoakyourwashewill agi atefora few secondsevey minue
O Ha_' O Warm O C_ld
Time Saver
TIME SAVER allows you _:o shorten the wash cycle "or
ghlysoileddothes Selecingthsopton educes the
washa_dspn rues.
Tne Saver can be tur/ed on o off at:any tne during
_$aver 0 Hot
0 Soak 0 Warm
o o c._,
Wash Yemp
"A/ast C7<es ard Opt s
Auto Wat÷_ Level
Yot f(:o,:rx}_rtTM _an autonatila [ysele(t the app opriate water ew, fo the oad
1 Place your cothes in the machne, and press Power. 2 Seect wash cycle (se ect Auto wate evel if not
Du ng fill he nact'inew patseoccaso_ally osense
hewae level. The machinew check fthewater
leve is correct: by usng a se es of wo dff,went agtate strokes. (Ths may take over a minute), f it detects tha thewate level islot enough, t will fill with mo e water
and recheck the leve
When washing an unusual load eg large bulky 9a[ments, pillows, we recommend you manually select the water level and select the Delicate cycle.
Manuallyseect he water eve ftheteisalreadywate in the math he.
For a arge buky load, or arge single tern (eg. comfo ter)
push the load down after the first: fil.
Manual Water Level Selection The agitator has five levds marked on its stem that can
be used to help you select tt'e coted wate evels Seect the correct water eve by using the mak nearest to the top of the cothes
The eves narked on the ag tator do not co espond exacty to he evel of water, They ndicate the eve of dy clothes su tab e _or the water leve
Yot F,,o,:n't<srff" may occasiona y add water dur_g agitationThsistomainta]thewae leve due tot]e
release of air apped nthegaments. Ott of >alance loads angling o spashove can be
caused by se ecti/g a water evel t]at is too hgh
0 Hot 0 Warm
0 Cold
0 High 0 Med
0 Low
0 Fast O Med 0 Slow
0 Hold
Spill TM
Wash Cycles and Options
Spin Hold
Use the SPINHOLD optio / to: f_emove drip dy garments from a mixed load before the
wash goes nto spin Mn nze wink ngtha is cat sed when clothes are eq
sttng ]themachi/eat:theendofthecycle
When SPIN HOLD issdected, your Fco,;mdm_' will pause at the end of _se, beep and he spn light will flash to tell you t_a i swaiting %'ranohe insruction Press START/PAUSEto begn he spin.
Delay Start
}elayStatw dolayt:h_,statofthewashcyclefo
1,3 or 9 hours.
PressDELAYSTUARTo/ce for adelayof 1hour. Press againfor J hours,a third tree fo 9hous (andagain_o
eturn _o _oreal),
Once you press DelayStatyou Ekomort _''wllbegn the delay pe iod, yo do not: have to press Sar/Pause.
o Be careful if using Dday iat fo noncdofJst dohes as
{]yes may un if the clothes are c_,_mp.
o Your Fcosm_rt *"will not: beep at the end of the cycle f
Delay Sat s selected.
0 ghr
__QI_ 3hr
Clothes Care Safeguards
Toavoid accidenta y damaging your c or:/es, t_ere areafew optiom tha your [_:om4'r TM wll not accept:.For example, you cannot: select a hot was] on )elicate o Wool cycles
Wast y sardOpto s
Customizing the Wash Cycles
You can pogram you F_:osm_rt _*'to emenbe the wash optons you prefer fo each wash
cycle. Fo instance, you may want to set the Regu ar cyce to cold wash o set: eavy Duty to
inc ude a soak
1 Pess hePowerBttton 2 Pessselectedwashcyce b ton. Fieldoown fo
4 seconds 4,,uwll heartwo quickbeepsand
thewashcycleIght wll flash
s Selectyourwashopto _s,(egodd wash,soak).
4 Pessthe washcyclebuton againto stoeyour
Smart Touch @¢lee
When yet arecusto nz nga wash cycle,you can
shot en or eng hen _theagi ation _ir_,e
o shorte / the ag ration time, press ADVANCE to
re(ucethe / robe ofgeen g]ts. o ncrease tie agitation time keep pressing ADVANCE
untila ttegeenlightsaeon.(OnHeavyDutyyou
can only decrease the was] t he)
Wash Rtnse Spin ....
Unlike the Favo te cyce you can lot custon ze a wash cycle to star_ at the rnse or spinstage
Favorite Cycle
Favortecyclele'rsyoudesignyourown washcycle.F_:_vori;:ecanbeanywashcyclewih anyof
is washopio_s,a_ditcJ_star fomanypoin n he cycle
% SetY_u_ Favo_'iteCycle
_ Pessthe POWERButton 2 Pesshe FAVORITEcyce button.Elolddew/f(,_4 seco/ds
unil yet hea two quick beepsandthe Favoritelight:flashes.
:_Select:you favortecycle(eg Regular<,,)elica e).
4 Selectthe washoptions(egsoak,the saver}UseAdw_ncef
youwa_t pat of acycle(egspino _ly).
s PessFAVORffEaga/to ss:oreyou favortecycle
Your l(:osrnrurt_*'wll remembe your %_voritecycle, o any other cyce that has been custom zeal,
ewn when unplugged fern he wall It:is no possbleto pogram aoelayed stat i/ot_e
Favorte cycle
Wash (ycl
Wash ng Bulky Items
Makes e heeis<notg] oom thema hinefor tems to move when }engwashed Foci/g argeitensintothemachinemayresut nthembe /gdamaged dur /gwast, ng
Sos_, items foa up duing tie wash (eg comforte s _'J/ __\
an< pillows).l hey s too high they nay ouch
X) ninimize the ct_ance of t_s happening, bulky items
shoud be pushed down below the water level afte_
fill and pushed to sit below the medum hgh water
level mark on the agitator before sp nning Select the correct wate_ level manually_ Select a slow spin_
To prevent an out of ba ance oad we recommend
washngtheseitemsontheDdcatecyce fyouwish
8'tll<yi(_ssl :>( is }e:>wt e
tore-spit, he oa< atafaste speed -sake sue he oa< s,dt( (,, I is sitting beksw the sedum hgh marl< be:oe sp nni/g,
The Wool cycle has been des gned "<>rproducts carry ng a MACHINE WASHABLE care cairn. The fibers of these woo ens have been t eated oprew /tf_ltingwhe/theyaemachinewashed.
/v_ost handkni ted garments are not made of machine washable wool aid we recomme/d that
you hand wash t]em.
Check the cae labe Use a wool d<tergent
Use the WOOL WASHABLES cycle land washed wooem may be spun in you #,,o m<_rt_'.
To dy woolens lay t]em fat on a towel aid pat nto
shape Dyoutofdrectsu/ ght. Sose woo u/de lays and sheepsk n p oduc s can be
washed in a washing machine bu maypoduceexcessve amounts of nt that may cause pump blockages.
Cold Water Washing
fyouawaysusecodwatef, we econmendthatyou unawarnPermanentPesswashat
eguar /tervas egevey thwash.
BefOre You Wash
[o get the best: wash resu ts sort your clothm
Sot whte fabkT_from coloredfab cs.
Care Labels
The care label wll tell you about he fabric of
the garment: and how it s]oud be washed
Sot clothes acco dinc_to the type and amount
c;fsoil. Some sols suit warmer washes eg oy
sos, whie othes ae best:washed in cold
Hand Wash
Do not bleach
Mdum ton
(het_ lie owds Per-_anent Press
Wash lint givers and lint collectors separate y.
\/Vh_,rep.,,ble un ntcoectos nsdeout
Check Pockets
oose terns can damage both your autowasher and your ck:)thes
Close Zippers Hooks and Eyes
Ths isto hake sue that these terns do not snag on other clothes
Me_d any Tom Garments o_ Loose Buttons
Teas or hoes maybecc:/melage during wash ng. Removeanyloosebaw esas they can
danageyou was]ng roach /e and/o dryer
Make sure the Wate_ Level Suits the Load Sze
nsure that t:_e (;ad does not exte/d a>ove the fa}rc softene dispenser as sp ashinff may occur
For a Balanced Load:
A mixture of small and large terns wll wash the best:
Pace un :o ded clothes firmy and evenly aou/d the agitator.
Pc;not wrap arge items, such as sheets, around the agitator
Be fo c:YoL Wast
Check c oth rig care abels for spec al instructions.
l Use half the eco nmended dose of bleach and ( {kt:e wth water 2 Removethe fi;brc softener dispe _serand pour down the inside edge
o:theag arorstem, in Inew h hefns Select the SOFTENERRINSE bu ton.Th s changes the inseo thoroughly remove bleach es due.
s Add(etergen andrepiacethe'ab csoftenerdispense,
a Fo bes resuks,aod liquid bleach afl:et the first:amber wash light is no Ionge vsble
0 H_t 0 Warm
PowdeFed Bleach: Pourhalfthe recommendeddoseof powderedbleachnto the agitatorwith you detergent.
or into the center of the agitator.
The fasrc softene goes ntothe dispense on the top of the agitato, o saver o Hot The rinq on the dispeme cup s a qui(e for the amount of far}nc o soak o w_rm
...... 0 Cetd
c o, r ,_ ,_c<
soft:erie to add for a full load..>rr,<:,& loads re :]ul_ {_,, axic softener
SoFtene_ Rinse If you wsh to use "_sbrc softener when tsng the Regular or leavy
Duty cycles you must select the SOFTENER RINSE opt on. Ths changes t _e rinse op ion to ncudeadeep nseso he'_;b csoftener
wi be dispensed cot ectly
Scrtd is the name given to the waxy build-up that can occur withn any washer when fabric so'tene comes ntocontactwthdetegentTh'{bt dusisnot:broughtabot byafa in he
machine, f scud s a owed to build_up n the math /e i ca/esult in stans on your c(;t:]es or a_u_pleasa_tsnellinyo( washer
_f%u Wsh to Use Fabrc Softener We Recommend; Using "abe softener spar n_jly
Whe/filln 9 the d spe/set, do not splash or over Clean the dispense as soon as the cycle s finished, (eq_r pa(_e 30) Clean your machine eg arly(e_e page 30)
o Cold water was ling inc eases he chance of the b dip occu ring
W< econmend hatawa n pe manent press wash be used at regula interva s eg every :4h wash shoud be warn
Fabicsoqenerofathinne co/sstency s ess elyto eaveresdueo/ the d spe _se and contribute to a buildup
', !\
[ re Options
Option Adjustment Mode
After usin<j your Eco'm'}c'rt_' you may want to fine tune some of the opt o/s to suit: you wash leeds.
Yo( can change the f,'; owing pre-se options: thedefaut inseoption
the amount of water tsed n the Showe Rme the nunber of beeps at the end of the cyce
the E)ut of Ba ante recove y rot t ne
o the Fill level se ected by auto wate leve o the controlled cold
o make these changes it is nece_*ary to enter the "()pt on Adjustment Mode't
% Enter Option Adjustment Mode
1 Plug the math ne in, but (o not pes,: POWER
Pess S]7<RT/PAUSE and hold down, then pess
2 Yot will hear thee quick beeps and t_e machine
will show anunusua patter/of lights n his mode the ghsaeusedtoindcatethed%ren optons ava abe The diagram on page 27 shows how the
lights _elate to the options you can change,
Pages 28 29expaint:_edffeentoptions moe deal
:_Uset_e buttonson the pand to makeyou changes
to the prese opions.
4 PessPOWERtoretur_o nomal mode
s You P,osm_rff"wll aut:onatically emembe your
6 o make further changes, repeat the above steps.
Faverite Permanent
_re-_e_ OptionsChangin9 7 _ ......._
_ PressSTART/PAUSEand hold dovvn. PressPOWER.
0 ghr O 3h£
0 lhr Lid LOck_d
2 The d ag_am below shows how the lights reate to the opt ons you can change t also shows
wHchlightswllbeonwhe/youf s enter theOpto/Ad]usmen Mode
ooo,_,,o0oo,0 ::!i_
Wash Bin$_ Spin
s (;se the buttons on the panel to o Mor_ o 2D_
{t_ange tim p r, s_t optom; o Mo_o o =
_hew°¥ Rinse
Rinse O_ions
Changing Pre-Set Options
Out of Balance Recovery Rout ne
When you P,o':mdrt _''s spinning it can sens__if the wash load s out of ba ance and wi stop
aid re s:ry sp nn ng up to 3 times fhe machi/e still se/ses a/unbalanced load there ae two
opt o/s tie machine offes.
A(atomat c Recovery Options
You Er:om_rt T''wll try to automatica y
co rect the ot t of balance load. ltw f with
water and agitate to redistribute he load
beq_,e tryng to spin up agan.
ght on automatic ecove_y glt off machi _es_ops
/Vlach ne Stops Opt on:
Your P,o<,mart_''wll stop, gving a short bust of beeps evey fw, seconds and the RINSEor SPIN
lic_htwill fash You must redistribute the load noe evenyyouseL (Useths option if you wsh
to conse ve watel}
1 Enter the Opt:on Adiustme/t Mode 2 Use the REGULAR button to select the Out of Ba ante Recove y Option you pre_er,
s PessPowe tostoeyou seecto],
Auto Water Fill Level
If you are not saisfed with the eve that your
t]osm_;rt _''flls o o/AUTO WATER LEVEL, you
canake the Fillleveltha Autowill select:.
If you fi,d there s too much water, yot can
decease the fill evel that will be selected.
1 Ente he Opt: on Adjustme _t Mode 2 Use the CYCLE buttons to decrease he
amot]t of ware seected
s P ess POWER to store you seecton.
FAVOURITE e_s ware/ PERM, PRESS ess wate_
WOOL ess wate/
If yo/%el t]at the(, is not e lot gh ware "(;r the load, we recomme/d that you check by
pausing the machne and push /g the cothes down to see how muc] spare water s at the
botto n of the was] tub. C othes o_ten foat aid yot f,,o<,msrt T'' can sense he ware under tie
cohes. Failing this you might like oseectahigherwater eve manuay.
.... re .Jet Options
End of Cycle Beeps
The beeps s g _aling the end of the cycle ca_ be
inc eased o oecreasecL
1 Enter the E)pt on Adjustme/t/Viode.
2 Use the WASH OPTION button to seect the number
of beeps you pref_,r,
:5 P ess POWER to store you seecto],
Default Rinse Option
The no mal /se on heRegula and Heavy Duty
cycles s a Shower F/nse When you select So'tenet i:/ /se on these cycles the rnse changes to the de'.-_ultr /se Thede'aul_:rnseist]erinseopion
used on the Woo, Delicae and Pemanent Pess cycles.Thede_aut nse _;a_@ayrimefoowedby
a deep inse. However you can change the de_;ult ri ]se to two deep nses.
TM E SAVER = 15 beeps SOAK = beeps
MED spn deep deep
rinse nse
SLOW spn
HOLD spray deep
rinse ,se
1 Ente the E)pt on Ad]ustm<nt: Mode.
2 Use the SPIN SPEED buttons to seect the rinse option you prefe :5 P ess POWER to store you seecto].
Volume of Water Used in the Shower Rinse
{Regular cycle)
(oc can inceas_"ordeceasethevolur_'eof wate i
added duing the shower inseo_ the Regula cycle. HIGH moewate
1 Enter the Opton Adjustment Mode.
2 Use the WriTER LEVEL buttons to sdect the volume
ofwate/you wsh to be used the shower/se.
:'_ P ess POWER to store you seecton,
MED moe wate
Controlled Cold
P.:omor _'' s desgne( "c;r nstalla o/s that have both hot and cold water. P; ensure optimum perf,'> mance
ewn nverycodweat]e he col( water temperature green = cont_o[edcold is con roed o 60°F. However f _.;r some eason you
do not: have hot waer avai able you r*ay nee( to a'nber = u icolcro ed cold c ]ange to u/controlled cold in very cod weather
t_:osmcTrt_' }eaves the factory wth the Controlled Cold Option set:. You ca/change this by entering the Opto/Ad]ustme/t mode aid by pmssin 9 the ADVANCE button once.
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