Fisher & Paykel Ecosmart Clothes Washer Installation Instructions & User Manual

Electric Shock Hazard Read and follow the IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSoutlined in this
User Guide before operating this app[iance, pages 9 - 11o Failure to do socan result in death, electric shock_ fire or injury to persons°
Please note: To obtain maximum efficiency, your Ecosm_rt _washer has the ability to learn and adapt to the local environment. This may take several wash cycles, therefore maximum energy efficiency may not be achieved until a number of wash cycles have been completed. This usually takes about 5 cycles.
Fran ais Page 39 - 68
As an ENERGY STAR_'_Partner Fisher & Paykel Limited has determined
that this product meets ENERGY STAR_'guidelines for energy efficiency.
Installation instructions 3 Important safety instructions 9
How to get started 12
About your E_osm_yt' 14
How Eco_mdrf _'works 14 Lid Lock 15
Wash cycles and options 16
The wash progress lights, The wash cycles 16 Wash options, Softene#Bleach rinse, Soak 17 Time save_,Water levels 18
Spin hold, Delay start, Clothes care safeguards 19 Customizing the wash cycles, Favodte cycle 20
Wastring bulky ;terns, Washing woolBns 21 Cold water washing 21
Before you wash 22
Sorting and Loading 22 Bleach, Fabdc softener, Scrud 23
Changing preset options 24
Option adiustment mode 24
Oul: of balance recover 7 rx_utine 26 Auto water fill level 26
End of cycle beeps 27 Default dnse option 27
Volume of water used in the rinse (REGULAR cycle} 27
Controlled cold 27
Caring for your E_o.sm_rt _ 28
Care and cleaning 28 Products that might damage your F_'osmuf _'do/hes washer 29
Ecosmo£" sounds and beeps 29 Automatic I;nt system 29
If your E_osmc_yt ' beeps for help 30 Operating problems 32 Wash problems 34
7hemoddsshowoin his Ilser(;uidc m__ynot t____vdJik3,_/_in __//m__rket___nd__r_ £Jtj_dt roch¢_ng_¢_tsoy tim_.fbr curr_otd_t:_i/sstout modalsod sp_di_c¢_tioo d_vdJild_bi/£yi0your couotr_ plecJx#visitourIocdJwebs£eIi£edoo thebook {.over or cootc_ctyour/oco/fisher & Pc_yke/ded_/e_
Congratulations on purchasing a new Fisher & Paykel washing machine. We are very proud of our washers and trust they will serve you well for many years.
At Fisher & Paykel we aim to provide innovative products that are simple to use, ergonomic and
energy efficient. Thousands of tonnes of washing and 75 years of laundry experience have been
programmed into your washing machine to help give you the best possible performance.
We hope you enjoy your new washing machine, we havecertainly enjoyed designing it.
Ecosm_2rt '_dothe wcTher
It L_important that the User Guide should be retained with the appliance for future reference° Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, always ensure that the User
Guide L_te# with the appliance in order that the new owner can famfliaMze themselves with the
appliance and the relevant warnings.
_nsta_ation instructions
Before you begin - read these instructions completely and carefully.
Electric Shock Hazard Read and follow the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSoutlined in this
User Guide before operating this appliance, pages 9 - 11o Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock fire or injury to persons.
Observe aN governing codes and ordinances°
h_sta[[ation requirements Location
",/our washer must be installed on firm flooring to minimize vibration during spin cycles. Concrete flooring is best, but wood base is sufficient providing the floor support meets FHA standards.
Your washer should not be installed on rugs or exposed to the weather.
Water temperature }/
Shut off vab, es
interior diameter and must be open to the atmosphere.
individual, properly grounded branch circuit, protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker or time
nsta ation instructions
Washer end of hose
Faucet end of hose
Lid clearance
Standpipe height 33 Y/' to 78"
(850 - 1200 ram)
adiustable feet /
Fig.2 W_;sher dimensions ond conm*.ctions
Inlet water pressure Max 150 ps (1MPa) Mn 5 ps (34kPa)
Depth 25YS (650 ram)
Width 25V£' (650 ram)
Height to top of console 40" - 41W' (1020 - 1060 ram) Height lid open 55"- 56s4"(1400 - 1440 ram)
iiiliiii,I,IIII'I' iÀÀ¸IIIilIIlllllliilililll¸ ill,i_iliiliil¸liil¸lii,i_lii_lIilii¸lllliiill¸l:i_iiili!!l/ii!t
Instlllttion instructions
Removing the packaging I!
Toensuret:hebest:performancefrom;,ournewwasher, / ........
p_easefo,owthe_nstruct_onsbdow. /' /
_o_o,,h_thebotto__o_ko_ / /
,_ Removeouterpackar_ng. / /
2 Tilt: the machine backwards and walk the machine off the _ __. //
bottom packer one foot at a time. The bottom packer can now be removed by pulling it out the front.
Caut_ono _oov_p_ck_ ii
3 Lift:t:helidandremovecardboardtubpackerfromthe
top of the washer baskeL 4 Remove hoses, accessories and installation pack. _} 5 Keep the bottom packer and tub packer in case they are
requiredforruturetransit. t
In your washer you will find:
o 4 rubber inserts for the leveling feet. }''"
= 1drainhoseguide
/uo packer
o 2 inlet hoses.
1 Carefu,,y puI the drain hose out: fforr, the back of mL_ _ ii
the washer by pulling the exposed part of the hose _f _ _ ii
downwards and then out. the°ugh _;'_ _%" !i: 2 The hose guide is used to guide the drain hose over the gude (20ram)
3 E
The drain hose should not extend more than ¼" (20 ram) E ;i
from the end of thegode. _ o
The height of the standpipe or set tub/sink should be FI _" _
between 33k_ to 78 (850 - 1200 ram). gui .._-_ If necessary, the drain hose can betrimmed to length. _ _-
S Place the drain hose in the laundry tub or standpipe. Fig.5Fitffng th_ drain hos_guide !
drained floor°
o _n basement _nst_H_t_on do not e×_eed _ standpipe hdght of 95 "(2438 turn).
nsta ation instructions
1 Install hoses with the straight end (with filters)
fitted to the faucets (Fig.d). 2 Install elbow ends onto washing machine (Fig.d).
Inlet vaK_esare marked on the back of the machine
H=Hot C=Cold
s Ensure the hot is connected to the hot, and the
cold is connected to the cold.
Faucet end Washer end
of hose of hose
Fig d Inlet hose end
Note: if there is a cold water supply only, an inlet valve cap (available from Fisher & Paykel) MUST be connected to the hot valve, The cap prevents water leaking from the hot valve. However, we recommend this product is connected to both hot and cold water.
LeveJing the washer
1 Unscrew the feet so the machine is NOT sitting on
the corner cabinets, then fit the rubber leveling
inserts (Fig,7),
2 Move the washer into its final position. We suggest
a minimum clearance of 1" (25 ram) on each side
for ease of installation (Fig.8), s It is IMPORTANT to level the washer to ensure
proper performance during spin,
Adjust the feet by unscrewing/screwing to make
sure the washer is level and cannot rock,
4 Use the wails and adjacent counter tops as a sight
guide to check to see if washer appears level.
Readjust the feet if necessary,
5 Open the lid and check the washer basket to see
that it sits slightly forward of centre (Fig.9).
Rubber insert !1::l
Fi£7 Adjuring leveling feet
1" (25 mm) 1" (25 mm)
Fig8 Minimum clearance
Inco[[ect Collect
adjustment adjustment
Fig.97:ocheckleveling look down on the w_sh b_,sket
iiiliiii,I=I lliiiliililillllllllllilll¸llliili:lillliililll¸ ii Iilii¸III¸lliiliiliill¸iii'iill_iil¸lli!l!!lliii!
Installation instructions
6 Close the lid. Visually check that the lid and topdeck are aligned. If not aligned, adjust the feet
again until the lid and topdeck match (Fig.lO). i 7 Turn on water and check hose connections for leaks. Check that there are no kinks in the hoses.
= UncoU_hepowercord,removean_discard_heplasticpincoveran_plugintowallsocke_. :iLid afgnment
Wind left foot down ( /< .& ............. 1:::7L.--;_j
X :,
W_d_ghtfootdow_ ...... _: .....
× - ........
To p
opo o=o=
1 Check for leaks, noise, vibration, correct water temperatures and proper operation in spin. Check :1
2 Turn hot and cold water faucets off when washer is not in use.
Specia[ instructions i'
The washer may' give warning signals when low water pressure, or drain problems are
encountered.See"lf;,'ourEco_m_n=beepsfor help"(pageso;,
If further help is needed concerning this appliance, refer to 'Service: page 37. i:
nsta ation instructions
Special requirements for alcove or closet installation
The minimum ventilation clearance between the washer and adjacent walls or other surfaces is:
1" (25 ram) minimum either side and front 3" (75 ram) minimum rear.
Consideration must be given to providing adequate
clearance for installation and servicing_
The minimum vertical space required from floor
to overhead shelves, cabinets, ceilings, etc is
59"(1500 mm)_
Closet doors must be [ouvered or otherwise
ventilated and have at least 60 square inches open
area for a washer only, or if the closet contains both
a washer and dryer, doors must contain at least
120 square inches of open area equally distributed.
Do not instalt this appliance in a closet with a solid door,
Louve_ed door
Washer & Dryer
Fig 11 Minimum ventilcTtion c/e_;mnce
Mobile home installation
Grounding instructions
This appliance must be grounded, In the event of malfunction or break down, grounding will
reduce the risk of electdc shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric current This
appliance is equipped with a cord that has an equipmenbgrounding conductor and a grounding
plug, The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and
grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances,
improper connection of an equipment-grounding conductor can resutt in a rL_kof dectr£ shock,
Check with a qualified etectfidan or serviceman ff you are ff_doubt as to whether the appliance is
propeNy grounded,
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance - if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper
outlet installed by a quatified dectrician,
Specification subject to change without notice.
mportant safety instructions
Read dl 5afeW Information before using
Many washers are located near a gas dryer or a water heater in the home.
Fire Hazard
Foryour safety the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or expbsion or to prevent property damage, persona_ injury or loss of #leo
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammaMe vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance,
_nstaHation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas suppHero
What to do if you smell gas
o DO NOT try to h'ghtany applianceo o DO NOT touch an electrical swit@; do not useany phone inyour building, o Clear the room, bufld#_gor area of alt occupants° o Immediately caHyour gassupplier from your neighbort_ phone, Foflow the gassupplier's
o ffyou cannot reach your gassuppfier, car the fire department,
Water heater safety
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more.
Hydrogen gas can be explosive uHder these circumstances,
ff the hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent the possibih'ty of damage or injury by turning on aft hot water fauce% and aflowqng them to run for several minutes before
udng any dectrical app#ance which is connected to the hot water system. Thi:_wifl aflow any hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process.
mportant safety instructions
E_ectdc 5hock Hazard Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide°
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock fire or injury to persons°
o Read aft instructions before using the appliance° o Use thLs appliance only for its intended purpose as described in thLs User GuLdeo o This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the #_staltation
Instructions before it is used°
o Properly ground to conform with all governing codes and ord#_anceso
Follow details in the Installation Instrucdonso
o Do not install or store washer where it wilt be exposed to temperatures below freezing or exposed
to the weather°
o Connect to a properly rate4 protected and sized power supply circuit to avoid dectrical overload° o Connect to adequate plumbing and drain facilities as described in the Installation Instructions° o Tumoffwaterfaucetswhenthewasherisnotinusetoretievepressureonhosesandvatvesand
to minimize leakages if a hose or valve should break or r@tureo
o Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing unless specifically
recommended in this User Guide or in published user repair instructions that you understand, and have skills to carry out°
o When disconnecting the appliance puff by the plug rather than the cord orjuncdon of cord to
avoid damage to the cord or juncdon of the cord and plug.
o MakesurethatthecordLstocatedsothatitwfltnotbesteppedon, tfippedoverorotherwise
subject to damage or stress°
o Keep aH laundry aids (.suchas detergents, bleach, fabric so#char, etc..)out of the reach of children,
preferably in a locked cab#_eto Observe a# warnings on container labels to avoid personal injury.
o Do not tamper with the controls° o Keep the area around/underneath your appliance nee from the accumulation of combustible
materia& such as tint, paper, rags, chemicals, etc
o Keep the floor around your appliance dean and dry to reduce the possibility of slipping° o Neverreachintothewasherffthetuboragitatorismovingo o Before Ioadin¢ unloading or adding clothes, press ST4RTiPAUSE and wait until the machine has
completely stopped before opening the Bdo
o Close supervLdon is necessary ff thLsappliance is used by or near children° Do not allow children
to play inside, or on, or with this appliance or any discarded appliance°
o Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping/packing materials properly. Before discarding a
washer, or removing from service, remove the washer lid,
o Do not leave the washer lid up during the cycle. The machine will not function. Tostart, close lid
and press BTARTr?AUBS
mportant safety instructions
o Donotwashordryartidesthathavebeencleanedin, washedin, soakedin, orspottedwith
combustible or explosive substances (such as wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, dry-deaning
solvents, kerosene, etc) which may ignite or explode. Do not add these substances to the wash
water. Do nor use these substances around your washer and/or dryer during operation, as they
give off vapors that coutd ignite or explode,
o The laundry process can reduce the flame retardancy of fabrics, To avoid such a resut5 the
garment manufacturer_ care ff_structions shouJd be foNowed very carefully.
o Do not mix cMorine bleach with ammonia or acid such as vinegar and/or rust remover. Mixing
can produce a toxic gas which may cause death.
o Neverdimbonorstandonthewashertoporlid. o Do not wash fiberglass articles in your washer Skin irritation coutd resu# from the remaining
particles that may be picked up by clothing during subsequent washer use,
o To minimize the possibility of etectflc shock, unplug thi_ appliance #ore the power supply or
disconnect the washer at the household distribution panel by removing the fuse or switching off
the circuit breaker before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.
o Note:PressingthePOWERbuttondoesNOTdisconnecttheappfiance#omthepowersupply,
even though the lights are our,
o Do not operate this appliance if it is damaged, maffunctionin¢ partiaNy disassemMed or has
missing or broken parts, including a damaged cord or ptug.
o Do not operate this apph_ance if the lid has been incorrectly fitted.
o ffyou are using an extension cord or a portaMe dectfical oudet device (eg mutti_socket outlet
box), ensure that it is positioned so that it does nor come into contact with water or moisture,
o Donotwashatotaltext#etoad(dryweight)ofmorethan 17,6tb(Skg)inthiswasher.
How to get started
Place load evenly around the agitator,
Note: don't wrap large items such as sheets around the agitator,
Remove the fabric softener dispenser.
Follow the instructions on the detergent package. '\_ _/ /
- ........... - . J,Y
Use the mark on the agitator, nearest to the top of the clothes, as a guide to the correct amount of detergent to use.
Pour the detergent down the center of the agitator stem.
Replace the fabric softener dispenser, as this stops articles falling down the center of the agitator.
Fig 12Contro/ p_md
If you wish to use bleach:
o Use half the recommended dose of bleach, o Dilute bleach and pour carefully down the inner
surface of the agitator stem, inqine with the fins
(refer to Bleach page 23),
o Select the SOFTENER/BLEACH RINSEoption, This
will ensure that any residual bleach is well cleared out of your washer.
CoFabric softener
If you wish to use fabric softener, place it in the dispenser on the top of the agitator.
Select the SOFTENER/BLEACH RINSE option so that the
softener will be dispensed correctly into the final rinse
(refer to'Fabric softener' page 17 and 23).
Turn your Ecosmart _ on by pressing the POWER button.
EoWash cycle Closethe lid andpressyourchosenwashcycle.
How to get started
FoWash options
o Select the wash temperature and other wash options (refer to pages 16 - 21).
Go Start
o Press START/PAUSE to start the machine.
if you wish to stop your Ecosmart ....
o Press SLART/PAUSB o Wait until the machine has fully stopped, and the lid lock light is off, before opening the lid.
For best fabric and cdor care remove your clothes as soon as the cycle has finished.
About your Ecosm rt
How Ecosmart" works
The Fisher & Payke[ Ecosmart's'2 in 1'wash system gives you the best of both worlds, Using a combination of front loader and top loader wash systems, the A:osmart _ gives exceptional
wash results, and, at the same time taking better care of your clothes than a conventional top
load washer,
Phase 1- EcoActive" wash
Front bader type wash The Ecosm_rt _fi[[s the bow[, at the selected temperature, with just enough water so that the clothes are 100%
This small amount of sudsy water is circulated through the clothes, up the specially designed portal and back
onto the clothes in a waterfall effect
The chemical action provided by a small amount of water, combined with detergent, rapidly targets soil and stains at fiber level, boosting soil removal and accelerating the wash process.
Phase 2 - Top bader type wash
After 4 minutes, your Ecosmart _will fill with just enough cooler water to suspend the soil in solution. Agitation will then begin, moving soil away from the clothes. Because
of its head-start, the wash requires less agitation than a conventional top loader wash.
i /
Fig 14PhcTse2 ofwr;sh sy tem
Unique Fisher & Paykel spray rinse
:i//' i : k
/ /i :
Spray Spin Spray
Fig l t_Spray rinse
Spin Spray Spin
About your Edosm rt
Lid Lock
",,,/ourEcosm_rt _has a lid lock, This ensures the lid cannot be opened during the cycle, providing added safety for you and
your family,
o 9br o 3bf
The LID LOCK light (above the START/PAUSE button) comes on when the lid is locked to tell you when you cannot open
the lid,
Fig 1dLID LOCK octivated
Ifthe LIDLOCKlight isflashing the lid lock is in the processof locking or unlocking (ie while the
machine coasts down or START/PAUSEhasbeen pressed).During this stage the lid still cannot
be lifted.
If the lid is left open, the machine will be unable to lock the lid and the cycle will be halted. The
machine will beep and the LID LOCK light will flash until the lid is closed and the START/PAUSE
button is pressed,
Do not put anything dow@ the stot in the top deck of your mechine. Do not try to dlsabte the tfd lock,
Wash cycles and options
The wash progress lights
The wash progress lights show all the tasks your Ecosmart _ will complete during the wash cycle.
As each task is completed a light goes out, so you can tell at a glance how far the cycle has to go.
Advancing the wash cycle Toshorten the wash time, to rinse and spin only, or to spin only:
1 Select thewash cycle.
2 Press AD\LANCE repeatedly until only the
required number of lights remain on,
Note: the wash consists of two parts, The first amber light is essential for all washes except
PERMANENT PRESS,therefore, you can only advance through the green lights, not the amber.
Wash Progress
Wash Rb_se Spi_
Smart Touch @des "-.
0 0 0
Allergy Delicate Heavy Regular
Fig, 17 Wash progress fights
Eco Active Wash _ 4 rain 4 rain 4 rain 4 rain -
Agitate time _ 12 rain 9 rain 6 m[n 9 rain 9 m[n Wash action HEAVY DUTY REGULAR DELICATE REGULAR REGULAR
Rinse Spray rinse Spray rinse Spray rinse 2 cold Spray rinse
+ cold + cold + cold + cold
deep nnses
deep rinse deep rinse deep rinse deep rinse Spin speed FAST FAST SLOW FAST SLOW Spin time 6 rain 6 rain 4 rain 6 rain 2 rain
_ Does not include fill times.
The wash cycles
HEAVY DUTY For heavily soiled and heavy duty fabrics, REGULAR For medium to lightly soiled cottons, linens, work and play clothes, DELICATE For lingerie and spec[aPcare fabrics with light soil,
ALLERGY Specially designed for asthma sufferers and people with sensitive skin.
A more traditional wash for synthetics, blends, and/or delicate fabrics with
normal soil and clothes which wrinkle easily.
Note: condensation may form on the outside of the washer when using the ALLERGY cycle in
cold weather. This is due to the hot water wash temperature and cold outside temperature, and
is normal.
Wash options
Wash cycles and options
When you press POWER to turn on your E..cosmort _,
it will automatically select a:
o REGULAR wash cycle o WARM wash temperature o AUTO water [eve[
o FASTspin speed
2 3
o Fast o Time £ave_ o Her o H@h o So_k _HWa_m o Med o Slow
Softene_:/ o Celd
o BbachRinse 0 Law 0 H_d
Each of these wash options can be altered to suit
your wash needs. The following pages explain each of the wash options and how to use them.
[nthe following diagrams: (.'_1)= light ison (o) = light isoff
To select wash options
Select washcycle.
Note: two lights are used to indicate warm/hot and warm/cold wash temperatures.
Fig. 18 Selecting wa h option
Use the up or down arrows, or the options button, to select the wash options you want to use, Press S_7\RT/PAUSE.
Softener/Bleach rinse
Use the SOFTENER/BLEACH R_NSE option: If you use liquid fabric softener. If you use bleach.
This option changes the rinse to include a spray and deep
rinse, so that the fabric softener/bleach wiil be dispensed correctly, and the machine sump will be thoroughly cleaned of bleach at the end of the cycle.
Note: we recommend the use of softener dryer sheets
because liquid fabric softener has been known to cause an
unpleasant build-up inside washing machines (refer to 'Scrud'
page 23)_
[n addition, some wash loads are better washed using a cycle with a deep rinse. For instance, garments that have a lot of
sand or sawdust in them, or garments where the color still
runs_ For these loads select the SOFTENER/BLEACH RINSE option, as this will change the rinse to include a deep rinse.
o TimeSa_,_r o Hot o Seek o Wam_
Sef_e_e_/ o Celff Bba_h Rinse
Wash Temp
Fig.19Selecting theSOFTENER! BLEACHRINSEoption
o Th_eSaver o Hot
" Seak o Warm
"_qte_,/ o Cold
BJeach Rb_se
When you select SOAK your Ecosmart _ will stop at the end of wash and soak for 2 hours before completing the rinse and
spin. During soak your washer will agitate for a few seconds every minute.
Fig,20 Selecting the SOAK option
Wash cycles and options
Time saver
TIME SAVERallows you to shorten the wash cycle for lightly
soiled clothes, Selecting this option reduces the wash and
spin times,
Time saver can be turned on or off at any time during the cycle,
Water [eveb
Auto water level Your Ecosmart _can automatically select the appropriate water
level for the Ioa&
1 Place your clothes in the machine and press POWER,
2 Select wash cycle (select AUTO water level if not automatically
During fill the machine will pause occasionally to sense the water level The machine will check if the water level is correct
by using a series of two different agitate strokes (this may take over a minute). [f it detects that the water level is not enough,
it will fill with more water and re--check the [eve[,
o When washing an unusual load (eg large bulky garments,
pillows), we recommend you manually select the water level and select the DEL[CK[E cycle,
o Manually select the water level if there is already water in the
o For a large bulky bad or large single item (eg comforter) push
the load down after the first fill,
Mar_ua[ water level selectior_ The agitator has five levels marked on its stem that can be used
to help you select the correct water levels, Select the correct water level by using the mark nearest to the top of the clothes,
o The levels marked on the agitator do not correspond exactly to
the level of water, They indicate the level of dry clothes suitable for the water level,
o Your Ecosmart _may occasionally add water during agitation,
This is to maintain the water level due to the release of air trapped in the garments,
o Out of balance loads, tangling or splashover can be caused by
selecting a water level that is too high,
_Xm_Saver o Hot
o Seak o Warm o SoRene# o Cold
Fig.2 75d_cting the TIME 5A_'TRoption
o F_st
o Her o H_gh o Meal o Warm o Meal o Slew
o Cdd o Low o _old
W_sh Waler Temp Level
Fig.225decting the AUTOwaterI_;vel
Fig.23 Water level guide on agitator
Wash cycles and options
Spin hold
Use the SPIN HOLD option to:
Remove drip dry garments from a mixed load before the wash goes into spin.
M[nimize wrinkling that is caused when clothes are left sitting
in the machine at the end of the cycle.
o F_st
o Slew o Held
When SHN HOLD isselected, your Ecosm_rt _will pause at the end of rinse, beep and the spin light wiI[ flash to tel[ you
that it is waiting for another instruction. Press START/PAUSE to begin the spin.
Delay start
Fig.24Selecting the SPINHOLDoption
DELAYS]ARTwill delay the start of the wash cyclefor 1,3 or
9 hours.
Press DELAY S]ART once for a delay of 1 hour. Press again for 3 hours, a third time for 9 hours (and again to return to normal).
o 9at o 3hr
o Once you press DELAY STARTyour Ecosm_rt _ will beg[n the
delay period, you do not have to press START/PAUSE.
o Be careful if using DELAY STARTfor non<olorfast clothes as
dyes may run if the clothes are damp.
o ",/our Ecosmart _will not beep at the end of the cycle if DELAY
STARTis selected.
Clothes care safeguards
S_art "->
Fig.2F Selecting 1hour DELAY ST}SRToption
To avoid acddentally damaging your clothes, there are a few options that your Ecosmart" will
not accept. For example, you cannot select a hot wash on the DELICATE cycle.
Wash cycles and options
Customizing the wash cydes
You can program your Ecosmart _to remember the wash options you prefer for each wash cycle.
For instance, you may want to set the REGULAR cycle to cold wash or set HEAVY DUTY to include a soak.
To customize a cycle
1 Press the POWER button.
2 Press selected WASH CYCLE button. Hold
down for 4 seconds. You will hear two quick
beeps and the wash cycle light will flash+
s Select your wash options (eg cold wash, soak). PermaL_e_t
4 Press the WASH CYCLE button again to store
your customized cycle+
3 4
When you are customizing a wash cycle, you can shorten or lengthen the agitation time.
Sma_ Touch Cycles
To shorten the agitation time, press ADVANCE to reduce the number of green lights.
To increase the agitation time keep pressing
ADVANCE until all the green lights are on+
(On HEAVY DUTY you can only decrease the wash time.)
Wash Progress @
W_sh R_se @i_
_:ig.27 Customizing the wcTshprogress
Note: unlike the FAVORITEcycle, you cannot customize a wash cycle to start at the rinse or
spin stage+
Favorite cycle
FAVORITEcycle lets you design your own wash cycle. FAVORITEcan be any wash cycle with any of its wash options, and it can start from any point in the cycle+
To set your favorite cycle
Press the POWER button.
Press the FAVORITEcycle button. Hold down for 4 seconds until you hear two quick beeps and the
FAVORITE light flashes. Favorite Permanent
Select your favorite cycle (eg REGULAR or DELICA_TE)+ Press
Select the wash options (eg SOAK, TIME SAVER). Use £g.2s The£AVORITEcycle
AD\L&NCE if you want part of a cycle (eg SPIN ONW).
Press FAVORITEagain to store your favorite cycle.
Note: your Ecosm_rt _ will remember your FAVORITE cycle, or any other cycle that has been customized, even when unpk_gged from the wall. It is not possible to program a delayed start
into the FAVORITEcycle.
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