Thank you for buying a Fisher & Paykel Active Smart TM refrigerator with automatic ice dispensing
and chilled water through the door.
At Fisher& Paykelwe arevery proud of this refrigerator. Wefeel we have achieved water
dispensing through the door without compromising the storage space or accessin the fridge.
During our testing we have enjoyed the health benefits of having coo[ filtered water so
accessible,while minimising the number of door openings.
Thousands of hours of food care research and 70 years of refrigeration
experience has been programmed into your refrigerator to give you the
best possible performance.
We hope you enjoy your new refrigerator.
Before you start using your Ice & Water refrigerator
Check refrigerator isswitched on and hascooled for at least 2 hours (refer to page 15 - The
temperature of your refrigerator and freezer) before use.
o Checkthat the water filter has been connected and turned on.
Turn on ice maker.
o At first useallow approximately 1minute from when the dispensing pad is pushed until water
isdispensed. This will allow the tank to fill.
Runthrough and discard the fffst 3 L or 3 qt of water from the dispenser (refer to page 10
- First use).
Discardthe first bin of ice (refer to page 11- First use).
You are now ready to enjoy ice and water from your Active Smc_rtTM refrigerator.
Fig.1 Worerdispenser

_mportant safety instructions
hstallation instructions
All about the display
Usin 9 your water dispenser
Using your ice maker
Fridge options
Measured Fill
Freezer Ch [ and Bottle ChI!
The temperature of your refr ge_ator and freeze_
Settings/User warn ngs
Water filter
Measured Fill Calibration
Trouble shooting
Cleaning and caring for your refrigerator
On vacation/holiday
Manufacturers warranty
Performance data sheet
This Ice & Water refrigerator booklet contains specific information about the ice end water
function on your refrigerator.
Please use this booklet in conjunction with the Refrigerator & Freezer User Guide supplied with
your refrigerator.
The models shown in this user guide may not be available in all markets and are subject to
change at any time. For current details about model and specification availability in your country,
please go to our website www.fisherpaykeLcom or contact your local Fisher & Paykel dealer.

mpo tant safety instructions
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons read the IMPORTANT SAFETY
PRECAUTIONS before operating this appliance.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this User Guide.
important safety precautions
When using this appliance always exercise basic safety precautions including the following:
This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without superdsiono
Young children should be supervised to ensure the}, do not play with the appfience°
Risk of child entrapment. Before you throw away your old refrigerator or freezer:
- Take off the doors
- Leave the shelves in place so that children may not easily climb inside.
Extreme care must be taken when disposing of your old appliance to avoid hazards. The
refrigerant gas must be safely removed and for the safety of young children, remove doors.
o Your Fisher & Paykel Appliances Authorised Service Centre wifl be able to give advice on
environmentally friendly methods of disposing of your old refrigerator or freezer.
This appliance must be properly installed in accordance with the instefletion instructions before
it is used.
Never unplug your refrigerator or freezer bypulling on the power cord.
o Always grip the plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
o Do not plug in any other appfiance at the same power point as your refrigerator or freezer or use
extension cords or double adapters.
Rep_ir _r repl_ce immediately all electric service c_rds th_t have bec_me fr_yed _r _therw_se
damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion along its length or at either the plug
or appfiance end.
If the power supply cord is damaged, it must only be replaced by },our Fisher & Paykel Appliances
Authorised Service Centre because special purpose tools are required.
When moving your appliance away from the wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the power
Unplug your refrigerator or freezer before cleaning or replacing the liqhtbulb°

mpo tant safety instructions
Storing food and drinks
o Never store volatile or flammable materials in your refrigerator or freezer as the}, may explode.
Never freeze fiquids in glass containers. Liquid expands during freezing, which may cause the
container to explode.
Never freeze carbonated drinks. The>,may explode.
Do not consume food if it is too cold_ Food removed from the freezer compartment may be cold
enough to cause damage when brought into contact with bare skin e.g. frozen ice cubes.
Power failure - food safety
o Do not refreeze frozen foods that have thawed completely. Foflow the recommendations below ff
you discover food in your freezer has thawed:
1)ice crystals still visible - food may be refrozen but should be stored for e shorter period then
2) Thawed but refrigerator cold = refreezing generally not recommended. Fruits and some cooked
food can be refrozen but useas soon as possible. Meat, fish, poultry = use immediately or cook
then refreeze. Vegetables - discard as the>, usually go fimp and soggy.
3) Thawed but warmer than 4 °C (38 °F). Red meat can be cooked immediately and refrozen but
use as soon as possible. Discard all other frozen foods.
Do not refreeze frozen foods that have thawed completely. The food may be dangerous to eat.
Many commercially available cleaning products contain solvents which may attack plastic
components of your refrigerator or freezer and cause them to crack. Please refer to the cleaning
care section of this booklet for further advice.

_nsta_ation instructions
Contents of kit
1 4 m (13 ft) white 6 mm (W') tubing
:z 1 x2OOmm(8")bluetubing
3 1 x pressure reducing valve (PRV)
4 1 x double sided foam
5 2x locking keys
6 1 x water filter cartridge and head
7 1 x tap connection - USA market - 7/16"UNS
- All other markets - 15 mm (1/2")BSP
Fig.3Waterconnection kit
Importan d .......
it is imperative the pressure reducing valve (PRV) is fitted prior to the filter. This valve ensures
the water will not flow back into the mains from the refrigerator water system, if the PRV is not
fitted to the connection line your ice & Water refrigerator features may not function in some
it is recommended that an euthorised plumber in your state or town is used to install the water
" Thenewtubinqssuppliedwiththemechineeretobeused, oldtubinqsshouldnotbeused.
DO NOT use with water that is microbiologicMly unsafe or of unknown quality without
adequate disinfection before or after the ,ystem.
o WARNING-connecttopotablewatersupplyonly.
o DONorinstallonlinepressureaboy_900k_aC130psOorbelow1sokpac22psi;.
o DoNoruseonhotwatersupply_38Cr_O0Fmax...
" DO NOT install near electrical wires or water pipes that will be in the path of drilling when
selecting the location of filter system.
o DO NOT mount filter in such a position so that it will be struck by other items, such as
wastebaskets, etc.
, DO NOT install the filter in direct sunlight as prolonged exposure to light can weaken plastic
" DO NOT install in a location that is susceptible to freezing temperatures as damage to the
housing could occur.
o DoNOTscrewfiltertofridge.
" AVOID contamination of pipes during installation.

nsta ation instructions
Installation instructions:
1 Ensure that refrigerator is not plugged into a power supply.
2 Remove the compressor compartment cover from the rear
of the refrigerator (USA market only).
3 Locate isolation tap for water connection - cold water feed
only (dishwasher or sink mixer taps) - if you can't find the
connection tap, contact an authofised plumber in your state
or town to fit your water connection.
4 Connect the 200 mm (8") blue tubing to the outlet of the
PRV (blue coHet) and the inlet connection of the water filter
cartridge as shown in Diagram 1. Gently pull on both ends
to ensure it is locked.
5 Connect the white 6 mm (1/4")tubing to the outlet of the
water filter cartridge as shown in Diagram 2. Gently pull to
ensure it is locked.
6 Measure the required length of tubing to run from the PRV
to the water connection point.
7 Cut the tubing making sure the ends are square and clean.
s Connect the tubing to the tap connection and the base
of the PRV(white coJJet)and then to the tap as shown
........................in Diagram 3. Please note that the tap connection c_? .....
supplied shouH fit most installation situations. If ...._
your tap requires a different fitting, please contact an ........ "L_!
authorised plumber in your state or town to purchase
the correct fitting. _
9 Connect one locking key to each side of the water '_
fi[ter cartridge in between the cartridge and the II
lockingcolIetas shown inDiagram 4. I[
10 To flush the water filter and check for leaks, aim the \_
end of the tubing into a bucket, turn isolating tap on and :
Diagram 1
Fig,4 PRV connection
Diagram 2
Fig.5 Waterline connection
turn so at ng tap off _ _ T............ ii
11 Locate desired position for water filter noting carefully the [
following points= ii
o It is recommended to fit the filter in a vertical //,_ j/_.
orientation with the water filter head at the top. This will [
minimise water leakage when replacing cartridge.
Ensure the filter is in aconvenient location to access _.[. {
every 6 months for replacement. We suggest that \_.._.-\<--_...
this location is beside the water filter supply tap in the /
cupboard beside the refrigerator, hf_,}_},,,,
o A minirnum clearance of 64 mm (2 W') from the _...,._/9"/_
bottom of the filter cartridge is required to perform _. _(_/_
cartridgeremoval. Diagram4 _ m.
Do not screw filter to frJdge. Fig.ZLocking key

Installation instructions
12 Attach double sided foam to the back of the water filter head as shown
in Diagram 5. Write the date to be replaced on the filter (date installed +
6 months). Remove double sided foam backing and attach filter to the
desired position as located in step 11 (refer to previous page).
'13 Run the 6 mm (14") tubing to back of the fridge ensuring there is enough
tubing to pull out the refrigerator for service.
'14 Connect tubing into the water (solenoid) valve located on the right hand
side of the unit (compressor) compartment as shown in Diagram 7. Beware
of hot pipes.
'15 Pull gently on tubing to ensure it is locked in as shown in Diagram 8.
'16 The completed installation should look like Diagram 9 on page 7.
Diagram 5
Fig,8 Double sided
foam attachment
-'_-:_I"W _ Fig.P#_,terline connection
. i i± _ to refrigerator :
17 Turn isolating tap on and check that all connections are dry and free of drips.
reservoir fills up. As this is happening, the @ symbolwill flash. Once the reservoir is fuji, this
symbol will stop flashing.
2"_ Run afurther 3 [itres (3 qt)through the system to ensure the reservoir is flushed out. _:i

nsta ation instructions FIE
Aft connections must be checked for leaks.
o if unsure of connection process end/or leaks then contact your Iocalplumber to instafl end check
the system for you.
Ensure white 5 mm (¼") tubing is routed away from sharp objects, sharp corners (beware of
kinking tube as this will stop water flow), clear of the refrigerator unit compartment and not in a
location where it can be squashed.
Ensure all push-fit connections are firmly pushed into piece. The tube should push in 20 mm (_")
before reaching the stop.
if tubing is removed at any point, re-cut the end and reqnsert. Tubing must be fully inserted to
avoid leaks.
To remove tube from connection points, turn off the isolating tap, push in the toilet and gently
pull tubing at the same time.
i .lOConnec ionto
System testedand certifiedby NSF InternationalagainstNSF/ANSI Standard 53 forthe reduction
of Asbestos,Atrazine,Benzene,Cyst,Carbofuran,Lead,Lindane,Mercury,P-Dichlorobenzene,
Toxaphene &Turbidity;againstStandard NSF/ANS142 forthe reductionofChlorineTasteand
Odour and Nornina[ Particulate Class [to a capacity of 2,838 Litres (750 gallons).