at .........Four
Pieae foiiow the st_,psfi_rin taii_tion 1:oenure your appii_nce operates correctiy
o ]he %_pb-mc_,mqst b_ in _aibd _oti_ piuq i acc_ sibb_
Toensure lhal ti_eappiian(e is not a((identaiiy switci_ed off, (onnect your refri(ieralor or freezer
1oits own power point Do not piug in any oti_er appiian(e at ti_i power poinl or useextension
cords and double adaptors, a ti_e combined weight of both power cord can puii the double
adaptor from a waii ouliet socket
For power requirements, re/_r to ti_e infor,matior/or/ti_e sedai piale iocaled al the fronl bottom
rigi_t i_andside of tile refrigerator wi_e!/tile door isopen
it isessential that the appliance be propedy grounded (earthed)
2. Location
o Your refri_]er_4oror fieozer si/ouid r/or be io(>4ed in dh-ectuniigi/t or e _n x, 1:oany heat
generating appii_nce such asa range or dishwasi/er
it is important that aii four corners of ti_e refik]erator or fieezer basea_esupported iirmiy on the
floor to eiiminate any cabinet movement_
intaiiin<l_i_' _," r _ .a)Fn ....,,/e a!J_J_FaN.0 0,] a soft or uneven or tJnie\/ei floor may resuit in :wistin(: of the r _: e _
and poor _eaii!/g of ti_edoors f _n doors do not s a, prop_riy,warm air wiii enter the fooci
storacearea_caqqng_i .... e ; r.... re,he, mpera_dr to increase, re uiting it/food _p<:>iJageand food ioss
Before movin i your refii(ierator or fieezer into its position, ensure that ti_e adjustabie fi-or/t feet
arefqiiy retracted by turning them anticiockwise (counter ciockwise), ie toward the right of
the cabineL
Position your reMgerator or freezer Turn i e -.<" i,.,Eee* _e,r_ _,1],iSa, e f ......clockwise, ie to ,,_ ieft, to iower
the adjustabie fiont feet Raiseti_efront of the appiiance untii it is stabie and the doors move
toward ti_e ciosed positk:;n,on ti_eir own, wi_en open_
]i_e front ieveiii!/g foot or/the i_i!/ge side si_ouid take the majority of the weigi/t of the cabinet
and the cabinet shouid be stabie,: r _....._e .a )Fne, shouid not _ockorwobbie
Raise _ ,_ Lower