Important: This User Guide is to be used for all refrigerator/freezers. It contains aidthe
general information required for the operation o[your refrigerator/freezer.
A User Guide is provided with the Ice& Water refrigerator. This booklet contains additional
specific information about the ice and water functions on the refrigerator
contact your bcan Fisher & Paykd deaner.
Hmportant :Ce Guide de I'utilisateur est destin6 $_tousles r(_frig_rateurs/congdateurs.
II contient toute I'information g6n6rale n6cessaire au bon fonctionnement de votre
Un Guide de I'utilisateur est fourni avec chaque r6frig6rateur Ice & Water. Ce livret contient
des renseignements suppl6mentaires sur les fonctions du syst6me Ice & Water de votre

/_cliyeSrn_rl_'_Operating instructions
l_cliy_'7rn,,;rl_'_Specbi Fe<-_,_ures
l_cliyc,S/'r_;rl_'' MNn_enance
(iieaning Care
Storinq Food in Y,,}urRefri_ierator
S_oringFood ir_Your Beezer
ProNem So!ving Checklist
Tabe d@is mat Ores
{onsignes de s#{urit6 ir_portantes
insaiiation qua_reexigences essenlieiies
D6pi<-_,cementou er@eposage du r6f_ig4rateu_
R6frig4raieurs ke &W_,ter
ve@llezconsulter iesuppl6ment au (}uide de i'utilisateu_ <itssyst_,meice & Water
P_oc_',dqresde rnise en rnarci_ede i'/_cli//eSrnc._rl_''
(aract4ristiques sp6ciSes de i'/_cliv_,7;nc._;l_''
Entretien de i'/_cliyt_'Srr_rvrl_''
(onservation des aiiments au r_'#_ig0r_,teu_
(onservation des +iments au congN,_teu_
iJn proNf',me! Que fah-e?
} ,4
} ,4

]i) reducethe riskof fire,electricshock,or injuryto persor_sreadthe HMPORTANTSAFETY
tJsethis appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this UserGuide
When using this appliance aiways exer<ise basic saf(,ty precautions including the foiiowing:
o ]i_is appiiance is not intended for use by young ci_iidren or infirm persons witi/out supervision
Young chiJdre!/si_ouid be supervised to ensure riley do !lot play witi/tile appiiance
F_iskof child e!/trapment_ Belore you throw away your old refrigerator or freezer:
_ake off ti_e doors
ieavethe si_eJvesin place so that children may not eaiJy ciimb inide
o Extreme care must be taken when disposing of your oid appiiance to avoid hazards_Ti_e
refrigerant ga rout besafdy removed and ii}r the saf_,tyof young children, remove door
Your Fi i_er?,_PaykeJAppliances Auti/orised Service Center wiJJbe abie to give advice or_
enviro!/mentaiJy friendiy method of dispoqng of xour oid refrigerator or freezer
]his appiiance must be properiy instaiJedin accordance with the instaiJalion instruction before it
is u_e(:i_
o Never unpiug your refri(ieralor by pulling on the power (ord_
AJway_igrip the piuq firmiy and puiJstraigi/1 oul from tile ouliet
Do not piug in any oti_er appiiance at it power point or (/_eextemion cord or doubie adapter
Ftepairor replace immediateiy aiJelectric service cords ti_at i_avebecome frayed or oti/erwi e
damaged Do not ue a cord li/al _ii/ow_icracks or abraqon aiong its iength or al either the piug
if lhe power supply cord isdamaged, it must only be repiaced by your Fisi_er8_PaykeiAppiiances
Authori ed Service {enler becaw_especiai purpo etooi are required
o When moving your appiiance away from the waii, be carefui not to roli over or damage the
power c{_rd
o tinpiug your refrigerator before cleaning or replacing the iightbuib

Storing Food and Drinks
o Never store vo!aliJe o! fiammabie materials i!/your refriqerator or freezer as ti/ey may expiode.
o Never freeze iiquids i!/giass co!/tainers [ iquid expands du_ing fieezi!_g, which may cause the
Never freeze c:arbonaled dri!/ks Ti_eymay expiode.
Do not co!/ ume food if it i too co!d FoocJremoveci from ti_e freezer compartment may be co!d
enotJgi_1ocause damage when broughl inlo co!dad with bare skin eg. frozen ice cubes
Power Failure - Food Safety
o f)o not reireezefrozen f,oodsthal i_avethawed compfeieiy Fo!fow the _ecorrm_endalionsbelow
if you discover f,oocii!/your freezer iresti_awed:
]) ice crystal stiifvisible food may be refrozen but should be stored i_>ra shorter period than
J) Thaweci but refrigerator cold refreezi!/g ge!/eraiiy not recommended Fruitsand some
cooked food can be refroze!/but use a soon as possibie Meat, fish, poultry ue immediately
or cook ti_en refreeze \i_,(yetabies di card asthey tJsuaiiygo limp and <_oggy
3) ]i_awed but warmer titan 4'>C/40'>F i_edmeat can be cooked immediateiy and refrozen but
use assoon a possible Discard air other frozen food
Do not refreezefrozen food that have thawed completely Ti_efood may be dangerou I:oeat
o Many commerciaiiy avaiiabfe <ieaning products contain soivents which may attack piastic
components of your refrigeralor or freezer and cause them 1ocrack Pleaserei%,r1o the cleaning
care section of this booklet ik}rfurlher advice

at .........Four
Pieae foiiow the st_,psfi_rin taii_tion 1:oenure your appii_nce operates correctiy
o ]he %_pb-mc_,mqst b_ in _aibd _oti_ piuq i acc_ sibb_
Toensure lhal ti_eappiian(e is not a((identaiiy switci_ed off, (onnect your refri(ieralor or freezer
1oits own power point Do not piug in any oti_er appiian(e at ti_i power poinl or use extension
cords and double adaptors, a ti_e combined weight of both power cord can puii the double
adaptor from a waii ouliet socket
For power requirements, re/_r to ti_e infor,matior/or/ti_e sedai piale iocaled al the fronl bottom
rigi_t i_and side of tile refrigerator wi_e!/tile door isopen
it isessential that the appliance be propedy grounded (earthed)
2. Location
o Your refri_]er_4oror fieozer si/ouid r/or be io(>4ed in dh-ect uniigi/t or e _n x, 1:oany heat
generating appii_nce such asa range or dishwasi/er
it is important that aii four corners of ti_e refik]erator or fieezer base a_esupported iirmiy on the
floor to eiiminate any cabinet movement_
intaiiin<l_i_' _," r _ .a)Fn ....,,/e a!J_J_FaN.0 0,] a soft or uneven or tJnie\/ei floor may resuit in :wistin(: of the r _: e _
and poor _eaii!/g of ti_edoors f _n doors do not s a, prop_riy,warm air wiii enter the fooci
storacearea_caqqng_i .... e ; r.... re,he, mpera_dr to increase, re uiting it/food _p<:>iJageand food ioss
Before movin i your refii(ierator or fieezer into its position, ensure that ti_e adjustabie fi-or/tfeet
arefqiiy retracted by turning them anticiockwise (counter ciockwise), ie toward the right of
the cabineL
Position your reMgerator or freezer Turn i e -.<" i,.,Eee* _e,r_ _,1],iSa, e f ......clockwise, ie to ,,_ ieft, to iower
the adjustabie fiont feet Raiseti_efront of the appiiance untii it is stabie and the doors move
toward ti_e ciosed positk:;n,on ti_eir own, wi_en open_
]i_e front ieveiii!/g foot or/the i_i!/geside si_ouid take the majority of the weigi/t of the cabinet
and the cabinet shouid be stabie,: r _....._e .a )Fne, shouid not _ockorwobbie
Raise _ ,_ Lower

r sta at .........Four
4. VentiHation and BnstaHBtion
]b ensure adequate ventiiatior_ fi>ryour
!efrigerator or freezer see recommended
cabinetry dimensions bdow
Ti_eappiiance is i!/tt_!/ded to be piaceci against a
waiJwiti_ a fie__distar/cp not excet<ding 3"(7Smm)
o D,J d,n, the applbnce into acupboard, follow
instaiJadon instrucdor_s provided with the
Flushvvth refdge/_tor chasss
f_ll doo_ oration
i _Ji- -i4-
r _ r.....
Flush wth refngeratot door
90° door rotat on
i_ D -i
i d4- dKi-
jJ i
j 4,_
Flush wth refdge/ator docx
f_ll door rotation
l-, G 4
, ! ::.-!J!- -!L-
A inside height 68 X / 1745
B inside wdth 32 % / 830
C inside depth 24 % / 620
_@ :: ....::
D inside wdth
E inside depth flush to curved door
F inside depth fl_sh to flat door
G nsidewdth
H inside depth flush to curved door
I inside depth flush to fiat door
J side clearance
K side clearance - hinge side flush with door - 90 ° rotation
L side clearance - hinge side flush with door - ful rotation
M rear clearance (incl evaporator tray)
N vent
32 % / 835
26 % '675
27_ '69o
37 % / 950
26 % / 675
27 _#_/ 690
1 /25
5%/ 140
1 _/_/ 30

sta at o Four
Before PHacing Food in the Fresh Food or Freezer Compartments
Remove aiJpackaqin_i nsure ti/at _}iJtran it dip _re removed flora the _efiid(u-ator ]hese a_e
smaiJrubber qops io(ated at ti_e ba(k of the si/eives
Aiiow tile refrigerator and freezer to run empty for }_ 3 hours 1oaiiow each comparlmenl 1o
cooi to ti_eappropriate temperalure
{iean ti_einside of ti_eappiian(e with warm water and a iittie iiquid detergenl 1oremove
manufacturing and transportation dust
]i_e appiian(e may i_avean odor on its initiai operalior_, bul this wiJJgo when the refrigeralor
and freezer havecoo!ed sufficientiy
Energy Efficiency
o Do not cover yoqr appiian(:(_switi_ any matodai that wiii prevent air flora flowing a_ound the
cabinet sides_
Do not ieave tile door open for any ior/ger titan i nece sary
AiJowgood (iearances in fronl of the air ducts within the cabinet fi>rmaximum co!d
air distribulior_

Mov or : tor Your
if your refrigerator or freezer isturned off for any reason,wait ]0 minutes before It4minc it back
or_]his win aifow the refrigeration sytem pressures1oequaiise before restarting
Moving Your Refrigerator
]u_n off tile _ppih}nce and unpit]q from ti_e power poir/t_Remove_ii fi;od
]urn tile adju<itabie fi,et to tile rigi/t a far a ti/ey wiii turn (seepage (_)
F-aseti_e refrigerator out of its position Tuck ti_epower cord away and tape ti_edoor closed
]ape tile sheive i!/piace ifti_e (abinet needs to be piaced at an angle or laid down, carefuify lay
it on its <iide(ti_e ri(7i/thand side when viewed from tile front)
ReJocateand intaN if tile appiian(e hasbeen ie[Ton its side fi)r any length of time, leave it
standing uprigi/1 for al ieat 10 minules before turning o!/
Stonng "Your Refrigerator or Freezer
Wi_enstod!/q your cieaned appiiance, leave tile door(s) open ibis aiiow ah-1:och-cuiat(_and
prevents the buiid up of bacteria and moulds
Before uing again, ciean weii uing a mixture of warm water arid baking soda (add I tea pooh
of baking soda I:oeach ] pint (500 mi) of water) Rine with dean water
Vacation Time
We re(ommer/d you leave you_ refrige_aloror freeze_op@aling wbiie you a_eon vacation

Ac t vo S art"" Opora t !:::1 struct o s
For information err the operation of the _ce& Water control pane_ please refer to
the _ce& Water User Guide.
Temperature Control
Wi_enti_e refriqerator isfirs turned on, li_e powerful (oo!inq system wiii automaticaiiy coo[ bolh
refrigerator and freezer compartments to ti_eir set temperatures Ti% wiii take between ? 3
i_oursdepending or} ti_etemperature and i_umidity of ti_e environme!}t
]he two compartment temperatures are accurateiy and i!}depe!}dentiy controiied and do not
chanqe witi_ the temperature or i_umidity of ti_e surroundings; wi_eti_er summer orwinter
if you wisi_ to aiter ti_e temperature of eiti_erti_e fresi_food compartment or freezer
compartment, finis(:an be eaiiy done by uing the Contro! panel iocated at the back of the fresh
Control Panel ]b adjust temperatures
,-:,sh _(04 _nd fr<ezer
(:omp _rtment nd (:_tot
sele(:l; ) ]tton
Fresh Food Compartment
o ]i_e fresi_ food compartment iigi_t on ti_e refi'igerator dbgram wiii be si_owin? Ti_etemper_,ture
indic_tor illustrated by athermometer will si_owthe temperature setting for this compartment as
aseries of ii_]ht
]i_e temperature may be aitered by pre sing ti_e increase temperature or decrea_e temperature
bultons One presson eiti_er of these bulton will produce a dimmer iigi_1which indicales a
srnaiJci_an}e i!/ temperature.
Pre sing eiti_er button twice gives a brk}hter ik}i_t and indicates a greater change in temperature
Fewer iigi_Ison the thermometer mean a cooier lemperalure for the compartmenl selected
Freezer Foods Compartment
]b adjust ti_<*freezer temperature pressti_e compartment seiect button untiJ the iiS/i_tfia iy,s on
the freezer compartment indicator:
]i_e fr(_ezvrtemperaturu can be aitered by pr(,ssinci li_e increaseor de(tease temperature button
One pressor/eiti/er of ti_ee buttons wiJJprodu(e a dimmer iight wi%i_ indicates a wnaiJchange
in temperature Pressingeither isulton twice gives a bdghler iighl and indicales a grealer change
in temperalure
Note: Su(ce siveiy pres ing ti_e(ompartment seiectbutton wiii aulomati(aiiy seie(t between ti_e
compartme!/t, a return to ti_efresi_food (ompartme!/t will be a((ompanied by a ior/ger beep
When tile door i reopened the co!/tro! panel will return autornaticaily 1:othe fresi_food
compartmenl setting

Ac t VO <°......rt
:: na Oporat struct o
Sabbath Mode
Toa(tivale ti_e Sabbati_ mode pressthe comparlmenl select bulto!/o!/the lemperalure co!lifo!
panei for 10 econd
Whe_] the Product is in Sabbath Mode:
]he iigi/t wiJJnot operate wi_e!/tile door i opened
o ]he door alarm wiii not operate_
o ]he dispiay win not be iffumi!/ated
Opening the door will not af/_,ct the compressor or fan
if ti_e power 1:othe refrigeralor i turned off whilst in thi mode, the producl win cor¢inue in
Sabbati/mode when tile power i re toted
Sabbath mode win automatkaiiy de a(tivate 80 i_our after activation
Tode a(tivate earner ti/an 80 i_our press the compartmenl seiect bulto!/ or/ the lemperalure
cor_tro! panel/or 10seconds
Normal Refrigerator Sounds
l_cti//<}'<>rr_c;rt_'_r_ffriq_rotor, witi_ ti_qr _xcNbnt on_rqy rating and (ooiing performan(q (an
produce sounds omewhat diff_rent 1:oyour old refrigerator
He,real Ope_atlonal Sounds Include:
Fanah-flow sound ,_cliy{' <;mcH;l_'_ref_i(Teratorshave ians wi%h chancTespeed dependinc 7or_
demand_During cooling periods, suci_a<iafter frequent door openings, f<,nscirctJiate the
co!d air it/ti_e refrigerator and freezer compartments producing some air flow sound ]his is
quite normal
Cracki!/g or poppi!/g wi%i_ may <iou!_diike ice (::oming off the evaporator Thisoccur when the
defrost fu!_ctior} isoperating_
o F_unningwater sound]his isthe liquid refrigerant in the system and can be heard as a boiling or
gurgling noie
An audibie i%si!/g sound after ciosing tile freezer door Ti_i is due 1:othe pressure dif_i_re!/ce
between the warm air lhal ha enlered the cabinet and suddenly cooled, and the oulside
air pressure_
Other qrange ounds may be heard for the foiJowing reason:
Cabinet not level
Floor unever/or weak
Bottles or jar rattling on si_eives
/ /

Actve :: poc a Features
C ¸¸
Fruit and VegetabHe Bins and Humidity Control Cover'
]he ve(_etabie bin fi_-4urea unique cover wi%h provides two fu!_ctiom:
]i_e i_umiditv cover seai the bin and provides a humid microciimale 1oextend storage limes of
fruit and vegetabies
]he humidity cover preve!/ts (or/der/ atior_,wi_ici/form at i_igi_i_umiditie from dripping down
onto the fruit and vegetabies Ti_eabiiity Io retain i_i(ii_humidity inthe fruit and vegetabie bin
may produce smaii amounls of waler in the bottom of the fruit and vegetabie bin ]his can be
wiped out a required
Fruit and Vegetable Bins and Humidity Slide
o Eachfruit and ve_]etabie bin i_asa i_umidity adaptor cor_tro! that can be adjusted I:ohuit or
vegetabie depending on wi_at i _tored it/tile bins_
if possibie try to _tore fruit and vegetabie separateiv Ti_i wiii i_eipextend ti_eir storage i[f__,
if there i a mixture of fruit and vegetabies in ti_e bin adiust ti_e position of ti_e (o!_troi 1oti_e(enlre
if ti/ere i too much waler in the bin the co!lifo! can be adjusted toward the setting with
Remember a smaii amount of water in the bins is beneficial for fruit and vegetable storage
@ @ @
SUITABLE FOR: Salad Greens Mixed fruit Fruit with
[ettuce & vegetables
o Spinach o ()ranqes
o i-_rocco!i o lemons
o Cabbage o limes
o (_arrot
Ice Trays and Lid
o ]b empty ti_ek:e cubes into ti_e lid, ho!d ti_etruly_nd i[d to_]eti_<,rand twist to di iodcje ti_e cubes
o Refiii the ice tray with water} piace i[d cx)r_tai!_ingice cubes on top and _tore in ti_efreezer
o ice cube are best stored in a dosed cor_taineror piatic bag as they readiivabsorb odor and
lates from other food
Door Alarms
o if Ibe fresi_food compartment door is ie[t open ti_e refriqerator wiii beep after f}Oseconds
o if tile freezer door is ieff open ti_e _efrigerator wiii beep after dOseconds_
o Wi_ile eiti_er door remains open, ubsequent beeps wiiJ sound every 30 seconds for S minutes
Acor/ti!/qous aiarm will _ound if the door has been left open fi)r S minutes or longer and the
interior ikiht wiii turn oE
]he aiarm wiii stop when the door is ciosed

Act VO <°......rtrM <°
:: na :: poc a Foaturos
Fault Alarms
o if ti_eelectronic (ontro!ier detects afi,uit from wi_ici_i_ is unabie to recover an aBrm win sound
o Wi_en the fresi_food compartment door isopened a fault (:ode (specific pattern of iigi_ts) will
fic,sh red c,,ndgreen on ti_e (:ontro! panel to c',iertyou to ti_ef<',uLTi_e<-,t.idibiealarm will stop
when any button is pressed but ti_e iigi_ts will remain fiasi_ing_
if suci_a faciit o(ct/rs, (:allyour Fisher & P_',ykeJAppihmces Auti_orised ServiceCenter immediately;
the fault code will help the servke person find and remedy the causeof failure
Act vo <°......rtrM
Replacement of the Intedor Light (Halogen Light Bulb)
]u_n ti_e power off _;tti_ewan socket before repbcinq the bulb ]he iiqi_t bulb is iocat(d on the
top roof of ti_ecabinet at the fror/t_
o Remove ti_e lens cover usir_qa <_maiJscrewdriver insert the screwdriver in the fiont center of the
lens cover and gentiy lever down_ Pull out ok:i bulb
o Do not touch the new bulb with you_ hand {e_',veit inthe pbsti( bc,,gwhilst sbtting into position
o Remove ph-,,ssicbag when bulb isin position
o Repbce lenscover
o ]u_n power on i ight bulb si_ouid now giow
The replacement halogen bulb
must not exceed 12Volt/10 Watt,
Bulbs are available from your
Fisher & Paykel Appliances Customer
Care Center,
'four refrigerator is designed to operate for many years without the need for service checks,
However, ff your refrigerator is malfunctioning, have it attended to by your
Fisher & PaykelAppliances Authorised Service Center as soon as possible, All electrical repairs
must be carded out by an adequately trained service technidan or qualified electridan,

o it i ip:'portant to keepti_e interior of ti_, refrigerator and freezer :.iean to h_ip prev_nt foo(i from
be_omin<] contaminated diuring s or_-)ge
o ]i_ c_mountand typ_s of Mod _itoredd_t_rrnine i_ow ofi_n cbaninq si_ouid b_ _arrk,d oW
(id_aliy once _w_wy] to E w__ek) in ti_e r_,friq_r_,tor
Remove ti_e si_eJvesfrom cabinet and door Wash si_eivesand s orage bins in wa_rnwater and
detergent; fine in (iean water ahd dry before repiacing_
Wipe over ti_e interior surfaceswiti_ warm water and deter(lent or baking _oda dissoived in warm
water (add ] teaspoor/of baking soda I:oeach ] pint (SOOmis)of water)_Rifle witi/(iean wateL
To i_eip remove "oid staie refrigerator" smeiis add af_w drops of vaniiia es'_enceor vinegar to the
water before (::iea!fi!/g_
Ciean exterior surfa(es with warm waler and detergen1_Ue a 1oothbru i_for the magnetic
door gaket
Do not use hat i_,abrasive(ioti_s or (ieaners or i_igi/iy perfumed, strohg srneiiing cieaner or
soivenls on any part of the refrigeralor or freezer
Stainless Exterior Door
it is irnportanl wi_en (iea!finq ti_e exterior door su_/aceof you_ refiioeralor, 1o oniy use iiquid
di hwashin<]detercient di soived in warm water
Dry ti_edoor witi/a (iean, ii!/t free (ioti/_
]he ue of any abra ive or stainies'_steei cieaner and soivents wiii damage the door sur/ace
Other Exterior Surfaces
Ciean aii other exterior surfa(e witi_ warm water and detergenL
if neces'_ary,ciean the magnetic door gasket with an o!d 1oothbru i_,warm waler and detergenl
] 4

Care- :: pec a Features
To Remove Trays
For easeof removal, empty food from tr_-_y/bi!/fir<it_
o HoEdti_e centre front of ti_e tray/bin i_andie
{ifi vertically to unciip frorr_ti_e runners and pull tray!bin towards you to _emove
Push runners back into refiigerator
To Replace Trays
With the _t,_nne,-, puhed E,)aci.,<_m<othe _ef_iqeratoD place the tray/bin on tom,of the _t,_nne,-,
Pus!/÷' <-'
_h: truly/bin back slowly until you feel it (:Ripback onto tile runners.
important Note: Bin and tray runners are pre lubricated, and will not need to be
re-lubricated during their life, Do not attempt to clean grease from the runners, as this will
affect their ability to function. Do not immerse runners in water.
Glass Shelves
(ie_,n wi_i/warm waler _;nd deterge!it or a qbss ( ie_,ner,if (ie<-;ni!/qti_esi_eiveswithout
removing from the cabinet use only warm w_;ter and detergent as agbss cleaner can damage
ti_e pi<-;s_kcomponents of yocr refrigerator.
important Note: Many commercially available cleaning products contain solvents that
may attack the plastic components of your freezer and cause them to crack, It is important
to use only warm water and a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent on any'
plastic components inside and outside your freezer, Avoid using anti-bacterial cleaning
products on either the interior or exterior of the cabinet asthey may cause rusting of metal
components and cracking of plastic components.