Fisher & Paykel E522BLM-21638C, E522BRM-21637B, E522BLM-21638A, E522BLT-21926C, E522BRT-21925C User Manual

_Acti_e Smart
User guide EN,,U'J_
Guia dei usuario ES_k.l_\_
_V_anue_de J'utimisateur FR_C_,,_
A User Guide s provided with the Ice & Water reff gerator. This bookbt contains add tonal specific nformat on about the ice and water funct ons on the refrigerator
Importante: esta Guia deJ Usuario est_ destinada at uso de todos los refrigeradores o congeladores. Contiene ta informadGn generat comp eta para ef funcionamiento de su refrigerador y congelador.
Se inctuye una Guia dd Usuario con el refdgerador ce & Water. Este fotteto contiene informad6n adicionat espedfica sobre [as funciones de hie[o y agua de[ refrigerador.
mportant : ¢e Guide de I'utifisateur est destine' _ tousles re'fdge'rateurs/conge'lateurs
contient route I' nformation ge'ne'ra e ne'cessai_e au bon fonct onnement de votre
Un Guide de t'utilisateur est foumi avec chaque re'fr ge'rateur Ice & Water Ce Iwet contient des renseignements supple'mentaires sur les fonctions du systGme Ice & Wate de votre
Les mode'tes Ilustre's dans ce guide de hxil sateur peuvent ne pas &tre offerts dans tous es ma_che's et sont sujets _ modification en tout temps. Pour connaitre e mod_ne et es spe'cifications applicab es _ votre pays, veuil ez visiter notre site Web _ www_fishe_paykel_com ou communiquer avec le repre'sentant Fisher & Paykd de votre re'g on.
FmportanSa_etyh_,'_r_aion F/stailato_FourEssentialRequirements
Movn9o Storn9YouRefrgeator [ce&V%teRefrgeatospleasee_ortosuppfementlce&WateUserGude
ActiyeSmc;rs_'_©pera ing I _st_uc ons
Adiye Smc;rt _' Spec al Featu es Adiye '>mort _' Maintenance
Clean ng Care
Sol n(} Food n Your Refrgerator Stor ng Food n Your F eezer
[rated Warranty
10 11
11 13
14 ]
20 22
i/st ucc ones impo/ta/tes de seguridad 27 i_staJaci6n CuatroRequisitosEsencaes 2f}
Mover o Almacenar su Rer getador 32 Ref/ige adoresice &Water favor de e nit rsea a Guia de Usuao ce & Ware supreme/ta ia 33
i/strucc ones de Operac 6 / de '/4ctiv,,__rsoc;r" 33
Caracter sdcasEspecales deJ'Adive Smar__'' 35
Man enimiento del 'Adive 3m_rF" 3(3
Cuidados de / impieza 37 Guarda Comida en su Refrige ador 40
¢_uardarComida en su Congdador 42
tstadecompobaciOnparaso[uciona pobemas 44
Ga antia Frnitada 46
%hie des .....liqat _res
Consignes de s6curit6 impo/tantes
[]stailaton quatreexigencesessentelbs D#,piacement ou entreposage du rd,frigd_ ateur
R(',frig#ra eurs ce & Water
veulezconsulterlesuppd, nentat Gudede 'ut sateurdusysth_me ce&Wate
P oc_,dures de raise en mache de ['Adiv_ Sr;od;r£_'
Caract@ st ques sp#ciales de 'Active Smar£ _'
Entretien de I'A eiveStr}_r__'
Conservation des alime/ts au r_',frigd,tateur Conse vation des a iments au cong4_lateur
Un p ob6me Oue fae?
Ga antie limi @e
S _7 58
']9 62
d4 d6
%educetheriskofre,electricshock,ornuy topersonsreadtheIMPORTANTSAFETY
Usethisapplianceonly{or its intended purpose asdescribed in this UserGuide.
When using ths appliance always exerc se basic safety precaut ons nc udhg the fo lowing:
This app%nce isnot intended #;r use by young children or nfirn persons without supervision Young ch dre/shoud be supevsed to ensue they do not play wth the appance //isk of child e/trapment Beforeyou throw away your od err gerato or f eezer:
lake off the doo/s
eave he shelves n place so that children may not easily climb nsde
Extleme care must be taken whes disposing of your old appliance to avoid hazards.The _efrgeantgasmus be safdy removed and fo_the sa'÷,tyof young ch dreq emovedoors Your Fisher&PaykeJApp ancesAuthorisedServce(enterw be abe togveadvceon env onmental y friendly methods of d spos _gof your od efrigeraLor or freezer
Ths appiiance must be popery nstalJed n accordance with the nstaliat on instruct on before it s used
Never unpug your refr ge/ator by pulng on tke power cord Aiwaysgrpheplugf miyaqdpu straight out from theouJet. Do not: plug in any ohel appliance at:ts powe/point or useex eqs o / colds or dou }[e adapters //epa r or rep ace mined ately al eJectrc service cords that have become frayed or otherw se damaged Do not use acord that shows cracks or abrason along its ength o at eithe the plug o applance e/d fthe power supply co_d isdanaged, t must only be replaced by your Fsher & PaykelAppances Authorised Selv ce Center because speca purpose tools are requ red When moving you app ante away from hewall be careful no to o over or damage he
Unplug your errgeracor before deaniqg or epJacng the lightbuJb
Storing Food and Drinks
o Never store voiat ie or fammable materia sin your err gerator o f eezer as they may exp ode
Never freeze liquids in glass conta nets [iqud expands dung freezing, whch may cause the co ]tainer to exp ode
o Never fleeze car}onated dnks. They _/ay explode
Do not consume lood f it s too cold Food emoved flom the f eezer compartmen may be cod enough to cause damage when brought no contact wth bare skin eg frozen ice cubes.
Power Failure - Food Safety
Do not efreeze fozen foods that haw _thawed comp etNy Foow the eco_mendations below if you d scover _ood in you freezor h_._sthawed:
i) Ice crystals still visib e food may be ref ozen but should be stored _or a shorte period than
2) Thawedbu refrigeraolcod efleezi/g genera y not recommended Frutsandsome cooked food can berefrozen _ut use as soon as poss bJe Meat fsh pouty use mmediately or cook then refreeze, Vegetab es - discard as they usual y go mp and soggy _)Thawed )ut warmer than 4°C/40 ° Red meat can be coo<ed immedatey and refrozen but use a'_"_oon as possib e. D scard all other frozen foods. Do not efreeze fozen foods that have hawed comp etdy.The "(-od may ;e da/gelous to eat
Many commerc ally ava lable cleaning products conta n solvents which may attack plast c co "r/ponen s of your ref igera or or freezer and cause them to c ack Pease e_,_rto the cleaning
care sect on of this book et _or further advce
t latio Four f}: settia re erts
Please foJow the steps for nstalJat on to ensure your appliance operates correctly
1. Power
The appliance must be insta ed so the plug is access hie o ensure that t/e appl ance is not acc dentally switched of, co//ect your refrigera o/or freezer to tsownpowerpoin Do notplugina]yohelapplanceatt:hspowerpointo useextenso/ cotdsanddoubeadapos, as the com > ned we gh of both power co ds can pu t_edoube adaptor from a wail outlet socket
o For power equ ements, ref,tr to the nformation on the se ai pate located at the front bottom
righthand sde of the refigerao whe_ the door is open it sessentalt/at heapp aloe ;epropelygrou/ded(eart/ed)
2, Location
Your refrigerato/or f eezer s'/ou d not be located in drect sun _jht or next: to any heat: gene at ng _ppl ante such as a range or d shwasher.
3. Stability
it s mpottant ::/at al four cornets of tie refrigeator or feezer >ase ae supported finny on t/e
foot o eliminate any ca > net novemen
i]stailingtheappanceonasoftoruneveno unJeveJfloo may result twistngofthecabinet and poor sealing of the doors. #the doors do not sea prope ly, warm ar wl e/ter the _ood storage areas causing the tempe at e to _crease resulting in food spo lage and #>od ioss.
Before noving your ref gerator ot freeze: into ts positio/, ensure that tie adjustable fiont Feet ae fuy ret acted by turning them ant clockwise (counte ciockw se), ie towards the rght of
the cabinet.
Postionyourrefigeraororfreezer. runthead]ustablefeetdockwse e to the left :ok>wet thead]ustablefontfeet Basethefontoftheappianceu/t it is stab e and the doo s move towards the closed post on on the: own, when open The front level ng foot on the hinge sde should take he majoriy of the weght of the cabnet
a_d the cabinet: should be stable ie ca >inet shoud not ock ot wo>bie
k ................ r-
FR_sis@_ _ Lower
sa a ' FourEsse tial Requre qe ts
4_Ventilation and Installation
k}ensure adequate vent aion _oryour
eflge ato or freezer see ecolnmended
ca }inelly d me% ons beow.
Theappanceis nended obepaceda<jains a
wail with a flee dis ance no exceedng3'(75mm) f building the app ante _co a cupboard, _,olow
/staliat on nst ucl ons prov ded wth the
/iii ii
/iii!i il /iliili ii
F: sh with refrigeator c/assis
fu door 8otatio /
i B
F sh with 8efrigeato doo
90' doo8 _otatio /
F:lush Mth _efdgerator doo
fu door _otatio /
p 6 ! ,
i -idr _1 L 1-
A inside height 68 _/4/ 1745
B inside width 32 ?/4/ 830 C inside depth 24 % / 620
D inside width 32 7/s/ 835 E inside depth flush to curved door 26 % / 675 F inside depth flush to flat door 27 _/_/ 690
G inside width 37 @ / 950 H inside depth flush to curved door 26 % / 675
[ inside depth flush to fiat door 27 _Z_/ 690
J side clearance ?/4/ 20
K side clearance - hinge side flush with door - 90 ° rotation I / 25 L side clearance - hinge side flush with door - full rotation 5 _,/_/ 140
M rear clearance (incl, evaporator tray) ] Ys/ 30 N vent 2 / 50
F>ut f}:ssettia Rq.. :*e ts
Before Plating Food in the Fresh Food or Freezer Compartments
Remove all packa_;in<j fnsue that all transit clips are emoved fore the ref igerator These are sma ubber sops ocated at the back ol:t-/e sheves, A owthe refri erator and fleezel /-o run empty For2 3hourstoa ow each compartment to coo to_:t,e approprae emperatue Ceanthe nsdeoft/eappiiancewithwarmwateranda tie oudoetergentto_emove
manufactu in(_ and transportation dus The appliance may have an odor onils ntaiopeation, butthisw (yowhenthe e{rgerator and { eezer have cooed suPc ently
Energy Efficiency
Do not cover your appliances with any materia that w prevent air fore flowing around the cab net sides.
Do not eave the door o:>e/for any longer t/an is necessary. Aow good cbarances in flont of the air ducts within tt,e cabinet "<-r maximum cod
a d stribut on
\ }_.i¸
Mov g or Stor four F /-r/ilerator
fyour eft gerator o/f eezers turf ed offlor any reason wait lOm nutes be"ore t_nng t back on. Thiswl allow ty/e ref igera ion system pressu esto equalise before restart ng,
Moving Your Refrigerator
Turn of the applia_/ce and unpug fon tie powel pont. Remove all food Turn theadustabefeet oherghtasfa as theyw t: _rn (see page T)
ase the refrige ator out of its pos tion Tuck the power cord away and tape the doors cosed
[_;pe the shelves place If the cab net needs to Be placed at an ange or aid down, carefully Jay
to/ tssi(e(the g//andsdewhenvewedfomthefront). Re ocate and ins al If t/e appliance has been left on its side For a/y engtsoftine cave t standngupightlorat: east iOminues }eft;re urningon
Storing Your Refrigerator or Freezer
When stori'/g your c eaned appliance, eave the door(s) open. This allows a to c culate and prevents the build up of batter a a_d moulds. _}.efore using agan cean wel using a mixture of warn ware and baking soda (add i teaspoon of bakng soda to each 1 pnt (_00 ml} of water} Rnse wth clean ware
Vacation Time
We recommend you eave your ef gerator or freezer opeatn9 whle you are on vacacon.
For information on the operadon of the _ce& Water control panel please refer to
the _ce & Water User Gui(te,
Temperature Control
Whe/t/emfti _watoris f st u /edon, thepowerfuicoolngsystemw autonaicalycoolboth
refrigerator and freezer co npa tmen sto th@ set temperatures Ths win take between 2
hours depe/ding on the temperature and humdty of he env onment The two compartmen temperatures are accurately asd independently control ed and do not change with thetempeatureorhundtyofthesu oundings;whethersu]_merorwnter
if youwshtoalterthetemperaureofetherthefeshfoodconpartmen o/feezer conpatme/t, this ca _be easily done }y using the Cont ol pane ocaeda the back of the flesh
Control Panel o adust tempe atures
Fresh/ood and f eezer compartment indicator
Itic eas(-' tern p(i atu re button
Compa truer t select bt ttor lem >erattre
Fresh Food Compartment irdi(ator (tbermomote)
Tile fresh food compartment light on the err gerator diagla _/wili be showing The te x/perature
ind ca or Iius ra ed }y a t:/ermornete will show the empelatu e setng for this compart ]lent as aseriesof ghs. The temperature may be a reded by p ess ng the inc ease temperatu e or decease te s_peratu e
buttons One press on e thet of these >uttonsw produceadimner ghtwhichindicatesa sinai change in temperatu e
Pressing eitherbttton wcegivesab ghter gh and ndcatesagreaterchangeinternperaure.
Fewer lighs on the thermometer means a cooie temperatu e for the compartment se ected
Freezer Foods Compartment
oadustt/efeezertenperatuepresstsecompartmentseectbuttonuntlt/e 9i/tfasheson the freezer compart nent ind cator The freezer tempe ature can be aite ed by p essing the ncrease or decease temperature buttons. One pess on ether of these buttons will poduce a drainer light which ndcates a sinai change
intemperatue Pressngeihetbuttontwcegivesa }rghte ghtand ndicatesageaterchange
in empe_atu e
Note: Successively press ng the co npartmen select }uton wi automat caiy seect between t:/e compartments a rerun to he fresh [ood compartment wll )e accompan ed by a longer beep When the door is eopenedthecontro panelw eturn automat ca ly to the fresh food compartment setting.
(i - TM
Activ<t. T art Ope at g Ir stru(tio s
Sabbath Mode
Io actiw_tethe '_abbath mode pess the (ompartment seJectbutton on the tempe atu e _onto
panel for 10seconds When the Pro@_ct s n Sabbad_ _qod_<
The ligh will not opera e whe_ the door s opened The door alarn wit no opera e The dsplaywiil not be uminated.
Opening the door wl not affect the comp essoro _._ns
ft/epower otl/erefrigeraoristur/edoffwhls in this mode the productwil continue in Sabbath node when the power s resto/ed. Sabba h node wl[ automa icaly de-activa e 80 tours a%r act vadon.
Ib, deactivate eater than 80 hours pressthe co npartment select button on the temperature
control panel for i0 seconds
Normal Refrigerator Sounds
Active Srr}_rt'_refrNetators, wth their excellent eneroy ratin<;sa/d coong pe_forma ice, can
produce sounds somewhat different to your od refrNe_ator. _o_mal Ope_aqo_a! Sounds hclude; Fanair low sound Afire '_mortH_'err gerators have fans whch change speed depending on demand Duing cooing perods, such as af,te fequent door openngs fans c cubte the cold a inthe refrigerator and f eezer compartments p oducing sondeair flow sound This s quite norma Crack _/gor popping which may sound ike ice conng off the evaporator.T/s occurs when the defros funct on isopera ing Running watersound.Ths sthe qud efrgetant n the system and can be heard asa bo ngor
An audib e hissing sound after cos i/g the freezer door This is due to the pressure di_÷,tence
}etweenthewamair ha has entered the cabinet: and sudden y coo ed and the outside air pressure Other st ange sounds may be heard for the Fo owng easons:
Cabinet not leve Floo uneven or weak
/5ottes or ars art ng on shelves
S qart < ii: ec:ia F !} atures
Fruit and Vegetable 8ins and Humidity Control Cover
The vegetable bins feature a unique cover which proMdes two fu lotions:
o Th__humdtycovers as_' the )ins andpovidesahumidmicoc mate to extend storage times of
furs and vegetables. Th_,hum dty cover prevnts_,condensation, which forms a_high hum d t es fron dppng down
onto the fru t and vegetables The ab tytoretanhghhumdityinthefrutasdvegetablebn
may produce sma amounts of water n the bottom of the frut and vegetable bins.This can be
wiped out as equ red
Fruit and Vegetable Bins and Humidity Slide
Eachfuit and vegetable bin has a humidity adaptor control that can be adjusted to frut or
vegetables depend ng on what s stored n the bns.
If possble try to store frut and vegetables separate y Th swli help extend their storage ii¢__ Ifthere isa m xturc,of fuit and vegetables in the bin adjust the post on of the control to the centre.
lf]hereistoomuchwaelint:/ebnst:/econtlo can beadjusedtowards hese ingwth
fewer drps.
Remembe asmalamoun of water nthebnsisbeneficia fo fui a/dvegetablesotage
@ @ @
SUITABLE FOR: Salad Greens Mixed fruit Fruit with
/ _,ttJoe Spinach _ ()ranges
Broccoli _ lemons Cabbage _ limes
IceTrays and Lid
oempythe cecubes nto he d, hoidttetayand dtoo, ether and tw st to disiodge the cubes.
ReflJthe icetray wth wael place lid co/taining ice cubes on top and sore n the freezer ice cubesaebes sored nacosedcontainelolplastcbagas hey eadlyassorbodorsa/d
tastes fro_ {}(her foods,
Door Alarms
if the fres'/food compartnent door s eft ope/t/e ref igerator will beep afte 90 seconds i[ the freeze/door s left:open the refrigerator wil beep after 60 seco/ds.
While either door reY_ainsopen, subseque/t beeps wl sound every 30 seconds {,'>/_m nutes A coninuous aiarn wll sound if the door /as been le'_ open'<-r _ minues or ongel aid he
inte/iorlghtw turn of:
The alarm will stop when the door s cosed
Active mart SpecaIFeatures
Fault Alarms
ftheeectonccontro erdetects faukfromwhch t sunabeto ecoveranaarmw Isound When the fresh _oodcompartment door isopened a fi._ukcode (specif c pattern of lighls) w
flash red and green oil t/e Cont ol panel o alert you to tile faut. Tie audib e aarm w sop
when any button ispressed but he g_tsw remanflashng. if such a fJuit occus call you Fisher & PaykelAppliances Autho/sed tie v ce Center immediately; the _._ultcode wil help the sevce person find and emedy the causeof failu e
Ci . _,4 . (_£s
Activ(!it fiqart Iv'/a r te 8r
Replacement of the Intedor Light (Halogen Light Bulb)
Turn xhe power offat the wall socket before replacing the }ulb The light hub isocated on the
top roof of the cabnet at the font //e'r/ove the lens cover using a sinai sc ewdriver, nset the sc ewd ive in the front center of the
ens cover and ge/dy eve down Pu out old bub. Do not ouch the new bulb with your hand..eave it n the pBstic }ag whist; sott ng nto position lie nove pasic bag when bul} isn posi ion //epbce le/s cove/.
Turn powe on light bulb should low glow
The replacement ha ogen hub
must not exceed 12Volt/10 Watt, Bulbs are available from your
Fsher & Payket Appliances Customer Care Center.
Your ref igerato s designed to operate for many years without the need for service checks.
However, if you refrige ator is malfunctioning, have it attended to by your
Fshe_& Paykel Appl ances Authonsed Sevce Center as soon as possibte. All electrical _epairs
must be carried out by an adequately trained service technician or qual fied etectrician,
Clea r ir" {ij (Yare - Irter or/Lixterior
ft s mpo tant to keep the inter or of the err gerator and freezer clean to hep prevent food from
becon ng contam nated during storage The amount and types of f_>od stored de er ]/nes how oriel cleaning shoud }e carried out (deaily once every 1 /-o 2 weeks) in t:/e ref gera or
Remove t/e she ves foY_ cabinet: and doo/. Wash she ves and storage bins in warn water and dete gen ; rinse n cean water and dry before rep acing, Wipe over the nte or su£_ces wth warm ware and detergent or baking soda dissolved in warm water (add 1 teaspoon of baking "_oda to each 1 pn (OOmls} of water). Rnse with clean wate o hep remove"od sae refrigeato/'sneils add a q,w drops of vanilla esse/ce or vinegar o he water befo/e c ean ng. Cean ex erior surfaces with warn waer and detergent Use a t:oothb ush for the magnet c
Do not use harsh, abrasive cloths or cleaners or highly perfumed, strong smelling cleane s or solvents on any part of the ref gerator o freeze
Stainless Exterior Door
o It s mportan whenceann_dtheexteriordoo surfaceofyou refrigeator, to only use iiqu d
d shwash ng detergent d sso ved n warm water
Dythedoorwithaciean, ntfreecloh.
o The use of anyabasveorstainlessseeicleanersandsoiventsw damage the door su "ace.
Other Exterior Surfaces
o Cea/ al ot/er exte or sur_aces with warm water and detergent,
t[ necessary clean the magnetic door gasket wit_/an old too hbrush warn water and detergent.
(-iea rg re - Specal Features
To Remove Trays
For ease of emoval, empty _eod fore t ay/b n first _old the centre font of the tay/bn handle /iftvertcalytounclipfrom he runnels a /d pu tay/bintowardsyou oremove Push runners back nto refligerator
To Replace Trays
Wth the unners pushed back ntothe refrgerato _ pace tile tay/bn on top of the runnels Push tile t ayib n back slowly until you feel it clip back onto the _unne/s
mportant Note: Bin and tray runners are pre- ubr cated, andwllnot eedtobe
re-ubrcated durng their ire. Do not attempt to clean grease from the _unners, as this w I affect their ability to function. Do not mmerse runners in water.
Interior GLass Shelves
Clean wth warm ware and deter_i_,nt or a glass cJeane. If c eaning the she yes without
e n_,ving from the cabne use only warn water and detergent as a gass c eaner can damage
the pasic components of your refrigerator,
Important Note: Many commercially available cleaning products contain solvents that may attack the plastic components of you f eezer and cause them to crack, t is i_ portant
to use only warm water and a small amount of Iquid dishwashing detergent on any p astic components inside and outside you f eezer. Avoid usinganti-bacterial cleaning
products on either the nter or or extar or of the cabinet as they may cause rusting of metal components and cracking of plastic components.
Cleaning Care- ........... >b_-ial Features
Humidity Control System
mpo tant Note: When cleaning the shelf above l _ iti ..................... :..... 3/
the vegetable bins, we recommend that you do ": ° '_' :..... [['JJ...............
not disassemble the Humidity Control System ; ,.s.... /,
from the shell ,r L
ii j'Retai/er / "ii
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................% " / J/ i
j _/ i
[nthe event that the plastic Ik/and /t mkUty sides ,i_:= ui4.....................................................................:;:;:_, :;:_:"-
become separate( flora the gass shef, folow those
instructions to reassenbie --"" r_ r_/Idlt_, .>ld_es ,'*/
an shelf upside down
2 o attach humidty sides onto shef
font corners fit bo om clips ntoshef font trm, Nex, s de sideways towards shelf until arm clips onto gass
/ i/"
s o attach humidity control lid with
text facing you, algn id with front of sheL Plol( lid vert tally and fit front
end into e(aine on she ns_e lid fts into ret:aine aswell asundemea h
4 At the sides of the shelf,adjust
humidity slide tabs so that: t:/e plastic
iid is between he shelf and the tabs.
5 iFclips on back of s-_elFare p esent,
fasen lid with ea, clips. Ensure that he cove isfully secure a font and
back of shell.
!!i or r/ii ood Your Aefrig ! ra or
Sto/ing fesh, pelishable foods in your refrige ator heps to extend storage tnes, The cod temperatures slow dov,/_ tie maor causes of food spoilage namely, the gowth of bacteria, n/ou ds and yeasts, a/o chemical a/o physical reac ions.
Fresh Food Care
ThequaJtyof food ;efore t ispaced inthe ref igeraor isc iical to successfulstorage For
o Select'oods that ae vey freshand ofgood quality,
Buy only tile amoun that youwil _sewit-_nthe recommendec_storagetime If you buy exta,
o Ensuretha food iswellwrappedo coveredbe'oreit issored Thiswil preve_ f,.x::;dfron
de vd at _g,de e_ioraing in odor or losingtase andwill help T_aintanfresh_essit will also preve/ crossflavorng.Vegetablesandfruit neednot bewrappedprovidedthey arestoredin thevegetablebinsofthe ef ige ator. Makesue that stong smellingfoodsae wrappedor coveredand sored awayfrom foodssuch asbutler, n kandcrean wkich canbetaned by stong o<ors.
o Refrgeratefresh,pe shable%odsassoo_aspossble aflerpurch,,iflef at room tempeature
/o anylengt_ oftree he ate ofdeeriora ionwl beacceJeated
o Avoidplatingfood directly frontof airou Jets,ast mayfreeze(rid air needsto circulateto
maintainsafe,food storage,Dono1<>penthe refrigerato door unnecessaqy
o (ool hot ;oodsdown be'oreplacingthem inthe refrigerator.Thisshouldbe donequiddy.
it canbeaded bypbcng tl_econtahe of'<-od inabowl of icea_dwa_-e; renewt_eiceas necessary(Notealsothat ho_co _ahersmaydamageshelvesandwanofthe refrge atoO.
o Storerawandcooked/%odin separatecontainerso_pad<agingto p eventcrosscon amination
in addition:
o Keepthe refrigeatorclean.Wipethe insidewallsandshelvesfrequenty(re'_, to (leaning Care}
andplaceonly deanconganetsinthe efrigerator
o Keepaclosecheckon the qualiyoffood inyo_rrefrigerator. Dscad anyfoodtha shows
sig_sof spoilage.Paypa icula attend-ionto meat,fishandpoultry,ashese "<-odsarehghly pel shableUsef:;odwilhi / the recomme/ded soragetimes.
Dairy Foods and Eggs ff/ostpre packeddairyfoodshavea recornrnendeduseby/best ,_
before/best by' date stampedon then. Storethem inthe refrigerator ""
andusewthin the recomme/ded tree Buttercanbeco'ne taned by stonglyfavored foodssoit isbest [
storedn aseaed containe j ggs shouldbestoredin the ref gerator Fo/bes results,especally whenbakng removethe eggsfon the refrige_aor two hours beforethey are to beused
StorrgFood nYourAefrgerator
Red Meat
Placefres'/red meat on a plate and oosely cover with waxed paper or
Store cooked and raw meat on sepa ate pates. This w prevent any juices ost from the aw meat flom conta n na ing the cooked product
Ddicatessan meats should be used w ti/in he econmended storage tne.
Freshwhoe brds should be rinsed nsde and out with cold run ling water Dry and place on aplate Cover ooseJy wth plast c wap or foi
o Poutry peces should also be sored tss way Whoe pou try should
never be surfed until just }efore cooking otserw sefood po son ng
may esul,
o Cool and _efrgerate cooked poul ry quickly. Remove surfing from
podty and store separately
Fish and Seafood
Whole fish and filets shoud )e used on the day of pu chase Unti
required ef gerateonaplateiooseycoveedwihpasticwrap, waxed paper ol q:>i.
if storng overnight o longer, take partcubr care to seed very fresh fsh Whole fish should be rnsed n cod ware to emove loose scales
a_ddrtandthenpatteddrywthpape owes. Pace whoiefshor flets in a sealedpasic bag,
Keepshe Irish chilled at al trees Use within ] 2 days
Precooked Foods and Leftovers
o These should be stored in suitab ecovered containe sso that the food
will not dry out.
Keepfor only ] to 2days
Releat e_tovets only once and unt steaming hot
Fruit and Vegetable Bins
Athough mos fuit and vegetable va etes store best-a ow temperatu es,take care no to store he following at:tempera uresof
lessthan 4T'F (T'C)for ong peods
C rusfrut_Meo_s_ ggplant_Pneappe_PawPaw Courge tes _Passionfluit _Cucumber _ Peppers_fomatoes
o Undesirabechangesw Ioccu at owtempeatuessuchas
soften ng of tile flesh b owning andio acceerated decaying
[[ono efr gerate avocados (until they are r pe),bananas mangoes or pepinos f possible stoe fruit and vegetab es separately e. frut in one bin and vegetab es in the other
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