Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer DD603 Series, DishDrawer DS603 Series User Manual

i}u hsalle MiJS[ iaveco I>l< ec a'd¢ e<k<d I'ollow < _ e }s_}awe ss(I a_" a'd evd _ e )s_}aw<_ s ase ecsec dy ot/eca>lse y
_ E s e/<:;s/_'< ,_<;>ec os a,_e /asbee ac>:,q<da <: t e<xablse ssea<dacco<:/is_ o/e
}s_)awe _sa al:o is ¢ os
_ <, )s )awe oc,_e/sa dcos<sleey lie )si}awe _ s bef_e<, odose<o_c,qedyw_i
_ :o t < i egal:ed _o(:/els c_eck heSi 6'a c_a:)/asb<e a(:/ eyed t < co (<ct :}lace ,_ " >owe s/p:,qy sco <ted a dswtcledo
_ e wa:e lose sco e<l: d a d edo e_ sio db< o e4:_ks _ _ec al /_ose(s}aeco ecec a d a o a<s e_e be o < <s,o obs c:o s
_e dal Iose(9
_ es>ayar/s i ce e a dca lreey ota< _ ( _" se ic>o,} 8 /as }@( _'( s_ /< wae_l<ve wllbe >eowtiesa esssl:ee le c,_aeal:t e < c o£/ewas poga s
o xa to/dso ewae t edal Ite area
,_ S( ( w_,e so < _e tot_eco_ec wae_/a_<:/(sslo ycx aea
--he nsta e_ sresporsbefo_t_eDs/_Dawe' insta a'_:or _-cc_ectin_ a a or is not
i _ m_'9........_ #%_'%9_i 4:¸..... _ "__¸¸
Save these inst_uctk_ns
Fo_ you_ sa_ty_ £dlow bask p_"ecautio_'_s w_en us _'_gyou_ DishD_awe_ _ _'H::lud_'_gthe
Pleas6 _ead all _st_u<::tions befo_'e ope_ati_g the DishD_aw_Fo
]/e /<)lr:_ >/ t {, ra/ al r Iq _< bl>v','d Y ze er <of o ex)o',o ol o
peve" )lo)e y da age }eso al yo ()ssof R_ Uset_e )s_}awer o y£} s /re dec file o asd sc bed stse de Useo y deege so i seage ecox e edfo s< i :_dc> /es c Ds_wss e a dkee}
I'e'_/o to eacsofc Idle" CI ck fat @ eeg< dsc}e set s@ pyale /_eco_N 1:o ()_68(" was I)(x_a
Wl'e oad g tel s oh< wasl" d o(:aes/ap te/ssot a /_eyaero I<ey <)da_age/_e Ids<ala < bad s apksves w I /e a < es/ptole( ce Ie s<olc y:}e is es
[}o _c> t(>c_ t_@ h<ae >Be dill g o i / edae x ale us< Do/o o}@ateyo i }s }awe il ssaltie e clos l@:,_a" sae :}(>>ely I" pace
I}o/(:> 1:a/p@ wt t < co os I}o <) abus< sto , sa d o <)s Iedlawero ds rat<of }s }awer
1/c } acksaecesged os }po cup%(assesac k c/e /_esls Wle c } acks
ae i/e }ssPaw< do ot ea o o s@ Iec 0rac<s os })o yo /t body we g _
/oreducet_erskof iily do o albwc_k e o:}lay o osti< }si}aw
Uicet(e ar c<> dtc> sIv(iog, gas be }o (:<d a otwae/e8 e s},'se i hal:/as iso >ee se< fo woweekso i/oe Y}ROGEN(}AS SEX } OSIVE ft elo w:_ersyse/as
i1o bee s<dfo s < a }eod, )el)< s /{ e(s was/e, o al/_o wa6 a}s:_ die
wae fowfo cam £> s<vea "_ / tes II sw <l<aseayacc aed yc oge gas As
gas s la _a)<,col]o s_okeo sea o)e _a < (:/u _g / st_< Rexov< edoo tot ewas_lsgco_c,_at_< wi< r< ov ga oldds wasie fro_ sevc<
c/sea dl g
Ds/_w:,s c eg s_e Skale Ney :,_ ,_e¢_Neo!s fswSl_wec Avoidco t,_c wth skh _,_deyes,k,ep<:/ild s_ dilfi_ I>,rsc>(s}_w_yfro_ Ie is/w_,s_e wle t/ _d_w is
s_ [ s Ds[ )awe i//stbe tst le( adk>cate( h accotda <ewthth _hstallal: >/hstt :q} s
;el<) :' is isel IIyo! dd Io :'cev h s_11:io I_sl:uc o s/ees w/- yo_ Dis-D,_w _, yo
ca ode -<x byca gyol A t_o zedSe_vceA{, _ sa a o a dse_vce / s be:,_e/o/ ec byaq/a fed ted <as
_ ft_e )owe slp:,qycod sda_/uL_ed t/s be_e;acedbyadeae o A t o z<dSevce
(e e o as a ( alled ades:;esos r ode oavoda azad ,_ E s e e )sIDawe_ ss_<ll,<:/toadjace_tcak; _ y is q le }ac<espovded Fal leto
doso ayles t a sl:a)le )od < , w c ayca/seda/a<ieo 7 _ )o otopetal:<' sa>;la c< f t sda/:_ge(, )atalydsasse bledo/-as
x ssl(io bo<e pats, nclld ga da aged ;<)we s ))lycodo l) g
_ )olotsoeo se:)e o,o o e_fia__a/)eva:)osax:/ (! <:Is t evc tyo( t e
)s )awe_
_ (o _,,< to a popey areal, pore< d a / szed powe s >py to avo( ,ect cal
ove load
s_ Make s e lat tile }ow< sup ;ly cod s k)cat d so ta i wll ot be ste}i)e / o, i/:)}< / ove o
ol:_etwses/becl: oda ageo sl:ess _ 3o1o sa o so>< e }s-)aw<t vv <t< twllbeexposed o e_:;ea esb<low l<ez g
o ,x>osedtowea e _ 3o1o usea exteso codo a ;otabeeec calost< devc< (eg i ul socke oul;,t x>x}
toco ec t e )s )awe ot e/x>wet s >>},
Ma ntenance
_ )o <>l:lepal o e;ace a/v ,_a o_ le app a/o o ate> ay se_vclg _ess s;ecf<aly
_,co_x<ced r / sUse_ O d< We,<co / e d }a1:7o calla" Ast o zedCevc< Aoe" _ Kee>t e Ioo so dyo a,_> acecl,a a ddy o ed <e he ;ossb tyof sl >:;ng _ Kee)t eaea ao rid// ce /eat yo a;)la celeefro_ h,a(:c _ a o o(co_k;/s be
_ae as, sic as r }ac)et, lagsa d de <as
_ W/e" tea g t e iicei'sdeoft e pa<,cae _ s be a<e o Is, s ap o < ec,!eto
avo< he s<ofc t y;e es
t, <::l÷oc c _,starcesshodyo_opert_e@awe_whsl:t_eDish)_awesi opeato_ Awaysl),ss/e_i_llb o opalseadwatt_ltlyol/_'att eIteeacldo a bee)sbefoe
)s )awe besedw I h, _otoassek;X,fterpla<,da fterads._laya is
W/ / /s(o" ,(/t/;,a:))acel) t e al _tt a /_,)<)wes ))ycodo i( o ofcodt}avoJda_age
lakecaew{e loadgtleD,,_[)aweio t} c>,':(:/,,warete s ot/:)evet',t/_edfor
po)elyse8.:iwt/t/edawe e /sslo dbe ,_a<eJsot ey(o ol:/)o <: abovea diol
f,;ced isto /edlawet, o _ewseasevcecall ay es/I I lolseio(:/ap)a cesate o e ceJ obepayec wt/bycl Ide (}side o pesoswt_4_
dsab y w c _ s le ab ty o se -eap,_la ce, sso41dlavea ,sx} sbe/>eso_ s let
suse r_< _s co slo41dbesa sfec/t al:/_eyca" sset ea,_plac< wt o t
dagerto _<xselveso/< sulrolrd {!s Coses ,_evso sls:,c<,ssay l:/sa),_la ce s ised :>yo lea c/ (/<)ol]o a owc Id<
opay sc/<,o o wt t s a/):,qa ceo aydscade(/ap; a ce Ira )s/waste cl'a'e s sed, wewo k s o/gly awas ,_oga / w I de< ge
s_ouIJbelu n <dal:elya£ewad, op<ve ay(/axagetot e )s )aw<r
T-e }s }awe scesc_:ed£} was /{ o a /-o/se o(/ te sis le s -al:aeco 8 lated
by ,_el:o, pa , seel o los debs, co osv<, acdc o a<are cl :,_ cals a:, iso o be wasl ed r/e }s )awe
II/e )s )awe so }e /_!usedlo Io g :,_e o sol t _<, / _,elec c y a dwal:el sup,_y o/_e )s )awe of
Do o ,_o4 de(g(, o rseager ot < satl<sevol r < c/eerg(, o rseag(,r w des oy/ewae soitee
T/s/se G_de shod be _el:a ed wh :he app a_ce forf_: ÷ ref÷ erce S_o_d he
applarce be sold o/ : arsfe ec to arolhe ownel, away_ ers _e tat te se_ G_de s ÷: w htheap>Jarce node all_erewow e ca becor_efar_ a wl:_t_eapp arceard
: e_eevam:wanrgs
i/- _"7 _ _,_ ,-_,d; d_' s'-'_ _,"
i.'iSli._[E_':l JY!t_(IE_{i 1i i ¢O11 )<
, +
sta ato" c/_e:(st
n )ot_ tsai"t)' /1"o _atot
(ttols{Ittogt_A:ec tadgeatdl:_ t s _d
t_-o:lIswtl- _ItD) l(ID ( :>¢oI,,
W ;I p >gt_ Iw_tt
_'cc Gsot G
[ [ ,,,_I [
I_ s ds:)' ,)t
_s t IT- _[-I )[ "id t-slt Idl ot-s
It, ),I....
i-( ¸ F¸ _c
2 4
7 8
I0 I
16 18
-I-Is U_e_ GAde explair s how to operate
andrea tanyo _!ewapplarce pope y a ( saey Pease ead be w oegude camels ybeo_e s/a_t gto
seyo_ app an(e
i}iShi)[:i i = ti IllS].... [ii()( = 'i I ..... "" ( }itl( <
!i .....
I ,vo :If_1,....
0 @
Rowe button @
//eOb 1:o" /I;rs Ds }awe <:o o oT
0}< / /g Iedawerwlla to a ca ytull s< Ds D:_we::or fo K) seco ds k>e'dawasl
p,';ga n "_<: cy<le, }ess h'O A y water /e }s Dawer w becx_; pe{i<;/
[!@fh is! (; fi)d] 'i _ r) i (KS
Start/Pause buttor_ _//
II _,_flll hi () Kat',7_wa',/ P/>ssl:/'[tll bt£to v)[':, ', o r, st:)tt/ >
Dlsflbawe _d h'gawa<,_ p'of :, / W e pa <,ed,wa f'_t e,beep <,hero opei g t e
dawe Foci;'qt edawe w/-I ; c),'cl_'_a),'c<_ <,eda aq,o hj ;y
II [_/11 bl on ,Is<) set',l:heDelay<,ar f, atu; whkl car delay thesa <>fawasl >;<:>ga;
I'o/ 01 Io_ls isf<,a/lleasosal:s[esSlabbal:leq e e s [ A _oRowe o) o s dsa>ed(s(,O> o/Ac s e )
[_ act vate ©e!ay Start Pessa/dlod/-< _/11 > o _ _,lg ahoy</-e}/! bu o (}a ge(o :;ulpe de><d go yos oriel)
s (b i /e od g -e_ill bl o cow tiedeslec (Jeay as bee eaded /e
I)si}awe : wl a dbe'bee)s'as yo od te bill /)t/ V) (:lOW, @8C bee:; doses a ol:/e cel:Jy
s lie }s Dawe w s r o c@/edeay /-asela;seda(/_ < dawe sdosed
"I_o<aKe ©e!ay 5_a!t I:@ss/e@bsl:o
Lock burro _ a/_ (optional)
{}(: _/_ )770 ;:' K,;,,,,,:,',_ /-,,_ ,_ rll I," / ,II"h,_
1/-: K<_ylo<kf_'t_,'dis_bl's II_l_b I:or or d I)is/-I) .,,v,
{7)s I:h_11,.,ix,co t [olt Ip _/_ bul:)t/r 17ilSot h}r {,_> _I.... p, !'c:)::/_ [[elig/-I:
i[," IS
........ / _i_bu:x:> Ii (_,ylo:k s c:,ated
-_ ....," ........ r b II0
I(:;:_n:<l { K )1o kl I , ; ; /old _/_ .... irtildeligllaboi< 1-
/_ btJ I 7{ ]i',2; ' ) [<
Io ictva<,,/:>_,ss clold/_e _i_b 1:to t yo_lea(twobee>s('>,,ece :/} e
abovet e _/_b 1:o sl w e C/_klock sac va<,c/
Iocacqthe(} Idle>c/<lea1: ,, ,_essad old _i_bl } ulil lig_tabove
t e _/_b o dsac,_>eas
>essd/ _ _ ; tt) t)seec awasl poga T_@ }is )aw_( will _ er_k;e t/_'last
,_>gar !sed
Eco button _ (opt ona )
>_'{,s _ <' _ }>(I (:> iyo '_v,''/_ Ik_:/( ,,A,,_s-i>( o s<' <' '/e((/v.... d {}( e(:
ECO _;/l:wll de8 e e e8 u(, so fyo ds_esae <avlysoedo yo eqs e e ac<d
(:q? :}( f,; a <e we do_]o _(,<<} _ e (:/(O:}oga_is
ftl/e )s_Dawe ise>e(aq" a ( a ;owe fal (_oct s, itwllsto, _ File )s_D we /:Jybe a>e obec:;pe ec dull'g ss < W e /_e:}owe s ,_plys esll :'c /_e)s_)aw<_ wll 'sa( I lesa_e/>a(_of lewasl :,_oga
........ r_ t
{, "'Y_' _ s ft s 7; c ¢+:)1; +_<, f ,
Ifyo aveado }l,/,)siDawet%eacidlawet as tsowt co to1 pa e a dca" r t rd,_-d-qyoCtt _ot e
ire uirlah J i
V'ashprogfim roqe << (Del ySar) i])eP_ytart VT _CA
Vf" ) k j
" \\\ \
\ \
IT,AI[I!/IUIE LO¢_: '\
/ d t t, 1: Hs I; t Y1o! \\
I (D s<:< _:
Power Button @
Oh/to u_ sthe Dsl )<+,:,e _'o o off O,_e i_g/_ :/l_,we A,Ila/t> _,i:,dlyt/le
Dishb¢_we'o f> 30sex> /s k> > daw_,s_po:!<_ h r ic cycle, pess leOb/to A y w<_l:elr / _,IJisl D ¢_werwll ,_e :,__ ped o_
Start/Pause Button _/!
//e_ill bu o sarsawas_po{ a tess1: :,R'II blto to :a seo resat :e
IJs }awe _'d ngaw:_s }ooa We _'ased, waf,- t/ee :>eeps}efoeo:)< g t e dawe Foc ,:!edawe ope wl le is cycl, "ray ca seda ad!eo n y
//e_/ll }uttc>r/alsos,'t',tl/eDel:_yStatf<'at/lewhi:h ::_r delayt/estartofaw s poyrar fc>_ to/}'/_ouls [ sf_>aul(asc>sal:s(<sSlabbal: leq e e s (t _,A toPe}we c>)1:o s dsa}ed(seeO}l:o_Ad s e )
Yo ac:: rate O<7,ay Sta_/:
I:><ss :Jd Pod Pe _;11 ) o Irtl t/< dd:Jy syY)o (% ap:)ears o t< e<ctc> c (fs)ay
s (}) e _od _{ lebIll }l o dow u It_e des ,ddeay /-asbee tea< ec
s lie )s Dawe w set o ce/edeaytx< {-aselac)sedadt < dawe sclosed
l_o<asce ©eayS_a!t Pess lee bJl:o
Lock Button & (optional}
{}(: _ ) 77_' ' I " ......' I; K,;,o':' k ,,'_ t_,':_ { ldl)<<
{ K,vk k f t/ ; J:, IIt/, )..........tlor: or_t _,_::_'r tol r_>l
'{, _" ', ,, I:)r "7 {:)17 I/ @ 17II} t/til yo .>'>'. ;:'......1'_>+,fI, 71<' _ ,Vrrt }1
r ....
ot I i e [ tit
_1::)/:>+rsi/-;',l, ton ,h,l,I ,,,,,v{ y tl K+:,x,loc/<f,>_l r i< " ' ,"
I/e( dl]lockfe_7/leIo<s_7_edlaw,ddisablesdld/ebto so tlecc _7ol
io_cl:k!ate,press_nd_odt)e _ bul:or_untilyo _eatwobeeps('}seco_ds)./e _ sy bol ,_p:,_e_st/eelecoiccls>bywh t_ C_ldlockf_l:_isaacv:,e:
Tocancdtho(Pqdlockfeature,p<,ssandholdthe_ barton/°_tiyouh<aroneb_,epa'_dt_:
sy/r/)oldisappe_sfor_tb ekcl:roncdsplay.
t _ ,, ,. ., s",,,........I "_d....... {k }is /7)s wll I,:
Eco button _ (opt ona )
>r<,st e _ 1>I:<>"iyo ".... %'s ,ill( Ik ,,A/is- ): c) " o/s'l :,:, _ ,,J I'(' i/_ ('d
EC)lg/l:wlli dce hef_ u , so Ifyc>/fishes ¢_vlysc>fiedo yourec i :'e I:_ ted
(:fi}, :}( f'; a <e wedo_/o _e<o _ e d (O:}oga'_is
Wash p_og am p_ogress symbo s
As/ewas ,'oga adva/ces /ecyce, o ow /(!s}_/)olswl ap,,ea t_<_ ele( o c(/s}layto idcl:et e )ogesso W_o aw:,s/,,o!a/assa ed, e<c o c (:/s._ayasow ¢() t(:Sow e i e e a g o e isle isce e s
[)Jft\i (il6!ar_
., ,,, , .% . _ _
' v IS v _ v : >! P(>< ]/S I. yl
Iftl_ >/_7i,1/};'w. is ._i>>r,l:iq _r_,::!<r , rf< I.r ........; I1__/_ /4...... r " y ;
st bl_ I,,,I",. c,p ,'ed <uli{. ki', it Wh,r k I'"_ 'c,_,v,,,r dpi:>lys r. :,,It< .....," I)i',/_ll)r w, r+will
rTslarl7 ii h: s;r'r 7 >at ) h: ,/,,'rJs-i ib,rojfqlf
oa( Ds_es
le_ov,all oods(ra:}sa (/oadt < ds_es
s Add De e ge t
s Chec<£rse Agen
4 Pess he_Buttor 5 Seect a WasB P og_arr
lse <_1: o t/ewas_ }(){lax wlla}>ea o leelec o cds:}ay(fa:)c}l(xabe)
s Check
E s_ _t_e , _c>/ _g ob_,t_cl: _g le ::_ay a _ r/eSa ftet "_ s beleve w / le
_t& Goe/_/lawrad }_':_t _ _iH b it)
,<,Dr::,:',:_,r::/,:I]:_e_ ',',tI:esto
<>_ >f ,:v,_:,:>eg:: _I<, fly :!I:r
,iv o Irfc : tI::,o I <,
(::lal fte aeaafe lewas :}oga_ s
IHo_xs_al last Del_ate R_sse
i!ewilyso',ec)o(s, )sseswiliioinaJiiq ys)ile:i@sesiig(ysoile< Pieven!so(_(xs
DSNS 8}(J (:i 5 @S SOIS i')r O!DQ!nq_Y_ h@a se/is tire 4S(_ SC s (_ yiiY} Oii
WaS aliC Cly (lOCK@;, C/iS @S
iD@l _')1 NiSI iC(
}uw s_] >ew s_ I ,ew
}e was] 2
"_/a" was SO°F _a was_ 45"F was 30°F w:Js_ 20°F }os _se }os _se }os _se }os %e
}os _e 2
"a "se 163°F "a "se 140°F "a "se 120'F "a "se 130°F
dlyrg ,']ase dy g :> se
IHomal ast D Icae
H:-,iI,,>, ii7 i , if:i, !i:_ : >ciI:_!
:yogi, :y I,, ,, #n >ltimHn v{,,< Ii,, :_ ,,y ,_ 7h
?1i f{} JK' s sJtJv: ClOCk';f}
}uws_l }ews_
ai was_ ]'.,O°F _ai was_ ]30°F /d wash }I'}°F /d" w_Js_}I',°F x,,s i_sel ;os i_se x;s i se ;os ise
"os _e 2
"se 50°F f a "se 3O°F f a "se 115>F f a" e 120°F
dlyh'g ,q_;_se dlyig ,q;_se
Wasl t /esca vat 7de}e_d go tl _ co l{ walp te ;etaule, :_ /:>e tcotdto_s, type o dsl bada d w < _er kec awe as bee o)eeddul g _ewas _ Wasp i esat _,o y A >_,(}X_\i£1 o/eEl<c o c }s)aya dbasedo 20°1 cox] gwal:e
+ 26 hidden pages