Fisher & Paykel DD602I-88247, DS602I-88251, DS601I-87498, DD601V2I-87548, DD601I-87446 Use & Care Manual

important Safety Instructions
Control Functions
Primary Control Buttons Lock
Secol_dary Control Pal_el
Operating Instructions
Usage DishE)rawer Ac(essories
Purpose of Each h/serl
DishDrawer Loading
Loadh/g Pattern i:or 10 Place Seitil/gs
Detergent & Rinse Agent Dispenser Detergel/t Compartmel/ts
Rillse Agel/t [)ispel/ser Option Adjustment Mode
Rinse Agent Setti%
Auto Power Water Pressure
Wash Programs
Installation of Upper Kickstrip
Care Guide
User Maintenance Instruction
(]eal_hg the DishDrawer
Cleal/hg the Drahl i ilter, Spray Arm
Filler Plate & Motor Assembly
Va_ atio_ lime
Problem Solver
Fault Code Displays DishDrawer Warranty
2 3 4
8 8
9 10 11
13 13
16 17
18 18
20 2O
21 21
23 24
I hank you and congratulations for making the wise decision in purchasing your Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer. Every care has been taken in designing and
manufacturing your appliance. We are sure that you will enjoy using your DishDrawer and will soon appreciate its many benefits. We wish you many years of
satisfying use.
Unique Features of Your DishDrawer TM By now you will be aware that fisher & Paykel's DM_Drawer is a unique
dishwasher, which offers benefits no other dishwasher can.
I he DishDrawer takes the everyday kitchen drawer - long recoguised as the most
efficient, easy to access storage system in the kitchen - and turns it into the most
advanced dishwasher in the world.
If you have chosen a double DishDrawer, or more than one single DishDrawer, you
will have totally separate, independently operated washing units, introducing loading
and washing possibilities that have never before been possible.
Now you can treat precious glassware to a delicate wash and give pots and pans the heavy duty treatment - a[[ at the same time.
The Clutter-Free Counter Top Becomes A Reality
Now it really is possible to keep your counter top free from everyday clutter like tail glasses and awkward servh/g dM_es. I he double DM_Drawer's spacious
configuration gives you many new ways to load your machine - and use it.
Used cleverly, two DishDrawers can even provide extra kitchen storage. Use clean dishes directly from one drawer and load them back into the other drawer when dirty.
Design Your Own Rack System
With flexible, interchangab[e inserts the DishDrawer can be arranged to
accommodate the way you live al_d the dishes you use most often. Inserts are easy to remove so it is easy to change your layout as your daily needs change.
If you have two DishDrawers, you can arrange one drawer for all your lightly soiled cups, saucers and fine glassware - h/c[uding long-stemmed glasses - and wash them using a delicate cycle. Set up your other drawer for your more robust, heavily-soiled items like plates, pots and pans. Inserts can easily be removed completely to fit awkward preparation or serving dishes.
The Guilt-Free Small Load A[I DishDrawer models make the small, gui[t-iree load a reality. I he DishDrawer
minimizes water and energy consumption with each drawer using less than hall the water of a conventional dishwasher. By washing smaller loads more frequently, you
need never run out of clean dishes.
Gentler Introduction of Detergent I he DishDrawer's innovative detergent dispenser thoroughly pre-mixes water with detergent before it is introduced into the drawer, so your delicate dishes are protected
from "detergent burn". Precise markings inside the dispenser ensure you never use too much or too little detergent for each program.
Big On the inside
Each DishDrawer has been carefully designed to give you more usable space than
ever before.
Each DishDrawer can accommodate 12 large dinner plates lip to 11.4" in diameter. A deeper drawer design means large plates can be loaded into the drawer while clips and glasses can be safely stacked into the two levels.
Fisher & Payke[ strongly recommends that you read the information contained in this Use & Care Manual before using the D[shDrawer.
Each DishDrawer is supplied with the following:
* Basket * Cutlery Basket
* Mega Rack * Drain Filter Access Panel
* Plate Insert
Warning - When using your DishDrawer, follow
basic precautions, including the following:
For your safety the hfiorlna{ion in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to prevent property damage, personal injury or
loss of life.
Please read all instructions before operating the DishDrawer.
Use the DishDrawer only for its intended function as described in this Use and
Care Manual
Use only detergents or wetting agents recommended for use in a Dishwasher
and keep them out of reach of children.
When loading items to be washed
1, Locate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the lid seal and
2. Load sharp knives with the handles tip to reduce the risk of cut type injuries.
Do not touch the heater plate during or imu/ediately after use.
Do not operate your DishDrawer unless all the enclosure panels are properly in place,
" Do not tamper with the controls.
" DO not abuse, sit on, stand in or on the drawer or dish rack of the Dish Drawer.
I o reduce tile ri,sk of injury, do not allow children to play in or on tile Di,shDrawer.
Under certain condition,s hydrogen gas may be produced i_ a hot water heater system that has not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS iS
EXPLOSIVE. IIethe hot water system has not been used I_or`such a period, before u,sing the di,shwa,sher, turn on all hot water I_aucet,sand let the water I]ow
from each for `several minute,s. [hi,s will release any accumulated hydrogen gas. As gas is I]ammable, do not `smoke or use an open I]ame during thi,s time.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old di,shwa,sherfrom `service or di,scarding it.
Installation '> I hi.<;Di,shDrawer mu,st be in,stalled and located in accordance with the
In,stallation In,struction,s before it is used. ffyou did not receive an In,stallation In,struction book with your Di,shDrawer, you can obtain one by calling toll flee
1 888 9 FNP USA (1 888 9 367 872).
'> In,stallation and `servicemu,st be performed by a qualified technician.
I hi,s appliance mu,st be grounded. In the event of a malfilnction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk olelectric `shock by providing a
path of least resistance for electric current. Ihi,s appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment- grotmdil/g conductor and a grounding plug. I he
plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinance,s.
WARNING - Improper com/ection of the equipment - grotmding conductor
can re,stilt in a risk of electric `shock. Check with a qualified electrician or `service repre,sel/tative il you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly
grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; il itwill not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Ensure the Di,shDrawer is ,sectlred to the floor or adjacent joinery u,sing the brackets provided, failure to do so may re.stilt in an tin,stable product, which
may cause damage or injury.
Do not operate this appliance if it isdamaged, malfunctioning, partially
disassembled or has missing or broken parts, including a damaged cord or
Do not store or use gasoline, or other Ilammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of the DishDrawer.
Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized power supply circuit to avokt electrical overload.
Make sure that the cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over
or otherwise subject to damage or stress.
Do not install or store the DishDrawer where it will be exposed to temperatures
below freezing or exposed to weather.
Do not use an extension cord or a portable electrical outlet device (e.g. multi
socket outlet box) to connect the DishDrawer to the power supply.
Maintenance " Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing
unless specilica[ly recommended in this Use and Care Manual. We recommend that you call a Fisher & Paykel Authorized Service Agent.
Keep the Iloor around your appliance clean and dry to reduce the possibility of
Keep the area around / underneath your appliance flee from the accumulation
of combustible materials, such as lint, paper, rags and chemicals.
When cleaning the underside of the filter plate, care must be taken on the sharp outer edge to avokt the risk of cut type injuries.
Operational * Under no circumstances should you open the drawer whilst the DishDrawer
is in operation. Always use the Start/Pause button to pause and wait until you
hear the two additional beeps before opei/ing the drawer.
I he DishDrawer must be used with the motor assembly, filter plate, drain filter
and spray arm in place.
When disconnecting the appliance pull the plug rather than the cord or iunction of cord to avoid damage.
HousehokJ appliances are not intended to be played with by chikken.
Children or persons with a disability that may limit their ability to use the appliance, should have a competent person instruct them in its use. I his
person should be satisfied that they can then use the appliance without danger to themselves or their surroundings.
Close supervision is necessary ff this appliance is used by or near children. Do
not allow children to play inside, on or with this appliance or any discarded
I he DishDrawer is designed for washing normal household utensils. Items that
are contaminated by gasoline, paint, steel or iron debris, corrosive, acidic or alkaline chemicals are not to be washed in the DishDrawer.
I1the DishDrawer is not being used for long periods of time, turn the power and
water supply to the DishDrawer off.
VVhere there are two DishDrawers in the one (a[)inet, each drawer has i[S owl/ (ol/[ro[ panel and can run independently o[ the other,
Figure 1 - Primary Control Panel Key
1, Power 2, Start/Pause
3, Lock
Primary Control Buttons
Power I he Power button ttlrl/s the DishDrawer on and off,
When pressing the Powe.rbutton, a short series o1:beeps will be emitted, a green light
above the Start / Pause. button will [lash,
I o terminate a wash program, press the Power button. Any remaining water in the DishDrawer will be pumped out. I he green light above the Start/Pause button will
switch off,
Start/ Pause
I his button has a number of fimctions. It serves to: * Start tile DishDrawer once tile desired wash program has been selected.
. Interrupt tile wash program while in operation.
I o pause tile DishDrawer, press tile Start/Pause button and wait until you have heard two additional beeps before you open tile drawer, allowing the lid sea[ to deflate. While in pause mode, tile light above tile Start/Pause button
will I]ash.
* Restart tile DishDrawer after being paused.
You may notice a delay after tile Start/Pause button has been pressed. During this time tile lid seal will be inflating.
* One Button Start.
I his starts tile DishDrawer and will run tile last wash program used.
NOTE: Under no circumstances do we recommend that you open the DishDrawer while in
operation unless you have pressed the Start/Pause button, ff tile drawer is opened
during tile wash program, there is a possibility of getting wet, burnt, or damaging tile DishDrawer. I here are safety mechanisms in place to stop tile DishDrawer ff it is opened.
I1a red light appears above tile Start/Pause button, check tile secondary control panel and note which lights are lit tip. I1tile red lights above tile rinse and fast are [it this
indicates that tile door was opened during tile wash program. [o remove this fault,
ensure tile drawer is closed and press Power. [he DishDrawer will now be ready to
start from tile beginning of tile wash program. You may have to add more detergent in tile dispenser and then press Start/Pause button to start the DishDrawer. I he
Dish Drawer will not restart where it was interrupted after a fault.
I he Lock fimction disables all tile other filnctions on tile DishDrawer. I his fimction is useful when cleaning tile
control panel and can also prevent children from turning tile DishDrawer on or off accidentally. I his button can be used when tile DishDrawer is in operation and will remain
active until tile Lock is deactivated.
I o activate this function, press and hold tile Lock button until tile red light above it appears continuously and is no longer blinking. All tile other buttons are now inactive.
I o deactivate this fimction, press and hold Lock button until tile red light above this button has disappeared.
Figure 2 - Display showing the lock mode
Delay Start
I his I:eature allows you to delay tile start o1:tile wash program from one to twelve hours. It is useful ilyou want to take adw_ntage ol_the off peak power rates. (Check
with your local Electricity t Jtility il_this is aw_ilable), or ffyou wish to start the
DishDrawer at a later time.
To Activate Delay Start
1. Ensure the DishDrawer is closed.
2. Press and hold the Start/Pause button. I he light above the Start/Pause button will turn orange.
3. Hold or press the Start/Pause button and the time will increase in increments ofonehour. [he DishDrawer wl[l emit a beep for each hour passed.
4. Release the button when the desired time has been reached.
I he DishDrawer will automatically start when the time has elapsed.
I o cancel the Delay Start, press the Power button or keep pressing until it passes 12 beeps / hour. I he light above Start/Pause. button will turn green when the Delay Start
has been cancelled.
Secondary Control Panel
Wash Programs
one advantage of two independent DishDrawers is that you can divide the dish loads according to need. for example, you can wash pots or heavily soiled items on a Heavy
Plus program in one drawer while washing china or glassware on a Delicate Eco Save program in the other drawer.
When selecting a wash program ensure the control panel inside the drawer is clean
and dry. ffnot, wipe with a clean dry cloth.
f-_econdary Control Panel
I his button advances through the wash programs in sequence. I he wash program indicator light can be either red or green. I1 the light above the selected wash program is red, it indicates that you have selected a Plus program. I1the light above the wash program is green, an Eco Save program has been chosen.
Rinse can be used I:ordirty dishes that need rinsing and will be washed later. [he Eco Save I:unction has no effect on the Rinse program.
Heavy Wash
I his wash is recommended I:orheavily soiled dishes such as roasting dishes, pots and dishes with baked on soil.
Normal Wash
I his wash can be used I:ornormal everyday dishes.
Fast Wash
I his wash is designed I:ornon greasy, lightly soiled dishes.
Delicate Wash
I his wash is a gentle program I:or lightly soiled and heat sensitive crockery.
Program Modifier Plus Programs (Red)
I he Plus Programs uses higher wash temperatures and longer wash times to give optimum
wash and dry performance. I he light above the wash program is red to indicate that this
option has been chosen.
Eco Save (Green) _;_} Eco Save saves on energy. It achieves this by using lower wash temperatures and shork_r
times and because of this, dry performance may be compromised.
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