Fisher & Paykel AquaSmart WL37T26C, AquaSmart WL42T26CW1 Installation Instructions And User Manual

E_ectri¢ Shock Hazard
Read a_d follow the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS outlined in this User Guide before operatin 9 this appliance, pages 3 - 5o
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury to persons°
Please Note: To obtain maximum efficiency, your AquaSmart _washer has the ability to learn and adapt to the local environment, This may take several wash cycles, therefore maximum energy efficiency may not be achieved until a number of wash cycles have been completed.
This usually takes about 5 cycles.
Espa o[ Pa9 46 - 83
As an ENERGYS_AR_'_Partner Fisher & Payke[ Limited has determined
that this product meets ENERGY STAR_'guidelines for energy efficiency.
_mportant Safety Instructions _nstaHation instructions
Before you do your first wash
Checklist, Water consumpt on, Capac ty The first time you turn your washer on Getting started quickly AquaSmart '_controls
Easy touch controls, The dspay screen, Tree to go The unique AquaSmart TM wash
Sorting and Loading
Fabric Softener B_each
AquaSmart T'_safety features Choosing your wash cycle Changing the wash cycle options
Wash cycle options
Wash cycles
Wash cycles explained gukywash optons
Special Care Stains
Clean Up
Handwash/Wool / Jeans Chocolate/Tomato / Blood / Grass / Frut/Wne
Comforter/Allergy / Hygiene / Daper Rinse / Soft Toys Sweaty / Muddy / Sports Shoes / Beach Gear
Clean Me
Balance Recovery / Alarm Beeps Screen Brightness and Contrast/Key Lock Mode / Hnts
Language / Service Contacts/Trouble Shoot ng/ Reset Defaults / Replay Intro
Caring for your AquaSmart TM washer
Before you call for service
If your AquaSm(:_rt '''_beeps for help Solv ng operat ng problems
Solving wash problems
Limited warranty
How to get serv ce
3 6
12 12
13 14 16
16 17 18
20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 27
28 29
29 3O
31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36
38 38
40 42
43 45
7hemodal shown/n h/s User(;_/d(:m(_ynot _e(_v:2/l(_leir_(_11m(_rkets(_nd(_re
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Welcome to AquaSmart T'v'
Thank you for buying a Fisher & Paykel AquuSm_rt _clothes washer. We are very proud of this washer and trust it will serve you well for many years,
At Fisher & Paykel we aim to provide innovative products that are simple to use, ergonomic and kind to the environment. Thousands of tonnes of washing and 70 years of laundry experience have been programmed into your clothes washer to help give you the best possible performance.
"..!ourAqu_Sm_rt _ clothes washer works differently from a conventional washer. It is a"High
Efficiency" washer utilizing innovative technology to wash in less water and take great care of
your clothes.
The revolutionary, super water efficient wash action of your AquaSm_rt _ washer means that it
is no longer necessary to wash using a full bowl of water, This innovative wash action relies on maintaining a small volume of water for the wash load to ensure the best wash results, Please be
aware that the water level for this model is fully automatic, with the machine 'smarts' choosing the appropriate water volume for you. This means that there is no option to select your
water level,
It is important that you take the time to read these instructions carefully before you begin using your washer. Like all High Efficiency washers, a little extra care in how you sort your clothes and choose your cycle and detergent will ensure that you get the best possible wash result.
We hope you enjoy your new washer, we have certainly enjoyed designing it for you.
It is important that this User Guide should be retained with },our AquaSmart TM clothes washer for future reference. Should the appfiance be sold or transferred to another owner, please ensure
that the User Guide is teft with the appfiance. This wifi ensure that the new owner can familiarize themsdves with the information and warnings contained within the Guide.
mportant Safety structions
Read all safety information before using
Many washers arelocated near agasdryer or a water heater in the home.
Fire Hazard
For your safety the information in this manua_ must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to prevent property damage, persona_ injury or _ossof lifeo
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammaMe vapors and Hquids in the vicinity of this or any other app_ianceo
_nstaHation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supp_iero
What to do if you smell gas
DO NOT try to light any appliance. DO NOT touch an electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. Clear the room, building or area of all occupants.
o Immediately call your gas supplier from your neighbor's phone.
Follow the gas supplier's instructions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department
Water heater safety
Under certain conditions Hydrogen gas may be produced in awater heater that hasnot been usedfor two weeksor more.
If the hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or injury by turning on all hot water faucets and allowing them to run for several minutes before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This will allow any hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or
appliance during this process.
mpo tant Safety structions
E_ectric Shock Nazard
Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide. Failure to do so can result in death, e_ectric shock,fire or injury to persons,
Read all instructions before using the appliance, Use this appliance only for its intended puroose asdescribed in this User Guide. _is washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used, This washer must be properly grounded to conform with aff govembg codes and odinances, Foffow
details in the Installation Instructions. Do not install or store washer where it wiff be exposed to temperatures below freezing or exposed to
the weather.
C_nnect t_ a pr_pedy mted_ pmtected and sized p_wer supply circuit t_ av_id dectrica_ _vedoad, Connect to adequate plumbing and drain facilities as described in the Installation Instructions. _Jrn off water faucets when the washer is not in use to relieve pressure on hoses and valves and to minimize leakages ira hose or valve should break or rupture.
Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicbg unbss specifically recommended in this User Guide or in published user repair instructions that you understand, and have skiffs to carry out,
When disc_nnecting the app_iance pu_ bythe p_ug mtherthan the c_rd _r juncti_n _f c_d t_ avo_d damage to the cord or junction of the cord and plug, MaM sure that the cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over or otherwise subject to damage or stress, Keep aff laundry aids (such as detergents, bleach, fabric softene# etc.) out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet, Observe all warnbgs on contaber labels to avoid personal injury. Do not tamper with the controls, Keep the area around/underneath your appliance free #ore the accumulation of combustible materials, such as tint, pape,_,rags, chemicals, etc. Keep the floor around your appfiance clean and dnv to reduce the possibility of dipping,
o Never reach into the washer if the tub or agitator is moving. o Beforeloadbg, unloadingoraddingclothes, pressSTART/PAUSEandwaituntffthewasherhas
completely stopped before opening the lid, dose supervision is necessary if this appliance isused by or near children, Do not allow children to play inside or on, or with this appliance or any discarded appliance,
mportant Safety nstructions
Disposeof discardedappliancesand shipping/packing materials properly. BeMmdiscardinga washer,or removing from service removethe washerrid.
Do not leavethe washerrid upduring the cycle.Thewasherwifl not function. Tostart, closerid and pressSTART/PAUSE Do not washor dry articbs that have beencleanedin, washedin, soaMd in, or spotted with combustibleor explosivesubstancesGuchaswax,oil, pabt, gasolb¢ degreasers,dry<:baning
solvents,kerosene,etc.)which may ignite orexidode.Do not add thesesubstancesto the wash wate,_Do not usethesesubstancesaround your washerand/or dryer during operation, as they give
off vapors that could ignite orexplode. _e laundry processcan reducethe flame retardancv of fabrics.Toavoid sucha result,the garment
manufacturer,scareinstructions shouMbefoflowed very carefufi'y.:
Do not mixchlorine bleachwith ammonia or acid suchasvinegar and/or rust remove,cMixing can producea toxic gas which may causedeath. Neverclimb on or stand on the washertop or rid. Do not washfibmglassarticles inyour washe,_5kin kritation could result from the remaining particles that may bepicked up byclothing during subsequentwasheruse. R)minimize the possibfiity of ek_ctricshock,unplug this appfianceffom the power supplyor disconnect the washerat the householddistribution panel byremoving the fuseor switching off the circuit breaker beforeattempting any maintenance or cleaning, Note:Pressingthe POWERbutton doesNOTdisconnect the appliance from thepower supply:,even though thefights areout.
o Do not operatethisappliance if it isdamaged malfunctioning, partially disassembledor has
missingor brokenparts, including a damaged cord or plug,
Do not operatethisappliance if the lid has been incorrecdyfitted. Ifyou are using an extension cord or a portable electricaloutlet device(eg.multi.-socketoutlet box), ensurethat it ispositioned sothat it doesnot come into contact with water or moisture.
nsta ation instructions
Before you begin - read these instructions comp[ete[y and carefu[[yo
Electric Shock Hazard
Read and follow the IMPORTANT SAFETY iNSTRUCTIONS outlined in this UserGuide before operating this appliance, pages 3 .- 5o
Improper connection of an equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock° Check with a qualified e_ectrician or serviceman if you
are in doubt as to whether the appliance is propedy grounded°
Do not modi_ the plug provided with the appliance .-if it will not fit the
out_et, have a proper out_et installed by a qualified e_ectdciano
Failure to do so can result in death, e_ectric shock, fire or injury to persons°
Observe aft governing codes and ordinances.
h_stallation Requirements Location
Your washer must be installed on firm flooring to minimize vibration dunng spin cycles. Concrete flooring isbest, but wood base issufficient providing the floor support meets FHAstandards.
Your washer should not be installed on rugs or exposed to the weather.
Water Temperature ",,,/ourcold water should not exceed 95°F (35°C) or your hot water exceed 149°F (65°C).
Temperatures above this may damage your washer.
Shut Off Valves Both hot and cold shuboff valves (faucets) should be available in the laundry area.
Water may be drMned into a standpipe or set tub/sink, The standpipe must be 1 Y2"(38 ram)
minimum interior diameter and must be open to the atmosphere,
This appliance must be supplied with 110V- 120V, 60Hz electrical supply and connected to an
individual, properly grounded branch circuit, protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker or time
delay fuse.
iiiliiii,I,IIII, ilii,iii'liilii,i_,iliill¸liiil¸liiiliiliiliiilll¸Iililiiil¸Iiliiil¸Iiliiil¸Iiliiil¸II iiiiIiliiiiliiil¸Iiliiil¸Iiliiil¸IIiiiiiliiIIIii}I!!
Insttllttion instructions _ ::i:
= Watersopp_y
correctly. Please ensure that both hot and (::old water are connected to the washer. If you have an uncontrolled water-heating source (eg. a wet back or solar heatinf_!)you should
have a tempering device fitted. [his will ensure the hot water temperature remains within safe limits. For the most suitable type of tempering device we recommend you contact a local
plumber or plumbing supply merchant _ i:i
= InletWaterStatic_ressureSpsi(3SkPa)to1S0psi(1MPa)(Ifusinf_aheadertankthenthetopof
the header tank must be at [east 39" (2 m) above the top of your clothes washer), !;
Minimum flow rate from the faucet supplying the clothes washer should be greater than
I V*gallons/rain(6liters/rain)(assumes_9"(12,7ram) diameter pipes). Minimum heightoffaucetsto clearthe to[]ofthe washer is45" (1150ram).
= ae_u[ar[;,checkthat;,ourstandpipeorsettubJs_nk_sfreefrom[_ntorotherobstructions,which i_ii
may affect how your washer works or may cause flooding. In mufti-storey apartments or any upper floor, the washer should be installed on a drained floor.
= Drainingmustcomplyw_thlocalby-laws.
Clothes washer safety
supervision, ii
Please superviseyoung children to ensure they do not play with this clothes washer. 1,
I !It
ff you are using an extension cord or a portable e/ectrica/ out/et device (eg° mu/ti-socket outlet box). ensure that it, positioned so that it does not come ff_to contact with water or mo,ture.
Available from your Fishe[_ & Paykel Deale_" or Authorized Sewke Center.
PowerCord [fthe_owerCordof;,'ourclotheswasher_sdamaged_tmustbe
replaced by a Fisher & Paykel Authorized Service Center, as it is not a standard power cord. :'
nsta ation instructions
To ensure the best performance from your new Aqu_Fmart _
clothes washer please follow the instructions below. Removing the packaging
Remove the outer packaging.
Tilt the washer backwards and walk it offthe bottom
packer one foot at a time. Remove the bottom packer from under the washer by pulling it out the front.
Operating the washer when the bottom packer i.sin
place can re.suit _ndamage to the washer°
Fig.1Tilt washerbdckward to removep_s,cker
4 Lift the lid and remove the basket packer from the basket
s Removethe hoses and accessories,
6 Keep the bottom packer and basket packer in case they are required for future transit,
Please ensure that the bottom packer has been removed before operating your washer.
Inyour clothes washer you will find: 4 rubber inserts for the levelling feet (joined together). 1 hose guide,
2inlet hoses.
° In a basement installation do not exceed a standpipe he@ht of 96" (2438 ram)°
inI,t hos,s iiiiiiiii'iiiiiii
1 Install hoses with the straight end (with filters) fitted to the faucets (refer to Fig,3),
2 Install elbow ends onto clothes washer (inbt vaB,es are marked on the back of the washer
H=hot, C=cok9 (refer to FigA).
'_W] J,, _....
'I,'/'v, ','8' _I }
nsta ation instructions
It is IMPORTANT to level the washer to ensure good spin performance and effective detergent, softener and bleach dispensing.
1 Separate the 4 rubber foot inserts from the moulding and fit into the feet on the base of
the washer.
2 Move the washer to its final position. (We suggest a minimum clearance of 1" (25 ram) each side).
s Adjust the feet so the washer is level and cannot rock.
Adjustable feet
Rubber insert _:_
Fig5 Lewd/ling your w_;sher
"l" (25 ram) I" (25 ram)
Fig6 Minimum de:_mnces
4 Use the walls and adjacent counter tops as a sight guide to check to see if washer appears level.
Readjust the feet if necessary.
5 Open the lid and check the washer tub to see that it sits slightly' forward of centre. (See Fig. 7).
Incorrect Correct
adjustment adjustment
6 Turn on the water and check all hose connections for leaks. Make sure there are no kinks in the hoses.
7 Uncoil power cord and plug into wall socket
s Check for leaks, noise, vibration, correct water temperatures and proper operation in spin. Check
that the lid locks dudng spin.
iiiliiii,I=IIII, ilii,iii'liiiililliiil¸Iiliiil¸I ii¸liiil¸Iiliiil¸Iiliiil¸IiIIIIIiii iII¸IIIII¸iiiliiil¸Iiliiil¸Iiliiil¸IiIii¸IIIIIliii'iii_I1ii/i
Installation instructions
Special requirements for alcove or closet installation
The minimum ventilation clearance between the washer and adjacent walls or other surfaces is:
I"(25mm) minimum eithersideand front <:iti:::
Consideration must be given to providing adequate 60 Sq, In :}{:]i]
dearanceforinsta[[ationandservking, [[iJ I1_(3885q'cm) { {:i: The minimum vertkalspace requiredfrom floor I I H
tO overhead shelves, cabinets, ceilings etc is 59" _ I I
Closet doors must be Iouvered or otherwise N I ! ) : ventilated and have at least 60 square inches open 60 Sq, In
area for a washer only, or if the closet contains both 388 Sq. era)
awasheranddryer,doorsmus containatleas
square inches of open area equally distributed.
o utJon
Mobile home in stallation
6rounding instrlctions
Th_sappliancemustbe_rounded._ntheeventofmalfunctionorbreakdown,_round_ngwU_ _ii
This appliance is equipped with a cord that has an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed }
Specifkation subject tO change without notke.
Before you do your first wash
You owe it to yourself and your AquoSmort _to have it installed correctly by an authorized service agent,
Before you start, it is a good idea to go through the following checklist:
1 Hasthe basepacker been removed?
2 Is the hot hose connected to the hot valve marked'H'?
Is the cold hose connected to the cold valve marked 'C'?
s Is the drain hose threaded through the'U bend' hose guide
(with no more than sa,, extended} and on to your standpipe?
a Are the rubber inserts secured into the feet on the base of
your washer and is the washer levdled?
Refer to Installation instructions, pages 6 - 11,
AquaSmart T'_'water consumption
155 Ib (7 kg) 20 G (76 L)
11 lb (5 kg) 17 G (64 L)
7 Ib (Skg)
_ReguBr High Efficiency isthe default washcycle for Aqu_SmartL Note: Water consumptions are based on the AquoSmort _default settings,
AquaSmart T'_'capacity
AquoSmart _offers a generous 1S.SIb (7 kg) capacity. The list below outlines what is included in
a 1S,SIb(7 kg) wash load (in accordance with ANSI/AHAM HLWol--2002),
SBedsheets (double) 2Tablecloths
4Shirts 6 Bath towels 4]:shirts 4 Pillow cases 6Shorts 6Washcloths 5 Handkerchiefs
We recommend for everyday use that you separate out your bed sheets and wash them on the specially designed SHEETS cycle,
The fi_st time you turn your washer on
Customizing your AquaSmart _'_washer
The first time that you turn your washer on an initial set-up mode will be initiated. This is to ensure that your AquaSm_rt _ is customized for your individual needs. The set--up mode will
prompt you to select the language that you would prefer your AquaSmart _washer to use.
Please selest Uelar
lar gHag8 rderer c8
New Zealand Australia US EspaF_ol Canada Canada
English Fran_ais
Using the SCROLL buttons, scroll to the language that you would like your washer to use. Once
the language icon has been highlighted, press SELECTto confirm your choice. 'four washer will
now use this language, and the initial set-up prompt will not appear again.
If you wish to change your language choice at any time, you can do this by simply selecting the LANGUAGE option in the SETTINGS MENU (please refer to page 35).
E_ectri¢ Shock Hazard
Read and fo#ow the _MPORTANTSAFETY _NSTRUCT_ONSoudined in this User Guide before operating this appliance, pages 3 ,- 5o
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury to persons°
Operating nstructions - Getting started quickly
It is important to sort your clothes, particularly by color, as well as separating out bed sheets and
washing them on the SHEETScycle, Jeans also need to be washed separately on the JEANS cycle
(refer to page 18 for more details on sorting and loading).
Close bra clasps, do up zippers and check pockets.
Place your clothes directly into the wash basket.
o ",,!ourAqusSmort _ has been designed for use with High Efficiency (HE) detergent, For example
Tidal '_HE liquid or powder, Wisk _'_HE liquid or powder, AqusSmsrt _offers a detergent dispenser for your convenience, located on the front, left hand
side of the top decL For detergent dose, please follow the manufacturers directions, outlined on the detergent package_
o Pour the detergent down the detergent dispenser.
For more information on detergent, fabric softener or bleach please refer to pages 20 - 22.
1 2 6
Fig 9 AquaSmart _control panel
Getting started quickly
Easy touch buttons and LCD screen
These buttons require only a gentle touch to activate, 'I Touch POWER to activate your Aquc_Smc_rt_ washen 2 HIGH EFFICIENCY - this light tells you when'High Efficiency' mode is recommended, and the
button allows you to switch between High Efficiency and Conventional modes (refer to
page 17)_ 3 The screen in the middle of the panel will display the wash cycles available (refer to pages
27- 32)_
4 Use the SCROLL buttons to select the wash cycle that best suits your load (refer to page 24). 5 Use the SELECT/TICK button to confirm your selectiom (For more information on how to alter
wash options refer to page 25), 6 Touch ST;&RT- your AquaSmart _wi[[ start to tiff with water, and will automatically select the
correct water level and wash action for your load, To pause your AquaSmart _at any time, simply
Failure to foltow the advice ir_this User Guide may resutt ir_damage to your garments, end
your expectatioas of wosh pert<ormance may not be met,
AquaSmart controls
Easy touch controls
These smooth, easy clean buttons require only a gentle touch to activate. To scroll you need to
remove your finger to break contact and touch it again, Once you become accustomed to the soft touch technology you will find it effortless to operate.
High Efficiency mode This button activates or deactivates the HIGH EFFICIENCY mode.The light will be on when High Efficiency is selected (please refer to High Efficiency mode page 17). To select CONVENTIONAL mode simply press the High Efficiency mode button and the light will turn off.
The High Efficiency symbol (_._) will appear on the screen when the mode is active.
Scroll TheSCROLLbuttons allow you to scroll between the wash options.
Seiect Back
Select Use the SELECT key to confirm your selected option and the BACK key to
The display screen
The display screen allows you to view the available wash cycles and modify' options, It provides
feedback on what your AquaSm_rt _washer is doing and how long the wash has to go, to keep
you informed throughout the cycle, The screen will also display messages to help you with the
overall running of your washer,
Time to go
"..!ourAquaSmart _ washer will display how many minutes the wash cycle has to go, so that you can tell at a glance when your washing will be finished, Once Aqu_Sm_rt _has finished the filling and sensing process, the time to go will be displayed, A progress bar is also displayed and will move along as the cycle progresses. Please be aware that the flow rate of the water supply may influence your cycle time.
The unique AguaSmart wash
The AquaSmarN _ washer has two modes of washing, High Efficiency and Conventional Both
modes start the same way, with a Detergent Activating wash.
Detergent Activating wash AquaSmart _ fi[[s the basket at the selected water temperature, with just enough water so the clothes are saturated. This small amount of sudsy water flows through the clothes, up a specially
designed portal and back onto the clothes in a waterfall effect. This thoroughly dissolves and activates the detergent.
i[%_gHigh Efficiency mode
In the High Efficiency mode the AquaSmart _then fills with just enough water to lift the clothes off the low profile agitator so when
it rotates, the clothes gently roll over each other. This wash uses
similar quantities of water to most Front Loaders and so, not only do you get the benefits of water savings but the higher detergent concentrations give you optimum soil removal.
Conventional mode The Conventional mode is the immersion wash all ]bp Loader users
are familiar with. After the Detergent Activating wash the AquaSmart _ fi[[s with cooler water until the clothes are submerged, and gently
turns the clothes over. We recommend this mode when the dilution effect of water can solve or prevent common wash problems. For
example, when dye or color run can be a problem, or when washing
sandy towels. The SHEETScycle uses the Conventional mode.
Somecycles can be used in both modes, whilst others work in only one.
Fig, 10 Derergenr Activating wash
Fig 11 High Efficiency wash
Fig. 12 Conventional wash
Regular /
Sheets / Whites / v"
Colors /
Heavy Duty / / De[kate v" /
Easy Iron / Bulky /
These two wash modes mean that your AquaSmart _washer gives you the best of both worlds, to suit any hundry situation.
Setting and eading
F@ly automatic water level
",%umay notice that your AquaSm_rt '_clothes washer behaves differently from your previous washer.
",,',ourAquaSmart% like all High Efficiency washers, has a fully automatic water levek This means that, like Front Loaders, the selection of the water level is left entirely up to the washer.This
ensures optimum wash performance and water savings.
Should you wish to use more water, simply select a Conventional cycle (refer to Conventional
mode page 17).
Sorting and loading explained
"4ou have bought a High Efficiency washer, like Front Loaders your AquaSm_rt _uses much less
water and energy than traditional Fop Loading clothes washers. It is important to sort your wash
load to ensure optimum wash performance.
BED SHEETS - Separate out bed sheets and comforter covers and use the SHEETScycle
which has been especially designed for these items. Ensure that comforter covers are
buttoned or zipped up.To get the best possible wash for bed sheets, drop these items
directly into the washer, do not wrap them around the low profile agitator.
COLORED ITEMS - Dye or color run can be a problem with High Efficiency washers, so separate highly colored garments especially when they are new and choose the COLORS cycle. Most dye transfer occurs when clothes are left too long in the washer at the completion of the cycle so try not to leave your colored clothes lingering in the washer.
BULKY ITEMS - Comforters, sleeping bags, ski jackets, blankets and throws are all items which tend to behave unusually in a clothes washer. The lighter ones tend to float, while a large blanket can get very heavy and make spinning diffkult Your Aqu_Sm_rt _has specific BULKY cycles designed to take care of these washing challenges.
ITEMS THAT WRINKLE - When you are concerned about creasing or wrinkling we
recommend you use the EASY IRON cycle Alternatively select one of the Conventional cycles. The extra water used by these cycles will help to reduce wrinkling. Reducing the spin speed of the wash may also help (refer to page 26).
JEANS - These heavy items can be responsible for damaging other items in the wash and require their own specific wash action to get clean. We feel strongly that they should
be washed separately, so we created a special .lEANS cycle which can be found in the
Lifestyle menu. Select LIFESTYLE, SPECIALCARE, .lEANS.
SOIL - Very dirty, sandy, or linty loads are best washed separately to prevent transfer onto other garments. It may be that you have new towels that create lots of lint or very sandy beach gear. We suggest using the Conventional mode in this circumstance, eg. on a heavy cycle.
DEMCATES - To take extra care of delicate items, we suggest using the DELIC/q°E, or
Sorting and eading
Care Labeb Care labels will tell you about the fabric of the
garment and how it should be washed. Soil
Sort clothes according to the type and amount of soil, Some soils suit warmer washes eg. oily
soils, while others are best washed in cold water eg. mud, blood.
Sort white fabrics from colored fabrics_
Wash lint givers and lint cNIectors separately. Where possible, turn lint collectors inside out.
Ha_Kt Wash
Do not bleach
not dry
Do tumble
Medium iron
Examplesof care labd symbols.
Before you load
Check pockets
Looseitems can damage both your AquaSmart M
and your clothes. Close zippers, hooks and eyes
Chenille Corduroy Nappies Polyester cottons
This is to make sure that these items do not snag on other clothes. We recommend putting
lingerie in a lingerie bag prior to washing for best care of these items.
Mend any torn garments or loose buttons Tears or holes may become larger during washing. Remove any loose bra wires as they can damage your washing machine and/or dryer.
Pretreat any stains Use an appropriate surface to apply treatments. Please do not use the lid of the washer as
damage may occur,
For a balanced load Place items directly into the basket Do not wrap large items, such as bed sheets, around the low profile ag[tator_ Drop them straight
into the washer, A mixture of small and Brge items will wash the best (remember to separate out bed sheets and
select the SHEETScycle for these). When washing a single large item, add a large beach towel to the wash to ensure that the load is balanced for an effective spin.
Ptease do not, under any drcumstances, attempt to wash an dectr£ blanket _n your AquaSmart TM washer° Wedo not recommend washing curtains in your washer, Sunlight makes them britde so they may disintegrate during washing,
©ete gent
Choosing the right detergent
",,fourAquoSmort_ is a High Efficiency clothes washer and needs Low Sudsing Detergent to
prevent oversudsing problems, This isthe same type of detergent Front Loadersuse and is labelled "High Efficiency" (HE),
We recommend the use of liquid detergent for best results, If you wish to use powdered detergent, dissolve in water first before adding to the dispenser,
There are both liquid and powdered Low Sudsing detergents. Someexamples are: Tidal'_HEliquid or powder WisW'_HE liquid or powder
When washing woollens use a wool detergent but use it sparingly as these are usually very high foaming. Do not use soap flakes or soap powders,
How much detergent?
Use the instructions on the back of the detergent packet as a guide to the correct amount to use.
The correct amount of detergent will vary depending on the amount of soil in your clothes and the size of your load. Jeans and work clothes may need more and towels less.
As a starting point: Use one cap full for a large load and reduce or increase
the dosage as required.
For a small load (eg. 4 - St-shirts) use ¼ cap,
If you have oversudsing problems reduce your dosage. If your clothes are not clean enough, try using a bit more.
Where do I put my detergent?
Pour your detergent into the detergent dispenser, located on the left side of the washer,
We recommend that you measure your detergent first,
If you use powdered detergent, we recommend that you
dissolve it in water before adding it to the dispenser,
£g. 13Adding detergent to
the detergentdispenser
You will notice that most of the detergent placed in the dispenser will fall into the machine, It will remain in an area separated from your clothes until the machine begins to fill, As the washer fills, the dispenser will be flushed of any residue, The detergent is then mixed with water, and
specially designed ribs at the bottom of the outer tub help to rapidly dissolve the detergent to
ensure optimum wash performance,
When washing in very cold water or on the quicker cycles (eg, DELICATE) dissolving the detergent in warm water before pouring it down the dispenser will improve wash performance.
When needed, wipe out the detergent dispenser with a damp cloth.
Choosing the right cyde
If you wish to use fabric softener you will need to select the FABRIC SOFTENERoption which will give you a deep rinse+ If Fabric Softener is not selected, the softener will not be dispensed+
1 Select your wash cycle. Using the SCROLL buttons, scroll through the cycle choices until the
desired cycle is highlighted, then press SELECT (refer to page 24 for more information).
2 Scroll through the Wash Options until SOFTENERis highlighted, then touch SELECT+ s Scroll until Fabric Softener ON is highlighted, touch SELECTto confirm your choice. You will then
have the option to save this choice for future washes when using this wash cycle (refer to page 25).
Adding the fabric softener
Measure the fabric softener out into the cap and pour into the Fabric Softener Dispenser+ It will remain in the top of the dispenser until the deep rinse when water flushes it into the tub. Note: If you fill beyond the MAX mark, the overflow will pour fabric softener into the basket prematurely and contribute to
scrud (refer below).
Cleaning the dispenser
Fig 14Adding softener into theFabric Softener dispen er
The funnel of the fabric softener (the top) clicks off easily+ Simply place a finger down the center and lift. The remaining siphon tube and Fabric Softener well is not removable and needs to be wiped clean periodically with hot water and an old toothbrush+ If the siphon tube looks partially
blocked use a cotton bud to clean.
Fig.15 Remodng theF_t_ricSoft_,.m,.rfunnel
Scrud is the name of the waxy build-up that can occur within any washer when fabric softener comes into contact with detergent+This build+up is not brought about by a fault in the washer+ If scrud is allowed to build-up in the washer it can result in stains on the clothes or an unpbasant smell in your washer+
If you wish to use fabric softener we recommend you:
Use it sparingly+ m Measure it carefully to ensure you do not fill above the MAX level+ m Clean the dispenser as soon as the cycle has finished+
m Clean your washer regularly using the CLEAN ME cycle (see pages 32 and 37).
Cold water washing increases the chance of this build+up occurring. We recommend a warm or
hot wash at regular intervals, eg. every 5th wash.
B each
Choosing the right cycle
Remember to check clothing labels before you begin to ensure that garments are bleach
If you wish to use bleach please select the BLEACH option to ON. The bleach will be diluted and
automatically released into the wash at the correct point in the cycle. This ensures maximum
bleach efficiency and optimum clothes care. If the Bleach option is not selected, bleach will not be dispensed into the wash and will drain safely away.
1 Choose your wash cycle and press SELECT. 2 Scroll through the wash options until BLEACH is highlighted. Press SELECT. s Scroll until Bleach ON is highlighted and press SELECTto confirm your choice.
When washing white items, select the WHITES cycle for best performance with bleach. When washing colors use Color--safe bleach and select the COLORS cycle _
Note: For best clothes care the Bulky and Lifestyle cycles do not offer a bleach dispensing option.
How much bleach do Juse and where do Jput it?
Liquid Bleach
",/our AquaSmart _washer requires less bleach than traditional top loading washers, no more than 100 mk Pour bleach into a
measuring cup with a spout, then carefully pour this into the bleach dispenser ensuring that it does not fill higher than the MAX levek Adjust the amount of bleach you use to the load size,
eg. for smaller loads use less bleach.
Fig 16 Adding b/e_ch into
the bleach dispenser
Do not fir the bleach dispenser beyond the MAX fill mark. Do not pour undiluted, liquid chlorine bleach directly onto clothes°
Use only liquid chlorine bleach in this dispenser°
To avoid splashing and spills we recommend the use of a cup with a pouring spout.
Note: Both liquid and powdered color-safe bleach can be used in your AquaSmart _ washer. If you use a powdered detergent, use a powdered color-safe bleach (however add this to the
detergent dispenser NOT the bleach dispenser. Follow the manufacturers instructions).
If you are using liquid detergent, use a liquid color--safe bleach (add the bleach to the bleach
dispenser. Follow the manufacturers instructions).
Failure to follow the instructions above could result in damage to clothing,
AquaSmart safety features
Auto Drain
Unsupervised clothes washers filled with water can present a drowning hazard to small children, In order to minimize any risk of this type of accident, your AquaSmart _ has been pre--programmed to know when this hazard is created, and drain the wash water to a safe level,
[f you pause your Aqu_Smart _at any time during the wash cycle when there is water in the basket, the machine will activate the AUTO DRAIN function after 3 minutes, This will drain the
water in the wash basket to an acceptable level, removing any potential hazard,
A warning message will be displayed to warn you prior to AUTO DRAIN being activated, and the
washer will beep as it drains,
Ifyou wish to soakclothing items during the wash process pleaseselect the SOAKoption. This
will provide you with atwo hour soak.
Lid Lock
",,!ourAquaSm_rt _washer is able to lock its lid during the wash cycle, to provide extra safety for you and your family while it is operating,
The L_d Lock
symbol _ appears in the top right--hand corner of the screen, letting you know at a
glance if you can open the lid or noL
To unlock the lid at any time press START/PAUSE,
If the lid is left open, your AquaSmart _ washer will be unable to lock the lid, and the cycle will be halted. The machine will beep and display a message on screen to alert you. If this occurs, ensure
that the lid is closed and touch START/PAUSE
Do not put anythfng down the Lid Lock slot in the top deck. Do not try to disable the Lid Lock.
Choosing your wash cyde
When you turn your Aquc_Smc_rt_washer on, the main wash cycles will be displayed.
To view all 10 wash cycles, the Lifestyle cycles and menu options, use the right arrow button to
scroll along the menu (use the left arrow button to scroll back along the menu).
.... 4..... ____l£?
Bed Whites Colors Heavy Delicate Easy Bulky Rinse
sheets duty iron and spin
Spin Lifestyle
o Toseethe wash cycles explained in more detail pleaserefer to pages 27 - ?;2.
To select a wash cycle
Toselect a wash cyclescroll along until your selection is highlighted then touch the SELECT
button. This wi[[ confirm your selection.
k= Scroll J
o The wash cycle options will then be displayed for your chosen cycle.
Changing the wash cyde options
Select the wash option you wish to modify', highlight it by touching the SELECTbutton.
Scroll to the appropriate setting and press SELECT.This will highlight your choice to show you
that it has been selected.
Eg. temperature selection
L Scroll J
s '/ou will then be given the option whether to save this modified option for future washes or to
just use it for this one If you select Save for Future Washes, the washer wiI[ save the changed wash option for that cycle only. (Please note: This option is not available for the Delay Start or
Drip Dry selections).
4 Press SELECTto select 5 You wiI[ then return to the main wash options screen.
6 Touch STAR]YPAUSEor SELECTto begin the wash.
Note: Ifyou wish to change any of the wash options while your AquaSmart Mis running please pressSTART/PAUSEthen change the required option.
Changing the wash cyde options
Wash cycJeoptions
To alter any of the Wash Options explained below, please refer to page 25 for instructions on changing the Wash Cycle Options.
Temperature AquoSmort _'_offers six wash temperatures (for the first phase of the two- part wash system).
Incoming water
fro mfa ucet
Note: Some temperatures are not available on some cycles for best clothes care (e.g DELIC/ITE cycle).
Cold+ (Controlled Cold) The Cold+ option helps to keep your cold water at the optimum temperature of 68°F
(20"%) for the most effective wash possible in cold water.
Hint: If a hot wash is required, where both phases of the wash system are hot, select SHEETScycle, and "hot'temperature.
Fabric Softener If you wish to use fabric softener please select the FABRIC SOFTENER option to
automatically dispense fabric softener at the correct time.
Bleach If you wish to use liquid bleach, please select the BLEACH option to automatically
dispense bleach into the wash.
Spin Speed ",,!ourAquc_Smc_rt_washer offers three spin speeds: Fast (1000 rpm), Medium (700 rpm) and Slow (300 rpm), plus an additional No Spin option.
Delay Start This option delays the start of the wash from 1S minutes to 18 hours. We suggest that you avoid using Delay Start for damp, non<olorfast items.
Drip Dry
Drip Dry alerts you when it is time to remove drip-odry garments before the final spin. Touch S]7\RT/PAUSE to continue the cycle.
Soak The Soak option provides a 2 hour soak d uring the middb of the wash phase. To exit
Soak at any time simply press the BACK button.
Wash cycles explained
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