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Installation instructions
downwardsandoutwards. P=,hoso_ __
2 Toguidethedrainhoseoverthetub/sinkor through guide _[ _
standpipe the hose guide MUST be fitted to the _[ _T w'(20 ram)
drain hose. _! _ . _-_:_. , maximum
2 E
Topreventsiphoningthedrainhoseshouldnot _11__ I
extend more than _" (20 mm) from the end of the
shoutd be between 33 ½" to gS" (850- 2413 mm)o Flex hose _-_
The drain hose can be trimmed to tengtho guide _p_t _
3 Place the dram hose m the tub/sink or standp_peo Do
notfitthehosetoadrainspigot._rainagemustnot F_g.3F_ng_h_o'_ho_g_o'_
= Importand
in mu#i-storey apartments or any upper floor instaflation, the washer shoutd be installed on a
o Check that the tub or standpipe is free from tint or other obstructions before operating the washer. ....
o in a basement installation do not exceed a stan@ipe height of 96" (2438 mm,L
o Importand
New hose sets provided with the washer shaft be used to connect the washer to the water mains.
° Oidhosesetsshou,dnothere-used. [
1 Install hoses with the straight end (with filters) fitted
to the faucets (refer to FigA). '%_&_ i '_
2 nsta e bow ends onto c othes washer ( net va ves '_ _!_._, :
/ l\ ¢
are marked on the back of the washer H=hot, C=cold) _,'.">'_ _:]_][I
(refer to Fig.S). Ensure the hot valve is connected to _:_(' i: :_
the hot faucet and the cold valve is connected to the Fig4 Faucetendof Fig_ 14!.asher:_:"_ndof
coldfaucet. _o_h_no'i _o_+,'bow_J_
Inlet hose replacement
We recommend the inlet hoses are changed every 5 ),'ears. Hoses should also be checked from
time to time and replaced if an)' wear, cuts, bulges, kinks or leaks are found. WARNING!: Failure to
do soma)'resultinafloodanddamageto pror_ert),.