Altering the product or replacing parts with non authorized factory parts voids all warranty
or implied warranty and may result in adverse operational performance and/or a possible hazardous safety condition to service personnel and occupants. Company employees and/or contractors
are not authorized to waive this warning.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for equipment installed in
violation of any code requirement.
These instructions give information
relative to the installation of these fan
coil units only. For other related
equipment refer to the proper instructions.
Material in this shipment has been
inspected at the factory and released
to the transportation agency in good
condition. When received, a visual
inspection of all cartons should be
made immediately. Any evidence of
rough handling or apparent damage
should be noted on the delivery receipt and the material inspected in the
presence of the carrier's representative. If damage is found, a claim
should be filed against the carrier immediately.
****** WARNING ******
Unit must not be operated during building construction due
to excessive airborne dust and
debris. The units must not be
operated under any circumstances without an air filter in
The installer must adhere strictly to
all local and national code requirements pertaining to the installation of
this equipment. The HBC, PHBC, and
RHBC units are designed for installa-
tion in a horizontal position above a
dropped ceiling. The CHBC is a cabinet unit intended for horizontal exposed surface mounting.
In a HBC free return installation
(non-ducted return air), the furred
down area must be completely sealed
(except return air grille) to ensure that
all return air is pulled from the conditioned space and not from other areas
of the building structure.
Access must be provided for servicing the unit. If this access is provided
by a removable ceiling panel, ample
space must be allowed for removal of
the blower panel and to provide access to electrical and plumbing controls.
While most fan coil units are U.L.
Listed for installations with zero clearance to combustible materials, reference should be made to the marking
on the particular unit being installed
where specific information regarding
clearances is provided.
All duct work must be installed in
accordance with National Fire Protection Association Codes 90A and 90B.
Ducts should be adequately insulated
to prevent condensation during the
cooling cycle and to minimize heat
loss during the heating cycle. All
return air must be filtered to prevent
dirt buildup on the coil surface. If there
is no ducted return, applicable installation codes may limit the unit to installation only in a single story residence. In many cases it is acceptable
to use ducting of the same size as the
fan coil connections. However,
unique arrangements or long duct
runs must be confirmed by a local
professional. The manufacturer will
not be responsible for misapplied
All wiring must comply with local
and national code requirements.
Units are provided with wiring diagrams and nameplate data to provide
information required for necessary
field wiring.
These units may be provided with a
optional Class 2 transformer for 24volt control circuits. Should any addon equipment also have a Class 2
transformer furnished, care must be
taken to prevent interconnecting outputs of the two transformers by using
a thermostat with isolating contacts.
****** WARNING ******
Any devices such as fan
switches or thermostats that
have been furnished by the
factory for field installation
must be wired in strict accordance with the wiring diagram
that is supplied with the unit.
Failure to do so could result
in damage to components and
will void all warranties.
L2395 9/99
Supply Connection
Return Connection
Left Hand Arrangement
Figure 1 - Determination of Right-hand/Left-hand References
These units employ a hydronic coil
designed for use with either hot or
chilled water.
All piping must be adequately sized
to meet the design water flow requirements as specified for the specific
installation. Piping must be installed
in accordance with all applicable
The piping connections on the
equipment are not necessarily indicative of the proper supply and return
line sizes. To minimize restrictions
piping design should be kept as
simple as possible.
Caution: Prior to connecting to the
fan coil all external piping must be
purged of debris.
****** WARNING ******
When connecting piping or
valve kits to fan coil units, do
not bend or reposition the coil
header tubing for alignment
purposes. This could cause a
tubing fracture resulting in a
water leak when water pressure is applied to the system.
All chilled water piping must be insulated to prevent condensation.
Condensate drain lines must be installed with adequate slope away
from the unit to assure positive drainage. Since the drain pan is located on
the suction side of the blower, a negative pressure exists at the drain pan.
RHBC and CHBC fan coil units require a minimum trap of 1-1/2 inches
be provided in the drain line to assure
proper drainage. HBC and PHBC fan
coil units may be located where the
return air space is large enough that a
negative pressure is not present,
however, a trapped condensate line
is recommended in case a negative
condition should occur, the unit would
drain properly.
1. Flush all field piping prior to connection to remove all debris.
2. Use wet cotton rags to cool valve
bodies when soldering.
3. Open all valves (mid-way for hand
valves, manually open on motorized
valves) prior to soldering.
4. When soldering to bronze or brass,
heat the piping while in the socket/cup
and begin introducing the solder
when the flux boils rapidly.
Avoid direct flame into the solder joint.
5. Heat can only be applied to the cup
Right Hand Arrangement
of the valve body for a minimal time
before damage occurs (even with the
use of wet rags.
6. Avoid rapid quenching of solder
joints as this will produce joints of
inferior quality.
7. The valve package will not support
the weight of the connecting pipes. All
pipes which are connected to the
units must be completely supported
prior to connection to the unit.
8. Provisions must be made for expansion and contraction of piping systems. All horizontal and vertical risers, including runouts, must be able to
withstand significant movement with
temperature changes. Failure to do
so will result in damage and failure of
piping, fittings and valves throughout
the building.
9. Never insulate the heads or motorized portion of control valves. Damage can occur in the form of excessive heat build up and interference to
the operation and moving parts will
10. All piping made in the field should
be installed with consideration of additional space for any electrical routing that may be required.
11. Connect all piping per accepted
industry standards and observe all
regulations governing installation of
piping systems. When all connec-