This safety data sheet was created pursuant to the requirements of: US OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and Canada WHMIS 2015 which includes
the amended Hazardous Products Act (HPA) and the Hazardous Products Regulation
Issuing Date 04-Feb-2019 Revision date 04-Feb-2019 Revision Number 1
1. Identification
Product identifier
Product Name
Other means of identification
Product Code(s)
Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use
Recommended use
Restrictions on use
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Manufacturer Address
WaterJel Technologies®
50 Broad Street
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
P: 201-507-8300
Emergency telephone number
Emergency Telephone
Triple Antibiotic First Aid Ointment
Bacitracin zinc-neomycin sulfate- polymyxin B sulfate ointment
To help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes, burns
For external use only.
800-275-3433 (8:00 am-5:00 pm EST Weekdays)
2. Hazard(s) identification
Not classified.
Label elements
Hazard statements
Not classified.
Other information
No information available.
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Triple Antibiotic First Aid Ointment Revision date: 04-Feb-2019
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Not applicable.
Chemical name CAS No Weight-%
Petrolatum (USP Grade) 8009-03-8 80-100 - -
*The exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.
Bacitracin zinc-neomycin sulfate- polymyxin B sulfate ointment.
Hazardous Material
Information Review
Act registry number
(HMIRA registry #)
4. First-aid measures
Description of first aid measures
Eye contact
Skin contact
Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Remove to fresh air.
Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under the eyelids.
Wash skin with soap and water.
Clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water.
Date HMIRA filed and
date exemption
granted (if
Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Note to physicians
May cause skin irritation in susceptible persons. May cause redness and tearing of the
Treat symptomatically.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable Extinguishing Media
Unsuitable extinguishing media
Specific hazards arising from the
Explosion data
Sensitivity to mechanical impact
Sensitivity to static discharge
Special protective equipment for
Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the
surrounding environment.
No information available.
No information available.
Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full firefighting turnout
gear. Use personal protection equipment.
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Triple Antibiotic First Aid Ointment Revision date: 04-Feb-2019
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Personal precautions
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
Methods for containment
Methods for cleaning up
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Pick up and transfer to properly labeled containers.
7. Handling and storage
Precautions for safe handling
Advice on safe handling
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Storage Conditions
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Control parameters
Exposure Limits
Appropriate engineering controls
Engineering controls
Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment
Eye/face protection
Hand protection
Skin and body protection
Respiratory protection
General hygiene considerations
This product, as supplied, does not contain any hazardous materials with occupational
exposure limits established by the region specific regulatory bodies.
Eyewash stations
Ventilation systems.
No special protective equipment required.
No special protective equipment required.
No special protective equipment required.
No protective equipment is needed under normal use conditions. If exposure limits are
exceeded or irritation is experienced, ventilation and evacuation may be required.
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
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