Festool MFS Multi-Routing Template, MFS System User Manual

The Festool MFS Multi-Routing
Template System
A User's Guide by Brice Burrell
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Connecting the MFS profiles. ................................................................................................................... 10
Template Routing with the MFS System .................................................................................................. 17
Inlays .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Jack Miters, Stair Stringers, and Circle Cutting ....................................................................................... 41
Cutting Applications .................................................................................................................................. 58
Using the MFS As A Clamping Aid ............................................................................................................ 71
Miscellaneous Uses For the MFS ............................................................................................................. 74
Closing Thoughts ....................................................................................................................................... 78
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 1
Here is a look at the Festool MFS 400 and MFS 700, multi-routing template system. While these tools excel as routing templates they are capable of far more. Routing operations like
open-field inlays, borders, cutouts, mortises, routing circles, curves and arcs are just part of what the MFS system can do. Use the MFS with your Multi Function Table to help square the guide rail with the table, or as a cutting fence. I've even used the profiles as a temple to make cuts with my jigsaw! To understand the full value of this accessory, don't think of it as a "Routing Template". Envision profiles that form templates, squares, fences, stops, story sticks and jigs of every kind, a "Multi­Function Profile" system.
The first thing I'd like to do is credit Jerry Work, Ned Young and John Lucas for the work that they have already done to help us get the most out of the MFS and the Festool system. Some of the methods, techniques and ideas you will see here have come from their writings. So, thank you gentlemen.
Here is a link to Jerry Work's MFS manual. Jerry Work designs and hand crafts fine furniture in Kerby, OR. Check out his site, The Dovetail Joint.
Ned Young started a thread on the Festool Owners Group forum, Notes on the MFS. John Lucas has shared a lot of great ideas on his site, WoodShopDemos.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 2
The components of the MFS 400 and MFS 700.
To get started let’s take a look at the components that make up the MFS template system. Knowing what the parts are and what they do from the beginning will help you understand the functions and methods later on in this review.
In this photo you see what is included with the MFS 400 set: two 400 mm and two 200 mm profiles, two angle stops, anti-tilting insert, circle-cutting insert and pivot, 3 mm ball head Allen driver, connecting hardware and an instruction manual.
The MFS 700 set (not pictured above) includes all of the same components, except its profiles are 400 mm and 700 mm.
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The MFS profiles are aluminum extrusions with graduated metric scales printed on them. Profiles are 80 mm wide and 16 mm thick with a series of "Joiner" or "V" slots and "Clamp" slots. The Joiner or V slots are for the connecting hardware, circle-cutting insert and pivot and the coupling hardware (not included with the sets) for joining profiles length-wise. I'll go into detail on how to join the profiles in its own section in this review.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 4
The Festool FSZ 120, FSZ 300 and FS-HZ clamps fit in the clamp slots, as do the guide rail
connectors. The guide connectors can also be used to join the profiles in length. Also, 1/4" square
and hex nuts fit the slots if you want to add a fixture to the profiles or mount them to jig or table with your own (imperial or “inch” style) hardware.
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The 3 mm ball head driver is used on almost all of the MFS hardware. The ball head allows the driver to be used on an angle as shown in this photo.
The angle stops mount into the V slots and are used to help position the MFS.
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Here the angle stops are mounted on the bottom of the MFS to precisely locate the MFS for an inlay.
This is the anti-tilting insert. It is used to prevent the router from tipping or tilting during routing operations. If the router is tilted the work piece can be ruined. Copying rings fit into the anti-tilting insert, this allows it to travel with the router. The insert can fit 24, 27, 30 and 40 mm copying rings.
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Here you can see the insert in place under the router. The insert is only needed when the profiles are spread too far apart for the router's base to be fully supported by the profiles themselves.
This is the circle-cutting insert and pivot. I'll go into more detail about how to use the MFS to rout circles, curves and arcs later in this review.
Festool offers some other accessories not shown in this review. Longer profiles are available, 1000
mm profiles and 2000 mm profiles to extend the MFS template system. You can use the Routing Slide with the MFS to support the router when routing out large areas, for example open field inlays.
Also offered, as spare parts, are a set of 4 MFS "Joiners" (part # 493235) that fit into the V slots to connect profiles length-wise. You'll need to call Festool's service department to order the joiners.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 9
Connecting the MFS profiles.
In this section I'm going to you show how to connect the profiles into rectangles and end-to-end.
The MFS profiles have male and female ends, as shown here. The male ends have two small studs or indexing pins to align the profiles. Also the male ends have the connecting hardware, notice the "V" nut with a ball detent.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 10
The male end fits into the female end to align the profiles end-to-end. A guide rail connector or the MFS joiner can be used to secure the connection. Guide rail connectors (fitted into the clamp slot) are used in the photo above.
The V nut on the male end of the profile fits into the V slot in the edge of another profile. The male's indexing pins also fit into the edge V slots to ensure perfect alignment.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 11
This shot is a close-up of two profiles connected.
To make a rectangle, connect two profiles, a short and long one, to form a "L" with the scales on the inside. Use the Allen driver to secure the joint.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 12
You can see from this picture that the scales are on the inside of the "L". The scales are an important feature of the MFS. They allow the template to be quickly set to size.
Once you have two "L" shapes formed, connect the two to make a rectangle.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 13
You can adjust the sizes of the MFS rectangles by moving the sort of "L" shaped pairs to set the width and length. At first, assembling the profiles can be kind of tough, but after doing it a few times you get the feel for it. I've sprayed my profiles, including the hardware, with a dry lubricant. This helps reduce some of the friction while adjusting them. As another added benefit, it lets tools slide on them easily.
By combining sets and/or the longer profiles, different shapes can be made. This will greatly increase the usefulness of the system.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 14
It may be necessary to add the connecting hardware to both ends of some of the profiles to join different shapes. The hardware can be removed from one profile and added to another. The bolt and V nut have to be removed and the threaded insert can be taken out. The insert has an Allen recess, the insert is reverse threaded, turn clockwise to remove, use a 4 mm Allen key. The insert can then be screwed into another profile, turning counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise), and it will self tap into the aluminum.
I recommend exercising great care removing and installing the connecting hardware, it would not be hard to strip the aluminum, especially if you forget about the reverse threading.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 15
The angle stops have V nuts that slide into the V slots to mount the stops to the profiles. The stops can be mounted square or on an angle.
Connecting the profiles can be tricky in the beginning as I've already mentioned, sometimes you wish you had another set of hands to line up all of the hardware. The key is to be patient when connecting and adjusting the MFS profiles. Taking the time to perfectly set the template will show in the end results you achieve with this system.
Moving on to using the MFS system, it's hard to know what to cover first. I think most people imagine the MFS being used as a routing template, so why not start there.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 16
Template Routing with the MFS System
Routing inlays, borders, cutouts, mortises, circles, curves and arcs can be very accurately done with the MFS. I know my results are much better now that I'm using the MFS instead of the wooden jigs and fixtures I've used in the past. Template routing with the MFS is a fairly straightforward concept. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when deciding how to use and set up this system as a routing template, I'll go over some of them in this section, as well as show you how I use the MFS for my routing projects.
If you happen to be unfamiliar with what template routing is, I'll explain. It is using a jig, fixture or in this case, the MFS profiles to guide a router's travel. The router must have a copying ring (guide bushing) or a bit with a bearing to prevent the bit from cutting into the template as it travels. When using a bit with a bearing, like a flush cut or pattern bit, the profiles can be set to the exact size needed, whether it is a cutout or mortise. This really simplifies the setup.
However, using a pattern bit is not without its risks. The issue is with the bit accidentally cutting into the template/profile. This can happen one of two ways.
First, while plunging the bit into the work piece, before the bearing can engage the template
(with the bearing still above the profile) it can't stop the bit from going astray and doing bad things to your profile.
The second issue occurs if the bearing happens to land in the V slot in the edge of the profile.
You can run into this with smaller bits as they usually have small bearings that can fall into the slot.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 17
The picture above shows the potential dangers of using a pattern bit with the MFS. I'm not suggesting pattern bits can't be used, but, care must be taken when selecting the right bit. Bearing size, cutting length and diameter should all factor into the decision. When used in the right circumstances they can be a real asset.
I use the MFS most often to rout for hardware like lock sets, strikes, latches and catches, but, most of all hinges. I've made all kinds of jigs to rout hinges, all of them out of wood or MDF. While they do work, it is usually only a short time before they become inaccurate from relatively light use. If you have ever used a wooden jig you know what I mean. I've had to add very thin shims to my hinge templates to finish jobs, not wanting to make a new jig to rout one or two more hinges.
That drove me nuts! Now, I use the MFS, it is so much faster, easier and far more accurate than the wooden jigs ever were. I can set up the MFS and make a test cut in about five minutes or less. If it needs to be adjusted, that can usually be done in less than one minute. If a wooden jig is off, you're stuck shimming or remaking the entire jig. So let me show you how I use the MFS with a small pattern bit to rout hinges.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 18
The first step is to mark the setback for the hinge. I'll use this line to index the MFS.
With the small pattern bit I use to rout my hinges I can set the MFS to the exact length of the hinge. The width is set wide enough so I can test fit the hinge without removing the MFS.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 19
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 20
Once the MFS is set to size, I place it on the pencil line then set the angle stops and clamp the work piece/MFS down.
Here is a close look at the bit I'll be using. It is the same type that I showed earlier, you can see I've add a second bearing to solve the problem of the bearing falling into the V slot. It is a 1/2" diameter; this will match the 1/4" radius on the hinges.
After installing the bit, the next step is to set the router's depth, plunge the router until it comes into contact with the work piece. This is called zeroing the bit. Now, I use the hinge itself between one of the turret stops and the depth rod to set the exact depth.
It's time to rout, with the profiles set to be wider than the hinge, this leaves an open space for me to fully plunge the bit before contacting the work piece. I make systematic passes removing small amounts per pass. Again with the MFS wider than the hinge, I can test fit the hinge without removing the template. When I'm happy with the fit, I remove the MFS, test the fit once more, and make adjustments as needed.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 21
I got a perfect fit on the first try, but remember to always make test cuts on scrap first.
Let's now look at using copying rings or guide bushings with the MFS. The advantage of using copying rings is twofold: they are always in place while routing, greatly reducing the chance of cutting into the profile; and they work with most bits used for template routing, regardless of the bit's cutting length. Unlike bearing-guided bits where the cutter's length is so important. Of course you do have to account for the offset between the bit and the copying ring when setting the MFS to size.
© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell Page 22
The following is a series of drawings showing the setup of the MFS for a mortise (imagine a mortise for a table or chair leg). Our mortise will be 20 mm wide by 100 mm long and 50 mm deep. A 10 mm bit will be used with a 30 mm copying ring in the router. We need to account for the space between the bit and to the outside edge of the copying ring, called offset, when we set the MFS profiles to size. The offset for this bit/copying ring combination is 10 mm.
Knowing the offset is 10 mm, we add that number twice (20 mm) to the width and length of the mortise. 40 mm x 120 mm is what the MFS should be set at to produce our 20 mm X 100 mm mortise.
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Clamp the MFS down where you want it, set the depth of the bit, and rout...... The result should be
this, a mortise 20 mm X 100 mm X 50 mm.
Working in metric makes setting the MFS to size pretty easy. However, I understand that most of you are much more comfortable working in imperial (inches). So let's do another mortise with imperial measurements, but this time I'll be cutting real wood.
How about a mortise 3/4" wide, 3" long and 1/2" deep? In the router is a 1/2" straight bit with a 3/4" bushing. So the total offset I need to account for is 1/4".
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