Isn’t it interesting how every so often a simple appearing new tool or technique comes
along that offers us the opportunity to make a quantum leap in our productivity? Once
put to use, we can’t believe we ever got along without it. Yet, when we first look at it we
have trouble comprehending just how it can make such an impact. I want to share with
you one such simple appearing new tool that can radically improve the accuracy and
flexibility of Festool guided rail cutting and routing - the Festool MFS fence system.
While it is described in the Festool literature as a “multi-routing template,” and it is very
good at that function, we will discover here just how much more than that it becomes
when used in conjunction with Festool guide rails as a universal squaring, aligning, cutting and routing guide. We will learn how greatly it increases the versatility and
accuracy of setting guide rails for precise and repeatable cutting and routing operations.
We will learn how it facilitates cutting of everything from multiple, identical narrow strips
to adding sliding table-saw-like accuracy to breaking down large panels. We will also
see how using it we can prep solid wood stock to be perfectly square and precisely dimensioned just as one would normally do on large industrial machinery as well as how
we can cut complex joints like haunched tenons and interlocking sliding dovetails using
just Festool hand power tools, the Festool Multi Function Table, Festool guide rails and
the Festool MFS fence system.
Most readers of this piece already have
some experience with or
at least an
understanding of Festool guided
rail cutting.
Since the introduction of
hand power
tools, users
have created
a whole variety of jigs
and fixtures
to help guide
a saw or
router in a straight line.
Unfortunately, most
of those efforts depend
on the user
being able to
keep the
base of the
saw or router
firmly against
the edge of
some sort of
fence. Many
find it hard to
do that with
accuracy and
since saws and routers are subjected
both to in-thrust forces which tend to
push the saw or router against the fence
as well as out-thrust forces which tend to
push the saw or router away from the
fence. Far too often the result is a less
than perfect straight cut.
The innovative engineers at Festool developed a unique guide rail (the horizontal piece in this photo) which features a
hat shaped track onto which each of its
cutting tools rides. A “U” shaped channel
is cast or cut
into the base
of each cutting tool or
into a guide
made just for
that cutting
tool. That
channel has
gibbs which
can be adjusted so the
channel fits
firmly on the
hat shaped
Festool MFS system components
section on
the guide
rail. Since
the base of
the cutting tool is held firmly on both
sides as the two sides of the “U” engage
the two sides of the hat, the tool is guided
in a perfectly straight line whether subjected to in-thrust or out-thrust forces.
This is the heart of Festool guided rail
cutting and routing.
What this allows is a whole new way of
machining wood. Instead of passing the
work piece by a stationary cutter, guided
rail machining allows the cutter to be
moved past the stationary work piece in a
highly controlled manner. This opens up
all sorts of things that become easy to do
which previously, using the old techniques, were hard to do.
One example is the ability to easily cut
multiple mirrored stopped dados or sliding dovetail slots on either side of a cabinet carcass. When you try to do this with
conventional stationary cutting tools you
wind up referencing some of the cuts off
of the top of one piece and their mates off
of the bottom of the other piece. You
might get lucky and have two such
stopped mir-
rored slots
line up that
way, but it is
a rare craftsperson who
can make
four, five, six
or more such
slots line up.
Using Festool guided
rail routing it
is easy to do
as many
such stopped
slots as you
wish and
have them all align perfectly.
Since the Festool offerings are all considered parts of one system, there are
many components from which to choose.
Many people start with a Festool circular
saw, a guide rail, some clamps to hold
the guide rail firmly to the work piece and
one of the excellent Festool dust collectors so that the cutting operation makes
far less mess of saw dust all over the
The first few cuts using this set up are
often a revelation for the user. Suddenly
it is easy to break down that large sheet
of plywood or MDF that is so awkward
and potentially dangerous to cut on a
conventional table saw. The user is
blown away by the fact that the first cut
with the circular saw cuts a rubber edge
on the guide rail to be zero clearance to
the saw blade from that point forward.
That zero clearance edge on the guide
rail makes setting the guide rail to measured marks a cinch, and it
also provides for a splinter
free cut along the inside of
the cut line. On the TS series circular saws there is
also a sacrificial plastic part
The MFS system used as a very
precise vernier fence for positioning the work piece relative to
Festool guide rails
that provides a zero clearance, chip free cut on the
outside of the cut line as well.
work pieces at a more comfortable working height.
When they first look at the MFT, they see
a nicely constructed portable table with a
bunch of holes in the top. A bit closer inspection reveals that the table also
comes with supports to hold the guide rail
in exactly the same place every time it is
mounted to the table and with a miter
fence so the work piece can be held at a
precise angle relative to the guide rail.
While it is easy to set the
guide rail accurately to marks
measured out on both edges
of a work piece, measurement errors can creep in if
you want to cut multiple
pieces of exactly the same
size. We will show in a moment how to use the MFS
universal squaring, aligning, cutting and
routing guide to make multiple perfectly
sized pieces with one simple set up.
Since we will be referring to the MFS
guide frequently in this manual I will leave
off the “universal squaring, aligning, cutting and routing” part of its name and
simply refer to it as the “MFS guide” or
“fence” from here on.
Once new users get used to guided rail
cutting, they often will add next a Festool
Multi-function Table (MFT) to support the
The miter fence has a “T” slot which accepts stops so that once a measured distance back from the front edge of the
guide rail is established, work pieces can
be positioned for repeat cross cuts of the
same length with very good results.
Again, however, the precision of the
length dimension is a function of how well
users read the tape measure, how accurately they make their mark at the intended length of cut, and how accurately
they set the stop to the mark. The process works very well for most cross cuts
but measurement errors can again creep
Rips, especially thin rip cuts, are another
matter all together. Most users find it difficult to accurately set up the guide rail for
rip cuts as they again must rely on measured marks on two edges of the work
piece. Then they must align the front
edge of the guide rail to those marks.
MFS profiles used as “story
sticks” to accurately position
Festool guide rails
Doing so for one rip cut usually works
okay so long as the work piece is wide
enough to provide good purchase for the
guide rail. If the intent is to produce multiple rip cuts of exactly the same width, as
in making rail and stile components,
things get a bit more difficult, especially
for first time users.
Also, if the intent is to produce multiple
thin strips, say 10mm (3/8”) or less in
width, that is also difficult for most to do
accurately. If the work piece is set under
the guide rail for good purchase then the
work piece has to be moved out each
time by the sum of the intended work
piece width plus the actual saw kerf
width. It is certainly possible to set up
stops or fences to do that, but the process is not very fast and can be frustrating
for some.
We will see shortly how we can use the
Festool MFS fence components to make
very precisely dimensioned thin or wide
rip cuts limited only by the length of the
guide rail in use and the ability to support
the work piece across its length. One
example we will use will be making rail
and stile components to a very close tolerance and cutting haunched tenons on
the ends of the rails all using just the Fes-
tool guide rails and MFS fence components. In another example we will rip
multiple 5mm wide strips to use as inlay
material, again just using Festool guide
rails and MFS guides.
We will also show how to use the components of the MFS fence system as
measured “story sticks” to aid setting
guide rails on large sheet goods very
precisely as is shown in this photo.
Then we will turn our attention to the
use of the MFS fence system for guiding
a Festool router for doing everything
from open field inlay work to delicate
string inlays, to complex pattern and template routing to produce multiple complexly shaped parts quickly and easily.
Once we tackle all of these uses for the
MFS fence system, I think you will reach
the same conclusion I did that the Festool
MFS is a simple looking tool which can
radically improve the accuracy of all your
guided rail cutting and routing operations
thereby helping you make a quantum
leap in your productivity.
So, grab a beverage, sit back and let’s
take this journey together.
What is the Festool
MFS fence or guide
At it’s heart, the MFS is a very
precise, complex aluminum extrusion 80mm wide and 16mm thick.
It comes in 200mm, 400mm,
700mm, 1000mm and 2000mm
lengths shown in this photo sitting
on top of a Festool guide rail.
That is roughly 3 1/8” wide, 5/8”
thick with standard lengths of a bit
over 8”, a bit over 16”, 27 1/2”, 39
3/8” and 78 3/4”. From here on I
will only refer to the metric sizes as that is
Special MFS “V” track, one
on each side and three on
each face
the Festool guide rail “T” tracks so the
same Festool clamps and other
accessories will fit.
On both sides of the 80mm
widths and along each 16mm
side are “V” shaped tracks
unique to the MFS. Festool
supplies a variety of different
nuts that slide into these “V”
tracks to allow the attachment
of different supplied and shop
built components.
how each of these extrusions is identified
and marked.
Along one edge are ruled marks in millimeters starting at zero and going to the
length of the extrusion. The ends are cut
very accurately at 90 degrees.
On the top and bottom 80mm widths are
“T” tracks the same size and shape as
Standard Festool “T”
track on each face
One of the nuts that fits into the
track on one or both 16mm
sides is a threaded insert
(shown below) which is held
firmly in place. A hole through
that insert allows a 4mm cap
head machine screw to pass through to
thread into a short “V” nut. By sliding that
short “V” nut into the side “V” track in another unit, two extruded pieces can be
assembled at right angles to one another.
circle and arc routing which is easily done
using the MFS profiles. Here are detailed
shots of that standard piece and the
The picture above shows how a standard
Festool “F” style clamp (48957 and
489571) fits into the “T” slot on either face
so you have lots of options as to how to
clamp these profiles to your work piece or
to a Festool Multi-function table.
This picture shows how the special MFS
“V” nuts fit into the “V” track to hold all
kinds of jigs and fixtures. The round
piece in the center is a pivot point for the
two standard “V” nuts. The one with two
holes is threaded for 5mm, the smaller
one with the detent ball for 4mm.
Four such extruded pieces assembled at
right angles to one another form a very
square and adjustable rectangle.
Standard components shipped
with the MFS 700 starter kit
A ball headed
3mm Allen key
is supplied to
allow you to
easily tighten or
loosen these
points so you
can slide the
extruded pieces
to form rectangles of any size
up to the length
of the extrusion
plus the 80mm
width of the adjoining extruded
piece. The inside rectangle
formed is the
length of the extruded piece less
the 80mm width of the adjoining
extruded piece.
as 780mm by 480mm outside and
320mm by 620mm inside.
You can also purchase
additional longer extrusions in either 1000mm
or 2000mm lengths.
Two or more extrusions
can be joined end to
end with MFS joining
units (the two hole “V”
nuts and 5mm set
screws shown on the
previous page) so there
is really no limit to how
large a rectangle you
can form for special applications.
The starter kits also include two heavy metal
angles (shown in the
photo left) roughly
80mm wide with one
30mm and one 60mm
side. These have two
For example, the starter set
492610 which is listed in the Festool catalog as 15.7” by 7.8” and
called MFS 400 has two 200mm
extruded pieces and two 400mm
extruded pieces. They will make
a rectangle up to 280mm by
480mm outside and 120mm by
320mm inside.
Starter set MFS 700 shown
above with the Festool catalog
open for size comparison has two
400mm and two 700mm extrusions so it will make a rectangle as large
4.5mm slots cut into them through which
4mm bolts can pass to thread into one of
the special nuts that fit into the “V” slots.
This allows the heavy metal angle pieces
to be used to locate the extrusions relative to the sides or edges of a work piece
and/or to fasten the extrusions to the
work piece.
Festool also supplies a machined aluminum piece shown below that is 50mm by
50mm and 16mm thick with a 30.25mm
hole in the center and a tongue on two of
its sides that fits into the “V” slots. One of
the tongues is split with a set screw that
will widen the split to fasten the aluminum
For example, an elegant head board can
be made with a sophisticated long radius
arc across the top that would be very
hard to duplicate any other way.
The final component supplied with either
the MFS 400 or MFS 700 starter kits is
the clever molded plastic anti-tip ring
piece in place anywhere along the edge
of any of the extruded pieces.
This piece has a number of uses, the
most common of which is to receive a
30mm guide bushing on a router. A 5mm
pivot point (shown before) is also supplied which will fasten to one of the special nuts that slide in the “V” slots. With a
pivot point at one end and a guide bushing holder at the other, you can quickly
establish a circle or arc routing jig limited
only by the combined lengths of all of the
MFS extrusions you own. With the wide
variety of router bits available you can
use this set up to cut and/or edge route a
bewildering array of arced or circular
shaped work pieces.
shown in the two photos above which will
support the router base while you are
edge routing around either the inside or
the outside of the formed rectangle. This
black molded piece accommodates
24mm, 27mm, 30mm or 40mm diameter
router guide bushings. The design of this
piece allows the guide bushing to rotate
while you move along the edge keeping
this anti-tip piece always with maximum
support for the overhanging base of the
router. Note how the lip on the guide
bushing sits in a recess in the anti-tip
piece so, no matter where you go with the
router, this anti-tip piece stays in place
doing its job of stabilizing the router so it
stays flat and level with the top of the
MFS profiles. Very slick and very useful.
Stamped tongues
keep the routing
slide square
into one of the special “V” nuts. This is
shown at the front of the slide in the picture below left.
When you insert the “V” nut into one of
the “V” grooves on the 16mm edges of
the extruded piece, two stamped tongues
also engage in one of the top “V” grooves
on that same extruded piece which will
allow the bridge to move easily
side to side at 90 degrees to
the MFS profile or be locked
into place by the lever bolt
A pointer indicating the center
line of the slot, and hence the
router bit, makes setting the
desired center line measurement a breeze. In the photo
below it is set to exactly
120mm from the right inner
edge of the MFS rectangle.
Lever bolt locks
Also available is what Festool calls a
“routing slide” shown in the picture above.
This is a heavy stamped metal bridge
750mm long and 180mm wide with a slot
cut down the center sized to receive a
30mm guide bushing and a bent up lip on
each long side for rigidity. The Festool
router bases fit comfortably inside the two
bent lips so you can attach a 30mm guide
bushing and pass a router bit across the
full inside width of any rectangle up to the
size of the MFS 700. The guide bushing
keeps the router and the bit centered on
the slot.
Along one short edge the bridge features
a lip bent down with holes in it positioned
for a 4mm threaded lock lever screwed
With the router slide you have
two dimensional control over
the movement of the router
suspended over the top face of the work
piece. Since the router can plunge up or
down, you wind up with three dimensional
control of the router cutter.
While there are many uses for this arrangement, the most common is to route
a recess into the face of a work
piece to receive what is called
“open field” inlays like the sample
shown here.
Adding inlays such as these to a
top, front or sides of a chest or
shelf unit is a fast way to really
increase the perceived value of
your work with little additional effort on your part. This is just one
of the ways the MFS helps you
make a quantum leap in your
productivity. We will cover this
feature in more detail when we
get to the chapter on inlays.
Open field inlay in sample piece after
being polished with the Festool
RO150. The field is Brazilian cherry.
The dark red inlay is South African
blood wood. The lighter colored inlay
is Oregon Big Leaf maple burl that
was cut from the piece above.
Notice how clean the corners, floor and
edges of an open field female recess
are when your router is guided by the
MFS profiles and the router slide. This
piece is African Mahogany, a wood notorious for its tendency to splinter along
edges like this.
Using the MFS as a large
and very accurate square.
Now matter what kind of furniture you
build, it is critical to be able to create very
accurate square components that are exactly the size you want them to be. By
aligning all of the outer edges and ends
of the MFS extrusions, you form a very
accurate rectangle with close to perfect
90 degree corners.
square you are likely to encounter. For
visual reference that is a one meter (39”
long) MFS extrusion in the photo to the
To use the MFS extrusions as a large
square, assemble the MFS into a rectangle of maximum proportions and with the
ruler marked edges facing out. This is
easily done by using a block of wood to
make sure that each end and each edge
are carefully aligned at all four corners.
Tighten down the attachment screws and
recheck to make sure you really have a
rectangle. Measure the diagonals to
make sure.
In this photo you can see a large class 2
steel reference square placed inside the
MFS rectangle. To the right is a closer
view showing just how very square the
MFS rectangle really is.
The one shown is formed from the MFS
700 starter kit so it is 780mm by 480mm
outside. That is a square that is over 30”
by nearly 19”, larger than any accurate
With the MFS700 shown here the diagonal measurement will be 915.8mm. From
high school geometry you will remember
that any right triangle has a diagonal that
is the square root of the sum of the two
sides squared. In the case of the
MFS700 the two sides are 780mm (the
700mm profile length and the 80mm adjoining profile width) and 480mm long.
Square those numbers, add them together and take the square root of the
sum and you should get 915.86025mm.
Before you get carried away trying to
measure the diagonals with such precision, keep in mind that one millimeter is
about .040” (forty thousands of an inch)
so one tenth of a millimeter is just .004”
(four thousands of an inch) which most of
us would have a hard time seeing even
with the most accurate measuring stick.
sides of one extrusion so you draw it very
tightly up against the edge of another to
form a large “L” or “T” with very close to a
perfect 90 degree corner.
If the cut lengths of your extruded pieces
are off by just one tenth of a millimeter,
the resulting diagonal measurement will
change by more than one tenth of a millimeter. So, don’t get hung up on what
your measured diagonal is, only that the
two are the same so you know you have
as close to a perfect square as you can
Or, as I do, if you have a good reference
square that you trust, use it to confirm
that your MFS rectangle
is really square. If you
measure any difference
at all across the diagonals, loosen the
screws, make sure your
ends and edges are
carefully aligned and
tighten them again.
The resulting rectangle
is very rigid and populated with all those nice
“T” and “V” grooves so
there is no limit to how
you can use it to square
up just about anything
you make. The ruler
Two MFS profiles can be joined
anywhere along the edges to
form a “T” or “L” square
markings along all four
edges make for good
reference settings.
If you need an even bigger square, simply use longer extrusions or put two or
more extrusions end to end to form
longer ones.
If you need an open “L” or “T” shaped
square rather than a rectangle, you can
place the end connector inserts on both
I can’t measure any out of square on my
extrusions joined this way when measured with the class 2 steel reference
square shown which has 500mm by
250mm arms. Since the degree of
square with just two pieces joined together is dependent on just how square
the ends of the extrusions were cut, I
would hesitate to call it “perfect”, but it is
very close.
When you put all four sides together, any
error in how square the
ends were cut will tend
to be cancelled out resulting in a rectangle of
quite significant accuracy, certainly more accurate than that
stamped framing
square you might have
been using up to this
point and, as we will
see in the next section,
far more useful than a
similar sized reference
Now that you have a
really good large
square, start by laying
out a known square
corner into which you
can clamp all your square and rectangular components like rail and stile doors,
panels and the like. If you own a Festool
Multi-function Table you can quickly make
squaring arms as shown in the manual
“Getting the Most from the Festool Multifunction Table” available for free download from the Festool USA web site.
Using the Festool MFS
fence system to accurately position your guide
This is one of the most basic things you
will do every day whether for cutting stock
to size or for routing grooves or for machining joints. There are several variations, but one of my favorites is using the
metric markings along the edges of two
extruded MFS profiles as a long and very
accurate vernier attached to a moveable
This photo shows the components you
will use sitting on top of a Festool MultiFunction table. (Actually, in use here are
two Festool tables hooked together side
by side with table joining units.)
These tables are in daily use in my studio
and have been for a couple of years so
they show the spots and wear of heavy
industrially use. Even so they remain
dead on flat and, along with another table
made from three Festool table tops (they
call them “plates”), serve as my primary
assembly work stations.
The components you will use include a
MFS rectangle (in this case a 400mm by
700mm rectangle), one additional MFS
profile (in this case a 1000mm one), two
standard Festool “F” clamps which will
come up from under the table to secure
the individual profile against which the
rectangle will slide, a standard Festool
guide rail, and the side table mounts.
The first thing
is to mount the
single profile
into the “F”
clamps from
below the table
so the clamps
are not in the
way. In the
photo to the
right you can
see how the
“T” track on the
bottom of the
MFS profile receives the standard Festool
“F” clamp arm. I slide the arm over two
clamps (arrows) inserted from below the
table in the side most row of 20mm table
holes. Do not tighten the clamps yet.
Now mount the guide rail in the table side
mounts, set it on top of the individual
MFS profile and the MFS rectangle and
lock the height cams to hold the guide rail
properly in place. Make sure the underside of the hat groove on the guide rail
sits in the lip on the table side mount op-
posite the
pivot so it
is rigidly
Use a
block of
wood to
register the
MFS rectangle with the front edge of the guide rail
and bring the individual profile up against
the side of the rectangle so it is exactly
90 degrees to the leading edge of the
guide rail.
When you put two rulers side by side you
form a vernier that is very easy to read.
Actually in a true vernier you would have
nine marks on one side and ten in the
same space on the other so you can easily dial in .1 increments. With the MSF
profiles they are all marked the same so
we will just use the marks as a visual ref-
The shot above shows a closer look at
how simple it is to align the
individual profile to be at 90
degrees to the guide rail.
Now tighten the clamps from
below so the individual profile cannot move.
At this point you could use
the rectangle to set all your
cutting lengths for both rip
and cross cuts, but let’s do
one more thing to take advantage of those nice ruler
markings along the edges of
the MFS profiles.
erence. It is easy to estimate down to
.2mm or lower with a bit of practice.
To quickly do the calibration, set a clamp
to lock down the rectangle as shown
above as we now want to slide the indi-
vidual profile
without altering square so
the marks
line up conveniently for
I like to slide
the individual
profile until
an even unit
mark on it
lines up with
an even unit
mark on the rectangle. Where I have
them set for this photo the two 30 marks
conveniently align as is shown below.
“V” nuts make an easy-to-see
reminder of which two marks (30
in this case) represent zero
length of cut relative to the front
edge of the guide rail
Tighten the clamps again on the individual profile and release the clamp on the
rectangle as you now have calibrated the
scales so zero length of cut is when the
two 30 marks line up. To help me remember where zero is, I slide a couple of
the two hole “V” nuts into the “V” tracks,
align one end of each with the zero point
(the 30 marks in this case) and lock them
down with set screws.
move the rectangle 50mm as shown
Note that the 50mm (or whatever
length of cut you set) will also show
when you lift the guide rail and see
how the leading edge of both the
fixed individual profile and the rectangle line up as pictured below.
50 millimeters
Now we can slide the rectangle down to
whatever length of cut we want. As long
as you keep the edge of the rectangle
tightly against the edge of the individual
MFS profile, the leading
edge of the rectangle will
always be parallel with the
guide rail and a known
distance away from it’s
front edge.
So, if you want to rip a series of 5mm strips, just
move the rectangle 5mm
and clamp it down as
shown to the right. If you
want a 50mm wide cut,
Now that we know we can set any length
of cut easily and with great precision we
are ready to do some cutting.
Set the rectangle for the desired length of
cut. Let’s say we want to cut this glued
up maple board to 350mm long. Once
the rectangle is clamped down at 350mm
back from the front edge of the guide rail,
check to make sure it is snug against the
fixed individual profile and slide the work
Cut line
Good practice is to first make a squaring
cut on this end before you set the rectangle for the desired length of cut. Just
move the rectangle a bit further away and
put the edge of the work piece snugly
against the edge fence (the fixed individual MFS profile that is clamped to your
table top). Make a cut taking off just a bit
so you now know you have a really
square corner. Flip the board end for end
so the same edge is against the edge
fence, set your rectangle to
the desired length of cut and
slide the work piece into
place as shown in the photo
to the left. When you make
this cut you know you will
have two 90 degree angles
with the length exactly what
you want it to be.
piece into place.
One edge will be against the fixed individual profile acting as a side fence and
the end will be against the leading edge
of the rectangle acting as a length stop.
A couple of things to note at this point.
Look at the photo above. Notice how,
just by positioning the work piece, your
eye can quickly confirm whether the corner closest to my hand is really square or
not. If it is not square, then your work
piece will not come out square since the
cut you are about to make will be 90 degrees to the side against the side fence.
This is the same principle as
using a sliding table industrial table saw. Since you
calibrated your guide rail to
the fixed edge fence and are
sliding a known square rectangle to act as the length
stop, you know your cuts will
be bang on straight (thanks
to the Festool guide rail and saw), with
perfect 90 degree corners (thanks to the
individual profile that you calibrated to be
at 90 degrees to the guide rail) and exactly to the length you need (thanks to
the ruler marks on the MFS profiles).
Note one other thing in this photo. I have
my work piece set on top of a couple of
sacrificial scraps of thin plywood. That is
where the saw kerf is going to go, not into
my table top. Using this practice I never
need to be concerned about where I happen to set the guide rail table side supports. I just put them wherever it is most
convenient for the cuts I need to make.
Now we can make the cut as shown below. Wear ear protection, use the Festool
dust collector (the CT33 shown below the
table behind me) and make sure you
have the right blade mounted for the cut
you are about to make.
With the TS line of circular saws it is so
fast and easy to change blades that there
never is a reason to force a cross cut
blade to make a rip or to use a rip blade
to try to do a clean cross cut.
A couple of other things to note. In this
sequence of photos the cut I am about to
make is on stock that is thicker than the
16mm thickness of the MFS profiles. As
a result the stock itself supports the guide
rail and keeps it from flexing down. If you
need to cut stock that is thinner than
16mm add sacrificial spacer stock like the
plywood I use either below (much preferred) or above the work piece so the
guide rail is supported across the full
width of the cut.
If you plan to work on relatively smaller
work pieces, say up to around 700mm
long (27 1/2”), having the fixed side extruded piece back 60mm from the cut
edge of the guide rail will re-
sult in the 30 marks lining
up as shown before and will
provide good support for the
rectangle to move over this
range. For longer work
pieces it works best to move
the fixed side extrusion back
further away from the leading edge of the guide rail so
the MFS rectangle will be
well supported when pulled
back more than 700mm or
With this set up it doesn’t
matter whether you use one
Multi-Function Table or two
or more joined together.
You don’t need to worry about the factory
guide rail support stops. They have to be
removed to attach two or more MFTs together side to side anyway. No matter
where you set the guide rail, since you
are calibrating everything to it, you can
get perfectly square cuts from any position on any number of tables.
For all of your normal cross cuts this set
up is fast, reliable and repeatable. It
doesn’t matter whether you need a dozen
pieces all the same size or a dozen
pieces all different sizes. You have the
work piece referenced at 90 degrees to
the cut line by the fixed MFS side extrusion and the length determined by the
moveable MFS rectangle acting as your
length depth stop.
Cutting very narrow strips that are all exactly the same width is also easy so long
as the length of the strips is shorter than
the length of the guide rail. The MFS rec-
tangle under the guide rail is now going
to act as your rip fence. For longer rips
turn the rectangle so the long edge is
parallel with the guide rail to properly
support the work piece if you need to.
If you need narrow strips that are longer
than the length of the table, you can join
the two tables end to end instead of side to side. That
way you can use a longer
guide rail, or join two or more
to make up a longer guide
rail. You may also want to
make a larger rectangle from
the available longer MFS extrusions so your work piece
is well supported along the
length of the cut.
As the length of cut increases, the requirement
for care and precision in
your set up increases
dramatically. Once the cut
length exceeds the length
of a 1080 MFT I suggest instead that you use the “story stick”
method outlined in an upcoming section.
Before starting to cut these narrow strips,
first move the MFS rectangle back out of
the way and make a rip to straighten one
edge of the work piece. Once you know
you have a perfectly straight edge you
can place that edge against the fence
(the leading edge of the MFS rectangle
that is under the guide rail) and know
that your first and all subsequent rip cuts
will be exactly parallel with that edge.
size. I always clamp the work piece to
the table so it can’t move which would
spoil this accuracy. When the work piece
becomes too narrow to safely clamp
down it is also too narrow to safely cut
into more strips.
In this photo you can see the set up (the
DC hose, saw power cord and the outside splinter guard have been removed
for clarity). The rectangle was moved
back 5mm from the edge of the guide rail.
The work piece is cut straight and then
butted against the leading edge of the
rectangle and clamped down. Notice that
I have the work piece on top of a sacrificial hunk of thin plywood to bring it up to
a bit beyond the 16mm thickness of the
MFS profiles so the guide rail will sit flat
on the work piece without deflecting
downward. In this photo the first thin strip
is about half way cut off.
I find it easy with this set up to rapidly
make repeat rips to get a bunch of narrow
strips and can’t measure any difference in
width from one end to the other or from
one strip to another. All are the same
Since the cut off piece is under the guide
rail and the remainder of the work piece
is in front of the guide rail clamped to the
table, cutting these narrow strips is inherently safe. With guided rail sawing the
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