I m p o r t a n t S a f e t y I n s t r u c t i o n s
This symbol warns the use r of dangero us vo ltage levels localized
within the e nclosu re.
This symb ol advises the user to read all accompany ing literat ure
for safe operati on of th e unit.
∆ Read, r etain, an d foll ow all instruc tions. Heed all warning s.
WARNING: To prevent damage, fire or shock hazard, do not ex pose this
unit to r ain or moisture.
∆ This pro duct shou ld be located away from heat so urces such as radiato rs,
heat regis ters, o r oth er produc ts tha t prod uce he at.
∆ This product should only be used with a ca rt or stand that is recomme nded
by the ma nufacturer.
∆ Do n ot drip nor sp lash li quids, nor place liquid filled conta iners o n the
∆ CAUTION : No us er ser viceable parts inside, refer servicin g to qualif ied
personn el only.
∆ Fender® amplifiers an d lo udspea ker systems are capabl e o f producing
ver y high s ound pressure level s whic h may ca use te mporar y or perma nent
hearing damage. Use ca re when se tting an d adj usting volu me le vels
during use.
I n s t r u c c i o n e s d e S e g u r i d a d I m p o r t a n t e s
ITALIANO - PAGINE . . . . . . . . 7
DEUTSCH - SEITEN . . . . . . . . . . 8
PORTUGUÊS - PAGINA. . . . . . . 9
Este símbolo adv ierte a l usuario qu e en el interi or de la c arcasa hay
nive les pe ligrosos de voltaje.
Este símbo lo advierte al usua rio que lea toda la documenta ción
adjunta para utilizar la un idad con seguridad .
∆ Lea la s atentament e instru cciones y sígala s al pie de la le tra. Tenga en
cuenta todas las i nstruccion es.
∆ ADVERTE NCIA: Para evita r daños, i ncendios y desca rgas el éctricas, no
expo nga esta unidad a la l luvia ni a la hu medad.
∆ Este producto de berá est ar situ ado lejo s de fuentes de ca lor tal es como
radi adores, registros de c alefacción u ot ros produc tos q ue gen eren c alor.
∆ Este produ cto sólo se de be utiliz ar con el s oport e recom endado por el
fabrica nte.
∆ Evite que goteen o salpiquen líquid os y no coloque re cipientes con lí quidos
sobre l a unidad.
PRECAUC IÓN: Co ntiene pie zas cuyo ma ntenimi ento no lo pue de realizar el
usuario, sino sólo person al cualif icado.
∆ Los ampli ficador es y alta voces Fen der® p ueden produci r n ivele s d e
pres ión ac ústica muy el evados, que p ueden provo car da ños tem porale s
o per manene tes en el oído. Uti lice la precaución a l ajust ar el volumen
nive la.
C o n s i g n e s d e S é c u r i t é I m p o r t a n t e s
Ce sy mbole avertit l'utili sateur de la pré sence de niveau x de
tens ion à ri sque d ans l'appareil.
Ce s ymbole conse ille à l'utilis ateur de lire toute la d ocumentati on
jointe au pro duit pour garan tir une sécuri té de fonctionneme nt.
∆ Veuil lez lire att entivem ent to utes les instr uctions et vou s y con former.
Respec tez scrupu leusem ent to us les avertiss ements.
AVERTISS EMENT: Pour éviter l’endomm agemen t de l ’apparei l, un départ
d’ince ndie, ou un ch oc é lectri que, ne l ’exposez jamais a l ’humidité ou à la
∆ Il est cons eillé d'e ntreposer cet a ppareil loin d e toute sou rce de chal eur,
tell e que des rad iateurs, des accumul ateurs d e chaleur ou autres u nités
. . . . . . . . . . . 10
prod uisant de la chaleur.
∆ Cet apparei l doit u niquement être util isé avec un sup port à roul ettes ou un
pied conseill é par le fabri cant.
∆ Ne placez aucun récipi ent re mpli d e liquide sur le pro duit.
ATTEN TION: Auc une mainten ance ne do it être ef fectuée pour le s pièces
situées dan s l’appa reil. Les réparations et l a maintenance d oivent ê tre
exéc utées uniquement par une perso nne quali fiée.
∆ Les niv eaux sono res élévés émis par les sy stèmes d'e mplificate ur et haut-
parleur s Fender® peuven t e ntraîner des lé sions auditi ves durables. Faite s
atte ntion lorsque vous réglez ou aju stez le volume lors de l'utilisatio n de s
I m p o r t a n t i I s t r u z i o n i p e r l a S i c u r e z z a
Questo simbol o indi ca che si av visa l'ute nte della presenza d i livelli
di tensione pericol osi a ll'inte rno de lla strut tura.
Questo si mbolo in dica che s i consiglia al l'utente di le ggere tut ta
la do cumen tazio ne a llega ta ai fin i de l fun zioname nto s icuro
dell'un ità.
∆ Legg ere, co nserva re e seguire le i struzioni. Oss ervare le a vvertenze.
AVVERTIM ENTO: Pe r evita re dann i, risc hi di incen di o sco sse elettr iche, n on
esporre qu esta unit à alla p ioggia o al l'umidità.
∆ Que sto pro dotto v a collocat o lontano da fon ti di calore come r adiator i, uni tà
di riscal damento o al tri prodotti ch e producon o cal ore.
∆ Que sto prodot to deve es sere usato so lo con un carrello o con un suppo rto
cons igliato dal produtt ore.
∆ Non disporre alcun conten itore riem pito d i liquido s ul prodotto.
ATTEN ZIONE: Non c ontiene part i ripa rabili dal l'utente: fare esegu ire la
manuten zione soltan to da person ale quali ficato.
∆ I si stemi di amplifi cazione e gl i a ltipar lanti
prod urre li velli d i press ione a custic a molto al ti che posso no provo care da nni
temp oranei o perm anenti all'udito. Prestare atten zione all'impost azione e
rego lazione d ei liv elli d i volu me durante l 'uso.
Fend er® sono i n g rado di
I n s t r u ç õ e s I m p o r t a n t e s d e S e g u r a n ç a
Este símbo lo adve rte o usu ário da presen ça de níve is pe rigosos de
volt agem d entro da caixa.
Est e sí mbolo adv erte o usuár io d e qu e to da lit eratur a qu e ve m
acom panhad a dest e ap arelho deverá ser lida para um m anusei o segu ro
do mesmo.
∆ Leia , conser ve na memó ria e siga to das as instruç ões. Observe todas as
adve rtênci as.
∆ ADVE RTÊNCIA : Para evit ar danos, incêndio ou choque elét rico, n ão pe rmita
que es te apa relho seja exposto à chu va ou umidad e.
∆ Este produto de ve est ar lo caliza do lo nge d e font es de calo r tai s como
radi adores, aquec edores ou ou tros a parelho s que pro duzam calor.
∆ Este produto de ve ser usad o som ente c om um suporte ou car reta q ue
tenh am sido recomen dados pelo próp rio fa brican te.
∆ Não derrame ou espir re l íquido s, n em coloque ob jetos que os contenham
sobre e ste ap arelho.
∆ AVISO: M anuten ção e/ou re paro d e qua isquer part es integrante s des de
prod uto n ão devem s er re alizad as po r usuários, enca minhe o se rviço
somente a técnic os esp eciali zados.
∆ Os sis temas de am plificador es e aut o-fala ntes
para pro duzir altí ssimos níveis de pressão de som os quais podem caus ar
perd a te mporár ia ou perm anente de audiç ão. S eja prude nte ao defini r e
ajustar os n íveis de vol ume du rante a util ização.
Fender® tê m capacidade
W i c h t i g e S i c h e r h e i t s h i n w e i s e
Dieses Symb ol warnt den Benutz er vor ge fährli chen Sp annungen
innerha lb des G ehäuse s.
Dieses Symbol bed eutet f ür den Benut zer, dass er für einen sic heren
Bet rieb des Ge räts die gesamte begl eitende Doku mentati on lesen
∆ Bef olgen Si e s ämtliche Si cherheitshi nweise un d b ewahre n S ie si e a uf.
Bea chten Sie al le Warnun gen.
WARNUNG: S etzen Sie die ses Ge rät nie mals Regen od er Feuc htigkei t
aus , u m Be schäd igung, B rande ntwickl ung u nd elek trisc he S chläg e zu
verm eiden.
∆ Der Vers tärker darf nicht in der Nä he von Wärmequellen wie Heizkörpern
oder a nderen wärmee rzeugenden Gerät en auf gestellt werden.
∆ Das P roduk t so llte nu r mi t vom Her stell er e mpfoh lenen K arren o der
Stän dern ver wendet werden.
∆ Setzen S ie das Gerät k einer t ropfend en oder sp ritzend en Flüs sigkeit aus;
stel len Sie keine mit Fl üssigke it gef üllten Be hälter auf dem Ge rät ab.
VORSICH T: Im Gerät si nd kei ne zu war tenden Teile. Repa raturar beiten
dür fen nur von qu alifizier ten Techniker n durchgeführ t werden.
∆ Fender®-Verst ärker und La utsprec her könn en s ehr hoh e La utstärkepe gel
erze ugen, die vorübergehende oder dau erhaft e Ge hörsch äden verurs achen
könn en. Gehen Si e beim Einstell en bzw. Re guliere n der Lau tstärke vorsichtig
FBA Speaker Cabinets
Your new Fender® Bass Amplification speaker cabinet delivers world-class Fender tone and world-standard Fender quality.
Thank you for choosing Fender®—Tone, Tradition and Innovation—since 1946!
Set–Up and Operation
• Specification charts for your Fender Bass Amplification speaker cabinet can be found by visiting the Support area of the Fender website at
• Use the Speakon® type input jack on your speaker cabinet whenever possible to take advantage of its superior power transfer efficiency and
locking connector.
• Never connect more than one amplifier to your speaker cabinet, even if more than one jack is labeled "input." Any extra input jacks are for
connecting other speakers (see
• Never connect speakers with a total impedance load below the minimum rating of your amplifier (see
• Never connect speakers with a total power handling capacity below the power output rating of your amplifier.
• Only use unshielded speaker cable of 18 gauge or heavier (such as 16 gauge) for speaker connections. Shielded instrument cable may limit
the power delivered to your speaker and the cable may overheat.
• We recommend removing any casters from bass speaker cabinets to extend your bass response by coupling the cabinet more closely to the
Parallel Speaker Connections below) or to give you an alternate input plug type, such as Speakon®.
Impedance Guidelines below).
Use the impedance ratings on your amplifier and speakers to determine if a particular combination of speakers
is appropriate for your amplifier. NOTE: All Fender® bass speaker cabinet inputs (and most others) are wired in
parallel (not in series), therefore, these
This Illustration shows the total impedance loads of various combinations of speakers connected in parallel.
Ideally, you will want to connect your amplifier to speakers with a total impedance load equal to the minimum
impedance rating of your amplifier. Operating below the minimum impedance rating can easily overheat
the amplifier and cause damage. Conversely, operating above the minimum impedance rating reduces the
amplifier’s maximum power output capability.
Also notice that different combinations of speaker impedances can equal the same total impedance load.
If speaker impedances are the same in a group, each speaker will receive equal power from your amplifier.
However, if speaker impedances are
power. For example, if 4Ω and 8Ω speakers are connected in a group, the 4Ω speaker will draw double the
power and may be louder than the 8Ω speaker. Take this into consideration when calculating power handling
capacities and when positioning your bass speaker cabinets.
Impedance Guidelines apply only to parallel speaker connections.
not the same, speakers with the lowest impedances will receive the most
Multiple Fender Bass Amplification speaker cabinets can be linked to one
amplifier speaker output as shown (see
any jack {A} as input and any other jack as output to the next speaker.
Impedance Guidelines above). Use
Adjust the volume level of the tweeter with the Horn Level {B} knob. A
normal setting is half volume, as shown. Note that any distortion from
your amplifier will be accentuated by the high-frequency response of the
The tweeter is protected from overload by an incandescent lamp. If the tweeter stops working, replace the lamp as you would a fuse. The
lamp is located under the input panel. To access the lamp: Remove the 4 screws at the corners of the input panel, then pull the panel out and
up. Use a small flathead screwdriver to remove the blown lamp which is visible through a cutout in the circuit board. There is a spare lamp
stowed on the side of the circuit board (reorder P/N 051857). After inserting the new lamp, reinstall the input panel in the reverse order of
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