Owner,s Manual
P/N 049254

Your new Fender®KXR 60 Keyboard Amplifier is the result
of Fender’s ongoing dialog with many of today’s top musicians. It uses state of the art technology to deliver clear,
resonant and most importantly... musical sound.
The KXR 60 is actually much more than just a keyboard
amp. With its heavy-duty, Fender
Special Design speaker
and piezo-electric horn, it is a self-contained, portable P.A.
system, suitable for almost any musical instrument requiring
full-range sound reinforcement. This makes the KXR 60
ideal for amplifying electronic keyboards, acoustic/electric
guitar, electric violin or voice. Compact packaging and
medium level output power make the KXR 60 the perfect
full-range instrument amplifier for rehearsal, studio or small
club performances.
The preamp section of the KXR 60 features two independent channels, a four band master EQ, Reverb and Master
Volume controls. Each channel features a single 1/4 inch
Input jack and Volume control. The Effects Send and Effects
Return jacks can be used with a wide variety of effects
devices, or as patch points for slaving multiple amps
together. The Effects Send can also be used to connect
your KXR 60 directly to a recording console or sound rein-
forcement mixer. A tape player or drum machine can be
mixed with the preamp signal (pre-effects loop) by using
the Tape In jacks. The Headphones jack automatically
mutes the internal speaker while driving stereo or mono
headphones for private practice sessions.
The KXR 60's rugged 50 watt power amplifier was
designed to give years of quality service under all conditions and is equipped with a unique implementation of our
exclusive DELTACOMP
adaptive compression system.
, it is practically impossible to cause
the power amplifier to clip (distort). Also, apparent compressor release time is kept short keeping distortion to a
minimum at low frequencies.
Your selection of a Fender
amplifier will be rewarded with
years of quality performance and a wide range of musical
sounds. The built in quality of your Fender
amplifier is the
result of over four decades of dedication in the combined
skills of research and development by our engineers and
That is why we proudly say... Fender
, The Sound That
Creates Legends.

CHANNEL 1 INPUT (1/4" Phone)- Plug-in connection
for instruments. This balanced input can handle as
much as 8V R.M.S.
CHANNEL 1 VOLUME- This control adjusts the pream-
plifier gain of channel 1. It works in conjunction with
the Master Volume control (item H) to set the overall
loudness of the amplifier for Channel 1 only. Being a
true “gain” control, it allows for the use of a variety of
microphones, keyboards or other instruments with differing output signal levels. Low-level instruments generally require a higher Channel Volume setting, while
“hotter” keyboards require a lower Channel Volume
CHANNEL 2 - This channel is provided for an addi-
tional instrument. Its input and volume control operate
in the same manner as items A and B in channel 1.
This channel is muted when nothing is plugged into its
input, and thus will contribute no additional noise to
the amplifier output when left unused. Both channels
may be used simultaneously, however Channel 1
should be used first if only one input is needed.
EQUALIZER- The equalizer allows precise adjustments
of the tonal characteristics of the amplifier. Each control provides a 12 dB boost or cut to bands of frequencies centered about 100, 338, 1188, and 4000 Hz.
REVERB CONTROL- This control adjusts the amount
of reverb to be mixed with the dry signal. The input to
the reverb assembly is the sum of Channels 1 and 2.
EFFECTS SEND JACK- This jack provides an unbal-
anced output signal from the preamp. This output can
be used with the Effects Return jack (item G) as a patch
point for mono effects devices. The Effects Send is
connected to the input of the effect (digital delay or
other effects device) and the output of the effect is connected to the Effects Return jack (Item G). The Effects
Send can also be used to provide a signal to a recording or sound reinforcement mixer. In addition, this
output can be used to drive another KXR 60 used as a
slave amp. This is done by connecting a standard guitar cord from the Effects Send jack of the master amp
to the Effects Return jack of the slave amp.