In this section we will explore the possibilities of the Studio-90 Plus in its entirety.
Do not skip any pages. Since each function depends on a previous parameter, it is
probably best to read carefully from here on out.
In this section you should get ready for hands on experience. Plug in one end of a
midi cable to the output jack of the controller. Plug the other end into the midi
input of your sound module. For the first application, even if you have a multi-
timbral module, please set a piano or any other sound that you are comfortable
with to channel number one. (Multi-timbral means receive on more than one
channel at once.) The first application will only deal with channel number one. As
you progress you will be adding channels for different keyboard sound
combinations. At this time you should have your amplification set up as well. Any
other questions dealing with equipment set up, refer to their respective manuals.
Once everything is plugged in, power up your system in this order; controller,
sound modules, effects, mixer, EQ, and amplifier. This procedure will eliminate
any potential hazards to your system.
To program the controller properly you must understand in what sequence to push
the buttons to get the desired result. Let's take a look at the program function key
located under the two LEDs.
The Studio-90 Plus is equipped with 100 programs, represented numerically
between numbers 00 and 99. In order to get from one program to another you
must press the buttons in a particular sequence. First, enter program mode by
pressing the button marked (prog.). Do this now. A light will illuminate at this
time underneath the program button, (when the unit is turned on, the program
light will already be illuminated) then enter a program number by pressing two of
the numeric keys. (Example, enter program 00, program 05 or any other desired
program up to 99).
At this point the numeric LED will flash, then you must press the ENTER* button
located to the right of the numeric key pad. This process will lock the desired
program into a current working memory location. Do this a couple of times so you