Fargo CardJet™ Professional Series 410 Card
Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet™ C7
Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
Part Number: L000286
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Fargo CardJet Professional Series 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7
Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1), property of Fargo Electronics, Incorporated
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Fargo Electronics, Incorporated. All rights
reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Exclusive permission is granted to
authorized resellers of Fargo products to reproduce and distribute this copyrighted document
to authorized Fargo customers, who have signed a “no disclosure agreement” regarding the
restricted, proprietary use of said document.
The revision number for this document will be updated to reflect changes, corrections,
updates and enhancements to this document.
Revision Control
Date Document Title
Revision 6.1 1 February 2006 Fargo CardJet Professional Series 410 Card
Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User
Revision 6.0 1 December 2004 Same document title
Revision 5.0 1 January 2004 Same document title
These reference documents were thoroughly reviewed to provide Fargo with professional
and international standards, requirements, guidelines and models for our technical, training
and user documentation. At all times, the Copyright Protection Notice for each document was
adhered to within our Fargo documentation process. This reference to other documents does
not imply that Fargo is an ISO-certified company at this time.
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000 American National Standard, (sub-title) Quality Management
Systems - Requirements (published by the American Society of Quality, Quality Press,
P.O. Box 3005, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-3005)
The ASQ ISO 9000:2000 Handbook (editors, Charles A. Cianfrani, Joseph J. Tsiakals
and John E. West; Second Edition; published by the American Society of Quality, Quality
Press, 600 N. Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203)
Juran's Quality Handbook (editors, Joseph M. Juran and A. Blanton Godfrey; Fifth
Edition, McGraw-Hill)
Any questions regarding changes, corrections, updates or enhancements to this document
should be forwarded to:
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction to CardJet____________________________________________1-1
Reviewing the Notices and Trademark Restrictions _________________________________________ 1-1
Reviewing the Notices _____________________________________________________________ 1-1
Reviewing the Trademark Acknowledgments ___________________________________________ 1-1
Reviewing information pertinent to Users in the United States ______________________________ 1-1
How to use the manual _______________________________________________________________ 1-2
Safety Messages (review carefully)______________________________________________________ 1-3
Additional Safety Precautions for CardJet Technicians (review carefully) _____________________ 1-4
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 2-1
Reviewing the CardJet Printers (410 and C7) ______________________________________________ 2-3
Reviewing the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder_________________________ 2-3
Reviewing the Persona CardJet C7 Card Printer/Encoder __________________________________ 2-4
Reviewing the Professional CardJet 410 and Persona C7 ID Card Printers _____________________ 2-4
Technician Review of Printer Features ___________________________________________________ 2-5
Technician Review of CardJet Specifications _____________________________________________ 2-13
Reviewing the Regulatory Compliances_______________________________________________ 2-13
Reviewing the Agency Listings _____________________________________________________ 2-14
Reviewing the Technical Specifications_______________________________________________ 2-15
Technician Review of CardJet Card Printer Setup _________________________________________ 2-18
Selecting an area for the Card Printer_________________________________________________ 2-18
Connecting the Card Printer to the Computer___________________________________________ 2-19
Opening the Top Cover to the Card Printer ____________________________________________ 2-20
Powering up the Card Printer _______________________________________________________ 2-21
Reviewing the Printer Driver Operator Interface ________________________________________ 2-22
Reviewing the Printer Properties window _____________________________________________ 2-25
Technician Review of Ink and Card Cartridges ___________________________________________ 2-26
Reviewing the Ink Cartridges _______________________________________________________ 2-27
Storing the Ink Cartridges (review carefully)___________________________________________ 2-27
Loading the Ink Cartridges _________________________________________________________ 2-28
Reviewing the Card Cartridges______________________________________________________ 2-31
Storing the Card Cartridges (review carefully)__________________________________________ 2-31
Loading the Card Cartridge ________________________________________________________ 2-32
Printing the Test Print (after installing Ink and Card Cartridges)____________________________ 2-34
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers___________________________________________ 2-35
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 3-1
Safety Messages (review carefully)______________________________________________________ 3-2
Additional Safety Precautions for CardJet Technicians (review carefully) _____________________ 3-3
Interpreting the LED Lights ___________________________________________________________ 3-5
Reviewing the Fargo Controller error types _______________________________________________ 3-8
Reviewing the Error Messages for Printer Drivers __________________________________________ 3-9
Reviewing the Status Monitor dialog box and buttons_____________________________________ 3-9
Reviewing the Error Messages Windows 98Se/Me/2000/XP Printer Drivers __________________ 3-10
Reviewing the Error Messages for the Magnetic Encoding Module _________________________ 3-16
Troubleshooting with Printer Components _______________________________________________ 3-17
Troubleshooting with the Card and Ink LED Indicators___________________________________ 3-17
Troubleshooting with the Printer Driver Ink Fuel Gauges _________________________________ 3-19
Troubleshooting with the normal Printer Driver Preference Options_________________________ 3-19
Troubleshooting with the Magnetic Encoding Module (both 410/C7 models) _________________ 3-19
Troubleshooting with the Error Messages _____________________________________________ 3-20
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
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Troubleshooting with the Printer connections __________________________________________ 3-21
Troubleshooting the Card Jam ______________________________________________________ 3-22
Troubleshooting with the Host Driver Download Software ________________________________ 3-22
Troubleshooting with an open Printer Top Cover _______________________________________ 3-22
Resolving the CardJet Card Printer problems _____________________________________________ 3-23
Resolving the Printer Startup problems _______________________________________________ 3-23
Resolving the Bar Code problems ___________________________________________________ 3-24
Resolving the Off-center Card Printing problems _______________________________________ 3-24
Resolving the pixelated or grainy ID Card Photo problems ________________________________ 3-25
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 4-1
Safety Messages (review carefully)______________________________________________________ 4-3
Additional Safety Precautions for CardJet Technicians (review carefully) _____________________ 4-4
Installing the Windows Printer Driver____________________________________________________ 4-5
Installing the Printer Driver from the Software Installation CD______________________________ 4-5
Resolving the unopened CD Installer Program problem __________________________________ 4-31
Installing the Printer Driver Updates _________________________________________________ 4-32
Downloading the Printer Driver Files_________________________________________________ 4-33
Setting up the Printer Driver __________________________________________________________ 4-34
Windows 98 / Windows Millennium _________________________________________________ 4-34
Windows 2000 / Windows XP ______________________________________________________ 4-34
Printer Driver Options_______________________________________________________________ 4-35
Selecting the Card tab window ________________________________________________________ 4-36
Selecting the Print Quality (Best, Normal or Fast print modes) _____________________________ 4-37
Using the default Card Size ________________________________________________________ 4-39
Selecting the Orientation (Portrait or Landscape) _______________________________________ 4-40
Selecting the Rotate Front by 180 Degrees option _______________________________________ 4-41
Specifying the Copies_____________________________________________________________ 4-41
Clicking on the About button _______________________________________________________ 4-42
Selecting the Image Color tab _________________________________________________________ 4-43
Selecting the Color Quality under the Image Color tab ___________________________________ 4-44
Selecting the Color Quality ________________________________________________________ 4-45
Selecting the Print in Grayscale checkbox _____________________________________________ 4-46
Selecting the Print in Grayscale checkbox _____________________________________________ 4-46
Selecting the Infrared Bar Codes checkbox ____________________________________________ 4-46
Selecting the Default button _______________________________________________________ 4-47
Selecting the Image Position tab _______________________________________________________ 4-48
Using the Vertical and Horizontal Adjustment arrows____________________________________ 4-49
Selecting the Magnetic Encoding tab (both 410/C7 models) _________________________________ 4-51
Using the Verification option under Magnetic Encoding__________________________________ 4-52
Using the Magnetic Track Selection option under Magnetic Encoding _______________________ 4-53
Using the Magnetic Track Options under Magnetic Encoding______________________________ 4-54
Using the Bit Density radio buttons under Magnetic Encoding _____________________________ 4-55
Using the Character Size radio buttons under Magnetic Encoding __________________________ 4-55
Using the ASCII Offset under Magnetic Encoding ______________________________________ 4-56
Using the LRC Generation radio buttons under Magnetic Encoding _________________________ 4-57
Using the Character Parity radio buttons under Magnetic Encoding _________________________ 4-57
Reviewing the Shift Data Left under Magnetic Encoding _________________________________ 4-58
Using the Default button under Magnetic Encoding _____________________________________ 4-59
Reviewing the ISO Track Locations__________________________________________________ 4-60
Reviewing the Sample String _______________________________________________________ 4-61
Reviewing the ASCII Code and Character Table________________________________________ 4-62
Sending the Track Information______________________________________________________ 4-63
Selecting the Print Supplies tab________________________________________________________ 4-64
Using the Reorder Numbers indicators________________________________________________ 4-66
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Accessing the Color Map Selection Dialog ____________________________________________ 4-67
Selecting the Color Map (Card Media Type) ___________________________________________ 4-68
Selecting the Clean Ink Cartridge Nozzles button _______________________________________ 4-69
Selecting the Test Printer button_____________________________________________________ 4-74
Section 5: Cleaning and Maintenance_________________________________________5-1
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 5-1
Safety Messages (review carefully)______________________________________________________ 5-2
Additional Safety Precautions for CardJet Technicians (review carefully) _____________________ 5-3
Using the Required Supplies ___________________________________________________________ 5-4
Cleaning the Printer's Exterior _________________________________________________________ 5-5
Cleaning the Ink Cartridges____________________________________________________________ 5-5
Section 7: Reviewing the Spare Parts List ______________________________________7-1
Section 8: Glossary of Terms ________________________________________________8-1
Section 9: Index___________________________________________________________ 14
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Section 1: Introduction to CardJet
Reviewing the Notices and Trademark Restrictions
Reviewing the Notices
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No liability is assumed for errors contained herein or for incidental damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are
reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated into
another language without prior written consent.
Reviewing the Trademark Acknowledgments
CardJet Persona and Fargo are Registered trademarks of Fargo Electronics, Inc. IBM is a
registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a
registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
Reviewing information pertinent to Users in the United States
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Use of a shielded cable is required to comply with the Class B limits of Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this
manual could void your authority to operate and/or obtain warranty service for this
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
How to use the manual
The CardJet Card Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1) is, in fact, the troubleshooting and field
service manual for both the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and the
Persona CardJet C7 Card Printer/Encoder. The manual is designed to provide installers
and technicians with quick, efficient lookup of related procedures, components and terms.
The manual can be used effectively either in soft or hard copy, depending on the preference
of the installer or technician.
Manual Description
Glossary of Terms and
Specifications (hyper-linked)
Table of Contents (hyperlinked)
Replacement, Removal and
Navigation Procedures (in
hyper-linked Sections)
Cross-Referencing (hyperlinked)
Comprehensive Index
You can go directly to the Glossary of Terms, Technical
Specifications and Functional Specifications to learn how
to use the processes, procedures, functions and windows
for both Card Printers within concise, correlative tables.
You can use the automated Table of Contents to quickly
locate, for example, an error message, a procedure, the
index or an appendix.
You can go directly to the Technical and Functional
Specifications, General Troubleshooting, Printer
Adjustments, Parts Replacement, Removal and
Replacement procedures. The section titles are always
labeled according to their function for consistent usage.
You can use the cross-referencing links to quickly locate,
for example, an error message or a procedure.
You can use the Comprehensive Index to quickly locate
information on both 410/C7 Card Printers, relating to a
specification, a procedural step, a window or screen, a
component, a term, a qualifier or a related feature to the
CardJet Card Printers.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Safety Messages (review carefully)
Symbol Critical Instructions for Safety purposes
Failure to follow these installation guidelines can result in death or
serious injury.
Information that raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning
symbol (as shown to the below).
To prevent personal injury, refer to the following safety messages
before performing an operation preceded by this symbol.
To prevent personal injury, always remove the power cord prior to
To prevent personal injury, Ensure only qualified personnel
perform these procedures.
This device is electrostatically sensitive. It can be damaged if
exposed to static electricity discharges.
Information that raises potential electrostatic safety issues is indicated
by a warning symbol (as shown to the below).
To prevent equipment or media damage, refer to the following
safety messages before performing an operation preceded by this
To prevent equipment or media damage, observe all established
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) procedures while handling cables in
or near the Circuit Board and Printhead Assemblies.
To prevent equipment or media damage, always wear an
appropriate personal grounding device (e.g., a high quality wrist
strap grounded to avoid potential damage).
To prevent equipment or media damage, always remove the
Ribbon and Cards from the Printer before making any repairs,
unless otherwise specified.
To prevent equipment or media damage, take jewelry off of
fingers and hands, as well as thoroughly clean hands to remove oil
and debris before working on the Printer.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Additional Safety Precautions for CardJet Technicians (review
Symbol Critical Instructions for Safety purposes
Before operating the unit, please read the following safety
precautions carefully:
Fire or Shock Hazard: Prevent fire or shock hazard by not
exposing the unit to rain or moisture.
Electronic Shock: Reduce the risk of electronic shock by not
removing the front, top or back Panels. No Operator-serviceable
parts inside. (Technician Note: Refer servicing to qualified
service personnel.)
Correct Voltage Rating: Operate the unit only on 100-240 VAC,
50/60 Hz. (Technician Note: If you have any doubt as to whether
you have a unit with the correct voltage rating for the country's
power supply, DO NOT attempt to use the unit. Contact the dealer
or the factory.)
Liquid or Solid Object: Stop operation immediately if any liquid
or solid object should fall into the cabinet. (Technician Note:
Unplug the unit and have it checked by qualified service
AC power cord: Use only the AC power cord included with this
unit or an equivalent cord.
ESD procedures: Be sure to observe all established Electro-
Static Discharge (ESD) procedures while handling cables in or
near the Circuit Board.
Grounding Device Safeguards: Always wear an appropriate
personal grounding device, such as a wrist strap with integral
resistor, connected to an ESD ground to avoid potential damage.
Electrostatic Sensitive Device: At a minimum, make positive
contact with the bare metal chassis of the Printer with the hand
before proceeding with the procedure. (Technician Note: This
device is electrostatic sensitive. It may be damaged if exposed to
static electrical discharges. Discharges may be generated by
various means, such as walking on a carpeted floor.)
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Section 2: Technician Overview
Technicians can review this section for a comprehensive troubleshooting strategy for the two
CardJet Card Printers. Technicians can use this strategy to gain expert-level knowledge of
the Printer in order to efficiently troubleshooting all aspects of it. This method safeguards the
need to maintain fully-operational Printers at all times and ensures that on-site Technicians
have access to critical, accurate and current CardJet troubleshooting-related procedures.
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 2-1
Reviewing the CardJet Printers (410 and C7) ______________________________________________ 2-3
Reviewing the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder_________________________ 2-3
Reviewing the Persona CardJet C7 Card Printer/Encoder __________________________________ 2-4
Reviewing the Professional CardJet 410 and Persona C7 ID Card Printers _____________________ 2-4
Technician Review of Printer Features ___________________________________________________ 2-5
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)_____________________________________ 2-6
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)_____________________________________ 2-7
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)_____________________________________ 2-8
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)_____________________________________ 2-9
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)____________________________________ 2-10
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)____________________________________ 2-11
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)____________________________________ 2-12
Technician Review of CardJet Specifications _____________________________________________ 2-13
Reviewing the Regulatory Compliances_______________________________________________ 2-13
Reviewing the Agency Listings _____________________________________________________ 2-14
Reviewing the Technical Specifications_______________________________________________ 2-15
Reviewing the Technical Specifications (continued)___________________________________ 2-16
Reviewing the Technical Specifications (continued)___________________________________ 2-17
Technician Review of CardJet Card Printer Setup _________________________________________ 2-18
Selecting an area for the Card Printer_________________________________________________ 2-18
Connecting the Card Printer to the Computer___________________________________________ 2-19
Opening the Top Cover to the Card Printer ____________________________________________ 2-20
Powering up the Card Printer _______________________________________________________ 2-21
Reviewing the Printer Driver Operator Interface ________________________________________ 2-22
Reviewing the Printer Driver Operator Interface (continued) ____________________________ 2-23
Reviewing the Printer Driver Operator Interface (continued) ____________________________ 2-24
Reviewing the Printer Properties window _____________________________________________ 2-25
Technician Review of Ink and Card Cartridges ___________________________________________ 2-26
Reviewing the Ink Cartridges _______________________________________________________ 2-27
Storing the Ink Cartridges (review carefully)___________________________________________ 2-27
Loading the Ink Cartridges _________________________________________________________ 2-28
Loading the Ink Cartridges (continued) _____________________________________________ 2-29
Loading the Ink Cartridges (continued) _____________________________________________ 2-30
Reviewing the Card Cartridges______________________________________________________ 2-31
Storing the Card Cartridges (review carefully)__________________________________________ 2-31
Loading the Card Cartridge ________________________________________________________ 2-32
Loading the Card Cartridge (continued) ____________________________________________ 2-33
Printing the Test Print (after installing Ink and Card Cartridges)____________________________ 2-34
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers___________________________________________ 2-35
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-36
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-37
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-38
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
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Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-39
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-40
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-41
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-42
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-43
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-44
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-45
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-46
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-47
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-48
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-49
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-50
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-51
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-52
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-53
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-54
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-55
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-56
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-57
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-58
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-59
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-60
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-61
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-62
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-63
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-64
Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers (continued) ____________________________ 2-65
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the CardJet Printers (410 and C7)
The CardJet Card Printer is a single-sided inkjet ID Card Printer. The two (2) CardJet
models are the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and the Persona
CardJet C7 Printer. (Note: Each Printer will use inkjet receptive cards that are 30 mil in
thickness and CR-80 in size. The cards are stored in an easy loading Card Cartridge.)
The Printer will require two (2) separate Ink Cartridges: a color printing Cartridge that
contains dye color inks (YMC) and a black printing Cartridge that contains pigment-black
ink (K).
Reviewing the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card
The Professional Series CardJet 410 is a single-sided, inkjet ID Card Printer.
Standard features:
Full color and monochrome inkjet card printing capability
Cartridge load color (YMC) and black (K) inks
Cartridge load blank cards
50 card capacity Output Hopper
100-card Card Cartridge
Optional features:
High-coercivity magnetic stripe encoding
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the Persona CardJet C7 Card Printer/Encoder
The Persona CardJet C7 is a single-sided, inkjet ID Card Printer.
Standard features:
Full color and monochrome inkjet card printing capability
Cartridge load color (YMC) and black (K) inks
Cartridge load blank cards
50 card capacity Output Hopper
50-card Card Cartridge
Optional features:
High-coercivity magnetic stripe encoding
Reviewing the Professional CardJet 410 and Persona C7 ID Card
These two models will differ as follows:
Professional CardJet 410 Card Printer Persona CardJet C7 Card Printer
100-card capacity Card Cartridge 50-card capacity Card Cartridge
Optional Hi-Co Magnetic Stripe Encoding Optional Hi-Co Magnetic Stripe Encoding
Professional Series Look and Color Persona Series Look and Color (Ice Blue)
Professional Series Driver/Firmware Persona Series Driver/Firmware
Full Warranty Limited Warranty
Available with Bundle:
Available with Mag Bundle Not available with Mag Bundle
Available with Bundle:
Ink Ink
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features
See the next page. Refer to the Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers in this
Function Description
Top Cover Opens to allow access to the Ink Cartridges and Card Path. This cover must
be closed in order for the Printer to begin printing. See Opening the Top
Cover to the Card Printer. See CardJet Engineering Drawing R400019 in the
Holds the Ink Cartridges and moves them back and forth across the card
during printing. (Note: Before Ink Cartridges can be loaded into the Printer,
the Printer Driver must be installed and the Printer's Power and USB cables
must be connected.)
Once this is done, the Printer's Ink Cartridge Cradle will move to the center
position whenever the Top Cover is open.
Catches printed cards as they eject from the Printer. This Hopper will hold a
maximum of 50 cards. The Card Output Hopper Door can be either opened
or closed while printing, but If you would like printed cards to stack neatly,
leave the door closed, as shown below. (Note: An external Card Output
Hopper is provided if the Printer model includes the Magnetic Stripe
Encoding Module.)
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
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Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
See the Cleaning the Ink Cartridges and Ink Cartridge Cradle procedure.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
Function Description
button and
Printer connected to the PC:
The Power button turns the Printer ON and OFF. (Note: When lit, the
blue LED light indicates when power is ON.)
Press the Power button to turn the Printer ON and OFF.
The blue LED above the button turns OFF or ON to indicate when
power is applied. (Note: This LED will flash when the Printer is
processing a print job.)
If the Power button is pressed during a print job, the print job will be
lost and the Printer will reset (depends on Windows configuration).
Printer not connected to the PC:
Press the Power button to turn the Printer ON and OFF. (Note: The
blue LED above the button turns OFF or ON to indicate when power is
applied. This is the only active button when the Printer is not connected
to the PC.)
All other buttons will not function and a Card Printer self-test will not be
possible. (Note: When the Printer is not connected and the Card
Cartridge and Ink Cartridge are not installed, only the Ink LED will flash
as this is controlled by firmware.)
The Card LED will not flash in this mode when the Card Cartridge is not
installed. (Note: The Printer must be connected to the PC for the Card
LED to flash.)
(Note: Avoid pressing multiple buttons simultaneously or pressing and
holding a button or combination of buttons.)
See the Interpreting the LED Lights procedure.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Button /
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
Button /
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
Function Description
button and
Card Status button / LED:
The Card button is used to resume operation after an error condition is
cleared. In general, as the icon on this button indicates, errors are related to
card feeding and printing.
If an error occurs, the Card LED light will flash. Correct the error and
press the Card button to resume. (Note: The Card LED will also flash if
the Card Cartridge is not installed or if it has run out of cards.)
When lit, the amber LED above this symbol will flash to indicate you
need to check the status of the Card Cartridge and/or the card being
used for the current print job.
This LED will flash when:
The Card Cartridge is improperly installed or missing.
The Card Cartridge is out of cards.
A card is unable to feed from the Card Cartridge.
A card is jammed along the Card Path.
A non Fargo-certified Card Cartridge is installed.
Troubleshooting Instructions. See Section 2):
1. Correct the condition and press the Card button to continue printing.
(Note: If neither the Ink Cartridge nor the Card Cartridge are installed, only
the Card LED will flash at first. When the Card Cartridge is installed, the Ink
LED will then flash until the Ink Cartridge is installed. These two lights will not
flash simultaneously.)
See the Interpreting the LED Lights procedure.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
Function Description
The Ink Cartridge Status LED is described below:
The Ink LED light indicates when you need to check the status of the color or
black Ink Cartridge. (Note: Both Ink Cartridges must be installed in order for
the Printer to function.)
Light is off. When the light is off, both Cartridges are ready for printing.
Ink LED light is lit. When the Ink LED light is lit, it indicates that ink is
not installed, ink is out or that there is a problem with one of the Ink
Cartridges. In this case, correct the issue and close the Printer's Top
Cover to resume operation. When lit, the amber LED above this symbol
will flash to indicate you need to check the status of the Ink Cartridges.
This LED will flash when:
The Top Cover is open. When open, the Ink Cartridge will move to the
install position. Regardless of the Ink Cartridge condition, the Cartridge
will always move to this position. (Note: When the Top Cover is closed,
the Cartridge will return to its home position. If a print job has been
received, printing will resume when the Top Cover is closed. If the Top
Cover is left open, the Cartridge will return to its home position after 5
minutes of the Printer sitting idle.) See CardJet Engineering Drawing
R400019 in the appendix.
One or both of the Ink Cartridges is improperly installed or missing
and the Top Cover is closed. (Note: When Top Cover is opened, the
Cartridge will move to the same standard install position described in
condition 1.)
One or both of the Ink Cartridges is out of ink and the Top Cover is
closed. (Note: When Top Cover is opened, the Cartridge will move to
the same standard install position described in condition 1.)
A non Fargo-certified Cartridge is installed and the Top Cover is
closed. (Note: When Top Cover is opened, the Cartridge will move to
the same standard install position described in condition 1.)
Troubleshooting Instructions. See Section 2):
1. Correct the condition and close the Top Cover to continue printing.
See the Interpreting the LED Lights procedure.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
Function Description
Card Input
Press the Cancel button to cancel the current print job and reset the Printer
for the next print job. (Note: This will cancel the job at both the PC and the
Printer level. If a card is left within the Printer after a print job is canceled, it
will automatically be ejected.)
Load the Card Cartridges into this Hopper. See Loading the Card Cartridge.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of Printer Features (continued)
Function Description
Connect to the included power cord. See Powering up the Card Printer.
Connect to a Windows PC with a USB cable. See Connecting the Card
Printer to the Computer.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of CardJet Specifications
The purpose of this section is to provide the Operator with specific information on the
Regulatory Compliances, Agency Listings and Technical Specifications for the CardJet Card
Printers. Refer to the Technician Handbook for CardJet Card Printers in this section.
Reviewing the Regulatory Compliances
Term Description
CSA The Printer manufacturer has been authorized by UL to represent the
Card Printer as CSA Certified under CSA Standard 22.2.
File Number: E145118
FCC The Card Printer complies with the requirements in Part 15 of the FCC
rules for a Class B digital device. (Note: These requirements are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation.)
If equipment operation in a residential area causes unacceptable
interference to radio and TV reception, the Operator is required to take
whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference.
ITS-EMC The Card Printer has been tested and complies with EN55022 Class B:
1998, EN55024: 1998, EN61000-3-2 and EN61000-3-3 standards for
EMC (electro-magnetic compatibility).
(Note: Based on the above testing, the Printer manufacturer certifies
that the Card Printer complies with all current EMC directives of the
European Community and has placed the CE mark on the Card
Certificate Number: 00027
UL-GS The Card Printer has been tested and complies with EN60950 and
bears the UL-GS mark.
License Number: TBD
UL The Card Printer is listed under UL 60950 INFORMATION
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the Agency Listings
Term Description
Safety Standards UL 60950, CSA C2.2 No. 60950 and UL-GS (EN 60950 A1-A4,
Danger: You must unplug the power cable to the Card Printer to
CE, FCC, CRC c1374, BSMI, ITS (EN 55022 Class B:1998, FCC
Class B, EN 55024: 1998)
A11), CE
ensure that all power is disconnected from the unit. Do not attempt any
work on the Card Printer’s interior unless you have first unplugged the
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the Technical Specifications
The Technical Specifications for the Professional Series CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder
and Persona CardJet C7 Printer are provided here. (Note: The CardJet Card Printers do not
provide for oversized card capability, less than 30-mil card capability, Smart card encoding,
support of non-Fargo cards and exception feed.)
Type Description
Accepted Standard
CR-80 CardJet cards (3.375”L x 2.125”W / 85.6mmL x 54mmW)
Professional Series CardJet 410 Printer/Encoder: 100 cards
Persona CardJet C7 Printer/Encoder: 50 cards
50 cards
Colors Up to 16.7 million
Dimensions 8.0” (H) x 18.0” (W) x 14.0” (D) / 203mmh x 457mmW x 356mmD
Encoding Options The High-Coercivity Magnetic Stripe Encoding Module can be
ordered factory-installed or as a field upgradeable module.
Ink Cartridge
SmartLoad Ink Cartridges contain an exclusive Ink Level Gauge
that reports remaining prints and alerts when the ink is low or out.
SmartLoad Ink Cartridge:
Full Color: 300 prints (250 for Persona C7)
Black: 900 prints (750 for Persona C7)
See the Selecting the Print Quality (Best, Normal or Fast print
modes) procedure.
Continued on the next page
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the Technical Specifications (continued)
Type Description
Interface USB 1.1
Memory 2MB RAM
59° to 95° F / 15° to 35° C
The Operating Humidity is at 20% to 80% (non-condensing).
Exception (70% upper humidity range): When printing the
glossy card in the IR bar code mode, the upper humidity range is
reduced to 70% due to the use of the black ink cartridge (P/N
041032 for CardJet 410 and P/N 041732 for Persona C7).
Standard (80% upper humidity range): The PPG (matte) card’s
upper humidity range is at 80% in all print modes (including the
Infrared Bar Codes option/radio box under the Image Color tab).
The glossy card card’s upper humidity range is at 80% in all other
print modes (Best, Normal and Fast).
Print Method Thermal Inkjet
Print Speed Print speed will vary depending on the amount of color coverage
within a card design. (Note: The above print speeds represent a
color, full-bleed design; designs with less color coverage will print
Print speed indicates an approximate batch print speed. (Note: It is
measured from the time a card feeds into the Printer to the time it
ejects from the Printer. Print speeds do not include the time needed
for the PC to process the image.)
Process time is dependent on the size of the file, the CPU, amount of
RAM and the amount of available resources at the time of the print.
Fast print quality: 26 seconds per card / 138 cards per hour
Normal print quality: 42 seconds per card / 86 cards per hour
Best print quality: 76 seconds per card / 47 cards per hour
See the Selecting the Print Quality (Best, Normal or Fast print modes)
Continued on the next page
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Reviewing the Technical Specifications (continued)
Type Description
Printer Drivers Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP
Resolution 600 dpi (Fast mode)
This is the number of individual pixels in a graphic, taken over a given
length, used to indicate the sharpness of the picture and the level of
detail. The number of elements in the Printhead determines Fargo
Printer resolution. See CardJet Engineering Drawing No. D400147 in
the appendix.
Software Drivers Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Temperature /
Supply Voltage 100 to 240 VAC, 1.0A
50 Hz / 60 Hz
IBM-PC or compatible, Windows 98Se/Me/2000/XP, Pentium™ class
233 MHz computer with 64 MB of RAM or higher, 200 MB free hard
disk space or higher, USB 1.1
Warranty Printer – Two Year
2 year – Professional
1 year – Persona
Indicate to refer to price list.
Weight 19.4 lbs. / 8.8 kg
Continued on the next page
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Technician Review of CardJet Card Printer Setup
IMPORTANT! Fargo Card Printers require highly specialized print supplies to function
properly. To maximize Printer life, reliability, printed card quality and durability, you must use
only Fargo Certified Supplies. For this reason, the Fargo warranty is void, where not
prohibited by law, if you use non-Fargo Certified Supplies. To order additional materials,
please contact the Fargo authorized reseller.
Selecting an area for the Card Printer
Step Procedure
1 Place the unit in a location with adequate air circulation to prevent internal heat
build up.
2 Use the Printer's dimensions as a guideline for the minimum clearances to the
unit. (Note: Allow for adequate clearance above the unit to accommodate the
height of the unit with its Top Cover open.)
3 Do not install unit (a) near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts or (b) in a
place subject to direct sun-light, excessive dust, mechanical vibration or shock.
4 Read carefully the caution about moisture condensation.
Caution: If the unit is brought directly from a cold to a warm location or
is placed in a very damp room, moisture may condense inside the unit. (Note:
Should this occur, print quality may not be optimum. Leave the unit turned OFF
in a warm, dry room for several hours before using. This will allow the moisture
to evaporate.)
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Connecting the Card Printer to the Computer
The Card Printer is designed to be used with any IBM-PC or compatible running Windows
98Se/Me/2000/XP. For best results, a Pentium™ class 233 MHz computer with 64 MB of
RAM or higher and 200 MB free hard disk space is required. The Printer is equipped with a
USB 1.1 high-speed interface port. This port is the means through which the Printer receives
data from the computer.
IMPORTANT! You must install the Printer Driver software prior to connecting the
Printer to the computer. The Printer Driver installation program will prompt you when to
connect the Printer. If you have not already done so, please install the Printer Driver software
at this time. See the Installing the Windows Printer Driver procedure.
To connect the Printer to the computer, obtain a USB interface cable and refer to the
following steps:
Step Procedure
1 Connect the smaller end of the USB cable to the Printer's USB port.
2 Connect the other end of the cable to the back of the PC at an available USB
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Opening the Top Cover to the Card Printer
Step Procedure
1 Open the Top Cover of the Printer by lifting up on its front edge and tilting the
cover back into its fully open position. See CardJet Engineering Drawing
R400019 in the appendix.
2 To close the Top Cover, gently lower the Top Cover until it clicks into place.
IMPORTANT! Before the Ink Cartridges can be loaded into the Printer, the Printer Driver
must be installed and the Printer's power and USB cables must be connected. Once this is
done, the Printer's Ink Cartridge Cradle will move to the center position whenever the Top
Cover is open. The Top Cover must be closed securely in order for the Printer to operate.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Powering up the Card Printer
The power supply within the Printer is a universal power supply properly configured for the
power used in the (respective) country. To connect power to the Printer, locate the
appropriate power cord for the country and refer to the following steps:
Step Procedure
CAUTION! The (included) two (2) power cords are designed for use
only with the Card Printer. (Note: If you have any doubts about the plug
configuration or the voltage, do not attempt to use the Printer. Contact the Fargo
authorized reseller for information on the correct power configuration.)
Locate the power cord included with the Card Printer.
2 Place the power cord into the power cord port of the Card Printer.
3 Place the AC power plug end of the power supply cord into an available wall
Press the Power button if you wish to turn the Printer ON or OFF. (Note: If the
Printer will not be used for a long period of time, unplug the power cable to the
Card Printer to ensure that all power is disconnected from the unit.)
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
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