Fantech OdourVac Installation Instructions Manual

Installation Instructions
1 x Rodin In-line Fan with plug and lead and alloy spigots 1 x Ø50mm external wall grille 2 x Ø50mm x 90° elbow 1 x Ø50mm socket 1 x Ø50mm to Ø40mm reducer 1 x 250mm length of 40mm PVC pipe 1 x 200mm length of 40mm clear flexible pipe 2 x 100mm length of 40mm PVC pipe 1 x Ø40mm x 90° elbow 2 x 40mm cover plate 1 x Balancing valve
You Need To Supply
50mm PVC pipe, enough to extend from • the eave terminal to the toilet position. Extra bends if required• Pipe brackets & fittings• PVC glue• Duct Tape
Power Supply
GPO power point source installed by a licensed • electrician where the fan will be located. The fan can be activated by any of the following • options: connecting to light switch, separate fan switch, or movement sensor switch. This work must also be completed by a licensed electrician.
The OdourVac System
The OdourVac system connects directly into the back of the cistern and draws odours from the toilet pan via the internal overflow pipe. For this to occur it is essential that a hole (if one does not already exist) be drilled into the back of the cistern to enable the OdourVac connection. If your selected toilet suite does not have an additional hole, please refer to Step 2a for information on Cistern drilling.
The OdourVac system works with most toilet suites. However, there are certain brands/models on the market which DO NOT enable air to be drawn from the pan, which will mean the OdourVac system will not work. To check if your toilet is compatible, visit
There are 2 stages when installing the OVK1:
Rough In – The project is at lock up stage and prior to the
plaster going on the walls. It’s at this stage that the fan, ductwork pipe, and bends are installed.
Fit Off – Once the plaster/painting/tiling has been completed and the plumber is commencing the toilet fit-off, the OdourVac system can be fitted off.
Rough In
1. Fan and Ductwork Pipe Installation
1a) Determine where the fan is to be positioned and the
intended route of ductwork pipe in the ceiling space. Ensure the location and type of toilet suite is known and where the OdourVac hole will be located in the cistern.
1b) Use the bracket to affix the fan to building structure
between exhaust grille and toilet location, ensuring the fan is facing in correct direction. The exhaust fan can be positioned horizontally or vertically in ceiling space if required.
1c) The main ductwork pipe to be installed in the ceiling
space should be positioned in the most direct route as possible from the toilet through to external discharge location (eaves or wall). Avoid using bends where possible, however if necessary use 2 x 45° bends instead of a 90° bend.
1d) Identify where the toilet is to be positioned in the room
and connect 50mm PVC ductwork pipe to suction end of the exhaust fan (and attach with duct tape) in the direction of the toilet.
1e) Connect 50mm PVC ductwork pipe into discharge end
of exhaust fan and attach with duct tape in the direction of the intended discharge point i.e. eave, wall or roof.
1f) For exterior eave discharge, glue 50mm 90° bend to
50mm ductwork pipe, then glue another short length of 50mm ductwork to the 90° bend so that it will protrude through eave. Take measurements of the location of
the end of ductwork pipe for fit off in later steps.
Toilet Ventilation System
1D 1E
Powder room
Watch a demonstration of an OVK1 installation
2. Wall Cavity Ductwork and Toilet (WC) Connection Preparation
2a) Drill a 50mm hole in the back of the cistern (if it doesn’t
already exist) at required location using a diamond hole saw (these can be purchased at most hardware stores). To do this, check toilet dimensions and measure point to centre of OdourVac hole. The 50mm OdourVac hole should be either to left or right from centre of cistern and about 10mm from the top. Also measure height from floor level to the centre of the hole. Don’t forget to include the thickness of the floor bed and tiles. This is the reference point to which you rough in ductwork pipe in wall cavity. If toilet is not on site at rough in,
you must find out toilet being installed and intended position of OdourVac hole.
2b) From 50mm PVC ductwork pipe installed in the ceiling
space, attach and glue a 50mm 90° bend and continue 50mm PVC pipe down wall cavity. (If ductwork pipe needs to be chased into brick or masonry walls, 40mm pipe may be used for full length of wall cavity)
2c) Connect 50mm socket to pipe and insert 40mm
reducer into socket. Attach 250mm length 40mm pipe to reducer, then 40mm clear flexible ducting to PVC pipe. Glue all PVC fittings. Connect clear flex to PVC using duct tape. The clear flex assists in final fit off and provides flexibility/movement in event that the fit off measurements are slightly out.
2d) Attach short length of 40mm pipe to bottom of the clear
flex with duct tape. Attach/glue 40mm 90° PVC bend to pipe.
2e) The bend must terminate at the height and location
of the future OdourVac hole in cistern (refer Step 2a). Bend must face where the hole will be in cistern. Leave ductwork pipe in wall cavity to be sheeted over. Take measurements as to location of bend in cavity for fit off in later steps.
Fit Off
3. WC Connection Fit Off
3a) Once installation of toilet pan is complete, position
cistern in its permanent location and mark the 50mm OdourVac hole location on wall or use dimensions to locate (Step 2e). Remove and cut hole in plaster or tiles.
3b) After tiling is complete, locate 40mm bend in wall cavity
and glue final short length 40mm PVC pipe to bend. Slide 40mm cover plate over 40mm PVC pipe and glue to wall to cover any excess hole in wall. This pipe will be trimmed/adjusted after connecting cistern and installing the balancing valve.
3c) Feed pipe through hole in cistern and re-attach cistern
to pan. Trim 40mm inlet pipe approx flush with inside of cistern. Slide other 40mm cover plate over PVC pipe and glue cover plate to inside of cistern. The top of both cover plates may need to be trimmed so that they cannot be seen once cistern lid is in place.
3d) Attach OdourVac Balancing Valve by pushing into pipe.
The soft foam gasket will seal any other gaps. Once installed, seal any gaps with silicone to reduce air leaks, as they may affect air performance.
3e) To fit the external grille go to exterior of building and refer
to rough in measurements for location of ductwork pipe in eaves/wall (Step 1f). Cut hole in eaves or wall. Locate 50mm pipe and attach external grille with duct tape. Secure grille to eave/wall with screws/silicon.
3f) To achieve good performance ensure power is supplied
to exhaust fan then open balancing valve totally and adjust to achieve desired airflow.
Contact details: Australia: 1300 387 587 New Zealand: 0800 106 266 Web:
Part No: INST-OVK1 08/2012
Toilet Ventilation System Installation Instructions (continued...)
OdourVac is a registered trade mark of OdourVac Ventilation Systems Pty. Ltd.
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