Fairchild Semiconductor DM96L02N Datasheet

March 1989 Revised February 2000
DM96L02 Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable Multivibrator
DM96L02 Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable Multivibrator
General Description
The DM96L02 is a dual TTL monostab le multivi brator with trigger mode selection, reset capability, rapid recovery, internally compensated reference levels and high speed capability. Output pulse duration and accuracy depend on external timing co mponents, a nd are the refore und er user control for each application. It is well suited for a broad vari­ety of applications, including pulse delay generators, square wave generator s, long del ay time rs, pulse a bsenc e detectors, frequency de tec tor s, clock pulse generators and fixed-frequency dividers. Each input is provided with a clamp diode to limit undershoot and minimize ringing induced by fast fall times acting on system wiring im ped­ances.
Retriggerable, 0% to 100% duty cycle
DC level triggering, insensitive to transition times
Leading or trailing-edge triggering
Complementary outputs with active pull-ups
Pulse width compensation for V
50 ns to output pulse width range
Optional retrigger lock-out capability
Resettable, for interrupt operations
and ∆T
Ordering Code:
Order Number Package Number Package Description
DM96L02N N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Logic Symbol
Connection Diagram
VCC = Pin 16 GND = Pin 8
Pin Descriptions
Pin Names Description
0 Trigger Input (Active Falling Edge)
I I1 Trigger Input (Active Rising Edge)
Direct Clear Input (Active LOW)
Q Positive Pulse Output
Complementary Pulse Output
CX External Capacitor Connection
RX External Resistor Connection
© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS010203 www.fairchildsemi.com
Functional Block Diagram
Operation Notes
1. TRIGGERING—can be accomplished by a positive­going transition on pin 4 (12) or a negative-going transi­tion on pin 5 (11). Triggering begins as a signal crosses the input V
internal latch whose unbalanced cross-coupling causes it to assume a preferred state. As the latch output goes LOW it disables the gates leading to the Q output and, through an inverte r, turns on the capacitor discharge transistor. The inverted signal is also fed back to the latch input to chan ge its state and effectively end the triggering action; thus the latch and its associated feed­back perform the function of a differentiator.
The emitters of the latch tr ansistors return to ground through an enabling transistor which must be turned off between successive triggers in order for the latch to proceed through th e proper sequence when triggering is desired. Pin 5 ( 11) must be HIGH in order to tr igger at pin 4 (12); conve rsely, pin 4 (12) must b e LOW in order to tri gger at pin 5 (11).
2. RETRIGGERING—In a normal cycle, triggering ini­tiates a rapid discharge of the external timing capacitor, followed by a ram p voltage run-up at pin 2 (14). The delay will time out when the ramp voltage reaches the upper trigger point of a Schmitt circuit, causing the out­puts to revert to the quiescent s tate. If another trigger occurs before the ramp voltage reaches the Schmitt threshold, the capacitor will be discharged and the ramp will start again without having disturbed the out­put. The delay per i od c an t herefore be extended fo r a n arbitrary length of time by insuring that the interval between triggers is less than the de lay time, as de ter­mined by the external capacitor and resistor.
3. NON-RETRIGGERABLE OPERATION—Retriggering can be inhibited logically, by connecting pin 6 (10) back to pin 4 (12) or by conne cting pin 7 (9) back to pin 5 (11). Either hook-up has the effect of keeping the latch­enabling transistor turned on during the delay period, which prevents the input latch from cycling as dis­cussed above in the section on triggering.
threshold region; this activates an
4. OUTPUT PULSE WIDTH—An external resistor R an external capacitor C
are required, a s shown in the
functional block diagram. To minimize stray capaci­tance and noise pickup, R
and CX should be located
as close as possible to the circuit. In applications which require remote trimming of the pulse width, as with a variable resistor, R
should consist of a fixed resistor in
series with the variable resistor; the fixed resistor should be located as close as po ssible to the circuit. The output pulse w idth t
is in kΩ, CX is in pF and tW is in ns.
= 0.33 RXCX (1 + 3/RX) for CX 103 pF
16 kΩ ≤ R 20 kΩ ≤ R C C
220 k for 0°C to +75°C
100 k for 55°C to +125°C
may vary from 0 to any value. For pulse wid ths wit h
less than 103 pF see Figure 1.
is defined as follows, where
5. SETUP AND RELEASE TIMES—The setup times listed below are necessary to allow the latch-enabling transistor to turn o ff and the node voltages wit hin the input latch to stabilize , thus insuring proper cycling of the latch when the next trigger occurs. The indica ted release times (equivalent to trigger duration) allow time for the input latch to cycle and its signal to propagate.
, pin 3
(13), will terminate an output pulse, causing Q to go LOW and Q
to go HIGH. As long as CD is held LOW, a
delay period cannot be initiated nor will attempted trig­gering cause spikes at th e o utp uts. A reset pulse dura­tion, in the LOW state, of 25 ns is sufficient to insure resetting. If the reset input goes LOW at the same time that a trigger transition occurs, the reset will dominate and the outputs will not respond to the trigger. If the reset input goes HIGH coincident with a trigger transi­tion, the circuit will respond to the trigger.
Input to Pin 5 (11) Pin 4 (12) = L Pin 3 (13) = H
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Input to Pin 4 (12) Pins 5 (11) and 3 (13) = H
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