Extreme Networks WM-4T1i User Manual

WM-4T1i Module Installation and User Guide
Extreme Networks, Inc.
3585 Monroe Street
Santa Clara, California 95051
(888) 257-3000
Part number: 10 0095-00 Rev. 01
Published: June 200 1
©2001 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Extreme Networks and BlackDiamond are registered trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc. in the United States and certain other jurisdictions. ExtremeWare, ExtremeWare Vista, ExtremeWorks, ExtremeAssist, ExtremeAssist1, ExtremeAssist2, PartnerAssist, Extreme Standby Router Protocol, ESRP, SmartTraps, Alpine, Summit, Summit1, Summit4, Summit4/FX, Summit7i, Summit24, Summit48, Summit Virtual Chassis, SummitLink, SummitGbX, SummitRPS, and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc., which may be registered or pending registration in certain jurisdictions. The Extreme Turbodrive logo is a service mark of Extreme Networks, which may be registered or pending registration in certain jurisdictions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
All other registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks are property of their respective owners.


Introduction v Conventions vi Related Publications vii
1 Installing the WM-4T1i Module
Overview 1-1 Installing the WM-4T1i Modul e 1-2 Ports and Connectors 1-3
WM-4T1i Module LEDs 1-3
Installing the WM-4T1i Modu le Software 1-5
2 Configuring the T1 Physical Link
Overview 2-1 Configuring T1 Physical link 2-1
Alarms 2-2 Cable length 2-2 Clock Source 2-3 Facility Data Link 2-3 Framing 2-4 Inband Loopback Detection 2-4 Linecoding 2-4
WM-4T1i Installation and User Guide iii
Yellow Alarms 2-5 T1 Port Configuration Comma nds 2-5
Monitoring T1 Physical Link 2 -6
Loopback 2-6
Near-end Loopback Modes 2-7 Far-End Loopback Modes 2-8 Enabling Loopback Mode 2-10 Disabling Loopback Mode 2-10
T1 Port Monitoring Commands 2-10
3 Configuring PPP and MLPPP
Overview 3-1 Multilink PPP and M ultilink Groups 3-2 Configuring a PPP/MLPP P Link 3-3
Authentication 3-3
PPP Link Username 3-3
PPP User Accounts 3-4 Encapsulation 3-4 PPP/MLPPP Configuration Commands 3-5
Monitoring PPP/MLPPP Links 3-6 PPP/MLPPP Configuration Examples 3-6
Configuring a Bridged PPP/M LPPP Link Example 3-6 Configuring a Routed PPP/MLP PP Link Example 3-7
Index of Commands
iv WM-4T1i Installation and User Guide


This Preface provides an overview of this guide, describes guide conventions, and lists other publications that may be useful.


This guide provides the required information to insta ll the WM-4T1i module in an Alpine 3800 series switch from Extreme Network s and perform the initial module configuration tasks.
This guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for installing and setting up net work equipment. It assumes a basic w orking knowledge of:
Local area networks (LANs).
Ethern et conc epts.
Ethernet switching and bridging concepts.
Routing concepts.
Internet Protocol (IP) conce pts.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).
Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP).
If the information in th e release notes shipped wi th your module diffe rs from the information in this gui de, follow the release notes .
WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide v


Table1 and Table2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1: Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Alerts you to...
Note Important features or instructions.
Caution Risk of personal injury, system damage, or loss of data.
Warning Risk of severe pe rsonal injury .
Table 2: Text C onventions
Convention Description
Screen displays This typeface indicates command syntax, or represents information
Screen displays bold
The words “enter” and “type”
[Key] names Key names are written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
Words in italicized type Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where
as it appears on the screen. This typeface indicates how you would type a particular command.
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type something, and then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instr uction simpl y says “type.”
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
they are defined in the text.
vi WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide

Related Publications

Related Publications
The publications related to this one are:
ExtremeWare Software User Guide
Alpine 3800 Series Sw itch Hardware Installat ion Guide
Alpine Module Installation Note
Documentation for Extreme Networks products is available on the World Wide Web at the following location :
release n otes
WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide vii
viii WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide

Installing the WM-4T1i Module

This chapter covers the following to pics:
Installing the WM-4T1i Mod ule on page 1-2
Ports and Connectors on page 1-3
WM-4T1i Module LEDs on page 1-3
Installing the WM-4T1i Mod ule Software on page 1-5


The Extreme Networks WM-4T1i module is an four-port T1 module that can be configured to use Multilink PPP to aggregate Ethernet traffic across multiple T1 physical links. The module has two 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports.
The WM-4T1i module also has six internal loo pback ports. The Alpine 3 800 switch modules have hardware queues associated with the output of each port for QoS (rate shaping and priority queueing ). To implement ingress QoS, you needed to use the hardware queues associated with a second port as a loopback port for ingress QoS
WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide 1-1

Installing the WM-4T1i Module

Installing the WM-4T1 i Module
All Alpine 3800 series switch module cards (SMMi modules and I/O modules) are hot-swappable. You do not need to power off the system to remove or insert a module card.
Caution: Service to Alpine modules sh ould be performed by trai ned service personnel only. Before installing or r emoving any compo nents of the system, o r before carrying out a ny maintenance procedur es, read the safety inf ormation provided in Appendix A of the Alpine Hardware Installation Guide.
Warning: You must install blank panels i n empty sl ots to ensur e adequate s ystem cooling.
To remove and replace a module card, follow these steps: 1 Prior to removing/installing a modul e card into the Alpine 3804 or Alpine 3808
chassis, put on the ESD wrist strap that is p rovided with the chassis, and connect the metal end to the ground receptacle located on the top-right corner of the Alpine front panel.
2 Loosen the module card by unscrewing the screws using a #2 Phillips-head
3 Rotate the ejector/injector handles to disengage the module card from the backplane.
Note: Blank panels do not have ejector/in jector handles, be cause they do not engage the backpl ane. They are secured enti rely by the retaining screws. In addition, the retaini ng screws are not captiv e.
4 Slide the module card out of the chassis. 5 Slide the new module card into the appropriate slot of the chassis (SMMi modules
into the orange slot, I/O mo dules into Slots 1 through 4 on th e Alpine 3804, or Slots 1 through 8 on the Alpine 3808), until it is f ully seated in the backplane.
Caution: Ensure that th e sheet metal of the modu le, and not the PCB bo ard, engages the card cage runners.
As the module begins to seat in the cha ssis, the ejector/inj ector handles will begin to close.
6 To secure the module in the chassi s, close the ejector/i njector handles by push ing
them toward the center of the module card, and tighten the screws using a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver.
1-2 WM-4T1i Module Installation and Us er Guide
Note: Tighten the scre ws before insertin g additional module s. If you insert additional modules before tightening the sc rews, you might unseat modules that you have not se cured.
Caution: You can only install I/O mo dules in the slots labe led Slot 1 through Slot 4 on the Alpine 3804, or Slot 1 through Slot 8 on the Alpine 3808. For ceful insertion can damage th e I/O module and the co nnector pins on the bac kplane.

Ports and Connectors

The WM-4T1i module is sho w in Figure 1-1.
Ports and Connector s
Module status
T1 ports 10/100 Mbps ports
Figure 1-1: WM-4T1i Module
The WM-4T1i module has four T1 ports and two 10/100 Ethernet ports. The WM-4T1i also has six internal loo pback ports. Internal loo pback ports allow you to co nfigure bi-directional rate-limiting without t ying up any of the external ports for ingress rate shaping. Internal loopback ports are marked with the notation “iL” when displayed on the command line or with ExtremeWare Vista Web access.

WM-4T1i Module LEDs

The WM-4T1i module LEDs are shown in Figure 1-1.
WM-4T1i Module Insta llation and U ser Guide 1-3
Installing the WM-4T1i Module
Figure 1-2: WM-4T1i LEDs
Table 1-1 describes the LED behavior on the WM-4T1i module.
Table 1-1: WM-4T1i Module L EDs
LED Color Indicates
Status Off No power
Amber Module seate d in chassi s Green Module powered up
Diag Green (blinking) Power-on Self Test (POST) is running
Off Normal operation
T1 port (1-4) Amber Near-end f ault detec ted (for e xample, n o cable)
10/100 por t (5,6)
Rapidly blink ing amber
Slowly blinking amber
Green Physical link present, higher-layer link established,
Alternating green and amber
Green (blinking) Loopback testing mode Off No link pres ent
Green Link present Alternating green
and amber
Far-end fa ult detec ted
Physical li nk presen t, but no higher-l ayer link (port misconfigured or disabled)
no traffic Physical link present, higher-layer link established,
traffic present
Traffic present
1-4 WM-4T1i Module Installation and Us er Guide
+ 26 hidden pages