Light Meter/Datalogger
Extech’s compact UV Light Meter includes two types
of probes: one to measure UVA (long wave 365nm)
and the other to measure UVC (short wave 254nm)
light sources up to 20mW/cm2. The SDL470 date/time
stamps and stores files onto an SD card in MS Excel®
format to make transferring, storing, and analyzing the
data on your PC easier. The unit also has a Type K/J
thermocouple input to capture temperature readings
(temperature probes not included).
• UVA probe captures long-wave 365nm UV irradiance
measurements under a UVA (black light) source
• UVC probe captures short-wave 254nm UV irradiance
measurements under a UVC light source
• Cosine correction filter and metal housing
• Offset adjustment used for zero function or to make
relative measurements
• Adjustable data sampling rate: 1 to 3600 seconds
• Memory stores 99 readings manually
• Datalogging feature records readings with date and
time stamp on an SD card (included) in Excel® format
• Type K/J Thermocouple input for temperature
measurements (probes sold separately)
• Large backlit LCD display
• Record/Recall MIN, MAX readings
• Data Hold plus Auto power off with disable function
• Complete with built-in tilt stand, SD memory card, UVA
light sensor with protective cover, UVC light sensor,
hard case, Universal AC adaptor, and 6 x AA batteries
UVA Range 2mW/cm2, 20mW/cm
UVC Range 2mW/cm2, 20mW/cm
Frequency Bandwidth 365nm (UVA); 254nm (UVC)
Type K Temperature -148 to 2372°F (-100 to 1300°C) 0.1°F/°C ±(0.4%±1.8°F/1°C)
Type J Temperature -148 to 2192°F (-100 to 1200°C) 0.1°F/°C ±(0.4%±1.8°F/1°C)
Memory Datalog readings on SD card (included)
Dimensions/ Weight 7.2 x 2.9 x 1.9" (182 x 73 x 47.5mm)/ 16.2oz (475g)
Range Max Resolution Basic Accuracy
SDL470 ............. UVA/UVC Light Meter/Datalogger
TP875 ............... Type K Thermocouple Bead Wire Temperature Probe -58 to 1000°F (-50 to 538°C)
Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013-2014 FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Rev. 12/17/14
±4% FS
±4% FS
UPC Code: 793950478004