Ordering Information:
SD200 ............3-Channel Temperature Datalogger
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2009 Extech Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
08/06/10 - R1
• Triple LCD simultaneously displays 3 Type-K
Temperature channels
• Datalogger date/time stamps and stores readings on
an SD card in Excel®format for easy transfer to a PC
• Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120,
300, 600 seconds or Auto
• Complete with (6) AAA batteries, 2G SD card,
Univeral AC Adaptor, (3) Type-K bead temperature
probes, and mounting bracket
Records data on an SD card in Excel®format
For easy transfer to a PC for analysis
3-Channel Temperature Datalogger
Specifications Range Resolution Accuracy (%rdg+digits)
Temperature -58 to 2372°F 0.1°F/°C ±(0.5% + 1°F)
-100 to 1300°C ±(0.5% + 0.5°C)
Memory 2,000K data using 2G SD memory card
Dimensions 5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3" (132 x 80 x 32mm)
9.9oz (282g)
Patent Pending
Simultaneously record and time stamp
multiple temperature readings.
SD Series