User's Guide
Model RPM10
Laser Photo / Contact Tachometer
with IR Thermometer

Congratulations on your purchase of Extech's Laser Photo/Contact Tachometer with NonContact IR Thermometer, Model RPM10. This Tachometer provides contact RPM and
Linear Surface Speed measurements, non-contact RPM measurements and IR
temperature measurements. The laser pointer beam provides accurate long distance
measurements for photo tachometer measurements and also identifies the measurement
spot for the non-contact temperature tests. This meter, with proper care, will provide years
of safe reliable service.
Meter Description
1. Photo Tachometer sensor, IR Thermometer
sensor and laser source
2. MEASURE button
3. IR Thermometer button
4. Memory button
5. Function Switch
6. Battery compartment (rear)
7. Contact Tachometer shaft
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Meter Operation
Reversible LCD Display
The meter display indicates Photo Tachometer and IR thermometer measurements in one
direction and Contact measurements in the opposite direction. This permits the user to
easily read the measurement digits in both measurement modes with the meter held in
either direction.
Temperature Units Selection
The displayed temperature units are selected via a slide
switch located in the battery compartment. To select the
units (ºF/ºC), open the battery compartment and remove
the batteries, then set the switch for the desired units.
Cal switch,
Do not move
1. Apply an appropriately sized square piece of reflective tape to the surface of the object
under test.
2. Move the Function switch to the PHOTO position.
3. Point the laser pointer end of the meter toward the device under test at a distance of 2"
to 79" (50 to 2000mm).
4. Press the Measure button (located on the right side of the meter) and align the laser
pointer beam with the reflective tape.
5. Verify that the ((●)) Monitor Indicator appears on the LCD when the object under test
passes through the light beam.
6. Release the Measure button when the RPM reading stabilizes on the LCD.
7. If the rpm is under 50, apply additional squares of reflective tape. Divide the reading
shown on the display by the number of pieces of reflective tape squares to calculate
the actual rpm.
NOTE: Bright ambient light may interfere with the reflected light beam. Shading the target
area may be necessary in some cases.
CAUTION: Rotating objects can be dangerous. Use extreme care.
Laser beam
Reflective Tape
Units switch
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