EUCHNER CET.-AP Series, CET.-AR Series Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Transponder-Coded Safety Switch With Guard Locking
CET.-AP-… (Unicode/Multicode)
Operating Instructions Transponder-Coded Safety Switch CET.-AP-…
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2122242-04-05/18
1. About this document ............................................................................................. 4
1.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Target group ..................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Key to symbols ...............................................................................................................................4
1.4. Supplementary documents ..............................................................................................................4
2. Correct use .......................................................................................................... 5
3. Description of the safety function .......................................................................... 6
4. Exclusion of liability and warranty ......................................................................... 6
5. General safety precautions ................................................................................... 7
6. Function ............................................................................................................... 8
6.1. Guard locking monitoring .................................................................................................................8
6.2. Monitoring output (OUT) ..................................................................................................................8
6.3. Door monitoring output (OUTD) .......................................................................................................9
6.4. Diagnostic output (DIA) ....................................................................................................................9
6.5. Guard locking on version CET3 ........................................................................................................9
6.6. Guard locking on version CET4 ........................................................................................................9
6.7. Start button and feedback loop (optional) .......................................................................................10
6.8. Switching states ...........................................................................................................................10
7. Manual release ................................................................................................... 11
7.1. Auxiliary release and auxiliary key release (can be retrotted) ...........................................................11
7.1.1. Actuating auxiliary release .............................................................................................11
7.1.2. Actuating auxiliary key release .......................................................................................11
7.2. Emergency unlocking (can be retrotted) ........................................................................................12
7.2.1. Actuating emergency unlocking ......................................................................................12
7.3. Escape release (optional) ..............................................................................................................12
7.3.1. Actuating escape release...............................................................................................12
7.4. Wire front release (optional) ...........................................................................................................13
7.4.1. Laying wire front release ................................................................................................13
8. Changing the approach direction ........................................................................ 13
9. Mounting ............................................................................................................ 14
10. Electrical connection .......................................................................................... 16
10.1. Notes about .........................................................................................................................17
10.2. Safety in case of faults ..................................................................................................................17
10.3. Fuse protection for power supply ...................................................................................................17
10.4. Requirements for connection cables ...............................................................................................18
10.5. Connector assignment of safety switch CET-AP for connection to decentralized peripheral systems
with plug connectors 2 x M12 (5-pin; pin 5 not used) without door monitoring output .........................19
2122242-04-05/18 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
10.6. Connector assignment of safety switch CET-AP for connection to decentralized peripheral systems with plug connectors 2 x M12 (5-pin; pin 5 not used) and additional door monitoring output OUTD
on X2.2 .......................................................................................................................................19
10.7. Connector assignment of safety switch CET-AP with plug connector 1 x M12 (8-pin) ..........................19
10.8. Connector assignment of safety switch CET-AP with plug connector M23 (RC18) ...............................20
10.9. Connection ...................................................................................................................................21
10.10. Notes on operation with safe control systems .................................................................................22
10.11. Devices for direct connection to IP 65 eld modules........................................................................22
11. Setup ................................................................................................................. 23
11.1. LED displays ................................................................................................................................23
11.2. Teach-in function for actuator (only for unicode evaluation) ...............................................................23
11.2.1. Preparing device for the teach-in operation and teaching in actuator .................................24
11.3. Functional check ...........................................................................................................................25
11.3.1. Mechanical function test ................................................................................................25
11.3.2. Electrical function test ...................................................................................................25
12. System status table ............................................................................................ 26
13. Technical data .................................................................................................... 27
13.1. Technical data for safety switch CET.-AP-C..-AH-… ...........................................................................27
13.1.1. Typical system times .....................................................................................................28
13.2. Dimension drawing for safety switch CET.-AP-… .............................................................................. 29
13.3. Technical data for actuator CET-A-B… ............................................................................................31
13.3.1. Dimension drawing for actuator CET-A-BWK-50X ..............................................................31
14. Ordering information and accessories ................................................................. 32
15. Inspection and service ........................................................................................ 32
16. Service .............................................................................................................. 32
17. Declaration of conformity ................................................................................... 33
Operating Instructions Transponder-Coded Safety Switch CET.-AP-…
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2122242-04-05/18
1. About this document
1.1. Scope
These operating instructions are valid for all CET.-AP from version V1.5.0 and for CET.-AP with lockout mechanism from V1.5.1. These operating instructions, the document “Safety information and maintenance” and any enclosed data sheet form the complete user information for your device.
1.2. Target group
Design engineers and installation planners for safety devices on machines, as well as setup and servicing staff possessing special expertise in handling safety components.
1.3. Key to symbols
Symbol/depiction Meaning
Printed document
Document is available for download at
Document on CD
This section is applicable only if the memory card is used
Safety precautions
Danger of death or severe injuries Warning about possible injuries Caution Device damage possible
Important information
Tip Useful information
1.4. Supplementary documents
The overall documentation for this device consists of the following documents:
Document title (document number)
Safety information and maintenance CET-AR/ CET-AP (2105517)
Basic information about safe setup and maintenance
Operating Instructions (2122242)
(this document)
Possibly enclosed data sheet
Item-specic information about deviations or additions
Always read all documents to gain a complete overview of safe installation, setup and use of the device. The documents can be downloaded from For this purpose enter the doc. no. in the search box.
2122242-04-05/18 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
2. Correct use
Safety switches series CET-AP are interlocking devices with guard locking (type4). The device complies with the require­ments according to ENIEC60947-5-3. Devices with unicode evaluation possess a high coding level; devices with multicode evaluation possess a low coding level.
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents the guard from being opened while a dangerous machine function is being performed.
This means:
Ì Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is closed and
Ì The guard locking device must not be unlocked until the dangerous machine function has ended. Ì Closing and locking a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start com-
mand must be issued. For exceptions, refer to ENISO12100 or relevant C-standards.
Devices from this series are also suitable for process protection.
Before the device is used, a risk assessment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance with the following standards:
Ì ENISO13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design Ì ENISO12100, Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction Ì IEC62061, Safety of machinery – Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic
control systems
Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following standards:
Ì ENISO13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design Ì ENISO14119, Safety of machinery – Interlocking devices associated with guards – Principles for design and selection Ì EN60204-1, Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements
The safety switch is allowed to be operated only in conjunction with the intended EUCHNER actuator and the related connec­tion components from EUCHNER. On the use of different actuators or other connection components, EUCHNER provides no warranty for safe function.
Ì The user is responsible for the proper integration of the device into a safe overall system. For this
purpose, the overall system must be validated, e.g. in accordance with ENISO13849-2.
Ì It is only allowed to use components that are permissible in accordance with the table below.
Table 1: Possible combinations for CET components
Safety switch
CET.-AP-… (Unicode/Multicode)
Key to symbols Combination possible
Operating Instructions Transponder-Coded Safety Switch CET.-AP-…
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2122242-04-05/18
3. Description of the safety function
Devices from this series feature the following safety functions:
Monitoring of guard locking and the position of the guard (interlocking device with guard locking according to ENISO14119)
Ì Safety function (see chapter 6.8. Switching states on page 10):
- The safety outputs are switched off when guard locking is released (monitoring of the locking element).
- The safety outputs are switched off when the guard is open (monitoring of the door position).
- Guard locking can be activated only when the actuator is located in the switch head (failsafe locking mechanism).
Ì Safety characteristics: category, Performance Level, PFH
(see chapter 13. Technical data on page 27).
Activation of guard locking
If the device is used as guard locking for personnel protection, control of guard locking must be regarded as a safety function.
The device does not feature a safety characteristic for the control of the guard locking, because the guard locking solenoid is completely disconnected from outside the device (no control function within the device). It therefore does not contribute to the failure probability.
The safety level for the control of guard locking is determined exclusively by the external control (e.g. PFH
for the
standstill monitor).
Guardlocking Device
(e.g. standstill
(locking mean)
4. Exclusion of liability and warranty
In case of failure to comply with the conditions for correct use stated above, or if the safety instructions are not followed, or if any servicing is not performed as required, liability will be excluded and the warranty void.
2122242-04-05/18 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
5. General safety precautions
Safety switches fulll personnel protection functions. Incorrect installation or tampering can lead to fatal injuries to personnel.
Check the safe function of the guard particularly
Ì after any setup work Ì after the replacement of a CET component Ì after an extended period without use Ì after every fault
Independent of these checks, the safe function of the guard should be checked at suitable intervals as part of the mainte­nance schedule.
Danger to life due to improper installation or due to bypassing (tampering). Safety components perform a personnel protection function.
Ì Safety components must not be bypassed, turned away, removed or otherwise rendered ineffec-
tive. On this topic pay attention in particular to the measures for reducing the possibility of bypass­ing according to ENISO14119:2013, section 7.
Ì The switching operation must be triggered only by actuators designated for this purpose. Ì Prevent bypassing by means of replacement actuators (only for multicode evaluation). For this
purpose, restrict access to actuators and to keys for releases, for example.
Ì Mounting, electrical connection and setup only by authorized personnel possessing the following
- specialist knowledge in handling safety components
- knowledge about the applicable EMC regulations
- knowledge about the applicable regulations on occupational safety and accident prevention.
Prior to use, read the operating instructions and keep these in a safe place. Ensure the operating instructions are always available during mounting, setup and servicing. EUCHNER cannot provide any warranty in relation to the readability of the CD for the storage period required. For this reason you should archive a printed copy of the operating instructions. You can download the operating instruc­tions from
Operating Instructions Transponder-Coded Safety Switch CET.-AP-…
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2122242-04-05/18
6. Function
The device permits the locking of movable guards.
The system consists of the following components: coded actuator (transponder) and switch.
Whether the device learns the complete actuator code (unicode) or not (multicode) depends on the respective version.
Ì Devices with unicode evaluation: The actuator must be assigned to the
safety switch by a teach-in operation so that it is detected by the system. This unambiguous assignment ensures a particularly high level of protection against tampering. The system thus possesses a high coding level.
Ì Devices with multicode evaluation: Unlike systems with unique code detec-
tion, on multicode devices a specic code is not requested but instead it is only checked whether the actuator is of a type that can be detected by the system (multicode detection). There is no exact comparison of the actuator code with the taught-in code in the safety switch (unique code detection). The system pos­sesses a low coding level.
When the guard is closed, the actuator is moved towards the safety switch. When the switch-on distance is reached, power is supplied to the actuator by the switch and data are transferred.
The safety outputs are switched on when the locking pin is in the recess (state: door closed and locked) and a permissible code is detected.
When guard locking is released, the safety outputs and the monitoring output (OUT) are switched off.
Ì CET3 (closed-circuit current principle)
The activation of the guard locking solenoid results in the shutdown of the safety outputs OA/OB and the monitoring output OUT.
Ì CET4 (open-circuit current principle)
The interruption (>5ms) of the power supply to UCM results in the shutdown of the safety outputs OA/OB and the monitoring output OUT.
Ì In both cases the outputs are shut down independent of the actual posi-
tion of the solenoid.
Ì For more detailed information, see also chapter 10.10. Notes on opera‑
tion with safe control systems on page 22.
In the event of a fault in the safety switch, the safety outputs are switched off and the DIA LED illuminates red. The occurrence of faults is detected at the latest on the next demand to switch on the safety outputs (e.g. on starting).
6.1. Guard locking monitoring
All versions feature two safe outputs for monitoring guard locking (OA and OB). The safety outputs are switched off when guard locking is released.
6.2. Monitoring output (OUT)
The monitoring output is switched on as soon as guard locking is active (state: door closed and locked) and the transponder has been detected.
Ramp/switch head
Spring­mounted guard locking pin
2122242-04-05/18 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
6.3. Door monitoring output (OUTD)
Versions CET3 and CET4 feature a door monitoring output (OUT D). The door monitoring output is switched on as soon as the actuator is above the extended plunger (state: guard closed and not locked). The door monitoring output also remains switched on when guard locking is active.
6.4. Diagnostic output (DIA)
Some versions have a diagnostic output. The diagnostics output is switched on in the event of a fault (switch-on condition as for DIA LED).
6.5. Guard locking on version CET3
(Guard locking actuated by spring force and released by power-ON)
Activating guard locking: close guard; no voltage at the solenoid.
Releasing guard locking: apply voltage to the solenoid.
The spring-operated guard locking functions in accordance with the closed-circuit current principle. If the voltage is interrupted at the solenoid, the guard locking remains active and the guard cannot be opened directly.
If the guard is open when the power supply is interrupted and is then closed, guard locking is activated. This can lead to persons being locked in unintentionally.
The actuator’s guard locking pin cannot be moved out of the recess and the guard is locked as long as the plunger is pressed down by the actuator.
When voltage is present at the guard locking solenoid, the plunger is extended and lifts the actuator’s guard locking pin above the edge of the recess. The guard can be opened.
6.6. Guard locking on version CET4
(Guard locking actuated by power-ON and released by spring force)
Use as guard locking for personnel protection is possible only in special cases, after strict assessment of the accident risk (see ENISO14119:2013, section 5.7.1)!
Activating guard locking: apply voltage to the solenoid.
Releasing guard locking: disconnect voltage from the solenoid.
The magnetically actuated guard locking operates in accordance with the open-circuit current principle. If the voltage is interrupted at the solenoid, the guard locking is released and the guard can be opened directly!
The guard can be opened as long as the plunger is held in the extended position.
The plunger is released when voltage is present at the guard locking solenoid. The actuator’s guard locking pin can now press the plunger down. The guard is locked as soon as the guard locking pin is fully inserted into the recess.
Operating Instructions Transponder-Coded Safety Switch CET.-AP-…
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2122242-04-05/18
6.7. Start button and feedback loop (optional)
A start button and a feedback loop can be connected (for monitoring downstream relays and contactors) (inputY).
Faults on the start button/in the feedback loop are not detected. This can lead to unintentional auto­matic starting.
On devices with start button and feedback loop, safety outputs are switched on only when the start button is pressed and the feedback loop is closed. Start button and feedback loop must be closed for at least500 ms.
The monitoring output OUT is switched on as soon as guard locking is active. The status of the feedback loop/the start button has no effect on this aspect (see also chapter 12. System status table on page 26).
6.8. Switching states
The detailed switching states for your switch can be found in the system status table. All safety outputs, monitoring outputs and LED displays are described there.
Guard closed and locked Guard closed and not locked Guard open
Voltage on guard locking solenoid CET3 off on (irrelevant)
Voltage on guard locking solenoid CET4 on off (irrelevant)
Safety outputs OA and OB
on off off
Monitoring output OUT on off off
Door monitoring output OUT D
(only CET3 and CET4)
on on off
2122242-04-05/18 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
7. Manual release
Some situations require the guard locking to be released manually (e.g. malfunctions or an emergency). A function test should be performed after release.
More information on this topic can be found in the standard ENISO14119:2013, section The device can feature the following release functions:
7.1. Auxiliary release and auxiliary key release (can be retrotted)
In the event of malfunctions, the guard locking can be released with the auxiliary release irrespective of the state of the solenoid.
The safety outputs are switched off when the auxiliary release is actuated. Use the safety outputs to generate a stop command.
The monitoring output OUT is switched off; OUTD can assume an undened state. Open the guard and close it again after resetting the auxiliary release. The device will then operate normally again.
7.1.1. Actuating auxiliary release
1. Unscrew locking screw.
2. Using a screwdriver, turn the auxiliary release to in the direction of the arrow.
¨ Guard locking is released.
Ì The actuator must not be under tensile stress during manual release. Ì After use, reset the auxiliary release and screw in and seal the locking
screw (e.g. with sealing lacquer).
Ì The auxiliary key release must not be used to lock the switch during
servicing to prevent activation of guard locking, for example.
Ì Loss of the release function due to mounting errors or damage during
Ì Check the release function every time after mounting. Ì Please observe the notes on any enclosed data sheets.
7.1.2. Actuating auxiliary key release
On devices with auxiliary key release (can be retrotted), simply turn the key to release. Function as for auxiliary release. For mounting, see the auxiliary key release supplement.
Locking screw
Auxiliary release
+ 25 hidden pages