ETS-Lindgren HI-4460 User Manual

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HI-4460 Graphical Readout
User Manual
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herein in order to improve function, design, or for any other reason. Nothing
contained herein shall constitute ETS-Lindgren L.P. assuming any liability
whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit
described herein. ETS-Lindgren L.P. does not convey any license under its
patent rights or the rights of others.
© Copyright 1998–2008 by ETS-Lindgren L.P. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied by any means without written permission from ETS-Lindgren L.P.
Trademarks used in this document: The ETS-Lindgren logo is a trademark of ETS-Lindgren L.P.; Microsoft and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Revision Record | HI-4460 USER'S MANUAL | Part #H-600079, Rev. E
Revision Description Date
Initial Release February, 1998
A Added upload/download
B Added battery operation
C Updated percent of standards
D Updated upload menu information November, 2001
E Updated download information;
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January, 2000
September, 2000
July, 2001
September, 2008
Table of Contents
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Notes, Cautions, and Warnings .............................................. vii
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................... 9
Required Components ................................................................................. 10
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin ................................................. 10
2.0 Maintenance ....................................................................... 11
Maintenance of Fiber Optics ........................................................................ 11
Service Procedures ..................................................................................... 12
3.0 Specifications ..................................................................... 13
Electrical Specifications ............................................................................... 13
Physical Specifications ................................................................................ 13
4.0 Getting Started ................................................................... 15
Connect Components .................................................................................. 15
Power Up ..................................................................................................... 16
Default Settings ........................................................................................... 16
Overview of Screens .................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 18
HI-4460 Fails to Power On .................................................................. 18
HI-4460 Display Does Not Show Field Level, Displays NO PROBE ... 18
5.0 Keypad Operation .............................................................. 19
Function Keys .............................................................................................. 19
LOG Key ...................................................................................................... 20
Screen Keys ................................................................................................ 20
MODE Keys: Up and Down ................................................................. 20
BACK/ENTER Key and SCREEN/SELECT Key ................................. 21
Specialized Keys ......................................................................................... 21
RANGE ................................................................................................ 21
UNITS .................................................................................................. 21
ESC/CLR ............................................................................................. 22
PWR .................................................................................................... 22
Number Picker ............................................................................................. 22
6.0 Screens ............................................................................... 23
| iii
Monitoring Screens ...................................................................................... 23
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Logging Screens .......................................................................................... 26
7.0 Menus .................................................................................. 29
MAIN Menu .................................................................................................. 29
PROBE TYPE ...................................................................................... 30
DISPLAY RATE ................................................................................... 30
AXIS ENABLE ..................................................................................... 30
STNDRD .............................................................................................. 30
FREQUENCY UNITS .......................................................................... 30
FREQUENCY ...................................................................................... 30
CONFIG Menu ............................................................................................. 31
CONTRAST ......................................................................................... 31
BACKLIGHT TIME ............................................................................... 31
SCREEN SAVER ................................................................................. 31
PASS THRU ........................................................................................ 32
TEMP UNITS ....................................................................................... 32
DOWNLOAD CODE ............................................................................ 32
DATE ................................................................................................... 33
TIME .................................................................................................... 33
ALARM ................................................................................................ 33
AUDIO ................................................................................................. 35
STATUS Menu ............................................................................................. 36
HI-4460 BATTERY .............................................................................. 36
PROBE BATTERY ............................................................................... 36
PROBE TEMP ..................................................................................... 36
HI-4460 TEMP ..................................................................................... 36
STORE USED ..................................................................................... 36
STORE UNUSED ................................................................................ 36
PERCENT USED ................................................................................. 37
SAMPLE RATE .................................................................................... 37
OPTIONS Menu ........................................................................................... 37
SET TO DEFAULT .............................................................................. 37
FIBER COMM TEST ............................................................................ 37
ZERO PROBE ..................................................................................... 38
8.0 Logging ............................................................................... 39
SETUP Menu ............................................................................................... 39
iv |
Single Point Logging ............................................................................ 40
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Continuous Logging ............................................................................. 41
Periodic Logging .................................................................................. 42
Scheduled Logging .............................................................................. 43
Log Moving Average .................................................................................... 44
REVIEW Menu ............................................................................................. 44
UPLD Menu ................................................................................................. 45
CLEAR Menu ............................................................................................... 47
9.0 Operation ............................................................................ 49
Startup ......................................................................................................... 49
Charging ...................................................................................................... 49
Battery Operation ......................................................................................... 49
Battery Calibration ....................................................................................... 50
Reset ........................................................................................................... 51
Setup ........................................................................................................... 51
10.0 Upload Utility .................................................................... 53
Install Upload Utility ..................................................................................... 53
Start Upload Utility ....................................................................................... 53
Upload Data ................................................................................................. 54
Start Header ........................................................................................ 54
End Header .......................................................................................... 54
Upload Port .......................................................................................... 55
View Data .................................................................................................... 55
11.0 Download Utility ............................................................... 57
Install Download Utility ................................................................................. 57
Start Download Utility .................................................................................. 57
Download the File ........................................................................................ 58
12.0 Standards ......................................................................... 59
Formulas ...................................................................................................... 59
To Calculate Power Density for Electric Fields (Pde) .......................... 59
To Calculate Power Density for Magnetic Fields (Pdh) ....................... 59
To Calculate Electric Fields (E) ........................................................... 59
To Calculate Magnetic Fields (H) ........................................................ 59
ACGIH (Controlled) ...................................................................................... 60
IEEE C95.1 (Controlled) .............................................................................. 60
| v
IEEE C95 (Uncontrolled) ............................................................................. 61
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FCC (US) (Controlled) ................................................................................. 61
FCC (US) (Uncontrolled) ............................................................................. 62
NRPB (British) ............................................................................................. 62
ICNIRP (Occupational) ................................................................................ 63
ICNIRP (General Public) .............................................................................. 64
Safety Code 6 (Canada) Exposed Workers ................................................. 64
Safety Code 6 (Canada) General Public ..................................................... 65
13.0 Menu Tree ......................................................................... 67
Monitoring Screens ...................................................................................... 67
Monitoring Screens, Continued ........................................................... 68
Monitoring Screens, Continued ........................................................... 69
Logging Screens .......................................................................................... 70
Logging Screens, Continued ............................................................... 71
Logging Screens, Continued ............................................................... 72
Logging Screens, Continued ............................................................... 73
Appendix A: Warranty ............................................................. 75
Appendix B: EC Declaration of Conformity .......................... 77
vi |
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
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Note: Denotes helpful information intended to
See the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin for safety,
regulatory, and other product marking information.
provide tips for better use of the product.
Caution: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow
instructions could result in minor personal injury
and/or property damage. Included text gives proper
Warning: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow
instructions could result in SEVERE personal injury
and/or property damage. Included text gives proper
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1.0 Introduction
See Keypad Operation on page 19 and Screens on page 23 for
complete information on using the keypad and navigating the screens.
Introduction | 9
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Required Components
The following components are required to install and operate the HI-4460
Graphical Readout:
HI-4460 Graphical Readout
Fiber optic cable
Probe supported by the HI-4460
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin
See the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin included with your shipment
for the following:
Warranty information
Safety, regulatory, and other product marking information
Steps to receive your shipment
Steps to return a component for service
ETS-Lindgren calibration service
ETS-Lindgren contact information
10 | Introduction
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2.0 Maintenance
Before performing any maintenance, follow the safety information in the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin included with your shipment.
Maintenance of the HI-4460 is limited to external components such as cables or connectors.
If you have any questions concerning maintenance, contact ETS-Lindgren Customer Service.
Maintenance of Fiber Optics
Fiber optic connectors and cables can be damaged from airborne particles,
humidity and moisture, oils from the human body, and debris from the connectors
they plug into. Always handle connectors and cables with care, using the
following guidelines.
Maintenance | 11
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Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the fiber optic cables from the unit and turn off
Service Procedures
For the steps to return a system or system component to ETS-Lindgren for
service, see the Product Information Bulletin included with your shipment.
When disconnecting fiber optic cables, apply the included dust caps to the ends to maintain their integrity.
Before connecting fiber optic cables, clean the connector tips and in-line connectors.
Before attaching in-line connectors, clean them with moisture-free compressed air.
Failure to perform these tasks may result in damage to the fiber optic connectors or cables.
12 | Maintenance
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3.0 Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Fiber Optic Cable: 200μm, graded index, multimode Fiber Optic Cable Connector: Standard FSMA (2)
Battery: 7.2 VDC, 140 mAh rechargeable
Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd)
Battery Life: 15 hours continuous (full charge) Battery Charger: 115/230 VAC, approximately
one hour
Charger Jack: 2.5 mm phone jack
Environmental Operating Temperature: 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Humidity: Humidity: 5% to 95% relative
humidity, non-condensing
Physical Specifications
Length: 230 mm (9.05 in) Width: 94 mm (3.70 in) Weight: 0.72 kg (1.58 lb)
Specifications | 13
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14 | Specifications
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4.0 Getting Started
Connect Components
1. Connect the fiber optic cable to
the fiber optic ports on the
probe, matching white to white
(transmit) and yellow to yellow
(receive) as indicated by the
markers on the probe and cable.
2. Connect the other end of the
fiber optic cable to the fiber optic
ports on the top of the HI-4460
Graphical Readout, matching
white to white and yellow to
Before connecting any components, follow the safety information in the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin included with your shipment.
Getting Started | 15
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Power Up
1. Press the power button on the
The initial screen displays NO PROBE, indicating a probe
is not connected, or the
connected probe is turned off.
2. Turn the probe on.
The screen indicates the
composite field level is being
Default Settings
The HI-4460 is shipped in the default condition, with most settings turned off or
not enabled. Following are some of the default settings:
Default probe—The HI-4422 Field Probe is set as the default probe.
To set up a different probe, select the desired probe in the
MAIN menu.
The HI-4460 may be set up with a probe attached.
Axis—The default setting is XYZ. This allows data for each axis to be
displayed on the screen or in a log file.
Only some probes read from the X, Y, and Z axes. See the user
manual for your probe to determine if your probe reads three axes.
16 | Getting Started
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Power management—The default setting is turned off.
Back light—The default setting is turned off.
Screen saver—The default setting is turned off.
Logging—The default setting is set to Single point. When the Log key
is pressed, the X, Y, and Z values are logged, as well as the
Overview of Screens
For a description of each screen, see Screens on page 23. For a description of the keypad, see Keypad Operation on page 19.
The HI-4460 displays monitoring screens and logging screens. Press the up or
down MODE keys to toggle between the monitoring and logging screens.
The monitoring screens display at power up. There are five monitoring
screens; the fifth screen displays when a standard is selected in the
MAIN menu. To cycle through the monitoring screens, press the
At the bottom of the screen are five menu selections. Press one of the
four function keys below the display on the HI-4460 to select the
indicated menu.
Press the BACK/ENTER key or SCREEN/SELECT key to cycle
through the four logging screens. Eight menu selections are available
on the logging screens.
Getting Started | 17
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The battery may be depleted. Connect the battery charger to the charging
connector on the HI-4460 and charge the battery.
Make sure the fiber optic cable is connected correctly; see
Connect Components on page 15. If the connectors and leads are not
color-coded, connect XMIT on the probe to RECEIVE on the HI-4460,
and RCV on the probe to TRANSMIT on the HI-4460.
Make sure the probe is turned on.
Verify that the probe battery is fully charged.
18 | Getting Started
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5.0 Keypad Operation
The HI-4460 Graphical Readout is comprised of two basic user areas, the display
and the keypad. The display is a backlit LCD, and the keypad consists of four
sets of keys. For information on navigating the screens, see Screens on page 23.
For additional information, see Menu Tree on page 67.
The HI-4460 uses a rubber keypad with 13 keys. These keys can be divided into
different groups: function keys, the LOG key, screen keys, and specialized keys.
Function Keys
The four function keys are used to select the submenus displayed at the bottom
of each screen. They are also used for setting specific numeric levels. For more
information on setting specific numeric level, see Number Picker on page 22.
Keypad Operation | 19
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Toggles the logging function on and off. The default logging function is single
point logging (logging turns off after one reading is taken). Other logging
functions are explained in Logging on page 39.
Screen Keys
The up and down MODE keys perform three functions:
Toggles between the monitoring screens and logging screens.
After a menu function key is pressed, the MODE keys are used to
move up and down through selections.
After a selection has been made using the SELECT key, the MODE
keys are used to scroll through selections when only a fixed number of
selections are available.
For items that require a larger range of values, holding down the up or
down MODE key will advance the number by one until it has been
raised or lowered to ten. It will then continue to increase or decrease
by tens, and then by hundreds.
20 | Keypad Operation
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The BACK/ENTER and SCREEN/SELECT keys perform two functions:
Scrolls through the monitoring screens and logging screens.
When at a menu screen, the SCREEN/SELECT key is used to select
an item. The BACK/ENTER key is used to save and exit the menu
screen or item.
To exit an item without saving, use the specialized ESC/CLR key. This
will return to the previous value for only that item. Using the ESC/CLR
key to exit the entire menu screen returns to the previous values for all
Specialized Keys
Scrolls through the measurement ranges offered by the probe, based on the
UNITS setting. The RANGE key will scroll through all of the possible manual
ranges and the auto range.
Scrolls through the units of measurement offered by the probe, based on the
RANGE setting.
Keypad Operation | 21
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Clears the PEAK and X, Y, and Z data on the screens, as well as the
averaging buffers.
Backs up one level in the menus without saving changes. On menu
screens, pressing the ESC/CLR key moves back one field.
Turns the unit on and off. The PWR key is also used to turn the back light off (if not set to OFF in the CONFIG menu).
To turn the unit on, quickly press the PWR key.
To turn the unit off, press and hold the PWR key.
To turn the backlight off, quickly press the PWR key. Pressing any
other key will turn the backlight on again.
Number Picker
The number picker function is available on some menus. When an item
associated with the number picker is selected, the value is highlighted, and the
bottom bar on the screen displays a row of numbers, 0–9.
1. Press the down MODE key to move the cursor to the bottom of the
2. Press the middle two function keys to scroll through the numbers.
When the curser is on the desired number, press the ENTER key to
select the number.
3. Continue selecting numbers until the desired value is shown in the
Each menu selection that utilizes the number picker function has a
predetermined number of decimal places. When the number entered reaches this
limit, the curser will move back to the menu item. If the number entered is not
valid, it will be set to a minimum or maximum acceptable number. To move the
cursor back to the menu item before it reaches the limit, press the up MODE key.
When the field contains a decimal point, the place is predetermined and the
number must be entered accordingly.
22 | Keypad Operation
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6.0 Screens
When the HI-4460 Graphical Readout is turned on for the first time, a series of
initial screens display, and then a user screen displays. After the first power on
sequence, the screen that was active when the unit was last turned off will
Following is a description of the monitoring screens and logging screens.
For additional information, see Menu Tree on page 67.
Monitoring Screens
The first screen to display is the monitoring screen.
Field strength displays at the top
of the screen as a bar graph. Peak value displays as a thin
vertical line next to the bar graph.
If the bar graph appears blank,
the value is less than the lower
range value. If the bar is
completely filled in, the value is
greater than the upper range
Change to a different range to view the reading. Below the bar graph is a line of
text that shows selected range limits. The lower limit is on the left, the upper
limit is on the right, and the peak value is in the center.
Under the range limits is another line of text that shows the axes that are being
recorded, and the selected range. The axes are on the left side and the
selected range is on the right
An HI-60XX Series Field Probe has only one range. The scale
readings are for the displayed bar graph only. A scheduled log period
will display the word LOG in the center of this line. If the unit is logging
data, the word LOG will flash.
Screens | 23
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At the bottom of most screens is a list of menus that may be selected using the
four Function keys. Alarm messages are also displayed in this area.
The rest of the screen shows the present field reading in large digits, along with
the units of measure currently selected. When there is no probe attached or the probe is turned off, this area will display NO PROBE.
The following screens replace this large digit reading with information If
auto range is not selected and the reading does not fall within the selected
range, an over or under range condition occurs. When this happens, the area
showing the reading reports an over range or an under range reading. The over
range or under range value is also shown
Press the BACK/ENTER key or SCREEN/SELECT key to scroll through the
monitoring screens, as shown in the following illustrations.
This shows a plot of the composite
reading with the two horizontal bars
representing the upper and lower
limits of the range selected
This shows a bar graph of each of
the axes being monitored as well as
their values. This screen is not
available if axis enable in the MAIN menu is set to COMP
24 | Screens
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