ETC®and Inspire®are registered trademarks of Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. in the United States and
other countries.
All other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of their respective owners. Echoflex
intends this document, whether printed or electronic, to be provided in its entirety.
Tableof Contents
Document Conventions1
Help from Technical Services2
Station Configuration4
Record/Program Mode4
Function switch4
Rotary and DIPSwitches4
Zone Selecti on6
Zone Toggle6
Space Toggle (4 button with fader station only )6
Zone Raise / Lower7
Color Control Mode (4 button with fader station only )8
Record/Program Mode10
Program Preset Start10
Record Preset10
Program Zone Start11
Space Combine (4-button only)12
Combining Spaces12
Program Mode for Space Combine13
Table of Con tent si
Function Switch for Space Combine13
Function switch: Preset13
Function switch: Zone13
Station Functionality14
1-Button Station15
Factory Defaults15
2-Button Station18
Factory Defaults18
4-Button Station21
Factory Defaults21
Space Combine in Preset23
Space Combine in Zone24
Space Combine in Custom25
4-Button with Fader Station26
Factory Defaults26
Zone with Color Control Enabled28
6-Button Station31
Factory Defaults31
8-Button Station34
Factory Defaults34
Station Miscellaneous37
Remove or Install the Wall Plate38
iiElaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Remove Wall Plate38
Install Wall Plate38
Install Button Legends39
Rotary Switch Assignments40
DIP Switch Settings40
4-Button with F ader Station Col or M ode D IP Switch Settings41
Table of Con tent s
Welcome to the Elaho®Inspire Station Progra mming G uide. This document will guide you in the
programming and configuration of your Elaho Inspire Stations, including the 1-button, 2-button,
4-button, 6-button, 8-button, and the 4-button with fader sta tion.
This guide is intended for use after station installation; there fore the content of this document is
targete d at programming the configuration and features of the station only.
For detailed information regarding insta llation, plea se reference the Elaho Inspire Station
Installation Guide availa ble for download on the Echoflex website
For detailed information regarding the configura tion of the Inspire station using ElahoAccess,
reference the ElahoAccess Mobile App inte grated help system.
Document Conventions
This document uses the following convention to draw your attention to important information.
Note: Note s are helpful hints and information that is supplemental to the main text.
Echoflex's user documents are designed for printed or electronic use. However, there are many
advantages to using the e lectronic (.P DF) versions. In addition to the benefits of a PDF ( such as
word search, bookmarks, and commenting tools) you can click on headings in the Table of
Conte nts and jump to the desired page.
Throughout this document, any cross-references (indicated in blue like this:
on page 40
Echoflex's documents are available for free download from our website
Please email comments about this manual to: TechComm@etcconnect. com.
are links that ma y be clicked to jump to the specific part of the manual. All of
DIP Switch Settings
1Elaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Help from Technical Services
If you are having difficulties, your most convenie nt resources are the references given in this
document. To search more widely, try the Echoflex website at If none of
these resources are sufficient, contact Echoflex Technical Services directly at one of the offices
identified below.
When calling for help, take these steps first:
Prepare a detailed description of the problem
Go near the equipment for troubleshooting
Find your notification number if you have called in previously
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88 8-324-635 9 (toll -free)
+1-778 73 3-0 111
in fo@ echo flexsolutions .com
Int roductio n2
Elaho Inspire stations provide preset, zone, space combine, and color controls for use with
Elahocontrol systems only.
Refere nce
its possible function settings, or downloa d the Inspire Station data sheet located on the Echoflex
website for the complete listing including model and ordering
This programming guide is provided to detail the basic functions of the Inspire stations. For more
detailed information about the custom configuration options using ElahoAccess, reference the
ElahoAccess Mobile App integra ted help system.
Station Functionality on page14
for detailed information about each station type and
3Elaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Station Configuration
Function switch
The Elaho Inspire Station has on-board switch and button settings that are availa ble from the
front of the station when it is installed and the cover is removed.
Record/Program Mode
The [RECORD/PROGRAM MO DE] button provides acce ss to
record and program settings. The associate d LED indicates
mode status.
Function switch
The Function switch determines how the controls of the station
function. It has behavior settings of Preset, Custom, and Zone.
Rotary and DIPSwitches
Additional rotary and DIP switch settings are acce ssible on the rear of
the sta tion.
These settings typically are made prior to final installation of the
station. Reference
on page 40
for more informa tion.
Rotary Switch Assignments
DIP Switch Settings
Also reference the Elaho Inspire Station Installation Guide for detailed
information regarding these switches and settings.
Function switch: Preset
Se tting the Function switch to Preset (the highest switch setting) on an Inspire Station allows you
to perform preset related actions such as preset toggle, Off, record (snapshot levels), space
raise/lower, and sequence control (1 button station only).
Preset Toggle
Preset toggle control functionality allows you to toggle the preset on a nd off by pushing the
assigned preset button or fader knob.
A single button push activates / deactivates the preset that is assigned to tha t button using
a two second fa de time.
A double button push activates / deactivate s the preset tha t is assigned to that button
using a 1/2 second fade time.
Note: A double-tap of any preset button will toggle the configured preset using a 1/2
second fade time for quick preset recall.
When a preset is active, the button LED lights blue to indicate its active state. If preset levels are
altered while the preset is still active, the related button LED will return to its default state,
either off or amber. Refe rence
DIP Switch Settings on page40
Ov erview4
Use Off
“Use Off” functionality enables the last button on the station with a dedicated space off action.
A single push of the “Off” button will set the level of a ll zones to zero using a 2 second
fade time.
A double push of the “Off” button will set the level of all zones to zero using a 1/ 2 second
fade time.
Use “Off” functionality is enabled when DIP switch 1 is set to On. Reference
on page 40
Note: The 1 button station does not support “Use Off” functionality.
Switch Settings
DIP Switch Settings
Refere nce
Preset Mode Raise / Lower
Raise and lower levels for all zones in the space using the assigned station buttons or fader knob
(de termined by the station type). Reference the appendix for the station type you are
configuring for complete details.
Push and hold the assigned raise / lower station button to raise or lower the intensity le vel
of all zone s in the space.
Rotating the fa der knob will raise or lower the intensity level of all zones in the space.
Sequence Control
Se quence control is available using the 1 button station in conjunction with Echoflex power
control products that support sequences.
DIP switch 1 must be set to the On position to e nable sequence mode. For more information
Switch Settings on page40
In sequence mode, pressing the station button will toggle the se que nce for the selected space
(i.e. activate the sequence if it is inactive or deactivate it if it is active). Reference the related
power control product user documentation for the products in your system for more information.
Function switch: Custom
Se tting the Function switch to Custom (the middle switch setting) allows for varied features
either with or without ElahoAccess, although the presence of ElahoAccess in the control system
allows for a n expanded fea ture set for Inspire stations.
With ElahoAccess
ElahoAccess provides complete customization of the Inspire station when it is in Custom control
mode. For more information on the configurable device parameters and actions available,
reference the ElahoAccess Mobile App inte grated help system.
Note: Cha nges made in ElahoAccess impact the Custom Function switch setting of
the Inspire stations only. Preset and Zone Function switch settings remain unaffected by
changes made while using ElahoAccess configuration tools.
5Elaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Without ElahoAccess
By default the Custom Function switch setting on an Elaho Inspire Station provides behavior that
extends the Zone Function switch setting behaviors for control of more Zones.
For example, on an 8 button station, Zone control mode de faults to zones 1 through 6. Setting
the sta tion in Custom control mode, by default, provide s access to zones 7 through 12.
Function switch: Zone
Se tting the Function switch to Zone (the lowest switch setting) on an Inspire Station allows you
to manually control the le vel of a zone using on / off a nd raise / lower functionality.
Note: When the station is placed in Zone control mode, the raise leve l button LED
lights in dim blue and the lower level button LED lights in dim amber. This button
assignment is determined by the station type. Reference Station Functiona lity on
Zone Selection
Zone selection allows the control of individual zone s using raise / lower functionality. Zone
selection is only available for the 4, 6, 8 and 4-button with fader stations. The 1 and 2-button
stations are single zone control only.
While the Function switch is set to Zone, the station provides visual indication of its current zone
selection with ba cklit button LEDs. When a zone is un-selected the associated button will have
no LED indication.
To select a zone, push the Zone button. The button will illuminate in blue to indicate selection.
Once a zone is se lected, raise / lower functionality for only that zone is possible.
Refere nce
Zone Raise / Lower
for more informa tion.
Zone Toggle
While the Function switch is set to Zone, the station allows you to toggle the zone on and off
most commonly by double-tapping the Zone button. The controlled zone level raises to full or
toggle s off using a 1/2 or 2 second fade time, depending on the station type. Reference
Functionality on page14
for more informa tion.
Space Toggle (4 button with fader station only)
With no zones selected, toggle the levels for a ll zones in the space using the fader knob.
A single push of the fader knob toggles all zone levels in the space to full or off,
depending on the current state of the spa ce, using a 2second fade time.
A double-tap of the fader knob toggles all zone levels in the space to full or off, using a
1/2 se cond fade time.
Note: A double-tap of any Z one button will toggle the configured zone using a 1/ 2
second fade time for quick a ccess to lighting level extents.
Ov erview6
Zone Raise / Lower
Raise and lower the sele cted zone level using the assigned raise and lower station controls. Each
station type has configured raise and lower controls. Reference
for the station type you are configuring for complete details.
Zone Raise / Lower from a Button
With a Zone Selected
The sele cted zone button LED lights blue to indica te its active state.
A single push of the raise or lower button increments/decre ments the level.
Push and hold the raise or lower button to fade the level gradually.
A double-tap of the raise or lower button toggles the level to full or off in a 1/2 second
With No Zone Selected
With no zone selecte d, raise and lower button functionality modifies the intensity le vel for all
zones in the space .
A single push of the raise or lower button increments/decre ments the inte nsity level for all
zones in the space .
Push and hold the raise or lower button to fade the level gradually, altering the intensity
leve l for all zones in the space.
A double-tap of the raise or lower button toggles the inte nsity level to full or off for all
zones in the space , using a 1/2 second fade .
Station Functionality on page14
Zone Raise / Lower from a Fader (4 button with fader station only)
With a Zone Selected
With a zone se lected, the selected zone button LED lights blue to indicate its active state. Use
the fader knob to raise / lower the selected zone intensity.
A clock wise rotation of the fader increase s zone intensity.
A counter-clockwise rota tion decreases zone intensity.
The fader knob indicates with a blue LED halo the zone intensity level as it is raised a nd
A level a t full will indicate with a complete halo around the fade knob
Levels between full and 1% indicate proportionately
When the level is off ( level ze ro), no halo shown but an amber LED illuminates at the
6’oclock position.
With No Zone Selected
With no zone selecte d, the fader knob modifies the intensity for all zones in the space.
7Elaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Color Control Mode (4 button with fader station only)
Color Control functionality allows the Inspire 4 button with fader station to control patched LED
zones on an Elaho DMX Scene Controller.
To enable Color Control on a 4 button with fader station:
First, set DIP switches 5 and 6 according to the desired color mode. Reference
Se ttings on page40
DIP Switch
Next, set the Function switch to Zone .
Note: Color Control mode does not affe ct the sta tion when the Function switch is set
to Preset or Custom.
Refere nce the DMX Scene Controller Installation Guide for setup.
With a Color Zone Selected
With a color zone selected, the selected zone button LED lights blue to indicate its active state.
Use the fader knob to modify the selected zone pa rame ters according to the control setting.
HSI Color Mode Select
Se t DIP switch 5 On and 6 Off. Pushing the fader knob button will cycle through three modes,
where each push sele cts the next mode in a repea ting fashion. Mode s are: intensity, saturation,
and hue.
When the fader knob is controlling intensity, the 6 o’ clock ambe r dot will be lit. As the intensity
increases or decreases, the fader knob halo indicates intensity level.
A clock wise rotation of the fader increase s zone intensity.
A counter-clockwise rota tion decreases zone intensity.
Sa tura tion mode ha s a 0-100% range. As the saturation increases or de creases, the fade r knob
halo indicates its level.
A clock wise rotation of the fader increase s zone color saturation.
A counter-clockwise rota tion decreases zone color saturation (fully de-saturated is white
Hue mode has a 0-360 degre e range. As the hue increases or decreases, the fader knob halo
indicates its position. Considering a color wheel, red would be at the 12 o’clock position and
cyan at 6 o’clock.
Rotation of the fader changes the hue of the zone color.
Color Temp Mode Select
Se t DIP switch 5 Off and 6 On. Pushing the fader knob button will cycle through two modes,
where each push sele cts the next mode in a repea ting fashion. Mode s are: intensity and color
Ov erview8
When the fader knob is controlling intensity, the 6 o’ clock ambe r dot will be lit. As the intensity
increases or decreases, the fader knob halo indicates intensity level.
A clock wise rotation of the fader increase s zone intensity.
A counter-clockwise rota tion decreases zone intensity.
Color Temp
Color temp values are indicated on the fader station from 0-100% with the 50% level shown by
displaying two LEDs at the 12 o’clock position.
For a warmer color temp, rotate the knob counter-clockwise from 12o’clock position
(50%) toward the 6 o’clock (0%) position.
For a coole r color temp, rota te the knob clockwise direction from the
12o'clock position (50%) toward the 6 o'clock (100%) position.
Studio M ode Select
Studio mode provides access to raise and lower intensity, color temp, and tint for E TC LED
fixtures that support Studio mode using the fader knob for the se lected zone.
Se t DIP switch 5 and 6 On. Pushing the fade r knob button will cycle through three modes, where
ea ch push selects the next mode in a repeating fashion. Modes are: intensity, color
temperature, and tint.
When the fader knob is controlling intensity, the 6 o’ clock ambe r dot will be lit. As the intensity
increases or decreases, the fader knob halo indicates intensity level.
A clock wise rotation of the fader increase s zone intensity.
A counter-clockwise rota tion decreases zone intensity.
Color Temp
Color temp values are indicated on the fader station from 0-100% with the 50% level shown by
displaying two LEDs at the 12 o’clock position.
For a warmer color temp, rotate the knob counter-clockwise from 12o’clock position
(50%) toward the 6 o’clock (0%) position.
For a coole r color temp, rota te the knob clockwise direction from the
12o'clock position (50%) toward the 6 o'clock (100%) position.
Tint values are indicated on the fader station from 0-100% with the 50% level shown by
displaying two LEDs at the 12 o’clock position.
For a greener tint, rotate the knob counter-clockwise from 12 o’clock position (50%)
toward the 6 o’clock (0%) position.
For a more ma genta tint, rotate the k nob clockwise direction from the 12 o'clock position
(50%) toward the 6 o'clock (100%) position.
9Elaho Inspire St ation Pr ogr amm ing Guide
Record/Program Mode
Program mode allows adjustment of the consecutive range of presets and zones assigned to the
station by allowing you to set the starting preset or zone , respectively. Enter Program mode by
pressing and holding the [ Record / P rogra m mode] button for three seconds.
The Function switch determines whether edits are made to the consecutive range of presets or
zones. Program adjustment is not available while in Custom Mode. In the case of the 4-button
station, the DIP switch sele ction also determines what is programmed to the station.
Record allows snapshot of all current output levels into the designated preset for pla yback.
Refere nce
Program Preset Start
1.Se t the station Function switch to its highest position of P reset.
2.Press and hold the [Record / Program mode ] button for three seconds to e nter Program
3.Push any station button to increase the starting preset number by one, the count always
4.When the desired preset number is set, press and release the [Record / Program mode ]
Record Preset below
Note: Program mode only affects station behaviors when the Function switch is set to
Preset or Zone, and does not affect Custom.
mode. The “Mode” LED illuminates (steady amber) and the first preset button LED for the
station flashes the current (first) pre set controlled. (For example, if the first preset
controlled is preset 3, the button LED will flash 3 times.)
begins at 1. The station will update the LED indication, flashing the LED to reflect the new
preset number. (For example , pushing the station button eight times will se t the first
preset for the station to pre set 8). All station preset controls will be consecutively assigned
beginning with the specified count.
button to save the new setting. The “Mode” LE D turns off a nd the station LEDs will display
the new setting before returning to normal operation.
Note: To change the preset button assignment to a lower number than what is
currently set, exit Program mode then reenter Program mode . The steps of exiting and
reente ring Program mode restart the preset count at1.
Record Preset
Elaho Inspire Stations provide recording (snapshot) of presets using the current output levels for
the controlled zones in the space. The station must be set up for Preset control prior to
1.Press the [Re cord / Program mode] button, an amber LED will blink during a 10 second
record period.
2.Push the button of the preset control you would lik e to re cord (snapshot). This stores
current levels to the designated preset, exits record mode, and activates the newly
recorded preset.
Recor d/Program Mode10
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