Premium Performance
and Point-of-care Ultrasound
Efficient Hospital
In today’s hospital organization, Efciency
and Productivity are of paramount importance.
The ever expanding and changing of clinical
needs requires medical equipment to deliver
high performance, ease of use and, today more
than ever, innovative solutions.
The unique “Twice Ultrasound Vision” represents
a “paradigm shift” in the hospital organization,
combining top performance and exclusive
solutions able to change the daily clinical
Integrated Patient
The continuously growing level of healthcare
technology today ensures high levels of
diagnostic capability in all departments.
The integration of all clinical information is the
challenge that will surely provide an improved
workow based on prevention and early
treatment for better care.
The unique “Twice Ultrasound Vision” perfectly
ts this approach, allowing physicians to
seamlessly integrate results from point-of care
exam with imaging from standard workow.
Easy and Fast
Ultrasound Imaging is increasingly requested by
several departments, providing better and safer
diagnostic services.
In all of these activities, in particular the
ones belonging to Critical Care units and the
Emergency department, the ability to provide
fast, accurate diagnosis makes the difference
in supporting clinicians with difcult decisions.
The unique “Twice Ultrasound Vision” is
based on this concept: the outstanding result
is Premium Performance and Point-of-care